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Old 03-31-2024, 08:21 PM   #1  
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Thumbs up April 2024 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

Hi, Everyone! Welcome to the Check-In! Let's make it a great month!

I want to welcome everyone to the Daily Accountability Check-In. Our goal is to stay accountable and on track by posting our daily food and exercise choices. All food and exercise programs are welcome. Consistency is the key to reaching our weight loss goals.

Introduce yourself or jump right in and tell us what you have been doing.

Here's to the start of a great month!
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Old 04-01-2024, 12:45 AM   #2  
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Good morning! Thanks for getting the April thread started! Will be shutting down in a few minutes to go to bed, 😁🐰😷💐
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Old 04-01-2024, 07:32 AM   #3  
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Good morning, I can't believe it is April already. I hope you all had a great weekend
Last month I had lots of ups and downs but I managed to have a 1.7lbs lost. I didn't stick to my goals but not all was lots, I continued with not added sweets (2 1/2 months now) and I had no sweet cravings. This months I'm not going to stress out too much. I noticed when I worry too much I ended up doing the contrary. The plan is to take one day at a time and to keep making changes on my diet and to be more active by doing daily walks when I can.

Have a nice Monday!
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Old 04-01-2024, 09:23 AM   #4  
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Good morning again! Had breakfast and did 2 miles Leslie Sansone. Will take a shower in a few minutes. Will go to the thrift shop after that. 😁🐰😷💐
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Old 04-01-2024, 09:44 AM   #5  
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Good Morning, Everyone! Welcome back!

Ciecie Does going to your weekly meetings help you to stay on plan?

Steps from yesterday: 11,059

Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy!

April 1

James 1:4
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were a magic wand that we could wave, and suddenly the pounds would melt from our flesh and we would be the perfect weight? I know of no one who would choose the rigors and demands of a diet over a magic wand. Unfortunately, there are no magic wands, and the only way we can lose weight is to set ourselves to the task-body, mind, and spirit. We need to ask God's help, that we might remain committed to the task no matter how long it takes. When we call on the Lord, He will grant us the patience we so badly need.

Today's thought: The longer the wait, the less the weight!
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Old 04-01-2024, 10:25 AM   #6  
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Diana thanks for starting the April thread​​​.

I lost 2.4 pounds last month. It isn't much but I will take it.
I count Easter as a time to let go of everything and start anew.
My plan for today is to keep my food healthy, drink at least 16 oz of water. I havent been drinking any water at all, just diet soda. Exercise for 30 minutes.
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Old 04-01-2024, 02:48 PM   #7  
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Good afternoon! Power walked to and home from the thrift shop today. Ran errands on the way home. Will go for another power walk and run errands in a few minutes. 😁💐😷🐰
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Old 04-01-2024, 10:46 PM   #8  
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Hi Everyone!

Great job on the weight loss Muffin & Nettnett!

Total Approx 1230 calories

Breakfast 480 calories
coffee w/cream & sugar
yogurt, protein granola bar, prunes 480 calories

Lunch 350 calories
protein bar 250 calories
apple 100 calories

Dinner 400 calories
spaghetti quash 100 calories
sweet peas 50 calories
chicken sausage 100 calories
honeydew melon chunks 50 calories
yasso fro yo 100 calories

outdoor walk

Have a Blessed evening!

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Old 04-02-2024, 12:23 AM   #9  
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Good morning! Power walked and ran errands before supper tonight. Will be shutting down in a few minutes to go to bed. 😁🐰😷💐
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Old 04-02-2024, 11:15 AM   #10  
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Good Morning, Everyone!

Steps from yesterday: 10,009

Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy!

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

April 2

Hebrews 10:36
For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

It seemed like forever before any weight came off. Gerri had cut way back on her food intake and exercised daily. It had been frustrating to step up on the scales day after day to find no real change. She stuck with the diet despite her despair, and now four weeks into the program it was paying off. People were beginning to notice the difference in her. What had seemed so painfully slow, one pound every few days, had finally added up, and she was thrilled. Waiting a little while had paid off, waiting a little more didn't seem nearly as hard.

Today's thought: I can take this diet one day at a time!
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Old 04-02-2024, 12:05 PM   #11  
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Good afternoon! Did 2 miles Leslie Sansone this morning. Had breakfast. Will take a shower in a few minutes. Will power walk to and home from lunch. Will run errands on the way home. 😁🐰😷💐
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Old 04-02-2024, 09:01 PM   #12  
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Hi Everyone!

Total Approx 1130 calories

Breakfast 480 calories
coffee w/cream & sugar
yogurt, protein granola bar, prunes 480 calories

Lunch 250 calories
protein bar 250 calories

Dinner 400 calories
omelette made w/vegetables, chicken sausage, sprinkle cheese 300 calories
yasso fro-yo 100 calories

Full body strength circuit w/JS, standing abs with Denise Austin, outdoor walk

Have a Blessed evening!
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Old 04-03-2024, 12:52 AM   #13  
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Good morning! Will be shutting down in a few minutes to go to bed. 😁💐😷🐰
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Old 04-03-2024, 10:40 AM   #14  
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Good Morning, Everyone!

Steps from yesterday: 16,668

Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy!

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

April 3

Ecclesiastes 3:1
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

There are times in our lives when a diet may be easier than at other times. In times of stress or tragedy, it may be impossible for us to lose weight. Diets take concentration and commitment. Things may come up to cause us to fall away from our diets, but we need to get started again as soon as possible. Just because we fail once doesn't mean we will fail every time. Pray for God's help and guidance. He will be faithful to help us through the tough times and the times we fail. God will make our way easier through His companionship and comfort.

Today's thought: There is no better time to diet than right now!
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Old 04-03-2024, 01:20 PM   #15  
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Good afternoon! Did 2 miles Leslie Sansone this morning. Had breakfast and lunch. Will take a shower in a few minutes. 😁💐😷🐰
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