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Old 03-15-2008, 04:45 PM   #1  
I WILL get in a bikini!
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Arrow Help! Need Advice

I have done lots of research to try and figure out the best way to get over this "bump in the road" with my fat burning/muscle building. I've done weight watchers since fall of 2004 and went from 180lbs down to 110lbs in a very short amount of time (I was about 17 during this time) and due to some family issues, I went on a binge for about 2 months and gained back almost 50 lbs in 60 days. Not healthy, I know. I am now back down to 125 and am 20 years old, however losing the fat isn't as easy as it was before. My goal for the scale is 117 lbs (thats what my WW leader had told me about 2 years ago) but to be honest, I would be perfectly happy at 120 or 123. My main concern is getting rid of this fat over my abs. I know I have some rock hard abs under there somewhere, but I can't seem to get rid of the fat over it! I'm sure my eating plan could use some jazzing up but I'm not sure where. Here is example of a typical day for me including exercise and perhaps you could point out where I need to shake things up abit. (and the exercise I'm listing is what I have been doing only for about a week. Before it was about an 40 minutes to and hour a day , half being weights and toning, the other light cardio)

Breakfast: 8am
coffee, no milk, no sugar
1/2 cup dry oatmeal in 1 cup boiling water with sugar substitue

lunch: 11am - 12pm
2 slices of bread - 90 cal. per slice
1 tbs fat free mayo
3 slices of turkey breast - about 30 calories per 3 slices
Lettuce, pickles, and tomato slice on occation
1/2 - 1 whole baked potato (w/skin/no butter or toppings) or light chips or handful of bran flakes cereal

Snack: 3pm
1 med - large apple

Dinner: 6pm
1/2 a chicken breast or a bocca burger (70 - 100 cal)
2 cups of steamed veggies, no butter
1/4 cup ketchup
1 baked potato/light burger bun (80 cal)/ or other small starch

I try and drink 6 - 10 glasses of water through out the day and on occation have some FF/SF pudding or plain popcorn as a dessert.

As for my workouts, they are 40 minutes of stretch/light cardio/weights/tonning/ interval workout, then 1/2 hr. of heavier tonning and spot specifit worout, alternating body parts between days, about 4 -5 days a week. Then for cardio its about 1/2 hr of some jogging and speed walking on my tred mill. I plan to intcrease my jogging as my heart and lungs are up for it.

That is a typlical day for me... Can anyone help me get back to gaining muscle and losing this layer of fat? Any help would be greatly appreciated! THanks!
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Old 03-16-2008, 10:45 AM   #2  
Cowboy Up Chick
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Well from a stance that as we get older it does get harder to lose AND maintain the weight because as a woman our metabolism naturally slows. Even a year makes a difference as does a yo-yoing weight.

Are you following your 8 Healthy Guidelines?

Eight Good Health Guidelines
1. Eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits each day.
2. Choose whole-grain foods, such as brown rice and oats, whenever possible.
3. Include two servings of milk products – low fat (1%) or fat-free – each day.
4. Have some healthy oil (olive oil, canola, sunflower, safflower or flaxseed) each day.
5. Ensure that you are getting enough protein by choosing at least a serving or two of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, or dried beans each day. Many dairy products are also good sources of protein.
6. Limit added sugar and alcohol.
7. Drink at least 6 8-ounce glasses of water a day.
8. Take a multiple vitamin-mineral supplement each day.

Are you utilizing not only your daily points but your activity and weekly points? Based on what you posted I don't see you eating enough food.
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Old 03-16-2008, 10:47 AM   #3  
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Remember that your daily points (or low end of a range) is the bare minimum your body needs. And the majority of people lose more consistently (ie better) when they eat ALL their points.

I didn't see your healthy oils in your day either.
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Old 03-16-2008, 10:50 AM   #4  
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and finally 117 is the lowest weight for your height at all ages with 146 being the highest for all ages.

Maybe 120 - 122 would be better for a weight for you..additionally if you are truly building muscles your weight could even be higher but you could be a smaller size.
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Old 03-16-2008, 02:17 PM   #5  
I WILL get in a bikini!
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Tiffy_Sugar's Avatar
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yeah, 120 - 122 would be great. I did just boost up my workout rutine from 40 minutes of denise austin the mornings on lifetime (4 days a week) (lol... lame I know) to that in addition to 30 minutes on the tredmill (jogging/speed walking intervals) 4 - 5 times a week and an exter 30 - 40 minutes of intense resistence/tonning/cardio/ stretching intervals that really get me sweating (about 3 -5 days a week, alternated between body parts every other time). Sounds confusing, but it adds up to about 1 hr and 40 minutes of intencse workout with cool downs and warm ups about 5 -6 days a week, taking off mondays and some sundays. I just started all this up about a week and a half ago... how long does it usually take after you tweak your workouts to see a difference?
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Old 03-16-2008, 10:27 PM   #6  
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You body needs about 3-4 weeks on average to adjust to the new routine and start releasing the water that is being held in the muscles.
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