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SunnyD57 09-20-2003 06:28 PM

http://members.aol.com/gardenmail/irchfish8.gifGARY ~ My heart really goes out to you and Angie & your family {and hers too!}. You are all trying to do what's best for those children. You know she doesn't care for anything but her habits! My brother is the same way --- uses his girls to get what "he" needs. For years my parents gave him money thinking they were helping him out with the girls and he took it all for himself, and one day decided that they had done enough and quit giving him $. Now it's 'Tough Love' --- they give him offers of help, but not $. When her family gives her $ - do they realize what she is doing with it? It is only supporting her habits and they are enabling her to continue this way. I heard a great saying once... "When you give a person a fish they eat for a day, but when you teach that person to fish, they eat for a lifetime" I sure do hope things get worked out soon, for those children's sake.

In the meantime... you two keep up the great job caring for that boy! My prayers!

MICHELE ~ Thanks!!! :cp: I am on my way... ;) And your hair color sounds beautiful! Sure would like to see what you all look like one day :)

:bravo: Great job on your program! Keep it going girl :bravo:

EZMONEY 09-20-2003 07:05 PM

Just got home from work and we are going to church tonight so I will have to post tomorrow---I PROMISE-- to all of you.

Sunny what in the heck does fishing have to do with my nephew-lol
Yes- her family is quite smart and completely understand what they are doing- but they also don't want her to be homeless (with the kids)-- they don't give her everything she asks for-- however sometimes I think they give her $$$$ just to get rid of her-- my brother does sometimes-- me- I refuse, as I went through it with both my brothers and their drugs and my dad and his booze!!

Gotta go-- Love ya

SunnyD57 09-20-2003 09:53 PM

I'm sorry Gary... Did I confuse you by going on like I did? I was talking about your SIL... she just sounded so much like my brother. I am sorry if I said something to hurt your feelings or make you feel defensive... didn't mean to. I was agreeing with you on your decision not to give her $ now that you all are caring for her children.

Catch you later...

EZMONEY 09-20-2003 10:25 PM

OOOOOOHHHHH MMMMYYYY NNNNOOOO SUNNY-- I was only KIDDING!!!!! I understood you totally!!!! Sorry if I messed --YOU up!!! Just got home from church, alot to do. See you Sunday.

P.S. I love the teach-catch-fish story!! I use it myself.

SunnyD57 09-21-2003 04:30 PM

Yeeeahhhh Michele!!!!
MICHELE!!! Hey there girl!
Your VIKINGS did very well today! :cb: :dance: :cb:
I watched the game and found them to be a very good team... --- played a great game! They now have won their last three games! 3 & 0! :cp: Yeah for you & your VIKINGS! :dance:

Okay Gary... As long as you are okay. I never want to overstep.

Sorry! But I don't know when the RAIDERS play, so I haven't seen a game yet. I just happen to turn on the TV today to catch the VIKINGS/LIONS game.

Mitchypoo 09-21-2003 05:27 PM

Yeah Vikings! Thanks Sunny! Yea, it was a good game, I watched most of it too.

I've been down today with a really bad sinus headache. But i'm feeling a little better and I'm off to Alpha. More later!

SunnyD57 09-21-2003 06:06 PM

Awwwe :( I am sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well today, Michele. I hope that by the time you come home from your Alpha meeting of prayer & praise you will feel a bit better. Those sinus headaches sure do take the spunk out of ya---don't they!? Feel better ;)

Here... have a warm cup of tea http://www.trishastreasures.org/Teac.../springcup.gif

SunnyD57 09-21-2003 07:16 PM

My Turn!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Cleveland beat the SF 49ers 13 to 12 :cp: YEAHHH!
We finally won a game ;) :cb:

SunnyD57 09-21-2003 07:19 PM

Hi SAMI ~ Just a brief note...
wondering how you faired up with the Wedding :?: Hope all went Beautifully!

I've been thinking of you!!! :^:


EZMONEY 09-21-2003 07:58 PM

HI LADIES :wave:

WOW MICHELE and SUNNYD-- both victorious on the football field today! My Raiders don't play until tomorrow night against the Broncos-- to be honest-- they are looking pretty bad so far this year. I hope that changes-- at least our local team the Chargers lost again today-- hahahahah to all my local buddies.

I spent most of the day shopping at Costco and then bringing it home and unloading it-- $605 worth-- how we spend so much is beyond me-- and we don't buy anything frozen or processed!! I gotta get rid of some kids:lol: Of course after you get 4- 2.5 gallons of water, a case of Gatorade, a case of juice, 2 cans of coffee, kool-aide jammers for the nephew, 3 cases of sport bottle waters-- there isn't much money left. Plus my daughter was coming up and had an order:lol:

Spent the day with DD-- came up to visit for the day, just left to visit her mom-- Angie is at her daughter's soccer game-- oops- I lied she just got home-- they lost- that is 0-2 on the week-end. Angie says the step-d played well enough that her dad won't take away her phone but not that good. Her father restricts her if she doesn't play well!! He expects her to be a super star which she isn't-- just a solid player.

SUNNYD Go Browns-- a big win for your boys! I am so glad you are keeping this post together!! You are doing a great job at Curves too! Did Joe BBQ all week-end? How are those boys? Tea anyone?:lol: Honestly dear- I GOT IT!!! with your message yesterday- I was not offended at all!!! I was just trying to be funny with my remark about the fishing.

MICHELEHave a great time at your Alpha. Go Vikings-- you and my Pastor should be very happy today!! How is the dating future looking? I am praying for the perfect (is there such an animal:lol: ?) man for you! I sure do like the idea of you taking up martial arts-- Dr. Laura does that and it seems to work for her-- also I really like the idea of yoyu walking every day-- THAT IS A GREAT WAY TO GET ON A ROUTINE!!


WILMA- Way to go at Curves! Glad to see you are still having company as usual! How are those boys liking school so far this year?

JUDY You did the right thing with the boyfriend remark-- I have a way of putting my foot/feet in my mouth too-- but some things need to be said-- I have also learned to hold my tongue sometimes too! Prayers for your family!!

ANGEL- I hope all goes well with the Maytag thing! God is always working on something isn't He?! Great job on the #35 loss!!! Here is asking our good Lord for help for your husband!! in his efforts on your home.

doitformeSue-- BUMMER!! I was praying so hard for that job for you-- seemed perfect! Guess our Lord knows a little more than me:lol: Can't wait to see what He has better planned for you! I am liking the results of the South Beach on you!! Yea baby!!

SAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are you? How did the wedding go? Can't wait for pictures and "gossip" on it:) I also hope all goes well with the car pool-- I have a problem with my nephew because of work hours too.

Well off to dinner-- fish sandwiches and chips.

Have a great week!! Bless all of you!


Amanda Panda 09-21-2003 08:27 PM

Hello CE'rs

I'm here Sunny D - you are so sweet, missing me like that!

I hope everyone is happy and doing well.

SAMI - I hope the wedding went great - I'm glad you managed to sort out the dress - I bet she looked beautiful!

SUNNY - Glad you are enjoying Curves. How are things with you? I've had another go at the card making and am getting better each time I try - Nigel was a sweetie and went out and bought me some proper art pens and nice paper to use - bless!

I've been doing okay - a little bit up and down due to the stressful circumstances in our lives at the moment - Nigel got a letter from his work saying they are thinking of dismissing him, (he's been off sick with work related stress for 10 months). He's been planning to resign for a while now and a solicitor has told him he could take them to a tribunal for constructive dismissal. So he's been waiting and trying to get hold of relevant paperwork to help him to plead his case for if he goes to a tribunal. His work have been so sneaky - they have deleted his computer files and emails and 'lost' his file and now 'lost' his contract! It stinks - but this is how they have been for the last 10 months - all threats and bullying. I'll just be so glad when he resigns - but if he goes to a tribunal it will continue to drag on.....but I'll support him whatever decision he makes.

So the whole situation has been wearing us down. I just really want some good news - we've been having such a tough year that I really want to see a sign that there is hope on the horizon. Maybe it will happen when Nigel has resigned and we are finally free to move on. You know how it feels to be 'under' something for so long - it can be so stressful - I think we will both feel immense relief when it is over , no matter what happens.

I've lost 10lb now and have established a regular routine of going to the gym and using my exercise bike which is really helping.

Anyway - God bless you all

Love Amanda xx

Mitchypoo 09-21-2003 10:17 PM

Oh my Lord, $605 at Costco! Are you crazy Gary! That's 2 monthes rent for me. Well, i guess that's what happens when you have kids. My mom will go up there for a 1.5 doz. pkg of eggs. That's all she buys. But it's worth it to her. It wouldn't be worth it for me at this point.

And you tell Angie that I want to pay for that journal, i'm sure it's costing her money. Can't wait to see what she's come up with.

My dating life is practically non-existent. The one single guy at Alpha didn't show up tonight and he was gonna be in my small group, so maybe next week. And the other one who plays the drums isn't staying for the talk which is a shame. There is a friend i've been talking to online for about a year who i'm very interested in. He's really nice, a widow, lost his wife about 2 years ago now and he's still having a little bit of a hard time with it. We talked last night for over 2 hours on the phone. He makes me laugh and he's very interesting. He may come up on his touring bike and we may go for a ride. He's a big teddy bear.

I still have an awful headache and pain in my shoulders, an achyness. My dr. called and left a message to call this last friday, i'll find out what that was about tomorrow. Trying not to worry.

Thanks for the cup of tea Sunny! Tea always makes it better!

eisenj 09-22-2003 06:56 AM

Hi friends

I have decided to let the problem with my daughter go. I do not want to stir the waters. I know the truth about her ex boyfriend and so call girlfriend going behind Laura's back. What they did was ugly. Laura has moved on ,and so should I. I am not mad at the kids, but at how insensitive they are to her feelings. Laura is still friends with this girl. She needs to learn what a true friend is. I need to back off and let her learn for herself. She needs to stand up for herself. I can't shield her from the world.The kids mothers who are angry with me right now don't know the whole story ,and if they did they would not be so judgemental. They are good people just misinformed. They only know one side. God knows what really happened and that is all thats important to me. If one of my kids was out of line I would not mind if an adult set them straight as long as it was out of love. Thats exactly what I did. I am not sorry for what I said. What they did was wrong.

The young man is doing fine after the car accident. I asked for prayer for him in sunday school. Please pray he heals well.

I will try to write to you all later

'Remember that the ark was built by amateurs and the Titanic was built by professionals."

eisenj 09-22-2003 10:03 AM

I'm back

~Amanda~I'm sorry to hear Nigels employer is being so nasty. It is really hard when you are not getting along at your work place. I'll pray he gets a new job that he loves.

Congratulations on your weight loss:dance: :dance: :dance: I started at 236 and I am 229 now. I also need to loss about 100lbs. I go to curves for exercise, but I need to start walking. I want to loss 5lbs every two weeks. !0lbs by the end of the month and 30lbs by Christmas.

~Michele~ I hope you get to feeling better. When I was younger and hurting from a relationship or lack of one. I would work on getting fit. It helped with the blues and it made me feel better about myself. Also working on ones additude makes you more approachable. Im not saying you have a additude problem. I'm just saying people like to be around other people that make THEM feel good. Guys love weman that can cook. So when you find that special someone make a nice meal especially for him. Lot of love:sunny:

~Sami~ How was the wedding? I bet it was beautiful!:D :D :D

~Angel~ Any new news about your son in law (Chris) in Iraq? Our sunday school just found out the guy we write to, and send packages to, will not be home by christmas. He has six more months on active duty. He is in an engineering group. His birthday just past he turned 50. He misses his wife so much. We make sure she is well cared for. Service mens wives need all the love and support too. Tell Gina we love her.

~Gary~Cosco must love it when you go through their doors. Boys are bottomles pits. My son has not hit that stage when he can't get enough food. My husband said a guy at work has a son on a swim team who is burning alot of calories. He went to an all you can eat pizza place, and ate four whole pizzas. The man manager asked the father not to bring him back, because he would put him out of business. I wish I could eat like that.:lol:

[color=orange]~Sunny~ You are a breath of sunshine. Make it a GREAT day! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

God bless you all

" brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever"

eisenj 09-22-2003 10:09 AM

sorry angel my message to you didn't show up I'll write to you tomorrow when I have more time.

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