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Old 11-30-2007, 04:06 AM   #1  
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Lightbulb Supporting Each Other on Our Weight Loss Journey

This is a great thread for those who want support, helpful hints, friendship and a great bunch of people to communicate with. This thread has existed for a long time and we keep re-starting it whenever the old one gets too long. Feel free to stop in and chat, we are not a "closed" group and welcome newcomers. Some of us have been together for well over a year, some only a few days, but we care about each other. We offer tips, we share, we pick each other up of the floor when we've had rough times and we applaud when someone does well.

So, please do stop on by and share a bit, support is what it's all about! We can really do this together.
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Old 11-30-2007, 04:30 AM   #2  
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Good morning all!
I love this new thread already.... it's "clean slate" time. My sins of the past are gone and I can look upon this new, fresh, thread as an opportunity.
My goals for the weekend:
1. Plan all meals, step away from the Christmas cookies!
2. Get in some activity, I've failed with my holiday exercise goals this past week and will try to force-feed some good old fashioned exercise.
3. Begin wrapping gifts, plan/shop for Christmas some more and get my budget "in check".
4. Stop allowing this holiday season to make me blue, stop allowing it to already cause stress and draw me away from my healthy eating patterns that are so good for me.
5. Be at peace with my life and realize that this journey I am on is part of my life. My life doesn't begin when I reach goal. Life is happening NOW and how I live it now will affect the rest of my life and probably the length of my life. I have to live, enjoy, as it is today. This food is my new healthier lifestyle and I must embrace it and live with it. No more mourning over the foods that are lost to me, no food is permanently off my list, I am just in better control. I can have things and will have things again, I don't have to freak out and think I'll never have a chocolate chip cookie again. I had half of a broken one yesterday when I was baking for the fair. Broken cookies are always fair game? At any rate, I ate it and it was good, but I didn't eat tons of them and they are all leaving this house today to go to the fair!
So there world! Here I am and it's a brand new day!
Food plan for Friday:

fat free yogurt, strawberries and fresh pineapple, one egg or one slice of WW toast with butter spray (no final decision, so as soon as I begin making breakfast, I'll decide). It's nice to keep my options open.

Squash soup. Wow. In my grocery store they have begun to carry Boston Market soups and entrees that you can bring home and heat up. I purchased some of the squash soup (CORE!) yesterday and had half of it. May I say it is creamy, warm, flavorful and truly feels like you are cheating. If you see it and enjoy that kind of thing, try some!
Leftover roast beef with roasted red peppers on the side
fat free cottage cheese

Snacks: banana or popcorn (probably won't have time)

Ah-ha... we may have company and my daughter has a late rehearsal for the Christmas/holiday show she is in. So, she'll be home late and a friend of hers who is home from college will be coming, we think. So, dinner may involve an extra non-family member and will be served in shifts, that is always tricky.
The old me would have called for pizza delivery and kept some warm in the over for the kids, but the new me wants to make a real meal and eat healthy.
I have some pasta sauce that I defrosted yesterday and as my house turned into church fair cookie baking central and I got food delivered (don't worry it was a Greek salad, not all that bad but still not 100% CORE) so I guess I will make pasta, sauce, salad and garlic toast (for those not on WW) and I hope to be able to stick to plan. I need my healthy oils, it's been TWO days since I incorporated them into my eating plan. So, day, even if I have to just drink the 2 tsp. olive oil, I shall eat it!
So, what are your goals for the week?
What is your eating plan for today?
When you take the time to plan, it's easier to stick to it.
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:24 AM   #3  
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Good morning Linda and everyone! Well WI wasn't as painful as I anticipated. I was only up 1.2 lbs.

I've decided to start core and I'm giving it a chance to January 2nd to see how it goes. I have to pull out my week 1 book and refresh the food lists - I did use 2 pts yesterday for some margarine on my huge veggie/potato.

I may be here asking a few questions as I go along. Unfortunately, I left my packed lunch sitting on the steps at home - I need to call DH to have him throw it in the fridge for tomorrow. I hate when that happens. Now to find something close by that is core - any suggestions from fast food places?
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Old 11-30-2007, 01:11 PM   #4  
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Hi Everyone,

Sorry I have been a little mia recently. I haven't been feeling well. I think too much party over the thanksgiving/birthday weekend really did me in. Eating wise I have been doing ok, actually have been a little under in my points since I am not feeling well. But I made up for it on Wed that is for sure. We have a cupcake place across the street from our work and we all decided to treat ourselves to a lot of chocolate. As long as I can get through until Monday being op I should be ok.

Ann-I haven't really been doing the Beck diet but I want to. I am thinking the workbook might be easier since you can just write in it. What do you think? How has it been working for you?

Linda-I LOVED what you wrote in #5. I want to read it everyday as inspiration!!

Hello to everyone! I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
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Old 11-30-2007, 05:15 PM   #5  
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Hello ladies,

Laura, I hope you found something core to eat. I know I feel much better when I have my packed lunch with me. I know at Ruby Tuesday's you can get a good salad. At Wendy's you can get salad and a plain baked potatoe.
Soup that is not creamy would have been okay too. Good luck with Core,

Linda, I too really liked reading your goals, number 5 -WOW. Thank you for starting this thread. I do hope you figured out a plan for dinner.

Jackie, I think doing the workbook is fine. It even says in the workbook not to worry if you don't have the book. The Beck Diet Solution is to be used with any plan. I have started eating mindfully and sitting down during all meals.

For anyone who is interested, It is based on cognitive Therapy to help you achieve lasting weight loss. It can be done along with WW.
Many of the things I read in Beck are other things I have learned with WW. Beck isn't the diet plan you chose. The diet plan you chose is WW, calorie counting, or whichever diet you feel you can maintain with your lifestyle.
Some points are
Pick a nutrtitious diet and a reasonable exercise program
Plan and monitor in writing what you eat
Use good eating habits so that you really notice and enjoy every bite
Solve diet and exercise related problems
Transition to ret-of-your-life eating and exercising.
I can explain more to anyone who is interested. I think it really compliments the ww program.

Hello to everyone and have a great night.

Last edited by Newlifestyle; 11-30-2007 at 05:17 PM.
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Old 12-01-2007, 08:12 AM   #6  
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Happy Saturday to all!
I'm really busy, the church fair is today so don't have much time to post. Forgive me and I'll try to get back on line later to chat.
I weighed myself at home this morning and was surprised that the scale actually moved down a pound. AND, I was kind of bad again yesterday, though maybe not as bad as I thought I was being?
Keep up the great work and I'll be back later on!
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Old 12-01-2007, 08:44 AM   #7  
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Gooood morning all!!!

Had a busy, busy day yesterday, and did not stay op. I'm ok with it, though.

I'm not sure what the "op" outcome for today will be. I've been so busy lately that I almost forgot that dh and I are going away today! We have a gift certificate for an off Broadway dinner theatre, so we will be traveling down near the city and staying the night. I just looked at their menu online, and there aren't any "healthier" options. So I will do my best!

Hope you all have a great Saturday!
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Old 12-01-2007, 04:24 PM   #8  
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Laura, I wasn't on line to address your question. Hope you found something WW friendly to eat after leaving your packed lunch at home. Sorry that happened! Maybe a few packets of instant oatmeal and some flip top canned fruit (in it's own juice) can be left at work for an emergency like that? Just a thought.
Wendys is pretty good. I like their chicken mandarin salad (or whatever it's called) it's not 100% core, but it's tasty and I like it and I do use their dressing and the slivered almonds when I get it. I think it's something like 7 points? Also, I like Wendy's chili. I get a plain baked potato and dump the chili on top of it and ask (if I dare use a few extra points) for a side of sour cream. It's really not a bad choice and very comforting, warm and filling.
Briza, glad you liked my no. 5 thing. I have re-read it again a few times myself. It's really an important thought.
I'm going to cut and paste it, yet again, as it's a good reminder for us all!

5. Be at peace with my life and realize that this journey I am on is part of my life. My life doesn't begin when I reach goal. Life is happening NOW and how I live it now will affect the rest of my life and probably the length of my life. I have to live, enjoy, as it is today. This food is my new healthier lifestyle and I must embrace it and live with it. No more mourning over the foods that are lost to me, no food is permanently off my list, I am just in better control. I can have things and will have things again, I don't have to freak out and think I'll never have a chocolate chip cookie again.

It's really something we have to think about.
Ann, the Beck thing really does sound like it could go well with WW. I have learned much of that. Actually, if you think about my no. 5 goal and what you synopsized by saying "transition to rest of your life eating and exercise", it's all about the same.
Paige, the off Broadway dinner thing sounds wonderful, have a great time.
I was swamped as it was my church fair today. I had much to do to get ready and it seemed well-attended and people were having fun. My baked goods seemed to have sold rather well and I took note the one of the scarves that I knit sold already.
Today and yesterday's eating was a bit off track, but not wholly off track. I feel really hungry and I'm craving comfort food. I think the really cold weather is making me feel this way. It's going to be only 8 degrees here by morning. It's definitely an electric blanket night!
We will be dining out tonight and I have no clue where we will go and what I will eat. I'm hoping to stay in control, but would like to have a glass of wine. We want to do some Christmas shopping and go to the local mall. I wonder if we'll end up at the food court? If that is the case, I'll have to try to work CORE into it somewhere.
I am OUT of flex points and have used even 2 extra points. Tomorrow is the last day of my 7 day tracker. So, I need to behave.
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Old 12-01-2007, 05:01 PM   #9  
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Ann-I actually picked up the workbook yesterday. Thankfully we had it at work so I didn’t have to buy it. I think it might be easier for me to go off of that rather then the book and keep a journal. At least you can just write in the workbook, but I am really going to have to make a commitment to do it!

Paige-I hope you have fun tonight!

Linda-I am glad to hear the church fair went well!

I am still sick. This is the first time I have gotten out of bed since last night. I really think a part of the reason is the way I treated myself last week, too much drinking and eating crap. It was non-stop. I just feel so drained. Hopefully after this weekend I will be back to my normal self.

Well, I hope everyone is having a better weekend then I am J
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Old 12-01-2007, 07:58 PM   #10  
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Hi everyone.. Briza I know how you feel. I was sick all week. Yes I was out and about but my stomach was bad. I had no choice I needed to do shopping for food. Today I feel good except my stomach is a little funny. But my energy is wonderful. It is funny how you do not realize how sick you are until you feel good and look back and I am so surprise how much I push myself to keep the family in order.

Did not do much today.... Did not really eat that much either. Bought some popcorn for a snack for the evening with the kids. We are going to watch a MOVIE AND RELAX.
Derry congrats on the loss. Congrats to everyone on the losses. That is great.
To everyone that is going out to dine. Good luck, and enjoy yourselves.
Paige sounds like a great night out. I am jealous. I would love to hang with my DH.
That is about all see you all soon. Barb
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Old 12-01-2007, 10:12 PM   #11  
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I'm so glad I found this place to stop by and chat about my weight loss journey. I'm starting WW again. I did it a couple years ago and lost about 12 lbs, but I wasn't too serious about it. Now I am totally serious about getting to my goal. So far things are going well. I bought a lot of frozen meals and these veggie packs that steam the vegetables in the microwave (sooo yummy!). It's a start.
I'm glad I have you all around for support!
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Old 12-01-2007, 10:19 PM   #12  
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Hi, ladies. We're home from East Texas. I feel so silly typing that I got off program. I knew better but I did it anyway. What happened as a result? My jeans didn't fit this morning and I had an upset stomach. Good reminders to stay OP for sure.

I read all your posts and am so glad I got back here to see what you're all doing and planning. You're helping me get my head back on straight. Thank you all very much.

Jen. I wish you the best of success. Sounds like you have a good plan.

I'll be back tomorrow when there's more time to post. Ya'll have a good evening.
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Old 12-02-2007, 07:28 AM   #13  
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Briza, so sorry you are not feeling well. I heard of a number of people that aren't feeling well over the weekend. Of course, one or two of them were working at my church fair and I kind of wish they had stayed home as that is exactly what spreads germs. Yet, I am trusting that my fellow church members would be the type to be diligently hand washing and very aware of things such as this. One thing that I learned a long time ago is to never cough into my hand, always into my elbow. I carry hand sanitizer with me when I am sick as well and use it frequently. I'm glad to say that I've not been sick for a long time, at least, unless you can count my throat nodules, but they are not really what I would call an illness and are not contagious.
When I am out grocery shopping and use a cart, I also never touch my hands to my face while shopping and wash my hands immediately when I get home. Just read a bit of DJM's post and it sounds like you guys are talking about stomach things vs. cold/viruses, but those things can transmit in the same way.
Welcome Jeny, we're glad you have found this web site and I hope you achieve your goals.
Sandra, maybe it's the holidays, but I lost control again yesterday. I'm feeling badly today, but I was REALLY bad yesterday afternoon and last night. We went to the movies, by the way, and saw that new movie called Enchanted. It was so cute and fun. I love to escape from reality at the movies, but I had movie popcorn and then the family all stopped at Wendys on the way in. I had fries, but just had a single burger with ketchup and pickle, no cheese. The worst of it was that the fries were cold and soggy and I still ate them. What a jerk I was. I have no hope of a loss on Tuesday, I don't think, even if I am super well behaved between now and then. I feel better having confessed these sins to you all, though.
I am so worried about losing control so much lately. I think think Thanksgiving threw me off and I am having so much trouble staying on program now.
Today's plan:
Breakfast: oatmeal made with skim milk. apple
snack: popcorn
lunch: salad with ham, turkey and one slice provolone (counting the point) and oil and vinegar
one slice WW bread

Dinner: I'm going to church and will stop at the market on the way home and buy something for dinner. Probably chicken, I think? We've abstained from chicken all week, based on us having had turkey so much last week, now I think it's time where I dare try it again.

Dessert: Pumpkin custard
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Old 12-02-2007, 09:35 AM   #14  
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Hello everyone, it has been a busy weekend. This morning I weighed myself and I was down 4 pounds. My weight is so weird it goes up and down, hopefully it will stay down and not go up again this time. Anyways, I hope all is well.

briza: sorry you have been sick, I hate that.

jeny: welcome!!!
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Old 12-02-2007, 11:36 AM   #15  
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Morning everyone! It's almost afternoon. Okay, Friday and Saturday were totally off program but I'm ready to start all over again today. On Friday, we went to the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert and out to Chinese. If you ever get a chance to see TSO, go, the concert was 3 hours long and was very entertaining.

I'm putting up the tree today. It's up, but it needs to have the lights and ornaments on it yet. The boxes of Christmas stuff has gotten so overwhelming. I really need to downsize but unfortunately, I become attached to nostalgic items that I've always had out so it's hard to do that.

In between the decorating, I'm going to research more core alternatives. I had a egg omelet w/fresh mushrooms cooked in a ziploc for breakfast. Pretty tasty. I also pulled out this month's WW magazine to give myself some break reading materials. The goal is to stay off the computer quite so much today and to actually get some things accomplished. Anyone else find themselves spending too much time online?

Anyway, just thought I'd stop by and say hello! Welcome JenV747 to our little group - pop in whenever you wish. Somedays I'm here more than once and other times, life gets in the way. Some great support and people here! Hope you find some useful information and support
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