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Teri000 12-14-2016 05:57 AM

December 2016 goals

Oops, I did "It" again...and it shows on the scale. I was feeling frustrated because I wasn't able to get my car worked on yesterday.


EXERCISE: walked in the snow for 40 minutes. I watched a school bus idling at the top of a big hill while other cars were waiting to drive up.
DIET: I had been careful with a bag of peanut butter cups all week. Took them to a social event and brought the leftovers back home. Did not touch them all week, but yesterday, I ate two servings and then I munched on a box of "cookie" cereal (Cracklin Oat Bran) in front of the tv.
OTHER: I went through a stack of Rachel Ray magazines, which have been sitting for 6 months plus. I tore out some healthy recipes that I wanted to keep.

IdealProteinNewbie 12-14-2016 07:19 AM

Diana: Of course I had to Google the Squatty Potty and I no longer see Oprah pushing something out or Ellen crying but someone sitting on a toilet :lol:

Diana3271 12-14-2016 07:51 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

IdealProteinNewbie :lol: Both of them need a squatty potty. Problems solved! Just don't watch the unicorn video if you enjoy soft serve. :rofl: I think you would also be traumatized if you like rainbow sherbet. :lol:

Teri Today is a new day.

Sundove Yay for having a full day. I wonder if it was your food choice or if it was just a good day?

Last night I added on: A full body stretch on my own and SI Joint exercises on my own
This Morning: Oxycise in the Office 3

Calories for yesterday: 1495 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 173.4
No Change

Have a great day!

kelijpa 12-14-2016 08:30 AM

Good morning all!

Sorry about the trauma Diana :rofl: I can't even...

MonteCristo hope you're feeling better soon.

weekendboater a woman at my WW meeting started going to a personal trainer a few weeks ago, she loves it, always talking it up, hopefully it works out as well for you.

177.2 this morning, my breakfast, Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries, lunch squash soup, last night dinner tortilla crusted tilapia and roasted cauliflower, one beer. If I could eat like that every day I'd get to goal a lot quicker:lol:

Hope everyone has a great day:sunny: :grouphug:

GettinFit 12-14-2016 09:45 AM

Good morning everyone :wave:

I'm back from FL and my Mom is doing much better. She is still in the hospital but may get to go home tomorrow or Friday. It was good seeing her back to her usual self before I left. I did really good with my eating while I was away. The only exercise I was able to get in was some walking around the hospital. When I weighed this morning I was down 2 pounds since last Thursday. My current weight is 205.6. I'm getting so close to onederland:carrot:

I will catch up on reading later but I hope you all have a great Wednesday.

Today's Log
Wt. 205.6

B: Thomas mini bagel, DoFino cheese, orange, coffee w/flavored creamer
L: Lean Cuisine, 1 Serv Brookside Dark Choc/Pomegranate Flav
S: Skinny Pop, Cashews
D: Lean Cuisine Pizza, 4 Dove Dark Chocolates
Exercise Walked 45 mins

Weekend Boater 12-14-2016 12:18 PM

Hi ladies, hope you all had a good night and woke up to a good new day today. I slept well and feel much more rested today. Another nice sunny day.

Sundove thank you so much too! :) kelijpa thanks as well, that is good to hear that your friend loved it. Sounds like you had a good day, wtg. Well, I was supposed to go tomorrow for a consult and I cancelled this morning. My kitty (she is 15) is still not eating and I called her doc to squeeze her in tomorrow if she can. I'm never happy when one of my babies are sick. I hope she makes another rebound. Lost my doggie of 16 years last Feb, it still plagues me but we do the best we can. Trying to keep my chin up, I just gave some ham to my kitty and she ate that! Anyhow, thanks so much for the kind words and support. I will see what happens here and how things go, I should at least start here while I can through the holidays until things settle, I need a good outlet.

Sundove another great day under your belt! Congrats, your menu is looking great :carrot:

Diana and Keli I can just imagine about the squatty potty, lol. I am with sun on this one! hahaha I love dairy queen and they don't open until March and yes.....I plan on going probably when they open up! :) I bet the vid is hilarious, you know what commercial I think is ridiculous? Those toilet paper bears, one is called skid.....what I really hated was when one whispered to the other that it leaves you so clean you can wear your underwear twice! Every mom must of cringed! It was not on the air long, LOL.

GettinFit yay on all of your news! I am so glad your mom is much better and congratss on losing 2 more lbs! woot :cheer2: You are so close to onderland, keep up the great work...smile.

Teri I am sorry that you had a bad day yesterday and hope your new day today is a good one. Kudos for walking in the snow for 40 min.!

A big hello to all you ladies out there. So far so good here, yesterday went well. I am going to be needing some sort of outlet, it's supposed to be 19 here tomorrow so I doubt I go out walking but I do have some projects I can do and the groceries will need to be stalked up. I can't believe it's the 14nth....we are nearing Christmas! Let's keep it going......hugs to you all.

Menu: beef night for sure with cabbage, making the casserole dish. Had plenty of veggies last night, broccoli and spinach. Lunch will be some lean protein and a salad after inbetween.

Teri000 12-14-2016 02:40 PM

December 2016 goals
Hi there,

I'm back again.

GettingFit: Glad to hear your mom is getting better.

?: Not sure why German friend thought walking was better. I think she was speaking in reference to losing belly weight. Maybe if you walk, you improve circulation in legs and then it is safer for losing that nasty belly fat...Maybe she thought it was a better exercise for someone who is just starting out getting fit and losing weight. Alternatively, I met a diabetic who told me that the only exercise she could do without symptoms was water aerobics. I wondered if paraplegics are more prone to certain diseases because they can not use their legs, but a doctor I talked to did not think so. The yoga people think you should balance exercise throughout your body.

I have heard people say that you should not work out longer than an hour...wonder if you deplete nutrients...wonder if you are more prone to getting slower metabolism if you work out too much/eat too little. Sometimes, I take a break from exercise and lose weight.

EXERCISE: Went for a 40 min. walk. The snow is melting so the road was halfway clear.
FOOD: So far, okay...tried ground red cayenne pepper on my eggs. Not bad. Drank some cranberry green tea. Have not had tea in years. GOSH, I am hungry...

GettinFit 12-14-2016 03:14 PM

Thanks Ladies!

Teri000 - I hope today is going good for you. You reminded me that I have a small jar of Reese's PB cups in my desk drawer that was given to me at Halloween. I'm going to see how long I can leave them there :)

Weekend Boater - 19 degrees!!! Oh my!!! Stay warm.

I just got back from a 45 min walk on the track here at work. The temp is 52 so it was a perfect walk. I know when I get home tonight I will not be up to exercising so I wanted to get it in before going home.

I hope everyone else is having a great Wednesday.

Diana3271 12-14-2016 09:10 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

I hope you are doing well tonight.

Total Approx 1495 Calories + :coffee:

Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)

spritz olive oil in pan
XL egg 80 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
300g. Mediterranean Blend Veggies 90 calories
14 g. Organic Valley feta cheese 30 calories
1 T. tomato paste 10 calories
1/2 Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 45 calories
1 T. pumpkin butter 25 calories
juice equivalent to 60 calories
coffee w/sugar/stevia blend and cream

Lunch (395 Calories)
Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 90 calories
2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham & lettuce 50 Calories
Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
Greek Yogurt 120 calories
1 Apple 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)
Salad w/grilled chicken & BHF's ranch 700 calories

KCM's Amped Up Cardio - Workout 1

nancylmrn 12-14-2016 09:20 PM

Good evening ladies, this is a late post for me

It looks like everyone is getting over the trauma of the squaty potty including me...;)

I had a good day and have been op for 3 days solid, had one drink on Sunday (1oz of vodka), last Saturday I had 2.5 oz of Vodka and Last Friday night 3.5 oz of vodka with 5 cookies.....so

Dear Body, you brain would like to apologize to you for drinking alcohol nearly a week ago and eating 5 cookies. You made your point by pushing the scale up 1 full pound but isn't it time to let it go? I have pushed more water than necessary, took you for walks and even treated you to some high protein chocolate shakes! Will you forgive me and release the pound?

Thank you....

Think this will work??:?:

I will check in with you tomorrow

Sundove 12-14-2016 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Diana3271 (Post 5290214)
Sundove Yay for having a full day. I wonder if it was your food choice or if it was just a good day?

Thanks Diana! I think it was combo of being busy with no time to get the boredom munchies, and the aftereffect of the weekend's indulgences. It was a nice break from hunger!

Weekend Boater Thank-you for the support! I'm sorry to hear your kitty isn't eating & hoping she is just training you to feed her ham. :crossed: Oh that's sad about your doggie. :hug: :hug: You are doing great on your weight loss plan. I used to go to the gym and walk on the treadmill or pedal the stationary bike with my favorite music. I always felt great afterwards.

nancylmrn I loved your post--I hope it works. :)

Calories 1259
B veg/egg scramble, protein shake/cashew milk in coffee
L Salad with chicken, Walden Farms 1000 Isl dressing, evoo
D Tofu & veg saute
S No Cow bar, orange, rest of protein shake

Time to batten down the hatches. There is a rainy windy storm coming tomorrow with high tides.

kelijpa 12-15-2016 06:35 AM

Good morning all!

Freakin cold here, something like 13 degrees and some wind. I decided to go in a little late, bleh. Ate my spinach for breakfast, hopefully iron will be good for blood donation. So, last night I'm in bed and reached over my shoulder for the light and...rolled right out of bed onto the floor. :rofl: luckily no injuries, I had a hard time falling asleep after that, I kept thinking about it and snickering:lol: glad it was something I can laugh about, but will definitely be more careful about where I'm at in relation to the edge of the bed.

177.8 this morning, 0.2 down from weigh in day last week, so looks like I managed my first Xmas event without a gain, may bake cookies this weekend, so we'll see how that goes.

Nancy thanks for the smile :D

Diana :wave: two months since my last TTOM and the hot flashes are coming pretty regularly, hoping that's a good sign...

Sundove stay safe and dry!

Hope everyone has a great day:sunny: :grouphug:

Diana3271 12-15-2016 07:27 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

Not enough sleep last night and tomorrow is my early day. I should be pretty exhausted by the weekend. :lol:

Kelijpa Yay for getting through the first holiday event. Gosh, I'm glad you weren't hurt. On another forum a check-in buddy was talking about two acquaintances that passed away this month. They were both in their 50's and had what was thought to be minor falls. But they both ended very badly. So sad. I don't know why my TTOM has gotten more regular. The first half of the year it was looking like things were coming to an end. :dunno:

Nothing for last night, I stayed up late watching the Survivor finale
This Morning: Oxycise in the Office 1

Calories for yesterday: 1495 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 173.4
No Change

Have a great day!

GettinFit 12-15-2016 09:59 AM

Good morning ladies,

Nancy - I love your note to your body :)

All is good with me. I plan on staying on track today and on getting up from my desk and going out to the track for a 45 min walk sometime today. I have managed to resist all the goodies around me and I just need to stay focused the rest of the month. I want this to be the first December that I have successfully stuck to my plan for the entire month. Then, come Jan 1, I won't be depressed about having to lose the weight I've gained in Dec as I always am.

I hope you all have a great Thursday :)

Today's Log

B: Steal cut oatmeal w/peaches, 1 tbsp brown sugar & cinnamon, orange, tea
L: Salad w/shrimp, honey mustard dressing, 2 Dove Dark Chocolates
S: Skinny Pop, apple
D: Lean Cuisine, Great Value ice cream cup
Exercise: Walked 1 hr

nancylmrn 12-15-2016 10:47 AM

Hey gals just jumping on for a quick hello....

Note to body worked a bit this am, guess I need a full down on my knees apology with flowers to recover 100 per cent.

We had a luncheon yesterday...they brought in mexican food. ugg. I did ok though, took the lettuce, tomato cheddar cheese, and a little taco meat and made a huge salad....no shells, chips or guac for me!

Today have usual menu
eggs for breakfast
large salad for lunch
fish for dinner
choc protein shake dessert

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