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nancylmrn 02-25-2019 02:41 PM

Good afternoon to most/ morning to some and evening to the rest
WI UP 1.6lb...real head scratcher. I have eaten all but one meal at home, home cooked all the way, using weight watchers and have been under my points by 7-10 each day except Saturday when we had our family turkey dinner and then I went over by 1.....have gotten in 7 days of steps of 12,000-15,000 and not counting my activity points or 'rollover'...the meal out was a large Wendy's chili and one packet of crackers....YES I am whinning LOL. Ok am done now. I am hoping this is just some freaky gain to protest Wendy's chili....sheesh yesterdays menu looked like this. 3 eggs and 1 english muffin, wendy's large chili with a packet of crackers, fresh crab (had to get out of the shell approx 8 oz), 1 sugar free butterscotch candy, an apple and some air popped pop corn with "I can't believe it is butter spray". Tons of water. Well I only hope this water retention (which it has to be) is gone as quickly as it came.

As for my scary park experience I still see this guys face...shuddering....and the fact that I doubled back to get to the parking lot instead of continuing on to the playground area which is also connected to the parking lot (opposite end) then to have this guy approach the side of my car on the passenger side (after I gave the area a good look before getting in my car) still gives me the creeps. I will going forward not go in the earlier part of the day and will now carry pepper spray.

Jen I am sorry you have a creepy crawly person near you too.
granny, yes this guy looks(ed) just like a normal guy around 30-35ish average build and height, He spoke with a hispanic accent and was dressed all in black but it was appropriate. I think it bothers me more today than it did on Saturday morning.
Jules keep us updated, that would freak me out too

I have got to get back to work but thank you all for the concerns at the park

ciecie 02-25-2019 05:11 PM

nancylmrn, that was a terrible experience you had on Saturday. hope that doesn't happen again.

jendiet 02-25-2019 06:20 PM

Jules, we cross posted, why do you think you have a parasite?? That's scary too.

Nancy, yes, we walk by his house all the time and I get the hee by jeebies and stay across the road. We have registered sex offenders close by too and he creeps me out the most . I pray healing for your mind concerning this. It's got to be water weight.

syk, omg, that is heart breaking. I rebuke whatever it is attacking her in Jesus name. Matthew 8:17 tells me God wants us all healed. We have a formidable adversary and we ate to fight him for the promises of God are yes and Amen in Christ Jesus. I believe sickness is for God's glory in that Christians are supposed to lay their hands on the sick and they will recover for His Glory. We are just not good at it and few practice it.

ciecie, did you visit your dad? How did it go?

I did not do OMAD. I broke down and had a collagen/chia shake. Then we ate dinner. Still have to tally it. I'm so thirsty my throat is dry like cotton...

I did use Google fit and walked 1.36 miles with the boys. Ds3 fell off his electric skateboard though...he was adamant he was "giving up". I told him "no, you are not, we have to figure out where you messed up and fix it" so we practiced slow and steady decent down hills with his gear on ....he feels better about it.

ciecie 02-25-2019 07:06 PM

jendiet, I didn't go to see dad today. the weather was too bad. am going to see him on Wednesday. :D

Diana3271 02-25-2019 09:01 PM

JulesMarion Did you get a Dr's apt for today? I am also curious and concerned about the parasite situation. If that's what it is, where did it come from?

Diana3271 02-25-2019 09:03 PM

Hi Everyone! https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...iles/wavey.gif

Total Approx 1515 calories + https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...ges/coffee.gif

Breakfast ( 400 calories & https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...ges/coffee.gif)
spritz olive oil in pan
2 large eggs 140 calories
veggies 60
14 g. shredded cheese 50 calories
1 piece thin sliced bread toasted 60 calories
Fruit spread 30 calories
juice equivalent to 60 calories
coffee w/cream & sugar

Lunch (415 Calories)
2 pieces thin sliced bread 120 calories
Smoked Turkey Breast 50 calories
Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
Siggi's vanilla yogurt 110 calories
Apple 100 calories

Dinner ( Calories)
Salad w/grilled chicken & BHF's ranch 700 calories

Debbie Rocker's Walk, Sculpt & Tone and 10,000 steps

Have a Blessed evening!

ciecie 02-25-2019 11:47 PM

julesmarion, hope you were able to get into the doctor today. went to the funeral home for calling hours tonight. will be going to the funeral tomorrow. :D

Larry H 02-26-2019 12:00 AM

I must have really slept at a bad angle last night. I woke up this morning with severe upper back pain. It is almost centered between the shoulder blades but is slightly more to my right side. It is very unusual for me as I seldom ever get back pain. It is located too high to be another of my long my history with kidney stones. I took two 40 mg Tramadol tablets and two 325 mg enterica Aspirin tablets. This combination hardly reduced the pain at all. I sure hope tomorrow brings some relief.

1,540 calories today and 6 grams of carbohydrates. I have not weighed myself in two weeks but I am losing inches on my waist. I had to get a smaller belt. Yay!!

ciecie 02-26-2019 12:26 AM

will be shutting down to go to bed in a few minutes. busy and sad day today. :cry:

JulesMarion 02-26-2019 01:21 AM

I went to the doctor today and they have me giving them 3 separate stool samples. Lovely. There’s a chance it is something I ate that appears like worms (possibly scallions). I am beyond freaked out but either way I will be happy to have answers.

flower123 02-26-2019 04:28 AM

Good morning Everyone

G Nancy thanks for telling me that your DH makes yogurt using the instant pot. I am going to be nervous doing it because the specific medicinal starter is expensive. And the protocol is so specific. If I mess up it will be wasting the money I am paying for the medicinal starter. I am going to probably bring it up to temp in a separate pot on the stove. Then I will cool it in an ice bath. This is what the woman told me to do for this yogurt. After its cooled down to the correct temp I plan to skim the top. Because apparently the formed skin is where the impurities and stress hormones from the cow will be. Also I was told that skimming the top will remove the Casein. the starter is "a formula of probiotics, Bifidus, yeasts, colostrum, and kefir". supposedly its designed to "kick start the immune system" I will see what happens.
I think your DH's way of skimming the milk and then making butter is ingenious. I am not going to skim the fat because I want it to remain as whole as possible. Interesting what you wrote about eggs. Instinctively I have thought eggs are fine. Especially eggs from hens that are treated well and have been fed a diet rich in omega 3.

Diana Congrats on being down 1.8 lbs ! I am so glad you blocked this person on your friend's cell phone. Whew, you may have saved her from a lot of grief. Every once in a while I get private messages in fb from con artists. But I can spot them right away. I bock and report. Glad you were there for your friend. Glad Ms Connie seems to be doing okay. Is she undergoing treatment now?

Jules sending prayers your way. May the DX be negative, clear. :hug: I have had parasites before. But I was physically quite symptomatic. So maybe if you are asymptomatic then you had scallions and not parasites. Drs also now have high tech breath tests to determine what kind of parasites a patient has, if one is suspected. Treatment for the parasites I had was 2 antibiotics for 10 days. That's it. Those parasites were gone! Easy treatment.

Rachel great that your caloric average for last week was good. WTG !! Re the pizza, I wish sodium didn't taste so good.

Jen I am glad you are trusting your instincts about that creepy guy. You know to stay clear and keep your kids clear. Creeps usually do not mess with women who appear strong and alert.

Syck sorry you are so sensitive to sodium. Maybe its TTOM ?? Or something else that is contributing to the water gain?

Nancy L These unexplained gains really can feel defeating. I do hope that on Tuesday its down again. Re the creepy guy, I am sorry you are still seeing him in your thoughts. Good idea to have pepper spray. This is such an unfair part of being a woman. Guys don't have to worry about these things.

Larry i hope you are feeling better on Tuesday. Sounds painful what you described.

Ciecie sending good thoughts to you as you go to the funeral :hug:

Kelijpa congrats on having gotten down to goal weight. Glad you are staying within your 5 pound maintenance range.

Today was an off plan day. I basically was rebounding from the low sodium diet I went on in prep for going to the dr. My BP was actually normal/ low. So grateful for that. The Dr thought I looked really good. Amazing what some makeup can do :lol:
I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

Rachel1234 02-26-2019 05:15 AM

Good morning
Syck, just heartbreaking about your pastor's wife. May our Lord be so close to her and hold her to Himself.

Jen, you asked if my average caloric intake for the week was cyclic or steady. Not sure what you mean by a "cycle," but I have been taking in close to 1200 per day on a pretty consistent basis. It's pretty steady. That's a miracle for me. I wish I were more consistent with exercise.

Larry,really sorry about your intense back pain. If it doesn't get better in 24 hours, please see doctor to rule out anything else. Sometimes pain from other things (such as cardiac issues) can radiate to the upper back. Praying for you.

Flower, hooray on your blood pressure:carrot:

Well, yesterday I decided to skip the treadmill. Went over 1200 calories also to about 1380. New day today. I keep moving forward.

Today's goals:
:broc::lifter:::tread: situps, fiber 2 liters water, 1200 calories.

ciecie 02-26-2019 07:20 AM

julesmarion, I hope the tests turn out okay! :D

Diana3271 02-26-2019 08:34 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

I had a bounce up this morning. Today is my last day on the shingles treatment. Hopefully I won't bounce around as much after today. The shingles rash is 99% gone. I remember the last time, I took a different medicine. I had the rash for what seemed like months. Maybe it wasn't that long but it was a long time. I just asked my DH about it and he agreed it was much longer than this time. Last night I weeded 3 flower beds and planted bulbs. I am NOT an outdoor person, LOL. I used to have an older gentleman who loved plants and gardening. I would pay him to take care of things for me. Last year he was diagnosed with cancer and has been undergoing treatments. He hasn't been able to do anything extra, so I need to take care of the planting this year. I will see how things go. I might take up some of the beds and go back with the original "rock gardens" that I used to have :lol: and only have one bed. This will be easier to maintain.

Flower Ms. Connie will need to heal completely before they start with the chemo treatments. Let me know what you think of the new coffee, when you get it. Which ones did you order (not the samples he sent)?

Larry I hope you feel better today.

Ciecie Thinking about you today. :hug:

JulesMarion Hopefully it's something your body didn't digest properly. Everyone is different with their digestion, so that could be. My Mom and DH had/has all sorts of nonsense that I never experienced with the same foods. :dunno:

Last night: Full Body Stretch and some exercises from the Dr.
This Morning: Oxycise

Calories for yesterday: 1515 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 187
Up: .8 (yesterday I was down 1.8, so I am still down overall)

Have a Blessed day!

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

February 26

1 John 5:4
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

The greatest enemy we face as we diet is not food, or the gnawing hunger we endure. No, the greatest enemy we face is the lack of faith we have in ourselves. When the going gets tough, our tendency is to throw up our hands in surrender. That cannot be allowed to happen. As faithful people, we are tied to a special power that comes from beyond us. We are recipients of the holy power of God. That same power raised Christ from the dead and enabled Him to overcome every temptation that this world could throw at Him. With that kind of power, how can we fail at anything we do?

Today's thought: To diet means to do it!

grannynancy 02-26-2019 09:41 AM

Good Morning - 134.8 - drop down. Yesterday was 18,774 steps, 1556 cal in / 1770 cal out. Today is planned at 1277 cal unless I get in my 15,000 steps. Actually I am going to up the requirement because I like adding ghee to my popcorn. so popcorn is fine at 15,000 steps but 17,500 for popcorn + ghee.

Already have in 10,311 steps as the "crazy lady" with the dog who bit me and who wound up being PTS in part because of my actions combined with those of other aggrieved parties who were either chased by or whose dogs were attacked by her dog, is off kilter again. Her Boston Terrier tried to bite a neighbor (who has a a very nice new puppy which he wants to keep that way) and he went off on her and threatened to shoot her dog etc. .... well it ramped her up and yesterday morning I had to jump off the road while walking as she buzzed to close - and no - the sun was not in her eyes and I was quite visible. She is unbalanced. So I have readjust my dog walks to be done before she leaves to take her kids to the bust stop. Which means I need to hit the pavement around 530 am.

Tonight after work is dog training with Beau. Doing building searches in a large print shop owned by a teammate. He is quite creative at hiding my training material. Tilly will get a short trail. His dog, Maya, who is live find off lead air-scent, will get some find and alert drills. Wed should be going to train half day with the police department; they are an hour drive each way but it is good networking and training. Thursday I really need to clean out my truck if the weather will allow. With all this rain it is pretty bad. Friday should be getting together with DD1 and the her DH and the grandkids for dinner and games (or maybe Sunday afternoon), Saturday is team training and Sunday is a scheduled search job with Beau.


Jules - I sure hope you find out what is in you! Eeeeeeek that must be scary. Do you eat raw fish?

Larry - I hope you are feeling better. Do you check with your cardio when things like that happen?

Rachel - New day today. You are doing well!

Flower - Yes I am looking for a good source of eggs. There is so much misleading info out there. I bought some that said "Certified Humane" and did some research and it sound like anything but.....I know our milk comes from a good place. I know Whole Foods sells some from a local farmer who actually does have a nice pasture raised flock but does not sell direct...I hate giving Jeff Bezos any more money than I need to considering how Amazon employees are treated.....It appears that the best products are "animal welfare approved" or find someone local. I can find approved eggs but have to drive a good distance.

Nancy - I hope your bump was a fluke and it is back down today

Diana - hoping the water floods out once you stop treatment and glad it is working so well

Jendiet - sounds like a good mom - making him get back on and conquering his fears!

jendiet 02-26-2019 01:29 PM

Granny, omg, what a crazy lady. Isn't that assault?? I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Ghee sounds good on pop corn. Yay on the target weight. Hope the training goes well.

Jules, I've freaked out about poop things before and it was onions or another vegetable. Black Walnut is supposed to kill parasites.

Diana, also praying no pain. Glad you are healing faster than expected. Praying water will flush right out.

flower, I pray you find what you need and get the best results from your added nutrition.

Rachel, yes I was asking if you had much higher or lower days. I did a lot of research about calorie cycling benefits.

Larry, I pray the pain leaves and your shoulder is loose, I get that kind of pain frequently.

Ciecie, sorry you had to reschedule with your dad.

Nancy, praying for numbers to reflect your hard work

syk, how many days left??

today had a pleasant drop...doing OMAD today. Going out to eat for dinner. Can't wait to leave.

178.6 today, not a new low, but close to it. My stomach is really grumbling but we are going to get chinese...so saving up all my calories. Early dinner makes a one hour eating window...hope my body is consuming fat for energy.

nancylmrn 02-26-2019 01:34 PM

Good morning/afteroon/eve to all
WI, yes it went back down but not to the low it was on Sunday...grr Tomorrow is my offical (LOL) weigh in for weight watchers. It is actually my DS real wiegh in at her meeting so I have set Wednesdays as my offical day too. Got my gym time in this am but was not as active as other mornings and I have accepted the fact that some mornings my body is not as agile as others or my energy level is not as high on some days.
I have a general Dr's appt today to get my b/p meds filled for another year and get a referal for my mamogram that needs to be done...ugggg. (Jen thinking of you), Tomorrow I have to take my car in for an oil change and a recall notice then in the evening a hair cut and highlights ...

granny I like your step/ratio/popcorn plan. I know what you mean about the ghee, do you make your own ghee in the instant pot or buy? I made some using kerrygold butter and like the flavor a great deal. And your crazy lady just never seems to go away!
diana I am so glad this round with shingles is not lasting as long or severe as the bout you had in the past.
flower I hope you have sucess in making your yogurt especially since the steps that you have outlined seem so complicated. I have made yogurt in my IP but not from milk 'close to the cow' so to speak
jules I hope all the tests come out fine or at least pinpoint the distress and can solve it soon
Rachael it is always a new day enjoy it to the fullest!
sykc when do you hear of your results???
:hug: to everyone else I have to get back to work, I have read all the posts xxoo

Syckgirlsfv 02-26-2019 01:45 PM

Ladies!!!! I PASSED! I am done with the CPA exam! Thank you Nancy and Jen for asking :D

I woke up every hour during the night and I'm tired, but I am beyond ecstatic today :dance: :yay:

I will post food later, so far I've only had coffee and some ham. TTYL! :wave:

nancylmrn 02-26-2019 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Syckgirlsfv (Post 5383123)
Ladies!!!! I PASSED! I am done with the CPA exam! Thank you Nancy and Jen for asking :D

I woke up every hour during the night and I'm tired, but I am beyond ecstatic today :dance: :yay:

I will post food later, so far I've only had coffee and some ham. TTYL! :wave:


All the stress is over and you can relax!!!!

grannynancy 02-26-2019 02:16 PM


Diana3271 02-26-2019 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Syckgirlsfv (Post 5383123)
Ladies!!!! I PASSED! I am done with the CPA exam! Thank you Nancy and Jen for asking :D

I woke up every hour during the night and I'm tired, but I am beyond ecstatic today :dance: :yay:

I will post food later, so far I've only had coffee and some ham. TTYL! :wave:

Awesome! Congrats! :congrat:

EmilyLarnder 02-26-2019 03:01 PM

Syck: Congrats!!

yesterday was a fasting day, I stayed under 500 cal.
Appetite is definitely starting to decrease a bit.

We officially booked our venue for the reception next year :D

JulesMarion 02-26-2019 04:03 PM

Congrats syck!

ciecie 02-26-2019 04:09 PM

Congrats syck! :D

Larry H 02-26-2019 04:58 PM

Syck Congrats!! :congrat:

I woke up this morning pain free. The pain came and left quickly. Rules out pulled muscle or sprain because I would still have that. I did not consider checking with my cardio.

Rain today and tomorrow here. Not heavy just steady. Looks like February 2019 will end up being Florida's 3rd highest all time average temperature for the month of February since records began. The 24 hour, 28 day average currently for February 2019 is 71.0 degrees.

jendiet 02-26-2019 06:02 PM

Yay Larry, pain is gone!

yay, Syck for passing CPA exam!!

Yay Emily on booking venue.

ok, we went and ate at Hibachi. I filled up fast on a huge plate of sauteed veggies, but still managed some favorites...

I came home threw the rack on the van, took off the trash, and I walked in the house and sneezed and had some watery diarrhea???

my stomach doesn't hurt, I'm not nauseous but my tummy is a little bubbly...I had smooth move tea last night due to constipation. Again, but I have never had incontinence from it....do you think it is the smooth move or is it another stomach bug trying to mess with me???

I ate some California rolls, some fried shrimp and some grapes near the sushi bar...1,021 calories, almost 200 from dr. Pepper.

not completely sure at this point, but hope it doesn't happen again.

going to watch some todd white

Diana3271 02-26-2019 09:56 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

DH wanted some type of Chinese food for dinner. I usually avoid this because it's too easy to eat too many calories and too much sodium. But there is a place that cooks what you pick out. The last time everything worked out because I told them no sauce. I noticed that they used water to steam the food. We went to a different place tonight. This place didn't use water they used some type of chicken broth. When I got my food, I could taste salt but there was no other additions. My dinner was very small and well within my calories but I am unsure of that broth.

Total Approx 1515 calories + https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...ges/coffee.gif

Breakfast ( 400 calories & https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...ges/coffee.gif)
spritz olive oil in pan
2 large eggs 140 calories
veggies 60
14 g. shredded cheese 50 calories
1 piece thin sliced bread toasted 60 calories
Fruit spread 30 calories
juice equivalent to 60 calories
coffee w/cream & sugar

Lunch (415 Calories)
2 pieces thin sliced bread 120 calories
Smoked Turkey Breast 50 calories
Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
Siggi's vanilla yogurt 110 calories
Apple 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)
cooked/grilled/steamed on a flattop w/shrimp broth, shrimp, zucchini, carrots, bean sprouts, mushrooms, green beans
1/2 cup chocolate ice cream

No workout for today. I finished up my month end stuff at work. I finished up my filing, cleaning the restrooms and dusting/cleaning the office. I don't usually get this done during work but I was able to get it worked in today. I am glad it's done. I am worn out after the gardening and office cleaning, LOL.

Have a Blessed evening!

Syckgirlsfv 02-26-2019 10:00 PM

Thank you everyone!!! :thanks: That was a long and winding road! Phew!

The temple brought in gluten free cookies and pie this afternoon :D and my friend / coworker ordered me an Asian Chicken salad from California Chicken Cafe :drool: for lunch She also brought me flowers and balloons. It was a great day!

Beyond the aforementioned foods I haven't had anything else. Not really hungry it was a big salad. DH brought home some nice red zinfandel, too.

Everyone have a great and peaceful evening! I am tired!

Rachel1234 02-27-2019 05:09 AM

Good morning
Syckgirl, I am thrilled to hear about the CPA exam!!! That is so exciting!! Awesome job!

Larry, So grateful your back pain is gone!!

Yesterday went pretty well. Met most of my goals. Only lifted upper body weights so will plan on Thursday for more. I don't want to weigh myself because I had retained water weight a few days ago so will wait awhile. Need to get more vegetables from the store.

Today's goals:
treadmill, situps & stretching, veggies, fiber, 2 liters water, 1200 calories.

grannynancy 02-27-2019 05:42 AM

Good Morning. 133.4 nice drop. drive by post. Busy busy day. Yesterday I got my popcorn and some - 21,682 steps, 1853 in 1972 out / poo fairy is being nice to me. - probably combination of new probiotic and increased vigilance to drinking water. Also backing off on weight training - need to start easing it back in.

Today is planned and is 1387 calories. On the menu is 2 eggs over medium, sprouted wheat toast, cheese, and a pear for breakfast. Lunch is yogurt, kefir, chia, granola, blueberries, walnuts and dinner is homemade hot and sour soup and an apple.


Larry - so glad the pain is gone. When we get older stuff like that is scary! (My husband has had two small heart attacks )

Nancy - Hoping the weigh in is good and the doctor visit goes well.

Rachel - the water weight is tricky when doing waits - Wait until a "whoosh" and you pee a lot.

Diana - Hope the salt was not too much

ciecie 02-27-2019 05:50 AM

larryh, congrats on waking up pain free! i'll have breakfast and work out in a few minutes.

Diana3271 02-27-2019 07:56 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...iles/wavey.gif

Last night: Full Body Stretch and some exercises from the Dr.
This Morning: Oxycise

Calories for yesterday: 1515 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 186.4
Down: .6

Have a Blessed day!

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

February 27

Colossians 1:10
That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.

Joining the army requires good physical condition and discipline. This is especially true of the army of the Lord. God gave us our bodies, our minds, and our souls. They are tied closely together, and each is to be taken care of as well as we are able. There is no excuse for flabbiness of body, mind, or spirit. It is important that we strive not only to do what is good for our bodies, but also to avoid anything that might be detrimental. As we avoid temptation, we strengthen our wills and make them over in the image of our Lord Jesus Christ's own will.

Today's thought: When I look my best, I look most like Christ!

kelijpa 02-27-2019 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Syckgirlsfv (Post 5383123)
Ladies!!!! I PASSED! I am done with the CPA exam! Thank you Nancy and Jen for asking :D

I woke up every hour during the night and I'm tired, but I am beyond ecstatic today :dance: :yay:

I will post food later, so far I've only had coffee and some ham. TTYL! :wave:


ciecie 02-27-2019 08:08 AM

good morning! just had breakfast and did 2 miles leslie Sansone. :D

kelijpa 02-27-2019 08:12 AM

Good morning all.
147.8 this morning

Would be shocking except we had chicken soup for lunch, lots of sodium and of course I ate too much of it.

Diana glad you’re healing faster, gentle :hug:

Flower your treatment sounds so interesting, hope all goes well.

GrannyNancy it’s unfortunate how other’s actions can disrupt our routine. Stay safe.

Ciecie sorry for your loss

Nancy are you doing WW online? I saw you said DS real weigh in. I have been weighing in on Thursdays but it’s not really working out since retiring and traveling. My friend and I are going to try Friday morning this week. The weather is playing a factor, too. Wishing you success.

Jendiet congrats on being in the 170s, you’re doing great! Hope all is well.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day:sunny: :grouphug:

ciecie 02-27-2019 08:17 AM

kelijpa, thanks.

nancylmrn 02-27-2019 12:12 PM

Good morning to all the beautiful chicks who come here for support!
WI yeah today was my offical WI and down 2.4 for the week, I am thrilled with that number! AND Dr. visit went good and he would like me to see how it goes if I decress my blood pressure med's So I will start that soon, I have two medications and he wants me to stop one and I will when the bottle is gone in about 7 days. But as a back up he called in a new prescription incase I need it. I did forget to get the paperwork for a mamogram but I can send the staff a message through my medical portal.
Made it to the gym again this am too. Got my 4,000 steps on the elliptical ( my own rule) then my upper and lower strength training only 8 exercises twice through upper weight increased to 20lb total and lower 40lb total. I can see the lower increasing at a faster pace than the upper.

kelijpa, I am kinda cheating with the WW, my DS lets me log into her online account so I can look up food points. I am keeping a few spreedsheets, 1. with foods I eat on a regular basis 2. one with my food log for the week. 3. one with my progress and mapped out for 12 weeks. It really helps me to have a history and a goal. So this was my first full week using the ww system, the 1st week I logged my first 3 days with my low carb eating and the points of course were sky high. So Saturday 2/16 I started full time with ww tracking. The end of the first week I was down .6 now I am down 3lb total.
granny when you focus you can really get your steps in and I love it!!!
rachael I so get water retention! OMG that is the story of my life
Diana you are just plugging away with your weight, you are almost at the 185 mark so cool
Jen if I had to guess I would say it was the smooth move that messed with your innerards, just my humble opionon

Back later I hope to catch up with the rest of you awesome chickies

Syckgirlsfv 02-27-2019 01:48 PM

morning everyone! was up a pound today, booooo! I'm sure from the salad dressing, Asian usually has either msg or sodium and since it was from a restaurant I didn't have a label to check. Cardio will happen tonight.

B - hard boiled egg
S - mixed nuts (brazil, filbert, almond, cashew
L - salad with grilled chicken / sliced filet mignon (from home barbecue)
D - probably turkey burger on cauliflower flat bread with cheese

jendiet 02-27-2019 04:41 PM

Nancy, I agree it was the smooth move, I had no other episodes, just wow though...it's the mildest, safest thing that doesn't make me cramp. I did ww online though posted material and spreadsheets. I got the formula so I could calculate the points of anything and used excel.

Diana, awesome job on eating Chinese food and not gaining aND another .6 down.

syck, I was up 1.4, but I did eat all kinds of salty things too. Its,not real based on your calories

keli, I've been bouncing in and out the 170s for over a month but thank you.

ciecie, great consistency as always. Hope visit with dad was nice.

Granny, you knocked it out of the park with those steps. Well deserved the popcorn.

Rachel, if I'm sore or eat salt I weigh just because I like to see how it affects my body but I get not wanting to. Goof job on the weight routine...

flower did you find your pop chips?

OK planned 1332 calories and ate 1700 Blah!! I got greedy for an ice cream bar even though I ate planned chocolate with dinner.
the fun size bars had more calories than I thought...

but considering I also ate a big early lunch..not too bad on calories.

I had 1 cup chopped kale, eggs, black olives, 2 slices provolone, 10 whisps, sprinkle nutritional yeast on top for lunch

ciecie 02-27-2019 08:08 PM

good evening! enjoyed my visit with dad today. went for a power walk and ran errands after I got home. :D

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