3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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sportmom 06-02-2007 05:46 PM

The Chat Check In, June 1 thru 15.................
Sorry guys, but I had to start the thread! So excited to report that yesterday, june 1, I did my second FBWO and had NO issues with aches or pain! YEA!!!! :broc: It was like I kept waiting for it all day but it never materialized. I also got past the caffeine headaches w/o too much trouble. My workout yesterday was a 2.25 hr workout with the previously mentioned FBWO, 30 min on the treadmill and stretching. I got up this morning and did another 30 min on the treadmill and will try to do some kind of exercise video tonite as well.

I'm B-A-C-K !!! :D

Lydia227 06-02-2007 09:14 PM

:yay:YAY Fran!:yay:

I've started working out on Saturdays again too. I intended to do only an UBWO but after finishing my shoulder presses with the BB I thought maybe a few deadlifts might feel good too. ;) Then one thing led to another and I found myself doing squats and a few other leg exercises before I made my way over to the mats for core work. I showered at the gym, went to the library, did a litttle shopping but forgot to eat lunch. :dizzy: By the time I got home I was beat and starving. I waited far too long to eat and have been dragging myself around the rest of the evening. Lesson learned. I need to find something I can keep in the car for "emergencies" when I know I won't get home in time to eat.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

BfL_Cat 06-02-2007 09:18 PM

Fran, good for you! Doesn't it feel great to be back in the swing of things?

I'm working on what my routine will be while traveling over the next few weeks. I'm sure the hotels have fitness rooms where I can get some cardio in, but I'll want to do some bodyweight exercises as well. Some one had suggested I take some resistance bands with me, and that's a great idea, as long as I don't forget to pack them!

I got that job I interviewed for last week - I'm pretty excited about it, but can't really think about it right now - my trip is the first priority. I don't get to change jobs until 7/16, which seems pretty far away, but truth be told, I need the time to get things squared away in the current job.

Still doing my Jillian Michael's Winning by Losing circuit workouts - I just started another 12-weeks of it, after finally finishing the first 12. I feel much stronger than I have in ages, which is a great feeling. This week I noticed that my forearms seemed thinner!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend!

Hey Lydia :wave: - we posted at the same time!

Mel 06-03-2007 09:46 AM

Thanks Fran! I woke up this morning thinking "June...JUNE...JUNE..." I forgot to start the June thread! Glad someone is on the ball :) And FANTASTIC that you are back!

Lydia- I carry a foil packaged serving of tuna in my gym bag, a shaker bottle of protein powder, and a choc-peanut butter protein bar in my purse for emergencies. Guess which one gets eaten first? The tuna keeps, right?

I've been doing legs on Saturdays mornings with one of my clients. She insists that she enjoys it and I get a workout partner :D I don't lift as long or as heavy as I used to on my own, but it's a lot more fun. Since I'm doing more regular (daily) and harder cardio, my legs seem to be perpetually sore and are leaning out more so I'm not real worried about squatting insane amounts of weight.

Last night's treat meal (which was not over the top at all) kept me awake and sweating all night. I'm so groggy now :dizzy:

Congratulations on the new job, Cindy! Where is your trip taking you? Business or pleasure?

Off to cook for the week....


elisa822 06-03-2007 08:28 PM

I can't believe it's June!!

First of all :cheer2: for Fran for getting back into the swing of things...and no pain!!

Strange how a few of us were having a blah workout week. All in all, for a bad week, it wasn't too bad. ;) Getting in 5k, one power class and some tennis is not the worst week ever. I haven't gotten too bored yet but I wonder how some of you keep this up for years!

I'm hoping to start off my week on the right foot with a spinning class tomorrow at noon. You can always count on spinning to get a good sweat going. I also borrowed BFL for Women from the library. I'm hoping that will inspire me with some new workout ideas and keep me focused in the gym.

It was a so-so food weekend for me. Mostly I contained the "bad" foods to one meal but still the weekends in general are a challenge. I think my DH has finally decided (again) to try to lose some weight. We often lose together and gain together but the last few years I've been more determined not to gain so he did but I didn't.

Since I'm still hoping to lose a few more pounds, I'm always happy to re-focus the eating and try to get to my goal. We'll see how it goes.

Mel - since you brought it up and I'm always looking for ideas, what are some of the things you cook on the weekend that you eat throughout the week? :thanks:

Cindy - the workouts that you mentioned...are they from a book or video/DVD?


BfL_Cat 06-03-2007 08:49 PM

Elisa - I actually have both, but I am doing the workouts in the book. As a beginner, I wanted to be able to work at my own pace, as well as in a gym.

I really enjoy these workouts - there is a good mix of bodyweight exercises along with dumbbell/machine exercises and cardio moves - mountain climbers, jumping rope, jumping jacks...

The DVD workouts are shorter than the book - Jillian used to post here at 3FC a while back, and she said that the marketing folks "strongly suggested" the workout be about 30 minutes. So, she suggested that if you do the DVDs, that you should repeat each circuit one extra time. Most of the book circuits are done 3 times, yielding a workout that lasts 50 - 75 minutes, depending on the week.

She has a new book out, Making the Cut, which I've heard is a really intense 30-day shape up. I'm going to do another 12-week program from the first book before attempting to tackle the new one.

KylieH 06-03-2007 09:03 PM

Hey guys. Just checking in to let you know that I haven't disappeared. Things have just gotten busy.

The big news this past month is that I've been meeting with a personal trainer at the gym to get me a bit more focused. I haven't ever done that before so I wasn't sure what to expect. We meet for 30 minutes once a week. Is that too brief?

The sessions are good in that he gets me out of my comfort zone, but I feel a little adrift the rest of the week. Even though I try to do the same workout it's not the same. I have a sneaky suspicion that I need a written schedule and record of what I'm doing. Do you typically get a written plan when you're with a personal trainer?

Any thoughts are appreciated.

sportmom 06-03-2007 09:45 PM

I've only had the orientation workout with a trainer at a gym, but yes, I definitely got a card to use to record my machines and weights each time. Actually, the trainer was the one who wrote everything down. I would think you should def get one, or at the next appt, just tell him to bear with you as you write the stuff into your own notebook.

KylieH 06-04-2007 12:56 AM

That's good to know. It feels like the first two sessions have been a way to test the water and see if I'm really up for doing this. In that regard, they've been good because I feel like this is what I need. I've just been a bit nagged by the thought that maybe this is his complete approach and I need something more structured.

I'll talk to him on Thursday. Thanks.

LynneA 06-04-2007 10:57 AM

Hello all,

I'm wondering if I can join your thread? My name is Lynne, I'm a 33 year old administrator for a KFC Franchise (irony or what huh? ;)) in Huntsville, Alabama. I have had some success with weight loss having dropped 28 lbs in the past 3 years. I know the names of some of you who post here (hi Mel and Meg).

I've just started my first Body for Life Challenge and whilst I'm not new to exercise, weight lifting or this board, I am new to BFL. I'm a little nervous to be honest, I've never done a weight lifting program this intense. I did my first upper body workout this morning and really enjoyed it although next week I will be upping the weights on some of the exercises. It was hard to figure out what to start off with so I made a guesstimate based on what I've lifted before and some of it felt a little easy.

I'm following the weights as Bill instructs in the book, 5 sets seems a lot but I'm going to stick it out and see what happens. I will have my first obstacle in a couple of weeks though, we're going to a music festival camping for 4 days so I won't be getting any workouts in during that time!

I'm looking to give and receive support and encouragement from people who have done BFL or not and people who lift in general, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.

BfL_Cat 06-04-2007 11:24 AM

Lynne - Welcome - I think you'll really enjoy BFL! It's a challenge, that's for sure, but you'll get a great sense of accomplishment at making it though those first 84 days. Just stick with it and the results will come. I did 5 challenges in a row, back in 2003-2004. Actually, I pretty much incorporated it into my life as a lifestyle and loved how I looked and felt. My current weight is what happened when I stopped working out regularly, and stopped eating the BFL way, so don't let that influence you.

No workout for me today - I pulled something on the side of my hip, and it's quite painful to do much movement :( Let's hope it feels better tomorrow!

Hello to everyone - have to run!

shananigans 06-04-2007 11:27 AM

Oh Monday. I wasn’t done with the weekend yet thankyouverymuch.

Fran - Glad to hear you’re back in the swing of things. Feels great, don’t it?

LynneA – Welcome and good luck with your BFL Challenge!

I didn’t make 30 min in my 5k on Saturday. :( I felt like I was running faster than I was I guess. Finished in 31:36, which is almost a minute faster than my 5k in April. I was just hoping for a little more. Oh well, maybe next time.

No major food catastrophes over the weekend. Down a pound for a whopping 3 lb loss over the last 2 months. ;) Well, progress is progress I guess.

We’re closing on our townhouse this Friday, DF’s mom is coming in that morning, I have a work event to run on Saturday, and we’re moving on Sunday. :dizzy: Wish me luck.

FBWO tonight, followed by lots of stretching.

WaterRat 06-04-2007 01:39 PM

Morning all! Had a super busy weekend - mostly chores and such - so I'm glad I did my training first thing on Sat. :) 3 weeks til the actual event. I'm so ready to change my cardio from walking to biking. I've resisted even getting on my bike since I have little enough time for exercise as it is, esp now as I've added in the physical therapy (though to be honest, they replace my LB workouts). So I'm with you Shan - not ready for the weekend to be over!

I just finished reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. Very good book about eating locally, and mostly organically. Her reasoning is not nutrition, though it ends up being pretty nutritionally sound. However, to eat locally in Alaska is not an easy task! We do pretty well as we grow (or U-Pick) most of our veggies and freeze them. Likewise berries and rhubarb. Meat and fish are no problem, but fresh greens in the winter - hmmm, I need So Cal! :)

Fran, glad to see you back at it with enthusiam.

:welcome: Lynne.

Cindy, congrats on the new job

Mel, sounds like you're settling into your new job/workout routine

Hi Lydia!

:wave: Have a great day everyone.

LynneA 06-04-2007 03:06 PM

Thanks for the welcome :).

Cat - Sorry you hurt your hip, I hope you feel better soon. I am very excited about this challenge, I went through a long plateau phase of over 3 months during which time I got very disolutioned with working out and eating right and fell off the wagon. I'm not the type who springs out of bed at 4.30am beaming with joy at the thought of going to the gym. Pizza would win over spinach most of the time and I'm a recovering mexican food junkie. This is work to me. I gained back 7 lbs before I decided I wasn't going to let all my hard work go to waste. Not that I think BFL will suddenly make me into a muscled goddess :lol: it just looks challenging and interesting enough to get me going again.

Shananigans - we are the same height and I was just 4lbs heavier than you when I started my journey. Your target weight is the same as mine too! I hit my plateau at 173 lbs. I could go below that but always bounced back to 173 no matter how well I ate. The lowest I got to was 168. Maybe you are slowing down because you are close to your goal now. I hated that part of weight loss and I expected to be way closer to my goal before it slowed down, 173 just seemed unfair and I felt very cheated, I don't know by who or what, fate maybe? My body perhaps?

WaterRat (love your name :lol:) - I live in Tennessee and let me tell you, at times during the year it's rough buying produce too, the prices are disgraceful. I've grown my own garden the past 2 years to save money. So it's not just Alaska!!

sportmom 06-04-2007 03:23 PM

Another FBWO today & 1/2 hour hard treadmill cardio. Feeling good - waiting for the scale to reward me. ;)

Welcome Leeds Lass - there are a bundle of us who live the BFL plan full-time, to varying degrees. I don't do the food exactly the same, but my workouts follow the BFL-Women (Dr. Pamela Peeke) book to a tee. I'm glad you didn't overdo it today; you may still get some serious pain, don't feel bad to pop some ibuprofen if you do - it's normal and shouldn't happen again after the first time.

Mel 06-04-2007 06:00 PM

Welcome Lynne! :wave: BFL was my introduction to serious weightlifting also. I'd done a lot of circuit training and just "messing around" before that. BFL helped me put it all together- the food, weights and cardio.

No too many of us leap out of bed with joy at 4:30 am. Personally, I blindly stumble out at 5:30, pull on my workout clothes and hope I get that elliptical moving before I have a chance to consciously think about it :lol:

I do luv liftin, tho! Especially now that I don't spend 9-10 hours a day in a gym, I really look forward to my lunch time dashes to the gym.

Cardio and chest today.

Elisa (I think it was you who asked)- I usually cook enough chicken breasts to keep myself and ds eating lunch all week (he can't eat sandwiches due to a wheat allergy), some sort of crock pot stew or chili which lasts for 2-3 dinners, and at least 3 or 4 of my pumpkin-protein pancakes which I freeze individually. I pre-bake two seet potatoes, and make a pot of brown rice. I spend a LOT of time cooking on the weekend, but it makes the week a lot easier. There's usually food so we aren't tempted to go out ( a disaster for the dollar and calorie budgets) and ds has such problems with eating out or processed food (gluten intolerance) that I pretty much have to cook everything. I also make him a batch of gluten-free cookies or a cheesecake to last the week, but I don't think that's what you were askig about :o

elisa822 06-04-2007 06:37 PM

Mel - Yes, it was me who asked about your cooking. I'm always looking for new ideas. I've never done the whole "cooking on the weekend for the week thing" but I know lots who do. It's an interesting thought that I should maybe try. When I'm good, I plan out my meals for the week but usually just cook for one or two days at a time. What do you do with your pre-cooked sweet potatoes? Are they good just re-warmed? I do love sweet potatoes. I've never loved brown rice but I might give it another try. I usually only have rice once a week so I thought the white rice isn't the end of the world, but I know the brown has many more nutrients.

I also just got the BFL for women book from the library so I'm hoping to learn a lot from that too. Like others have said, without it I just kind of go here and there with no real plan, so I think it might help a lot too.

I keep thinking about trying the morning workouts, at least as far as running is concerned. As it gets hotter, it just seems like a good idea. My husband leaves for work at about 6:15 so if I went for a run at the same time I think I could still get to work on time. We'll see! Even if I did that once or twice during the week, that would help a lot.

Did my spinning today for a good sweat! Maybe I'll find some inspiration in the BFL for a good strength workout this week.

Lynne - keep us posted on your BFL progress. I'm not sure that I'm committed enough for the challenge but I imagine you could see great progress over 12 weeks.

Shannon - that's still great about your 5k! That's about my PB (unofficial) time. I'm too scared to try a 5k race but I use google maps and my Ipod to map out 5k and track my progress. I've been focusing so much on my time that I was thinking for my next run, I would ignore my pace and try for a bit more distance. We'll see!


WaterRat 06-04-2007 06:50 PM

Elisa - if you can run a 5K at that pace on your own, you'd most likely be faster in a race - it's the atmosphere, the hightened adreneline, etc. Try it - you might like it :)

As for cooking on the weekends, I do a lot of it. I warm up sweet potato (or squash, or white potatos....) in the oven in winter, micro in summer. I like to put mashed whatever into a pie plate and bake it. Rice warms up nicely, in fact if you cook more than you'll eat, it also freezes nicely. I usually sneak several chicken breasts on the grill when it's on. Memorial day weekend I grilled a whole salmon - that was a little too much! :lol: We've burned out on it. Next time I'll freeze part of the cooked fish. (DH froze 5 or 6 whole salmon that he thought he would take to his family. Didn't happen. Now we have whole salmon to eat. I think I need to have a BIG BBQ at my house.)

elisa822 06-04-2007 07:45 PM

Pat - thanks for the food tips too! I had some egg whites in the fridge that I had to use up so I just made a batch of the protein pancakes. Enough for me for lunch tomorrow and my DH for dinner, since I won't be around tomorrow evening. I should really get into the habit of cooking a batch of chicken breasts on the weekend. Now that it's bbq season, it's so easy. Partly I'm paranoid about how long they last before spoiling, and partly, I'm so cheap! I look at the prices of the skinless/boneless chicken breasts and it freaks me out. It's stupid though because when you look at the cost of the meal, it's probably very reasonable.

Sometimes I'm so silly!


Mel 06-04-2007 09:39 PM

Elisa- once it's cooked, the chicken lasts at least 5 days. Don't let it sit uncooked very long, tho. I bake my sweet potatoes in the oven, then just put them in plastic gladware and lop of pieces. I rarely eat "rice", but add it to salads, egg white omelettes, or put a bit in cottage cheese. I like it, but if I have it a a side dish I want more than a few tablespoons which is all I eat at one time.

MMMMMMmmmm salmon! I used to cook big filets and they would last a few days. In the last year, the price of salmon has gone through the roof! It's now very much a treat. Lucky Pat! The only fish that is still fairly cheap is tilapia and I just don't feel like I've eaten anything after eating tilapia now matter how I dress it up :p


LynneA 06-05-2007 09:14 AM

Morning :).

Cardio today. One thing I am wavering from Bill's BFL plan on is cardio. In the book, he instructs to do 20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week. I'm not sure 20 minutes of cardio, no matter how intense, is going to work for me so this morning I did 45 mins of it, 30 mins interval on the dreadmill then 15 minutes on the stairmaster. I might tone it down some on Thursday, haven't decided yet.

I do a lot of cooking on the weekend for the week. I make my breakfasts, lunches if I am having soup and maybe a pot of chilli on Sunday. For me it's all about managing my time so that I'm not slogging it out cooking every night for the next day.

I love salmon too although I've never thought about freezing cooked salmon, how well does it defrost?

shananigans 06-05-2007 10:44 AM

LynneA – I was on a “plateau” at 170 – 174 forever (really, it was like 8 or 9 months). But I was in the middle of moving halfway across the country and finding a new job and adjusting to winter and no gym membership and reacquainting myself with fine Wisconsin cuisine and beer, so I know very well that I couldn’t have expected to lose any weight doing that, I’m just happy I didn’t gain back more than a few pounds. Now that I’m trying again I can’t say it’s going too speedy, my body does seem to fight much harder to hold on to weight below 170. So what if it takes another 3 years, as long as it’s going down at some rate I know I’ll get there eventually, and I sure as heck am a long way from where I started. I was probably around 220 at my very heaviest. But I hear you, it can be so frustrating at times!

elisa – I’ve been running in the morning a couple times a week and I find it’s worth it. Believe me, there is no springing out of bed at 5 am, but it’s so much cooler and quieter out there at that hour that it’s worth it. Plus it’s great going into your day knowing you got your run in already. I also need to work on distance, I know I’m never going to be all that speedy and I’m not doing it to win any races so I should focus a little more on endurance. I think I’m going to start going for one longer run on the weekend so I can build a little distance.

I’ll usually make a big pot of lentil or bean soup for the week, it’s nice to not have to worry about what to bring for lunch. I also keep my salad spinner in the fridge full of clean chopped greens.

Got a little lifting in last night (oy, my quads!) and went for a run this morning. Mid-50s for the temp, nice and cool.

I’m getting really anxious about closing, it’s really exciting and terrifying at the same time. But mostly I can’t wait to get into my fabulous new home and start taking advantage of that pool! :swim:

4rabbit 06-05-2007 11:36 AM


Shan - how exciting to go to your new home!!

I was very insipred by all your psts on cooking in the weekend! And here I am feeling totally guilty that I do not cook a fresh meal from scratch every day. For a lot of people around here, that is still very much the default, but i cannot get myself to do so. What with the single mom thing, the job, keeping up the house etc etc. . I manage coocking like 4 times a week, and we eat bread or leftovers for the rest of the time. i'm glad to read that a lot more people do this.

I manageer to go to power class yesterday, and today my legs are sore. i did not manage to bike to work, unfortunately, and I will not be able to tomorrow, since I have to teach, so it'll be thursday before my next excercise ! Not good, but not much that i can do about it. still, with 1 hour on monday, plus 20 mins swimming, I can still make my goal if I bike on thursday and do yoga and power on friday.

Weight is not down, and maybe it was too optimistic of me to hope to lose weight next to arranging a divorce, buying a house & presently, rearranging financials & furthering job security... I don't know, but i'll just keep on trying.

Have a great day all,

WaterRat 06-05-2007 02:15 PM

Rabbit, with the stress you've had in your life this last year, you're doing amazingly well, keeping up the exercise, making a great new life for you and your kids, and not gaining weight! Pat yourself on the back woman. :hug:

Mornings that my cat gets me up between 5 and 5:30 I have this nagging voice that says "if you went for a walk now you'd be done for the day." But by the time it finishes the sentence, I'm back in bed :lol: Someday I really should listen to it. We don't have the daytime heat problem that you in other parts of the country do, though lately it's been very windy and unpleasant at the time I'm walking. Today is the best weather it's been in a week or so, let's hope it lasts all day (only 9:50 am). I've caught my DH's head cold and am feeling miserable. Good thing the training schedule calls for shorter workouts this week (building to another long session on the weekend though). The date is getting close. I'm feeling pretty confident though, so unless I do injure myself somehow, I should do well.

You'd all be surprised to hear that to buy salmon here is as expensive as it is for you. There is a real advantage to catching your own. I can't afford to buy halibut (and the only way to catch it if you don't have your own boat is to go on a charter, which is ~$125/per person for a day). I only buy shrimp on sale, and almost never buy crab. Elisa, what do you consider expensive for boneless/skinless chicken breasts? Ours - in the family pack - are normally $3.50/lb and I try to get them on sale when they're $2.99/pound. I buy the flash frozen ones occasionally, but I prefer to buy the fresh(er!) ones.

I've been haviang an interesting small-town experience lately. When I go to the local coffee shop (conviently in the same building as my hairdress and physical therapist) I run into people I need do business with - much more enjoyable than chasing them down by phone. :)

elisa822 06-05-2007 02:43 PM

Pat - first I had to think about the kg to lb. conversion. Then, I normally just look at the price of the package of meat and how many "pieces" are in it. This past week I checked both a frozen box and fresh. Here we have PC products - it's a store brand and I normally find their quality really good. They have boxes of 8 frozed s/b chicken breasts. The weight was just under 2.5 lbs. They have plain or seasoned - many different healthy choices, all great on the bbq but the cost was $17!! That seemed high. When I went to the fresh, the cost was about the same. I bought some anyway but that is about $7 a lb!! Can any other Canadians tell me if I'm looking at the "fancy" stuff without realizing it? I'll have to look more closely next time to see how much the prices vary but I'm sure I often see the s/b chicken breasts at about $16/kg.

On to other stuff...I hope strawberries don't kill a diet because I've been eating a lot of them. Sometimes I can't stop and I eat the whole container. They've been cheap and yummy!

As for the cooking, I often cook for two nights at once but that's it. I'll cook once, have leftovers, then maybe something frozen but healthy and fill in with other "non-dinner" foods like eggs or pancakes.


Depalma 06-05-2007 08:25 PM

Hey I lost some weight today! Not sure how much. How much does a gall bladder weigh anyway?

Doctor thinks I'm not going to lift over 15lbs for two weeks. I think Dr. has been dipping into the med closet. My abdominal region where they made the 4 holes to suck the gall bladder through doesn't feel too bad considering. It's like about 30-40 roll outs with the ab wheel. What I don't understand is that my shoulders are killing me. They didn't touch the shoulders!

I'll compromise with the good doctor. I'll take one week away from the weights. Perhaps I'll get a foam roller and start learning to work on my soft tissue.

elisa822 06-05-2007 08:33 PM

Depalma - now this I can relate too! I also had my gallbladder out - okay it was almost 20 years ago (I was relatively young at the time). It seems to run in my family and I also had the laproscopic surgery. I would be careful with the lifting too soon but I trust that you know what you're doing. The sore shoulders are totally normal. I'm not sure if I can explain this properly, and I surprised they didn't tell you that, but if I remember correctly, it has to do with the fact that they pump the general area full of air in order to be able to "see" properly when performing the surgery. The air/gas in your system then tends to rise to the shoulder area. I have no idea if this makes sense but what I do know is that it's normal and shouldn't last too long. I was off work for two weeks I think and I know if was a few days until I could really even get around properly.

Good luck with the recovery. For me, being free of the pain was a huge improvement!

Mel 06-05-2007 08:39 PM

Yikes! Deplama, listen to your doc :eek: The shoulder pain is from the gas they pump into you while do laparoscopic surgery. It "seperates" all your organs so they can see what they are doing in there. When you stand and start to move around (which they usually want you to do asap) it starts moving UP and causes shoulder pain. I had the same thing happen when I had laparoscopic pelvic surgery several times. My doc warned me about it tho.

Take it easy on the lifting. I've lifted too soon following surgery and it just makes recovery take longer. On the other hand, my doctors have always been surprised at how fast I recover and I think it's because of the high protein/low junk diet and the fact that I'm stronger to start with. Another friend who lives and eats the same way has had the same fast recovery experiences. Hopefully, the same will go for you!

Feel better :hug: and NO benchpressing!


Depalma 06-05-2007 08:57 PM

He mentioned something about "tightness" in my shoulder and gas. I thought he was referring to stiffness and anaesthesia and I thought it would wear off we came out of the "fog". You both explained it much better than he did.

Anyway, I can deal with it. I have a pretty high pain threshold. In fact, they gave me Darvocet for the pain but I'm going to stick to advil. Pain medication makes me nauseaous beyond belief. I can suck up pain like an airborne ranger but give me some nausea and I'm like a weak little kitten.

LynneA 06-06-2007 10:15 AM

Depalma I hope you recover soon from your surgery. My husband had his gall bladder out last year, he does not come out of surgery well and had to spend the night because he was so out of it.

Lower body for me today, very intense. I chose dumb bell lunges for part of my leg exercises and did the walking ones instead of stationary. Omgosh, on the last set I went down into a lunge and for a split second thought "I might not come up from this, I might have to get one of the senior's who work out to help me up!" I am enjoying doing cardio and weights on alternate days, I don't feel like I am rushing to get everything done. I also really like focusing on upper and lower body on different days, rather than trying to get a full body workout in, for the same reason.

Five more working days then I get some time off for bonnaroo. I haven't had a vacation yet this year so am looking forward to the break.

shananigans 06-06-2007 11:49 AM

Depalma – Take it easy and get all the rest you need. I wish you a speedy recovery.

LynneA - You're going to Bonnaroo?!? I'm so jealous, I haven't been to a festival in ages. I think Vegoose in 2005 was the last one? I wanted to go to Summer Camp a couple weeks ago, the 10,000 Lakes line up looks really good this year too. It’s usually too hard for us to find the time to take off work and find someone to take care of the dog, so we don’t get to go to many these days. I went to the first 2 Bonnaroos and had so much fun. Good luck with that traffic.

Lifting tonight, running tomorrow morning if weather permits.

hikerchick 06-06-2007 02:31 PM

Howdy folks. I have been travelling a bunch and haven't been able to pop in.

I was very excited to get back from a trip of only so so food to see the scale down another 3 lbs. I think I have an angel on my shoulder. That and all the running I am doing. I think that helps too.

Still I am slacking on my goal of a pull up. Must start hanging...I mean pulling. Oh you know.

Waving at everyone....


Lydia227 06-06-2007 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Depalma (Post 1721515)
Hey I lost some weight today! Not sure how much. How much does a gall bladder weigh anyway?

Man, some people :rolleyes: will do anything to report a loss. :s: Sorry, removing body parts doesn't count. :lol: Seriously though, I hope you take the time for a complete recovery before picking up weights. We all need to take a break once in a while anyway right? ;) I read somewhere that mentally practicing or visualizing a movement has it's benefits too. So your not off the hook without any workout. :p

Hikerchick: Awesome job with the three pound loss this week. Especially with travel food. Send that angel on your shoulder my way. I'm doing my best to keep the eating clean this month and so far there hasn't been even a hint of a loss. :nono: I've been doing a lot more leg work the last two months so I'm hoping the explanation is muscle gain+fat loss. I should have my bodyfat retested next week with my PT, but I'm not ready to burst my bubble yet. ;) Oh, hey, good luck with the pullups this week.:cool:

LynneA: I love the mental image of getting stuck with the lunges and having to ask for help from one of the senior citizens. In my case it would be one of the jr high/high school kids I'd have to beg. :lol:

I had a decent workout this morning. 45 minutes of cardio, 40 minutes of lifting, 15 minutes of core and stretching. I need a nap now. For some reason I really feel worn out today. :dunno:

WaterRat 06-06-2007 06:16 PM

Afternoon all. :wave: I have caught DH's stupidheadcold and am wandering around with a stuffed up head and birdcage mouth (from the decongestant) plus I am very fatigued. Grrrrr. I have the next two days off, but to set up and attend a 3 day square dance state festival our club is hosting! And Friday morning I have to be at church at 6:30 :eek: to serve breakfast at a statewide gathering. Why do I involve myself in all this stuff? :lol:

I had a good physical therapy session this morning. Warmup on the bike, then lots of calf and hamstring stretches, a ton of leg extensions, and some torturing "lateral walking." This last involves elastic around the lower thighs (to provide resistance) and then keeping your feet apart, walking sideways. Sounds easy right? Ha! All this plus my usual hip strengthing exercises and modified lunges. I did get to lay down while he massaged my right knee (in which the patella is not only out of its "groove" but also tilted so it drags over the area where the tibia and femur meet - no wonder it hurts to go up stairs!) He also tapes it so it will stay more in place. He also gave me a bunch of exercises I can do at the gym, mainly using the cable machines. No isolated leg extension - forever! Lots of leg presses, and maybe later squats and deeper lunges. I do feel better, and am really glad to know what to do to keep the danged kneecaps where they belong! While none of my problem was caused by weight, it certain exacerbates it, esp when getting up and down from the floor (or the garden :) )

Welcome home Hiker, and great job on losing on vacation.

Lydia - I'm sure you're building muscle. :)

Elisa - no matter how you look at it, your s/b chicken sounds expensive! :eek:

Shan & Lynne - okay, I'll bite, what is Bonnaroo??

I know I had more to say, but I'll be danged if I can recall what it was. :shrug:

Weather is sunny, and not too windy - at last! :D

marblez 06-06-2007 06:52 PM

Anyone have problems developing calluses (spelling?) on their palms? I've switched from low weight/high reps to high weight/low reps and the inside of my hands are getting awful! I'm on a budget now too and just dreading the thought of having to buy gloves!!

Lydia227 06-06-2007 08:23 PM

Hi Marblez:wave:

I have small calluses at the base of my middle and ring fingers of both hands from lifting. They really don't bother me enough to wear gloves when I am lifting. :dunno: I do use a Curel body lotion on my hands during the day and I think that it helps to keep the calluses from becoming too noticable.

Congratulations on your weight loss by the way. I love the goals you have set for yourself. Good luck with the :swim: I took lessons last year while I was recovering from a stress fracture. I was good until he said, :coach: "Okay, now put your head under the water." :lol3: No really, the lessons were a lot of fun and I had a great instructor. He was very careful to instruct each person in the class at the level they were comfortable with in the water.

Pat: So DH comes back home and gives you a cold! I really hope it clears off enough so that you can enjoy the festival. Square dancing...I remember these being really popular at the weddings I went to as a kid. Some of the things they made them do were really weird. :chin: turning grown men upside down, dumping change out of their pockets, wheelbarrow races...might explain my warped sense of humor. :lol3:

Oh and yeah, and thanks Pat. It is probably muscle :D Just don't ask me to get tested yet. :devil:

Mel 06-06-2007 08:51 PM

marblez- I'm a total weeny about my hands. I always wear gloves. Aside from protecting my hands, I can lift heavier because it doesn't hurt my hands. There's no way I can do pullups without gloves, heavy dumbbell rows, or deadlifts.

I buy my gloves online here. They are inexpensive even with the shipping cost. The sizing is unisex- I wear a womens large glove, but a small in these.

Welcome back, hickerchick!


sportmom 06-06-2007 10:33 PM

HI everyone, still plugging away, still back on track (didn't want anyone to worry!)

I also get calluses at the base of my middle fingers and also use Curel daily and after showers (hmm, that sounds weird doesn't it). I promise I do shower daily, mostly, unless there's another workout just around the corner.....

FBWO again today. Still pain free, so that's a beauty. Just a little tight in the shoulders today -- I accidentally went up a weight in my lateral raises! I guess it's a good sign if you accidentally went up in weight and didn't notice it until the end of your set!

Depalma, you rest up and keep us posted on your progress! We'll expect daily "all about me" updates and not just responding to help others, 'kay???:hug:

LynneA 06-07-2007 09:50 AM

Morning All,

I too get calluses on my palms, I'm considering buying some gloves more due to the fact that the heavier the weight I lift, the more discomfort I get on my palms.

WaterRat - www.bonnaroo.com it's a 4 day music festival in Manchester, Tennessee. I've never been and am going this year to see The Police mainly. I've heard a lot about bonnaroo, it seems every person I've mentioned it to gives me a funny look and says "I've heard about that festival". The official boards have a very hippy feeling vibe. I'm more looking forward to having time off work than anything else.

I'm having motivational problems right now with sticking to BFL. Long story short I have some depression issues and when I feel down, which I have been feeling for the past couple days due to a lot of stuff going on, I have a hard time "looking after myself". I.e. I tend to go off plan and not care. I'm fighting hard to keep on plan right now so could really use some strong words to help get me there.

Cardio day for me today, I'm going after work and plan on doing 30 minutes hi-impact on the elliptical. I'm trying to wean myself off the dreadmill.

shananigans 06-07-2007 10:53 AM

I used to get calluses when I was doing a lot of dumbbell and machine lifting, but not enough to really bother me. I think lotion does help. Now that I’m doing at home workouts I tend to do a lot more resistance band, stability ball, calisthenic, pilates, and body weight exercises so my calluses have mostly disappeared.

Pat – Feel better soon! You are one busy lady. I saw Jessica Simpson’s trainer on some talk show and he said she does lateral walking. Soon you will have a rear to rival hers. :lol:

Fran – Glad to hear you are still on track and pain free!

LynneA – Sorry you are feeling down. Have your tried any relaxation or stress management stuff? I know meditation, yoga, or just taking long walks in a relaxing environment can do wonders for some people. Journaling and talking to people can help too. Just remember that your number 1 job is to take care of you! :hug:

Bonnaroo is very hippy in nature, it’s a pretty cool atmosphere. My do not miss line-up (if I were going) would be The Flaming Lips, The String Cheese Incident, Bob Weir (formerly of the Grateful Dead) and Ratdog, Ziggy Marley (Bob’s son), Michael Franti and Spearhead (full of good vibes and for dancing your blues away!), Keller Williams (a must see, he’s so unique and talented), Regina Spektor (if you like Tori Amos you’ll probably love her), Gov’t Mule is good if you’re into jazz/funk, Galactic if you like electronica, Ween I like but they’re not as good live, better in the studio I think. The Decembrists are also playing I see. I’ve heard a couple of their singles on the radio but I’ve never seen them live, I think they might be worth checking out. OK LynneA, I will be living vicariously through you, I expect a full report when you get back. Drink lots of water, wear sun screen, bring TP, be prepared to sit in your car for a few hours to get in (a cooler of refreshments and music helps), and if someone asks you if you want microdots the answer is “no”. ;)

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