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Old 05-05-2003, 01:45 AM   #16  
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Darn you THIN ... I wanted to be the first to wish Amanda a Happy Birthday !!!!!

Oh well... I may not be as quick as you are... but I am CUTER.


I hope you have a wonderful day, get lots of gifts, and more happiness than you know what to do with.

Okay ... to the rest of you now.
yes I KNOW that 2 eggs does not make a meal. And trust me... that is NOT normal for me. I just had a crappy day yesterday and just plain did not want anything healthy. Heck.. I did not want to eat period. Even when starving I did not want to eat. I just wanted to runaway and hide out from the rest of the world.
Nothing went well for my yesterday... nothing.
I was angry at everybody. I was frustrated. I was disappointed in me. I was lonely. I was...........the list can go on and on.
It was just one of those days. In fact... it still is. LOL
My husband went to bed mad at me... and I am not too happy with him either. LOL

I did eat and I ate healthy too. But I am still in a shi mood.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
The only reason I came here tonight is to be the first to wish Amanda a Happy birthday and Thin beat me at that too.
What's a girl to do??? LOL

I have a lot to be thankful for. All of those tornadoes in Kansas, Missouri were within a mile of all of my family members. My brother's neighbors homes were flattened to the ground.
Luckily his house only has minor damage. A tornado touched down near my parents and sister... plus several of my husbands relatives too. No damage for them. Whew.
But I was having a bad day before that. NO MORE getting a good nights sleep for this girl. Today has just plain sucked.

Well ... now that I have lifted your spirits .... I am going to write a couple of emails that I think will help me feel better.
I have a heavy heart and I think I need to aplogize or explain or something.... to ease my ache. ( and no... it is not to my husband... he deserves to suffer some more. LOL)

Happy Birthday Amanda !!!!
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Old 05-05-2003, 02:31 AM   #17  
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Well first of all, I had a very busy weekend so I didnt make it in here to post, but I am not lost. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! To all those I may have missed and may miss in the future.

I had a baaad weekend but sort of in a good way. I went off program Sat but I gave myself permission to do it, I havent done that since I started WW and boy was it fun. But I went way off, then Sun got TOM so now I am not feeling real great and have eaten a little over but only to make up for what I am losing, if you know what I mean. Anyway, I am nervous about WI this week but I am staying on program and determined to hit my first 10% soon. I can't believe I went off and managed to get back on. yea me!! WEll I am tired, grumpy, and not feeling well so I am off to bed.

I will return some time tomorrow.
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Old 05-05-2003, 07:41 AM   #18  
I'm on my way!
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I just want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday. I was lurking most of the day but too depressed to post! I spent the day with my son since John had to work. We went to the mall in the morning and had lunch there at noon then I took a ride to Delaware to get John a couple of cartons of cigarettes since they are $10 a carton cheaper there and NO TAX! I figured Andrew would sleep there and back again which he did! I was depressed because I knew I wouldn't get anything for my birthday from John. I only got one birthday gift from him and that was the first year we were together. I did get a card though!! So I was going through the poor me syndrome yesterday! Food was good for me, I had the grilled chicken cobb salad from mcdonalds and only used a little of the dressing. I made shrimp stir fry for dinner. I did have a big 'n tasty last night!! I know too much information!!! LOL

Well I gotta scoot...but not before saying to 2Cute...shake out of it girlfriend! Put that smile on your face and stomp forward...thats what I am doing today!!

Ok gotta get us ready for work and play!

TTFN Michelle

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Old 05-05-2003, 07:50 AM   #19  
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Old 05-05-2003, 09:45 AM   #20  
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Happy Birthday Amanda!
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Old 05-05-2003, 09:54 AM   #21  
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Well ladies, I lost 3 lbs.[cb] I went to Curves this morning again and I'm still loving it.
Michelle-sorry to here that you were feeling down on your birthday. Those salads from McDonalds are pretty good. They are very filling. Hope today is better for you.
2Cute- glad to hear your family is ok. How scary that must've been. Hope you are feeling better today as well. I'm glad you ate something healthy.
Deon- glad you had a fun weekend.
Lori- can't wait to see your new pictures.
Sandy- where the heck are you girl? I want to hear all about your weekend.
Ok everyone else- Thin, Duckie, Tina, Mary, Amanda, Sara, Kat, Lucky, Barb- hi, hope you post soon.
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Old 05-05-2003, 10:41 AM   #22  
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Angry Good morning chickapeas!

How is everyone this morning? It is rain...rain...raining here in lovely Tennessee. I know that tornadoes have been ripping through parts of Missouri and Tennessee in the last day, but so far, so good here....just severe thunderstorms. It is so dark and nasty outside right now though.....it's around 10:00am and you'd swear it was almost nighttime. I'm looking out the window here at work right now and it is almost amazing how dark it is out there.

I also have a success to report about my raisin fetish... (for lack of a better word) I do not want to give them up, but as of right now, I am in full control where they are concerned and I have worked out a perfect solution that works so well for me. First of all, I only buy one bag at a time. When I have three or four bags in the house....that is a recipe for disaster. So, what I do is....when I'm full, and won't be tempted to nibble, I sit down and separate the bag into individual servings. You can have aproximately 23 raisins (1/4 cup) for 3 points. I put the raisins in a baggie and tie it in a knot and then put all the baggies back inside the original bag, that way when I want some, I just reach in there & grab out one serving....rather than scooping down in there with my hand or just carrying the whole bag off with me. Yes, I know in essence, all the raisins are still there, but for me...it's what I needed and so far, so good.

Gee, did you think I could talk that long about anything other than Tony? Hmmm, Tony and raisins....nice combo.

First things first:

Happy Birthday Amanda!

I hope you have an absolute fantastic day!

2cute: Don't you know by now we are never going to beat Thin on the birthday thing? We have to be up at the crack of dawn to beat that woman! Now, I don't know what's going on with you, and you don't have to say unless you want to. But no matter what it is...please know, we've all had those days, and they will pass. In the meantime, remember we are here and we love you. P.S. You also have my # in case you ever want to talk.

Michelle: Now, I'm gonna give you the same advice you gave to 2cute earlier.....snap out of it! No, just kidding. How long have you and John been married anyways? I know how men can be sometimes....me and Ron usually work the "birthday thing" out a week or so in advance so there are no hurt feelings. It's not so much that he's not thoughtful....but as you probably know, men need a little bit of prodding in that area sometimes. We usually just decide to go out together for dinner and a movie or something like that. I'm sorry you were disappointed though...been there, done that. {{{hugs}}}

Deon: Hey girl.....I'm not going to tell you it's ok to go off program, but I am a firm believer that every once in awhile if you can control it, and get right back on track, then a splurge isn't such a bad thing. I also don't believe you should eat with abandon....even if you eat 87 pts, count them. That way, you are still consciously aware of what you are doing. I feel that if we don't give ourselves a little room....(as long as it's not too often) it can be a good thing. I know, myself, if I am too strict on myself, it just sets me up for failure. But you have to be careful...if not, one day can turn into several.

Barb: Alright! It will be great to see your new pictures. I haven't had any taken in so long....professionally anyways. And to answer your question, Joe Nemechek won the race. It was a night race in Richmond, Va. and it actually ended in rain delay. In case you don't know, if a race is at least halfway run, they can call it "official" and whoever is leading at that point, is the winner. There were only 7 laps left when the rains came, so they had a rain delay for a little bit and then declared him the winner. I was depressed about it anyways because Tony had got up into some debris and had hit the wall and by the time they would have gotten it repaired, the race would have been over anyways, so he didn't finish. Gee, are you sure you wanted to ask me about the race? Once I get going...... P.S. I'm gonna check out your website today too!

Steph: I know you're so right about what you said......
I really think you would like it at Curves. Everyone is too busy doing their own thing for you to have to worry about anyone watching you.
In my head, I know it's true....I just have to work up to it, you know? Right now, I am loving my WATP videos, but would like to mix it up every now and again, know what I mean?

Ok ladies......I'm gonna hop out of here for now and actually try to do a little work....after all, that's what they pay me for. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I hope I don't get blown away!

Last edited by QueenB; 05-05-2003 at 10:48 AM.
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Old 05-05-2003, 03:53 PM   #23  
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I sure wish someone would POST. I am lonely. lol

I am also worried about Sandy. Did she say it was for the weekend or did she say for several days ???
Just keep peeking in to find no one here. .... and I still have nothing to say myself. LOL
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Old 05-05-2003, 04:04 PM   #24  
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2Cute- I keep doing the same thing. Where is everyone? I really don't have much to say, but I figure if I give you guys something to read, maybe you'll do the same. I have to work tonight so I think I'm going to get a salad from McDonalds. It's quick, easy, healthy, and pretty darn good, so I can't beat that. I thought Sandy said that it was for the weekend, but maybe she partied so hard, she needs a day to recover.lol. Today on Oprah, they are doing age defying makeovers. Should be interesting. I like watching makeover shows. Well I gotta get ready for work. There better be a lot of posts to read when I get home.
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Old 05-05-2003, 04:13 PM   #25  
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Happy Day to all who are having birthdays today!

I really did a great job at Super Wal-mart today! Not only did I have $20 worth of coupons with me when I went; I'd managed to fill my shopping cart and come out of the store with a little over $100.00 in merchandise! And I got all the good stuff too--fat free, calorie free, light, reduced calorie, low sugar...you name it, it was in my cart! And that doesn't include me raiding the produce department for all kinds of fruit and veggies! The guy at the meat counter was funny; I was looking for some super lean ground beef, and when he directed me to the kind that is 96% fat free, he says "You'll need to add some grease to that kind "Grease I DON'T need!" I joked back. Frankly, burgers taste better when they aren't swimming in all that fat.
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Old 05-05-2003, 04:24 PM   #26  
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Steph.. glad to see you too. I forgot to congratulate you for your -3lbs
Lori.. you posted while I was posting this one. Thanks for posting.
It sounds like you got some good deals.
Tina... {{{ HUGS }}}
Mary.... please post more. We all need to hear from you too.
Deon.. don't worry about weighin. That 10% will be there before you know it.
Michelle... I am sorry your birthday was crummy.
I hope all of our wishes brightened your day some.
I don't know what to say about your SO who did not bother to get you a gift.... that sucks !!! Here is a picture for you and Amanda to share.
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Old 05-05-2003, 04:35 PM   #27  
a work in progress...
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Default Wellllllllllllll....just to make 2cute happy...

I'll post! I'll post!

I really don't have much to report. I swore that I would not be here until I got myself together in the way of diet/exercise...not much happening on that front either. So NOT posting really hasn't done anything to improve things there, now has it?
so much for that theory!

IN FACT: I just checked and I am two lbs HEAVIER than I was when I started this self imposed exile! ...OHMIGOD...I'd better get my A$$ back here and stay the **** out of the kitchen!!!

I need you guys, plain and simple. I need to be able to report to someone. I need to be able to share the little successes of eating OP all day or getting out and getting a good walk in. I just don't get the encouragement at home that you guys are able to give. Not that they aren't encouraging, but they just don't "Get it."

So thanks for waiting for me and thanks for not writing me off. How can I write myself off if you guys won't?

Besides... I want the birthday balloons when the time comes!!

I wanted to do replies but now that I've rambled on so much, I have no time. My daughter is working tonight and my son has a ball game and band practice before that...maybe I'll be a good mommy tonight and make dinner early.

See? I'm learning to balance computer time with my family and household stuff. It's a start.

I'm gonna throw out those WOW Tostitos too...they aren't "diet" if you eat 3/4 of the bag in one sitting!

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Old 05-05-2003, 06:01 PM   #28  
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Thumbs down I'M BACK!!!!

Excuse me, who was it that was banging the pots and pans????

Actually, I got home lastnight at about 6:00 or so, but you know I had to do the family thing and the kids missed me and loved on me and daddy missed mommy too.....OPPS different story . Then around 9:00 after the kids were tucked in bed and hubby was in the shower primping for mommy.....I popped in to read and OMG my mouth dropped to the floor. I had tears in my eyes and I was extremly mad and I just kept reading and reading......and well anyway I see you all came to Tinas defense!!! Thank you all for showing her that we all care about her so much. I would have posted for you too Tina...but I was gone, I'm so sorry. I don't think there is anything to add that has not already been said, so I won't dwell on it. But, at first I really did have to stop and think about myself and if I really wanted to come back and tell you all that my scale said I gained about 7 lbs over the weekend..YES!!!! I said 7 between Thurday and Sunday...but some of this could be the alcohol???? I don't know and don't really care, it will come off. I enjoyed every single minute of my weekend away and I ate and drank anything I wanted to. I am not sorry, not one bit!!!! Okay, maybe I am sorry that Saturday I believe I experienced a minor hangover......but oh well, I still drank more that night...but not as much.

I did want to tell you all that I think I managed to make a piggy of myself and I know I had enough jello shots to make a round for us all in here....LOL......they were so good, and slid down so easy. If anyone would like me to post the recipe to make them I surely will share. Now, you know that 7 lbs is a lot and well I'm sure its not all the booze, but the food was so good, and I had things I have not had in years..... enough said!!!

We ended up with 16 woman on our weekend get-a-way, from the ages of 24-70 I think. And if you have ever had an all womans weekend OMG, they are worse than men ever thought of being. I swear to goodness that the word sex and penis was used more times than I can count. And I have laughed more in the past 3 days than ever before.

We did see a Maine black bear in a field and I got to him/her (I wasnt getting close enough to find out ) on video. It was so neat seeing it in the wild and knowing that it had never been caged. I kept my distance as Bears tend to run fast and even though a bear may weigh more than this girl, I'm sure it could run me down and I wasn't taking the chance.

I wish I could personally reply to everyone but this is the end of this thread and you all have gone through 2 since I have been gone and this makes 3...so I will sum it up by saying......






P.S.) I forgot~~~~ I try to fit my exercise in and I usually do a damn good job at it on top of cleaning my house, being a mom, being a wife, working, playing taxi, visiting friends and family, and I still love my computer and am on it all of the time......!!!!!And I will not give that up!!!

Last edited by peekabooangel; 05-05-2003 at 06:04 PM.
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Old 05-05-2003, 07:41 PM   #29  
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Hey all.... Thought I'd pop in since the little traveler has come back home. Hmm, I bet you're wondering if I'm talking about Sandy or Kat? Well, since they're both back, I will respond to both....

Kat: Because I love you so much, I won't say I told you so, but I TOLD YOU SO! Ok, I lied. But I knew you'd be back. Remember, I tried to leave one time before and I think Michelle did too and we managed to make it just about as long as you did. You know why you can't leave us? Because you're a part of us and we're a part of you. Regardless of the fact that we have never looked one another in the eye, we are connected. You can't have ongoing conversations with someone every day and not feel something for them. Leaving us would be like leaving your family.....and you're not a deserter and neither am I. So glad to have you back. You're a very strong lady even though you may not know it right now. You are beautiful, wise, witty, charming and truly an amazing woman. If we all know this, then why don't you? It does make a difference to have someone to report into....it does make a difference knowing that someone is going through the same thing you're going through.....plain and simple, we all make a difference in one anothers lives and I know mine would be pretty lonely without you. Soooooo happy to have you back. Even though I told you so.

Sandy: First of all....I'm so glad you had a good time with your friends. I think we need that sometimes, don't we? Sounds like your poor family missed you though, I bet they were happy to have Mom home. (and dh too) Also, thank you so much for saying what you said. I know if you had been here you would have been the first one jumping up and down screaming at the top of your lungs....that's just the kind of friend that you are. I'm not mad anymore...and I'm not even hurt. Baylee's problems are just that.....Baylees. I will probably never understand why she chose to leave the way she did, but in the end....she's the one who's missing out, because I couldn't leave you guys for anything. So...enough about that.
I know it will take you awhile to get back in the swing of things...seeing as you've been spoiled all weekend talking about sex, penis's and jello. SO happy to have you back!
P.S. I lost 2.2 lbs. while you were gone. Aren't you proud of me?

Alright ladies, that's my two cents worth for now. I just did my two mile WATP and I sat down here real quick to check on you guys while I was cooling down. It's 7:40pm right now and I don't eat after 8:00, and I've got a lovely WW ice cream drumstick (2 pts) calling my name......

See you tomorrow! Love you all.....
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Old 05-05-2003, 07:52 PM   #30  
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I'm so proud of you!!! Way to go!!!! I too am back to my points...today after the popcorn I just ate I am at 25 pts....still have room for more to eat, but getting late and full. I have been talking to myself all day about the points and giving myself pep talks!!! I was so hungry come lunch time today I looked at my boss and said I'm off to the grocery store to get a salad!! Yes, we have a local McDonalds right next to the grocery store, but I knew that was not a safe bet for me to get a salad there today, so I did not even put myself in the situation....small victory.

I can't be offical on my weight till Thursday, but I will put the gain in with my stats at the bottom, because why lie about it? And I just don't understand and never will about baylee? I mean don't know if she went over the edge or what? I thought I was doing good? I mean I started here in January and before this weekend...LOL I had lost 32.5 lbs in 14 weeks, thats over 2 lbs a week average!! I don't really care what anyone else thinks about it, I will take it!!! I am well worth the wait to get this weight off and I will succeed. It may take me a while, but like I and many others have said the weight did not come on over night!!! Even my new doctor says give it time. I feel I am doing what is right for me.

Hugs to all,
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