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Old 01-28-2017, 10:39 AM   #1  
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Default Slow/No Loss on Weight Watchers

Hi All! I hope the new year is treating you well!

I've seen some other posts about this on here, but they are older.

I'm dong WW Points Plus using the "Itrackbites" app for android. SO essentially, it's the exact same thing. This is the third week. I lost 5 pounds first two weeks and this week, I've lost .4 at most. I've been on averge, no more than 1-2 pts over this week. I haven't used any weeklies until last night. Even then, I have 35 left. I weighed again this morning and I had gained. I did eat more "junk" yesterday (it's been a bad week) but I was still within limits. I'm incredibly frustrated. I feel guilty for eating candy, but I track it and it's in my points.

Anyone else having very slow loss or stalling so soon on WW?
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Old 01-30-2017, 11:42 AM   #2  
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You most likely aren't stalling. It's pretty typical for weight loss to slow down after an initial whoosh of the first week or two.

The ultimate rate of loss will depend upon many factors, including how much you have to lose. If you are close to a healthy weight, you may not be able to practically lose more than an average of half a pound a week.

Even if you are at a starting weight where you can average 1-2 pounds a week, you will not always lose 1-2 pounds a week. Some weeks you will lose more, some weeks you will lose less.

Your body weight on any given day depends upon more factors than just how many calories you ate that week. Fluctuations of several pounds can occur, for example, due to water retention or release, which in turn depends upon things like exercise, hormones, salt intake, even weather. The food in your body that you haven't yet fully digested can weigh a pound or two also, so you can see fluctuations depending upon where you are in that cycle when you weigh.

Because of those fluctuations, you have to learn to take a longer-term view. The important question is not how much less do you weigh than a week ago, but how much less do you weigh than a month or two ago? To evaluate how fast you are losing on your current plan, you have to stick to it for a month or two and see where it gets you. I know it's frustrating, but please don't give up just because regular fluctuations can mask the progress you are making.
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Old 01-31-2017, 05:06 AM   #3  
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Dear me, you are not stalling! As the lady above me wisely said, you can not expect a steady, fast, sustianed weight loss curve even if you stick to your plan. Sometimes your body retains water, sometimes you can weight two pounds more than the previous day with no reason whatsoever. Other times you can lose a pound or two without even trying.

You need to carry on, faithfully, and you will see reasults long-term. Not on day to day basis.
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Old 01-31-2017, 09:15 AM   #4  
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Default Thanks!

Thank you very much for the encouragement. I needed it today. I've been dreading tracking this week just from being hectic, but you're right, a month or two before I switch plans. Thank you so much.
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