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Old 09-05-2014, 02:43 PM   #1  
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Default Newbie Research & Soad with WLS

***SODA*** (not Soad).
I have been doing my research on WLS (extensivley/obsessivly) for a while now. I have my consult with surgeon in 2 weeks. i had a consult 3 years ago but was not approved by insurnace at that time. Now i am doing even more research as i am much more seriously about this path and have been getting things in place for a while now. Anyway, one question i have is with Soda I dont smoke, dont like coffee or rarely drink alcohol. Obviously i have food issues, but i really enjoy soda. Dt Moutnain Dew and Dt Pepsi are my prefered choices. I have tried a few times to cut it out cold turkey and was not so good for me, which is also why i am doing IE, since restrictions are more of a trigger for me. But if i do have WLS, i understand i cant handle soda or any carbonated beverage? Is that the case with many of you? It is crazy, i know but i am more worried about not being able to follow that guideline than i am about food restrictions with WLS. When i am full and emotionally think i need to eat something, in many cases i have a soda and that satifsfies me. After WLS, If i drink soda it will make me sick and bloated is that the case? Since i hate that feeling, maybe that will be enough to keep me from drinking it. But just water, juice and milk for the rest of my life sounds scary. Maybe i should try again giving up the soda before surgery and that will make it easier. I dont know. Anyway just looking for opinions from those of you who have had WLS and your experience with soda
I know my doctor can also help with some explinations on this, but wanted true life help as well. I am leaning towards RnY, but possibly sleeve, will discuss with my doc again since it has been a while.

Last edited by Mercedes136; 09-05-2014 at 02:45 PM.
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Old 09-05-2014, 05:04 PM   #2  
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I can only speak for RNY and myself, but the carbonation in soda causes much discomfort. For the first few years, I could only have a few sips after it had set out for awhile. Now, at over 3 years out, I can have a glass of soda some days, while others it causes too much discomfort. My best friend, who had RNY over 10 years ago, regularly drinks Diet Coke; she doesn't seem to have issues with carbonation.

By the way, if you hear that carbonation will "stretch" your new stomach, you are being given erroneous information. Your stomach is not a closed system; there are places for gas to escape at both ends. However, some nutritionists use scare tactics to keep people on the straight and narrow and that information is just wrong.

Lastly, I think there are many things you can drink besides water, juice, and milk. I drink a ton of iced tea and no/low sugar lemonade, as well as iced coffee and crystal light or flavored waters. You might want to try and gradually wean yourself onto new drinks to see if doing without soda will work for you. However, you may find that your tastes change after surgery and you don't want it or you don't suffer an issues with carbonation.
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Old 09-07-2014, 09:55 AM   #3  
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I am a caffeine fend and I love coffee and Zero Coke.....I know find that I drink very little caffeine.....so in my case, the lap band has decreased my desire tremendously.
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