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Teri000 12-15-2016 06:46 PM

December 2016 goals

I got some work to do to make any great progress...

GettinFit: You are so good with those PBcups. I still have another bag in the basement. It is not open, so maybe it'll last awhile.

216/218/214/209.2/211/209 I was down a tad this am, but it will be up tomorrow.

EXERCISE: No exercise. Too cold to walk. I hear that the gold standard for walking is 10,000 steps. I was wondering HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO WALK 10.000 STEPS?

DIET: I ate a couple of jr Macs. I had a buy one/get one coupon. I thought a family member would eat the other one...but I ended up eating it 3 hours later. I made fresh lemonade with a lemon and stevia. That is a first time. Not as good as sugar.

OTHER: Got car undercoated. I did not go anywhere afterward, because I did not want to get it wet. But it turned out to be a really cold day all day.


EXERCISE: Do some biking indoors tonight. Swim tomorrow. I feel a little edgy and too eager to eat when I do not exercise.

DIET: use food mover. I am wondering if I could lose weight better by controlling my grocery spending. Am wonder WHAT IS A REASONABLE AMOUNT TO SPEND ON GROCERIES FOR ONE PERSON EACH WEEK? I think that I need to cut back on purchases at Sam's Club.

MonteCristo 12-15-2016 07:06 PM

Hi Ladies!

Sorry I haven't been around, just now feeling like a normal person again, and they've locked down the internet at work, so that cuts down on my posting time, lol Things are going ok so far, today is Day 5, and I managed my workouts and walks while sick (though that is all I did). I've been dreaming about Toblerone bars though. Luckily I don't know where to buy them locally, so I have to wait for them to be shipped here, maybe I'll have more self-control by the time they get here. :)

nancylmrn 12-15-2016 07:56 PM

Good eve for most :carrot:

Well so far op. Took my supervisor to lunch today (btw she is awesome) It took so long to get to our table we had to put it in a to go box and carry it back to the office without eating...Luckily for me I ate a very late breakfast and was not that hungry at lunch time. :dizzy:

I was going to make cod for dinner tonight but it looks like I will eat the lunch I never got to eat???;) Or leave it in the office frig and have for lunch tomorrow which sounds like a better choice.

Teri - hang in there a goal is something to strive for not set in stone
Keli, Diana, Gettinfit.....helloooooooo you rock
sundove, stay dry please

montecristo, good job on sticking with your lifting even when you feel awful

I think I need to compose another letter to my body....you know just to suck up and see if it works for tomorrow morning and hope that I will be back to my pre-drink weight by Saturday morning. :^:

I mean I went 5 days straight at 176.0 to 175.4 this am, low weight on Saturday was 174.8 and before that a solid 175.0...maybe this is wishful thinking. I know it is only a few oz. but for me the mental is so much more considering I have been doing induction phase with Atkins for almost 9 straight weeks and my loss is barely 10.0...this so sounds like I am whining --drats:hug:

Diana3271 12-15-2016 09:35 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

Sunday we are having our Christmas luncheon after church. Guess what I am bringing? . . . . SALAD! :lol: I'm not bringing my usual grilled chicken with it. I will eat the roasted turkey with it.

Tomorrow is my early day. I am already late for bed. Just lovely. :rofl:

I forgot to mention. Last night I didn't do my stretching or SI joint work and I felt better than I have in a while. Crazy body. Maybe one day I will figure it out.

Total Approx 1495 Calories + :coffee:

Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
spritz olive oil in pan
XL egg 80 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
300g. Mediterranean Blend Veggies 90 calories
14 g. Organic Valley feta cheese 30 calories
1 T. tomato paste 10 calories
1/2 Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 45 calories
1 T. pumpkin butter 25 calories
juice equivalent to 60 calories
coffee w/sugar/stevia blend and cream

Lunch (395 Calories)
Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 90 calories
2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham & lettuce 50 Calories
Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
Greek Yogurt 120 calories
1 Apple 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)
Salad w/smoked chicken & BHF's ranch 700 calories --> the smoked chicken was awesome!

KCM's Lean Body Circuits - boxing, upper body, lower body premix w/15's

Diana3271 12-16-2016 06:25 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave: TGIF! :carrot:

I am exhausted and in need of a weekend!

Nothing for last night or this morning, since it's my early day.

Calories for yesterday: 1495 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 173
Down: .4

Have a great day and start to your weekend!

nancylmrn 12-16-2016 10:45 AM

Well good morning!
WI---groveling to oneself does work---I am down that pesky 1lb gain and back on track again! :carrot: Now if someone will please point me to the no gain-again-alcohol....I will be forever grateful.

Today's plan, just stay op. not a big goal but achievable one day at a time. 1 week goal? please to be down 1lb, longer term goal (Jan 30) be down total of 20lb, not sure if it is realistic for me but I can strive for it :o

I will check in later gals

Make your day great no matter what you do :hug:

Teri000 12-16-2016 12:45 PM

December 2016 goals

I was bounced out after I typed a note. Ugh!

Wkend Boater, Hope that the kitty is eating. It is really hard, this stage of life. Maybe some water mixed with dry food, or water mixed with wet food would help. Maybe a little plain pumpkin (1/8 tsp) would help. My last cat liked a prescription hospital food I got from the vet.

216/218/214/209.2/211.9/209 Ugh! BUT it could be a lot worse.

EXERCISE: biked 30 min yesterday and 40 min today. :) It's a good sign when I can do something different!
DIET: no major glitches. Drank some lemonade yesterday made with stevia and a fresh lemonade. Cayenne pepper on eggs (again).
OTHER: mended some pants.

GOALS: more of the same, but with some wt. loss.

Have a good day!

GettinFit 12-16-2016 02:16 PM

Good Afternoon Ladies ,

- Glad you're feeling better.

Diana - Glad your body is feeling better too.

I'm doing good today. A little sad news at my work; the best boss I've ever had is moving on to another role. I'm one that don't like change if you've got a good thing. Turning to food for comfort crossed my mind but I fought the urges and so far, so good.

I just got back from a 45 minute walk and that helped to clear my head.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and is able to stay in control at all the parties & dinners :)

Hi to everyone else :wave:

Today's Log

B: Fruit salad, cheese, 1 mini carrot muffin, hot chocolate w/marshmellows
L: 1 C Gumbo, 1 Piece cornbread, 2 Dove Dark Chocolates
Exercise: Walked 45 mins.
No change in weight

Scotsgal 12-16-2016 03:10 PM

So I am like a full page behind :lol: I forgot how quick this chat goes. I should be back up on the internet properly tomorrow as it was meant to go on today but I am just a tech numpty and can't work it out lol. I am glad that some of you found it funny that I would disappear in the night in a taxi to avoid snoring :lol: Even funnier when he is still a very good friend, and I get on very well with his wife? :lol: I bet she hates it :lol:.

Anyway, weight just now is 280.4, I went up .1 from yesterday but still clinging to that darn edge. Tonight my mum was off to the city for a Christmas party, so I ordered takeout :o. I wanted to order something that was less in volume compared to a Chinese or Indian dish, so I ordered a chicken bbq wrap (which was quite small) with some fries, a can of soda and 3 small scoops of icecream. It was still a complete cheat meal, but I don't feel so horribly guilty. Tomorrow I will need to make sure that I have done my workouts, maxed up my steps and eat very very well.

I hope everyone is doing well :D

Weekend Boater 12-16-2016 05:17 PM

Hi ladies, TGIF! Happy Friday and start to the weekend. Quickie post for now, I am feeling very tired, have not slept well the past 2 nights but I hope to catch up tonight and not keep waking up.

Sun and Teri, thanks so much! The kitty rebounded yesterday and was eating! She did see the doc yesterday and it's kind of touch and go right now. She was not tolerating her meds well but without them her hyperthyroidism goes into full swing so we are going to try a dose every 3rd day and see how she does with that. Her gums are sore, moreso now after some prodding yesterday ....Teri ty for that input!!! wetting her dry food a bit sounds like a perfect thing to try right now! thanks...Sun, she was training me a bit! smile the doc said no ham so I got the little darlin' some turkey.

Sun, congrats on another great day and ty for the support too, smile, and the hug! I can't believe what you said about goign to go on the treadmill and do the bike, that is exactly really more of what I had in mind. Teri, congrats on those bike rides! Oh about the grocery shopping I have no idea, I do my shopping at market basket but DH goes to sam's for the t.p, paper towels and my inafamous red paper cups which I drink my ice coffee's out of all day! hahaha :) there is a big quantity for sure so the prices can add up over there.

Thanks to all of you for the support and encouragement. Diana, tis' the weekend and I hope you get a chance to catch up on some rest.

Monte, glad your feeling well again, it is so hard sometimes when we are not feeling well, hope you have a great new day tomorrow.

Nancy, yay on getting that 1 lb off! Your patience and perseverance will pay off in the end.

Keli, gosh on falling!!! Good thing you did not get hurt, it's scary falling like that. Stay warm, it's brrrrrrr outside.

GettinFit, something like that happened to me, em quite some years back and that boss was my mentor! I took it quite hard. I think what you did is so great! You fought the urge to eat for comfort and instead dealt with your emotions by going for a walk! WTG! Last night I was a bit down, I thought omg get me through the night! no wonder I turned to things when like that, it's about training myself with new habits now and learning to deal, eek! lol We went for a capaccino and I raced in the grocery store! You are doing great! stay strong and keep up the good work...working on doing the same.

scotsgal, LOL I am speechless on that one and tired so I can't really think..smiling. Chinese is so salty, bet you were glad you stayed away from it. Tomorrow is a new day and I hope it's a good one for you.

Sychgirl, Emily, Margot, Zonie, coolmom and allll of you, a big hello. Hope things are well and you have a happy weekend.

I think everyone is doing great and hanging in there during these holiday times, we still have 8 days to go until Christmas! One day at a time :carrot: I am still putting stars on the calendar.

I am behind on my journal I keep, I need to catch up. Yesterday I had tuna salad for lunch (f.fmayo, lettuce, onion, tsp relish) and packed some for DH too. (snack was some appetizer thing we got at the café, I nibbled on a few pieces of the mild salami and cheese, mustard, 1/2 slice of that thin bread (my first bread since I started). Dinner was leftover beef and cabbage. Today tuna again, I had about 30 cashews for a snack, yeah, and tonight it's going to be roast chicken with tomato salad and broccoli. Fudge pop for dessert.

Hope to catch up more tomorrow. Let's hang in there, hope we all have a good day and start to our weekend. Health and happiness to you all.

Diana3271 12-16-2016 11:22 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

I wasn't able to get a workout in today. Chaos struck with getting some parts at the last minute, DH broke down on the road with a truck, and I am up to my ears in Christmas cards. They exchange cards at church so that's quite a bit to do, too. I am almost finished with everything, it's almost midnight. :eek:

Total Approx 1495 Calories + :coffee:

Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
spritz olive oil in pan
XL egg 80 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
300g. Mediterranean Blend Veggies 90 calories
14 g. Organic Valley feta cheese 30 calories
1 T. tomato paste 10 calories
1/2 Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 45 calories
1 T. pumpkin butter 25 calories
juice equivalent to 60 calories
coffee w/sugar/stevia blend and cream

Lunch (395 Calories)
Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 90 calories
2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham & lettuce 50 Calories
Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
Greek Yogurt 120 calories
1 Apple 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)
Salad w/grilled chicken & BHF's ranch 700 calories

Writing out Christmas cards. :hohoho:

Waving HI all around!

nancylmrn 12-16-2016 11:43 PM

Well girls.....It was a good day; stayed op....and I really really wanted a drink but after having to almost get down on my knees to beg my body to get rid of that extra pound I am hesitant to have one.

My carbs and calories have been low the past few days which is really not good in the big picture, for example today my breakfast was late..11:30am. so was not hungry at lunch 1-2 pm so when I got home for dinner dh had already eaten so I ended up with a bit of ham and cheese then 2 chocolate low calorie, low carb, protein shakes. This is not a good way to eat

Tomorrow will be much more balanced.

*weekend boater. I have a calendar at work that has metalic smiley faces I use LOL

Diana3271 12-17-2016 08:46 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

Today I have my hair appointment. It was originally scheduled for next week but the hairdresser is going on a cruise. So, she got me worked in today. Yay for that. But that takes a lot of time, so my day will be a bit crunched. Chaos struck at work yesterday so I wasn't able to do my grocery shopping. So I will have to do that today, too. And I have planned an outdoor walk with my friend from church. Busy, busy, busy!

Last night I did: Christmas Cards! :elf:
This Morning: Oxycise in the Office 1

Calories for yesterday: 1495 + :coffee:
Weigh In 172.2
Down: .8

Have a wonderful day!

Weekend Boater 12-17-2016 10:59 AM

Good morning ladies, happy weekend! :)

I am feeling much better today. Kitty is eating ok (we got some new food and it's small). There is a snowstorm going on outside! It is supposed to stop this afternoon.

Yesterday went well, had the dinner as scheduled.

Today's menu
*breakfast-1 h.b egg
*Lunch-tuna salad (I already made it for us)
*Dinner-roast chicken, some salad (red wine vinegar and oregano) and some broccoli (plain as always). I really love green giant steamers (plain) I cook it for 5 min. and let it sit another 5.

I went grocery shopping again yesterday to pick up the fresh haddock shipment which came in (knew I would be trapped this morning) for Sunday's lunch, Having my parents over again. I will make potatoes for them and also have bread for them (giving them the leftover bread, I do NOT want any of that in the house, lol) and I am making green beans with sauce and salad which DH and I will enjoy as well.

Diana Nice going on getting those Christmas cards done! DH is after me to do ours (as every year, lol) and I have to do them this weekend. Speaking of hair, I am going up to do mine after logging here, I will feel so much better when it's fresh and it will look nice for Christmas. Enjoy the walk with your friend.

nancy good for you for resistant that urge :cheer2: this time around is the first time I am not going out on Sat. nights for Mexican and margs or free sat nights. Countless times in the past, and I mean countless, I would do great all week and then allow myself that weekend night and countless times I would lose 2-3 lbs. during the week only to gain it back after the weekend. OMG, and I kept doing it, trying to make it work I guess...finally accepted that for me, it just doesn't work (maybe I can maintain that way down the road), not now. We still plan things though, going out for a ride, a walk, a cappuccino, some Christmas shopping, etc. I need to have back up plans and alternatives! Always working on those and planning to implement more. Keep up the great work and have an awesome weekend! Oh I like that you have metallic smiley facesss! :) cool.

OMG, still snowing like the dickens out. I better get a move on and tend to myself and the house a bit, DH and I plan to go out for a cappuccino and do a few things later. Plan on looking for a good movie tonight.

Hope you are all having a great day and I will catch you soon. A big hello to all of you and a happy weekend.

Teri000 12-17-2016 12:17 PM

December 2016 goals

It is extremely icey today. It is supposed to be a lot better this afternoon, but I think I will not go out.

Wkend Boater: Glad to hear cat is doing better. There are support groups for people with cat health problems (i.e. yahoo). If your cat develops renal problems, Tanya's site is a good reference. Wiki might have something too.

EXERCISE: Was wondering about 10,000 steps--says on line at a moderate pace it takes 100 minutes! I don't do anywhere near that. Don't think I will get out today, so maybe I will bike 40 (again). Meant to do a second biking last night, but did not get to it.

DIET: read an article about budgeting written in 2011. On a thrifty budget a woman could spend about $160, moderate, $250, and splurging $315...and that does not include eating out. Maybe I will try a thrifty budget and see if it helps me lose weight...and use the extra money for something else. Anyway, my weight is about the same. Difficult to limit myself to one square of Giardelli's.

OTHER: mended a sweatshirt and wrapped gifts yesterday. Mended some leggings today.

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