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angieME 08-18-2003 10:57 AM

Mornin!!! I had a snack attack last night. Lots of Blue Bunny(ff) and a small tuna sandwich. Geesh, I am getting bigger as we speak and yet I wont stop munching. Why do we do it to ourselves?

Cappie tried to eat Meatball(the cat) this morning. I knew Shadow had to walk by him so I went over to walk in between them with him and Cappie still spazzed out and went after him. I wonder if it would go quicker if I just took him to the shelter where someone could take him right then and there and not have to go through us. I dont know what to do. I know he cant stay but I was hoping he would get adopted this weekend too. I know Shadow wasnt too happy about it.

It is pretty cool this morning. Jay quivered on the walk. HAHA :lol:

Gosh, not much happening with me. I hope everyone else had a more exciting weekend. :lol:

Kempyd 08-18-2003 11:32 AM

Sorry guys. I had company over the weekend so I couldn't get on the site. They showed up and surprised us so we just did lots of hanging out. We hit this little Italian rest. in my town and it was awesome. They make everything as soon as you order it. None of the pasta is premade it si was really fresh and I can tell you that we will be going back again.

I am getting back on my plan for my last week of my first cycle. I will be starting a new sculpting cycle on the 25th. I think I would have done well for the challenge if I hadn't gotten sick. Who would have thought that a vacaton woul make you sick? :lol:

How are you guys doing on this wonderful Monday. If there is such a think.

Oh yeah, today is Joe's b-day he is 29. He still can't decied what he wants. So, I am just sitting at work trying to figure out what to do for him.

Cosmopolitan Girl 08-18-2003 11:38 AM


Hi there! You got great mucles going on!

Lovely pictures!

What was your highest weight?

Just curious?

: )

melekalikimaka 08-18-2003 06:00 PM

Hey everyone. I'm back from my Maui weekend (I'm starting to sound like a broken record aren't I? :lol: ) and we all had a good time. It is SO RELAXING over there. We had a storm passing by the islands from the east so it was extremely windy the first 2 days we were there. It was almost like hurricane winds--with the howling sound going on. Luckily it wasn't very cold. Yesterday it got back to it's normal hot temps and was a bit humid. We drove down to the south side resort areas and just schlepped around for the day. It was so windy near Kihei that it was like a sandstorm! My nephews brought their boogie boards but they didn't even touch water, it was too rough. We ate a lot of shave ice, banana and mango breads and I ate too much--but I'm back and ready to start my "get ready for Bangkok" diet. I put my travel deposit down yesterday and have to pay the bal. by mid-September so I am definitely going to Bangkok in November!!! I am so excited! All my sisters (7 of us) + my mom are going--this is going to be an awesome experience!!!

Kempy those are great pics. You guys look so happy and relaxed. You look wonderful! Sending b-day wishes to Joe, the young pup! :hb: :hat: :dancer:

Angie have the cats ever lashed out at Cappie? I know when our dogs used to "rush" the cats, all it took was one swipe with the claws and the dogs left them alone. Hope you can find someone to take him soon. It's such a dilemma. Hang in there!

Summer, my condolences on being back in the classroom. At least you have a week's reprieve w/out kids. Let's both get on the "healthy" train and get ourselves looking good for 2004.

Gosh I just looked at the clock and it's almost noon--I gotta step out and pick up my boy from school.

:wave: Hi to all~~ Summer/GEM, Holly, Emily, Chris, Tonya and CG...hope I didn't skip anyone. i'll be back later. Aloha!

TonyaS 08-18-2003 07:24 PM

oh my goodness, I am here! :)

sorry ladies, my life has been so busy!

the good news is the busier I get, the less I eat :D

my last weigh in was last thursday, it was 123 , wooohoo !

Kempy you look great!

I am SO behind on what's going on in all your lives, I promise I will catch up!
Kempy , I did get a glance at your pics, wow!!! you look really good ! :D

angieME 08-18-2003 07:55 PM

Yeah, Meanie(my old cat) smacked him last weekend and he tried to take his head off. He went after him every chance he could that day. Today has been bad with him. He has chased them all day. Jay is going to take him back to the shelter on Wednesday or Thursday I think. This way he will be there for the weekend and maybe someone will fall in love with him. It wouldnt be hard to do he is so pretty. I always thought the dogs would be better after time of living with someone. I have never seen them get worse. :lol: While I was at the vets the other day she showed me her arm after she tried to rip an Akita off her cat the other night. She had teeth marks all over her arm. I definately dont want that to happen. Poor kitty. I was wondering why he wasnt in the office. He is scared to go in now.

I have done good today on my diet but the BB is calling my name.

Noelle, glad you had fun on your weekend getaway. We were thinking about taking the kids somewhere for the night in the RV on Saturday.

Kempy, Tell Joe Happy Birthday!!!!

angieME 08-18-2003 07:56 PM

TONYA CONGRATS ON YOUR WEIGH IN!!!!! I would love to be that tiny!! You are awesome girl!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!

Summerlover 08-18-2003 08:16 PM

Welcome back Noelle. Glad you had fun in Maui.

Angie, I'm so sorry you are going through this with Cappie. I think you are better off bringing him to the shelter. It is a lot easier to fall in love with a live dog rather than a picture.

Tonya, congrats on the weigh in. Wow, I don't think I've been 123 since I was like 13!

Kempy, happy birthday to Joe! There's nothing like fresh pasta is there? I dated an Italian guy for 6 years, and his mother would throw together manicotti from scratch like it was nothing...and it would just melt in our mouths.

Hi GEM, Holly, Dips!

My classroom was in pretty good shape today. I spent 3 hours organizing while my daughter played in the learning centers. There are a lot of rumors floating around right now. They are eliminating a kindergarten, and there will be some bumping going on. Being that this is only my 3rd year teaching, I could end up teaching any grade in any school. There are a couple of 2nd year teachers who are more likely to get bumped, except that my grade, pre-k, is a highly desirable grade. Everyone is jealous of me that I have these darling little 4 year olds who behave very well. What they forget is how hard I work at laying down the law in the beginning. I provide routines, structure, rules, and consequences so that my classroom is usually calm and productive. The only time I have a problem is when a child is special ed, and has emotional problems and therefore, behavior problems above and beyond the norm. And even then, I can usually control most situations by being stubborn and sticking to my guns. The kids know who's boss. Anyway, everyone thinks my job is easy, and they are wrong. So, since I am in danger of being bumped, I'm setting up my room, but I will be leaving most of my own property at home until I know where my permanent placement will be. I don't want to move twice.

My eating is atrocious...totally stress eating!:cbg:

Take care all, Summer :flow2:

Dips'n'twists 08-19-2003 02:42 AM

Ciao Ladies,

So much is happening this week, hence my not posting as frequently but I have been doing well. I go to the Gym 6 days a week and I'm eating healthier than ever. I'm waiting til the end of the week to weigh in. But i'll let you all know

Tonya- Speaking of weighing in...YOU GO GIRL!! 123 is my dream weight! i'm so proud of you, girl. How's about some pictures!!

Angie- How's it going, Chica. Keep your head up about Cappie, such an adorable pup cannot be turned away for too long. Glad your diet is still going well. Keep it up.

Noelle- welcome back. Very good to hear from you.

Summer- i know you're stressing now with school starting up and all but you have to find a better stress reliever. I won't yell today because I know you didn't mean it :) but I'll give you til the end of the week and then it's no more miss nice chick.

Kempy- What's up Missy. You are looking rather muscular these days. You can probably beat joe up now :)



angieME 08-19-2003 08:30 AM

Hi Everyone!!!

Summer, our school did a huge close down last year. Thay shut down 2 elementary schools in our district completely and then they moved my 4th and 5th grade kids into the middle school. I was not too happy about that. I didnt want my 9 year olds hanging out with 7th and 8th graders. Luckily, they keep the lower grades away from the older kids. All in all it worked out good.

I feel so old!!! I just realized that I have a 12 year old (in October)daughter who is in the 6th grade!!!AAHHH!!! Where did the time go? Now is when all the teenie stuff is gonna happen. I was a total nightmare for my parents so I can only imagine what Brit is going to be like.

I cant wait until Christmas!!! I want to go on vaca!!!!

Well, I need to buckle down and lose some weight. I was writing up orders and it dawned on me that it is August 19 already. I totally blew this summer with dieting. I got on the scales today and they say 147!!!!YIKES!!! I am bloated and I need to get rid of this weight. That would mean that I have gained back 9 pounds in 2 months. WOW!!!! I told Jay that I need to do this I dont want to gain another 9 before Florida so I had better do it now.

Dips, Way to go on eating right and exercising. I need to follow your lead.

Kempyd 08-19-2003 09:35 AM

Thank all of you guys for the complements. I don't feel very muscular though.

Cosmo I am 5'7". my highest isn't really that high but it was for me. I got up to 169. I wasn't working out at the time so I know it was not muscle weight at the time.

Anige I can't even imagine having to go through what you are with Cappie. I reamember how happy you were when you brought him home.

OK I am done with drinking. (this makes me sound like and alcoholic) I am serious though. Joe and I have fought more in the past two weeks than we ever have and we don't fight normally. It is all b/c we have been drinking and tempers get hot. We went out for his b-day and we ended up fighting about something I can't even remember. I am sorry if I sound like a lush but I am just tired of having it out with the love of my life just b/c I have had a few drinks.

chikitababe 08-19-2003 10:29 AM

Hey! How is everyone? I am ok. I stepped on the evil scale this morning and it said 152. So much for the 151.5 :(. I guess I can use the excuse that it is my TOM, and maybe it will come off after it's over? My husband has this health book that states your ideal weight is 106 pounds for the first 5 feet, and then 6 pounds for every inch thereafter. That would put my ideal weight at 139. That doesn't really give a range, but I guess that number is ok. I really struggle with losing weight. My husband, on the other hand, who is 6'2 and 235, lost 3 pounds in a week, and wasn't even trying! He has decided to try this healthier eating lifestyle with me. I am so proud of him because he eats sooo much junk right now, and he is willing to try. He said the sweetest thing to me last night. I have NEVER told him how much I weigh, but, last night asked him how much he thinks. He said 130, LOL. I said, thanks, but, nope. I told him 152, and he said, I never would have guessed that. I said, so, you probably don't think I am skinny now, huh! He said, hun, the numbers don't really matter, you look thin, and that's good!


Nice pics! You are fortunate to be 5'7, I used to be 5'6, but, am now somewhere between 5'5 1/2 and 5'6. How is your eating plan going?


Great weigh in!! I have never been 123. How long did it take you to go from 165 to 123? I seem to be stuck. I have been exercising so much, walking between 5 and 6 miles a day and doing pilates 3 times a week.


Good luck when your daughter turns 13! I can't imagine what it is going to be like when my kids are teens, when my 3 are all teens, they will be 13, 14, 17...EEK! You seem to struggle with your weight like I do. It is soooo easy for me to gain, but soooo hard for me to lose.


Hi! I hope to visit Hawaii some day before I get too old! The weather seems so nice! How have you been?


Way to go on the healthy eating!! Keep up the good work!

Hi to Summer, GEM, CG....anyone else I missed!!


TonyaS 08-19-2003 12:14 PM

Thanks guys! :)

I lost my weight doing weight watchers, running on my treadmill for 30 minutes at least 3 times a week. I quit eating fast food, I treated myself to Wendy's like once a month or less. I switched from 3 Dr. Peppers a day, to one or two diet coke's a day, or less. I drink 100 oz of water every day, and I never ever go without a sensible breakfast.

I started using fitday.com about 2 months ago, and I really like it, I try to stay under 1300 calories per day. I have made saturdays my day to take a break, don't even keep track. I am still sensible though :)

anyhow, here are a few pics.. But they are not very recent, a few months old, so probably weight is near 130. I have a really recent one but I need to scan it, I will try to do that today and post it later :)


this last one is so goofy :p haha, but at least I am standing up!

Angie, your pic is so cute! you are looking so good, all you girls are doing so good :D

Holly, it took me a long time! haha, I started Aug 21 last year at 165. My highest ever weight was 190 after childbirth... it took me a few years to get to 165, then probably about 4-5 months to 130. I hit 130 last December, and have slowly gotten into the 120's. I am only 5'4", so 120 is perfect for me, I wish I could just get there! but I guess the slower the better, easier to maintain no ? :)

TonyaS 08-19-2003 03:39 PM

Here's a more recent one, within the last 3 weeks, the shorter girl is my sister in law :)


angieME 08-19-2003 03:55 PM

Tonya, YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!! You are so tiny!!! Do you still feel like you are big? I do all the time. I have got alot of belly though so it makes me feel bigger than I weigh. Maybe someday I will get a tummytuck.....or maybe not. :lol:

Geesh, I said I HAVE to keep dieting. Must lose the last few pounds so what do I do? Jay made a couple of extra chocolate chunk cookies for himself today and I had taken two bites off one without even realizing what I was doing. I am so bad.

Kempy, You dont sound like a lush!!! I think everyone fights when they drink. But I hear ya. When me and Jay used to party alot we fought alot. It was usually my fault because I am a mean drunk. haha

I hope you two made up though.

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