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Kempyd 08-28-2003 11:09 AM

Jackie are you following me? ;)

You are going to love this group too. We aren't just limited to talking about lifting like the other thread does. Don't get me wrong I love the other thread too but I have been chatting with some of these girls since I started. (Almost an year now Angie and Noelle and Chris)

I hope you stick with us.

angieME 08-28-2003 11:23 AM

Dips, I love yorkies!! That would be my choice for another dog. Either that or a Cairn Terrier. Can you tell I am a terrier woman? :lol: I love their little pissy attitudes. They are the boss and they want everyone to know it. When I put Cappie on Petfinder I saw an ad forone in Maine that is 12 but she needs a new home. Poor girl.

Jackie, Welcome! You should like it here we definately talk about everything. Heck, I'm not even doing good on my diet but I still love to talk to everyone because they are such great FRIENDS!!!

Kempy, I have been meaning to go back and find the first day we all posted together for our 1 year anniversary date. Sad aint I? :lol:

Everyone having a good day? Mine is going well so far.

angieME 08-28-2003 11:25 AM

Oh yeah, Kempy, Maybe I can move down by you still. The big new account decided to leave her husband so he shut the store down on her. Lovely huh?

jelynn 08-28-2003 11:32 AM

Good morning! Hope everyone is having a great day so far. I am trying!!! I've been seriously stuffing my face and I don't know why!! I feel like it's emotional, but seriously I'm pretty happy- maybe a little stressed with 3 little kids, but not an excuse IMO. Had a serious run in yesterday with Haagan Daaz (speaking of peanut butter and chocolate!) and licorice and the day before with rhubarb-blueberry crunch with DQ soft-serve...
And I'm paying for it today! I feel so sick. I've committed to eating clean today and lots of water so here goes...

Fun to see everyone's pictures! Kempy and Holly- you both look great! I'm trying to think what pictures I have and I think they are all post-partum, which NO ONE gets to see- lol.
Hmmm, actually I found one that said it was too big. Maybe I'll attach one of my kids.
Noelle- took a look at that house and it's pretty much the same size as ours...yowza on the price-tag!!
Angie- I'm so glad Cappie got adopted and you are feeling better about things!
Summer- glad you got your computer running again. Ours crashed last year and I went without for too too long! It's still not right and we'll probably get a new one (And high speed finally!) this fall. Hope you settle into your school year! MY oldest is starting kindergarten on the 9th- we all so excited!
Hi to everyone else!! :wave:
Well, we are done vacationing (aside from a quick trip this weekend) and I'm ready to really make a change. Ian is 4 months old now and IT"S TIME!! My 35th birthday is next June so thats my goal date- 50 down would be great. My parents are going to China for a year to as I think I've mentioned and I would LOVE to look better when they get back!!

Well, have a ~*wonderful*~ day everyone!


Kempyd 08-28-2003 12:30 PM

Come on down Angie!!! As long as you can take the heat you are more than welcome. You can always do what we do and stay inside in the AC when it is hot. lol

jackieO 08-28-2003 01:06 PM

Good to see you here Kempy, and thanks for the welcome Angie. I am glad to be on a board where a lot of chatting takes place. I like the LWL site also, but usually no one but sweet Kempy responds to me. ever since I broke the news that I was trying to do a lower carb diet, no one has chatted back. I guess they disagree with my way of eating. But it works for me....Talk to you all soon!!!

angieME 08-28-2003 04:51 PM

Good afternoon. I had Jay go buy some lowfat sour cream and I made lowfat onion dip and Wow chips for snacking tonight. I figure the munchies WILL hit so I will have something lowfat handy to munch on until I can get my groove back.

Kempy, I would love to move down closer to you. It would be so cool to be able to hang out all the time. If only I could actually move. :lol: Jay did tell his mom that maybe we would find a town we like on the way to Florida and move and open our own bakery there. I wished I had the guts to just pick up and move.

angieME 08-28-2003 04:55 PM

Jackie, I am a firm believer in doing what works for you. I myself have to eat low calorie to lose anything for weight and I also try to cut fat. So good for you, if you are getting results that is what really matters, right?

Hey, I just noticed that you are from Louisiana too. Do you and Kempy live close to each other?

jbbm 08-28-2003 05:03 PM

Hello everybody, Welcome Jackie. I am a newer member here also. These girls are just so nice to talk to. Angie your dip sounds good. I know I will probally have the munchies tonight also while watching the VMA's and hubby watching football. He'll probally have the movie butter microwave popcorn and I will eat something lowfat.;) (maybe sneek a few pieces) Well have a good Thursday. Bye for now. Julie

chikitababe 08-28-2003 07:19 PM

Hey Ladies! I have to tell you I had the BEST lowfat ice cream bar tonight. It's called Slim-a-Bear, by Klondike. 1 Sandwich has 130 calories and 1.5 grams of fat (0 saturated), 4 grams of protein, 3 grams fiber. They are YUMMY :love: !

I tried to eat a little more today, I had a slim fast meal on the go bar for breakfeast, a bowl of Special K for lunch, 2 fat free fig newtons, 7 or so fat free pringles, and for supper we went to Applebee's and I had 1/2 chicken sanwich w/o the bread, and 3 broiled potato halves, with the slim-a-bear for dessert. Man, that sounds like too much food :ink:.


jackieO 08-29-2003 09:24 AM

Angie- Kempy and I have discussed living in Louisiana before. She lives about 45 minutes away from me!!!

angieME 08-29-2003 09:56 AM

Good Morning!!! This is the last busy weekend of the summer for my business. That sucks because I didnt manage to get anything paid ahead for the winter. YIKES!!! That is life I guess. :lol:

Dips, Any word on the new job yet? Good luck with it. I hope you get it.

Kempy, Any new pics to scan? I love seeing everyones new pics.

Noelle, How are you this week? Been busy?

Kempyd 08-29-2003 11:27 AM

Hey guys! It is finally Friday. Joe and I are going to try to hit the beach one last time b4 summer is gone. With the heat the way it is here I don't think summer will ever be over.

We have these nasty little bugs here called lovebugs. (Jackie I know you know what these are) The come out for 2weeks twice a year. They mess up your car and get in your house. I really have no idea what their purpose is and I wish I had a pic so you could see them. This year they are all over my hummingbird feeders. Poor birds they are trying to eat anf the holes are covered by mounds of these bugs. YUCK!

Here is a map to let you see how close Jackie and I are. I live in Ponchatoula and she is in New Orleans. Sorry, it is kind of blurry

Kempyd 08-29-2003 12:01 PM

Oh yeah, Noelle What we are doing for DU is planning a banquet. I know you asked me earlier about it. We have all sorts of auctions to raise money. We buy things from vendors that have Duck's unlimited products and either set them up for silent auction or do a live auction. We are working on getting door prizes for a small raffel too. It is really like planning a wedding. We have to get a big program together but we are trying to get the printing donated right now. Everything we do is almost on the level of begging if you ask me. :lol: I really am having fun though. All of the money go to the preservation of our habitat land. It really is a good cause so I don't mind all of the hard work.

angieME 08-29-2003 01:24 PM

Kempy, are they like Lady Bugs? red with black dots? We get those bad up here in the fall. They are all over the inside and outside of the houses. I like ladybugs but not when my house looks polka dotted. :lol:

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