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angieME 08-27-2003 10:32 AM

Well, I already blew my plan for today!!!! What the f@#* is wrong with me??!!??!! Jay left with his dad and I just started munching on graham crackers with peanut butter and chocolate chips!! I do know this would be alot easier to do if I didnt have a bakery and all the supplies right here. okay, end rant. It is my fault I put the food in my face. Get a grip Angie you can do this!!!!ONWARD AND FORWARD!!!!

I hope everyone is having a good day so far. I cant wait to chat.

angieME 08-27-2003 10:47 AM

okay, I guess I am taking Cappie being gone harder than I thought I would. I cant seem to stop crying this morning because now I know he is gone forever. I miss him so much!

chikitababe 08-27-2003 10:50 AM

Good morning! I don't know if I am eating enough, I have been soooo hungry lately! I eat a bowl of cereal with soy milk, or a slimfast meal on the go bar and 1 cup of coffee each morning for breakfeast around 7:30. I usually don't have a snack, but, eat again at 11:30 or 12:00, and have another bowl of cereal and fruit, or another meal on the go bar and fruit, when I get home at 2:30, I usually eat a snack of some sort, then have dinner, which lately has been a Lean Cuisine meal, but, usually eat something with it (last night I had 1/2 english muffin with peanutbutter). Does that sound like enough food? I have been doing 45-60 minutes of cardio per day, and pilates 3x per week.


That is GREAT to hear that Cappie has a good home! I bet you feel so much better! It has to be really difficult to eat exactly right when you are in a bakery daily. I bet I would be very overweight if I worked in a bakery, all those yummy treats :devil: . You have done a great job losing ALOT of weight. I am sure you can and will get back on track.


Hey! I used to work for a lawyer and did collections and evictions. I did that for 2 years and had enough, lol. You CAN lose your weight by November, just make the days that you eat OP good, and try not to be too hard on yourself the days you go off plan. Yea, we are still waiting for the mortgage approval. They said hopefully we will hear something by September 10. It takes sooooo long! I can't imagine even trying to afford a $295,000 house, I would be living in a box! The home and land we are trying to purchase is $89,000, and that is way more than enough for us! Are these $295,000 homes large beauties?


Hi! I noticed this thread has slowed too! Everyone must be busy with kids going back to school, and trying to make the most of what's left of summer. Believe me, I am, living in New York State stinks. We are lucky if we get 2-3 months of decent weather, forget beautiful!!

Hello to everyone!!


jbbm 08-27-2003 11:43 AM

Goodmorning ladies, Angie I am sorry you feel sad. I feel like I could eat all my food in my house today. Just feeling hungry all the time. But I just keep looking at the pic of myself when I weighed in at 126. Hello to everyone, gotta go busy day today and have a good Wednesday.

Dips'n'twists 08-27-2003 11:54 AM

Ciao Ladies,

i am so beat!! Resume writing is exhausting!! Well I've since applied to other television networks I'm waiting to hear back from them (so nerve wracking)

Noelle- I feel you vibes (((:)))) Thank you It means a lot to me. By the way I'll be sure and write valid checks so you, Tonya and Chick don't eat me up.

Julie- I see you're trying to drop pounds in a quick fast hurry, huh. Well anything is possible if you put your mind to it and show serious effort.

Angie- What did I tell ya, GIRL. I knew Cappie would find a home. I know you're sad about it now but jus remember that Cappie will be happy (hey that rhymed :D ) Now about the snacking, I would be that last one to stand around pastries all day and not be tempted but you've done so weel in the past and like me you are a repeat loser (sucks I know) but i have faith in you.

Kempy- what's good girl! Haven't seen you in a bit but that's my fault. I've been busy trying to get my future together and it's hard. But I hope all is well with you on your battle of the bulge

Summer- where you hidin' girl! i know school kicked off but damn, you could drop a line or two to let us know that you haven't murdered any kids.

Svelte- I expect to hear from you more often since your return from vacation.

Gem- How ya been, girl!

To all, I continue with my job hunt tomorrow. I am so anxious to get back home, time is just at a standstill right now. My back is sore from the physical training that we did this morning. I think I'll dedicate this evening to some long stretching.

Kempyd 08-27-2003 11:55 AM

Holly I am getting just the plain ole' scanner from Dell. I already have a printer so I didn't need to big combo thingy. I don't think you are eating enough. I bet if you logged what you were eating in fitday you would be very low in the cals and protein. I am speaking as a person who works in a gym so I think you should eat 5-6 small meals a day. When you cut back to low you will be losing lean muscle mass not fat. I have a book on the computer if you would like to read it PM me with you e-mail address and I will send it over to you. It tells alot about when you don't eat enough and what is happening to your body.

Tonya I have to do collections too. I am not a full blown collection agency but I have to try to get my poeple to pay b4 I send them off. In fact, I had written about it in my journal a long time ago and that is how I met Noelle.

Angie I know this is hard for you. At least Cappie is in a good home and he didn't get put down. I know it like you lost one of your children. Just cry and let it out. It is better than keeping it bottled up inside. We are all here thinking about you.

This is day 3 in my new program and man am I sore! I love it though. I know that I am doing good when I feel this way. These new workouts are kicking my butt.

Kempyd 08-27-2003 11:57 AM

:wave: Dips and Julie you snuck in while I was typing.

GEMonster 08-27-2003 12:15 PM

Hey Ladies! :wave:

It's been awhile and I apologize - It's been -a-momentary-lapse-of-reason-kind of crazy here.:hyper:

Angie congrats on Cappie's adoption! It's bittersweet but I pray the sweetness gets stronger! As for snacking on too much - I think we have all been there - I set up a money jar so evertime I snack on something I wan't supposed (such as chocolate chip macadamia cookies :cookie: yum...) I put a dollar in but I always gave myself a "free" day on the same day every week - usually Saturday or SUnday and let myself eat what I wanted with out guilt or hassle if I had been good and not been unhealthy. That made it a little easier for me. Maybe that will help :shrug:

Noelle I appluad champagne tastes! :cp: I think that's the best because you know what you like and it maybe out of reach now but doesn't always have to be...can you tell I do financial planning? I digress...SBD is going well - I am in Phase II and can add carbs but I am trying not to choose bad carbs or go overboard. I am doing well on it though and I actually like it - its a new WOL for me. :soap:

Julie welcome to the thread! Looking forward to reading more posts from you - we're usually a chatty bunch :gossip:

Holly congrats on the weight loss and :crossed: keeping my fingers crossed about your mortgage approval. I am in NYS too and I love it. :love:

Kempy I hope all is well and that you are not run too ragged!

Dips good luck on the job hunt! :lucky: May you be lucky and get what you want!

Tonya I hope work is going better today!

Hello to all I missed. Chris and CG where are you?

Have a beautiful God give day!

:twirly: GEM/Summer :twirly:

TonyaS 08-27-2003 12:47 PM

Angie, *hugs* , sorry you feel sad, it will get better, get out of the house and go for a long walk or something. Maybe that will help you not to eat while feeling sad ...

Holly, you would have to count up all the calories I think, that would be a good indication of if you are getting enough.

Noelle, yeah I have gray hair, a lot of it too :( I color it out, this job, plus my life in the last 2 years .. :lol:

Welcome Back GEM, good to hear from you!

Hi Dips, Kempy, and anyone else I may have missed! hehe, have a good day, I am trying to figure out what to have for lunch. It's either souper salad, a lean cuisine, or my usual subway.

it's 10:45 and I am starved!

melekalikimaka 08-27-2003 02:57 PM

Hey everyone. It's only 8:30 a.m. here and already my stress levels are up to here :yikes: ! We have a City bus strike which started yesterday wich means thousands of more cars on the road + the University and most private schools went back in session which means another couple thousand cars...in fact just as I pulled out of my driveway this morning, 3 on-coming moron-idiot-no-courtesy drivers pass me on my right, just zipping by like they had the right of way. I could've :rollpin: ... and last but not least I get one of those Nigerian bank scam letters in my inbox. I forwarded it to the US Secret Service who handles that sort of thing...OK, end of rant. I will focus on making it through the day OP and breathing deeply when things get rough. Ohmmmmmmmm

(((((Angie))))) Hugs to you. Cappie will be happy, you should be too. I was up doing laundry late last night and I had a little attack of chocolate chips and raisins :ink: . You are not alone. Let's all pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and soldier on, like Dips ;)

Kemp, :strong: you go girl!

Holly, $295K for a house will probably get me approx. 1000 sq. feet of living space on less than 4K sq. feet of land. Not very big at all :( . In fact, this is just an example-- http://ihic.idxnetwork.com/300378w/i...LS_NUM=2308187 hope the link works--AND this is on the LOW end of the $$$$ in this neighborgood. The price of living in paradise :shrug: --and that would be considered "cheap" .

Tonya, I hear ya on the gray hair thing. I should buy stock in Loreal hair dye :lol:.

Hey to GEM, Summer, Chris, Emily, Julie, Dips and all you other fine ladies. I'll check back with y'all later. Have a GREAT day!!! (See, I'm feeling better already)

angieME 08-27-2003 04:51 PM

Hello. Anyone want to see my Rango? :lol: Here is the link to the websight that we have it listed on. It is so pretty. http://www.autoclassifiedsy2k.com/cgi-win/shocar.exe/

I am feeling a bit better now. I think I just needed to get the crying that I was holding in out. I know he is one happy little bugger right now. He loves new people to pet him all the time. He is an attention hog. HAHAHA I just reread what I wrote and I wrote attention ho.

You guys are so great. It means alot to have you guys to come to to cry about my life with. Thanks.

I didnt eat lunch today to try to make up for all the peanut butter I ate. Maybe I can even it out for the day. I hate to diet but I know I need to do it. I am so sick of sounding like a whiner though.

angieME 08-27-2003 04:55 PM

Darn it didnt work. It is on the classifieds Y2K car sight. It is under Maine id number 21940

melekalikimaka 08-27-2003 05:26 PM

Angie, I took a peek at your SUV~~very nice looking. The ID# is
29140 (getting a little dyslexic now are we? :lol: ) . Just kidding. We have a '97 Dakota SLT V8 4x4. That used to be my tool-around-town gas guzzling vehicle BEFORE I had my kid. Now I drive this:

in fact, I think Chris has one too. Hmm, I feel so domesticated :lol: .

Kempyd 08-27-2003 05:34 PM

Cool truck Anige. I'll have to take a pic of ours and scan it in. Yes, the scanner is here. I can't wait to get home and play with it! Look out guys the pics are coming!

jbbm 08-27-2003 05:48 PM

Hi guys, Angie just to let you know I have a major peanut butter addiction. I basically have a peanut butter sandwich everday. I could live on the stuff. You guys are so great to talk to! KempyD can't wait to see you pictures. Dips thanks for the support. Well off to make supper. Bye for now. Julie

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