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Diana3271 08-27-2012 06:48 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

Today is my allergist appointment. I haven't mentioned this from over the weekend. I have hives all over my back/side and I have been waking with a swollen face and lips. There are only a few things I haven't been tested for. One of them is citrus. I have been consuming grapefruit juice or OJ on a daily basis. Recently I have been making sugar free lemonade/limeade to get rid of some of the water weight. Maybe it's a citrus allergy and that has been back firing on me. My allergy is really flared up now and of course it seems worse since I can't take the antihistamine because of my allergy appointment. The funny thing is the lips. Most of you were not around 1-2 years ago when I had the lip swelling. DH being the country boy that he is, is not familiar with cosmetic procedures. He looked at me one morning when my lips were all red and swollen and proclaimed "Women pay good money to get Botox and look like that". :p Bite me! :p He gave me the nickname of Angelina Jolie. Someone compared the pictures from Angelina Jolie and Octomom. At the time, my lips were bigger than Angelina's, so I changed my nickname to Octomom! :lol: Oh well, I guess it's best to have a sense of humor, right? ;) Please send me some positive thoughts today.

I hope yesterday was my last day of TTOM. I refuse to have that thing another day! ;) Fifteen days is enough, already!

Calories for yesterday: 1495 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 149.8
Down: .2

Misti How long have you been on your thyroid meds?

HSMomGoingDown Congratulations on the new house! Yes, moving burns a lot of calories and counts! I hope the move goes smoothly for you. Check in when you can!

Misti in Seattle 08-27-2012 07:12 AM

Good morning, everybody

Another Monday morning. Eeks, this getting up at 4:00 AM does get old but the extra $$$ are nice from that early morning hour of overtime. Anyway, it looks as if I am going to have to work it permanently.

HSMom, interesting that you don't think I eat much. :) I feel as if I eat a lot; I just don't eat much red meat do eat a lot of fruits and veggies. I don't count calories but try not to go below around 1300 at my doctor's advice.

Congratulations on the new house!!!

Diana, LOL about the lips story. I hope you can get your allergies figured out and under control. Have you considered that it might be artificial sweeteners? Just a thought.

Not sure how long since my thyroid surgery... perhaps about 6 years. I was fortunate though, as initial tests came back indicating the tumor was probably cancer but final test at surgery revealed benign. The thing was HUGE and the doctor said it had probably been growing there for years. Had half the thyroid and one parathyroid removed.

Well, I simply must crawl out of this bed and get off to work.

mamakat 08-27-2012 07:13 AM

Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday was the first day I ate due to stress. DD even baked the low carb cookies so that we could pig out together. LOL, we had to be self-conscience of what we were eating even when eating uncontrollably. I was having a nice afternoon, in my quiet room when DH called me down for my "expertise". I thought it was going to be something stupid like "where should we put this new couch/TV/whatever, but no it was "what should we do with him?" Our littlest rat is a hairless and he was attacked by his older brothers who are from a different cage. DD put all the rats (boys) together to clean out the cages. She's done this for a while now without incident. Well, needless to say, he looked pretty bad and so did our living room. DD was covered in blood from head to toe and DH has a phobia. SO I had to take care of him as DD just didn't know what to do...not like I did. So I grabbed him up and sat down on the couch and together we calmed down and destroyed the other side of the living room...poor guy. Once he was calm I could see it was superficial and that after a bit, he'd be okay. He's no longer allowed to go to the other cage, though. He's just too small and defenseless. His cage mate...daddy included are sedate where as the other boys are wilder.

So I ate and ate while on rat watch. I was already up in weight, DH is making high sodium meals like crazy lately. I'm sure I've gained instead of lost over this week. I've got tons of stuff to do today and tomorrow and I'm so not motivated to do any of it. I really did wait til the last minute for this.

Diana sending you the strongest vibes and good luck hope for today's appt. and it's outcome.

Have a wonderful and healthy day.

berryblondeboys 08-27-2012 07:46 AM

Morning all - just sent the oldest off to school for first day (11th grade) and I'm waiting for the little guy to wake up.

This weekend was definitely not good for me for food. I caved wayyyyy too much on the carbs, especially yesterday. UGH! I even had an anxiety dream about pigging out last night! And I was so happy to wake up and realize it was a dream!

Today is the first day of freedom for me - YAY!!! Now it should be wayyyyy easier to get some work done with only my MIL at home and we avoid each other as much as possible (especially me).

Mamakat - yuck with the rat! I can understand the stress eating!

Diana - I'm actually GLAD you have hives and this break-out on the day you are going to the allergist. He will be able to see - for SURE that there is something going on!

ItsMyTurn 08-27-2012 07:51 AM

Diana - You are way better looking and more responsible than Octomom.. so no matter how bad your lips were, there are others you could use to compare :rofl: Good luck today!!! Hope you get some answers!!!

Misti - I know the feeling, get up at 3:30am daily.. although I can't turn on computer immediately, my eyes don't focus that quickly :lol: Usually I am in bed asleep by 10 or 10:30.. last night was after 11 though and know that will be killer for me later. I need at least my 4 hours of solid sleep to function, so let's hope I don't do anything stupid, :lol: Can see it now... trying to put my sandwich in the copy machine or something :rofl: Rock your day though!!!

Mamakat - That was super thoughtful of your DD :) Sounds like you actually had quality time with her during your stress time. Although sorry to hear of the stress, I am glad you got to enjoy some time with her.

As for me - Made up an Insanity workout yesterday that I had missed... so multiple workouts yesterday. I did the Cardio recovery (which still makes my muscles shake when doing it), and then took a rest, went for a walk with DD, then did Cardio Abs and Pure Cardio. That puts me almost back on schedule for today. Plyometrics today and that will finish out week 4 :) YAY!

Hope you all have a super great day!!! Healthy choices, answers to health, and motivation is what I wish for all of us!!!

ItsMyTurn 08-27-2012 07:52 AM

Berry - You were typing at the same time as me :) First day of school after having them home for the summer is rough. Hard to say goodbye to the additional time. Mine started back on Aug 6 and it was tough. We are all pretty much back on schedule though and worked out the kinks for the year :) Hope you have a great day!

SerenityDiva 08-27-2012 10:23 AM

Diana I bet it was, plus the sauce is sugar sugar sugar really. I hate that feeling and I've also noticed I DO crash after more carbs in the form of fruits or less complex...so it's kind of interesting to me as I never realized that before. Caffeine doesn't have any effect on me, but I don't and never have drank coffee (except for one time, I drank a POT as I was up all night and had a presentation in the morning--I was highly productive that day but Im not a coffee person at all). I mean I could drink literally caffeinated tea or a caffeinated soda and go to sleep, so weird how every body is different. Diana, your husband and the Botox lips! :lol: That's so what my husband would say. I hope the appointment finds answers or at least starts the road to that.

HSMom I don't have any blogs bookmarked, I usually google a subject I'm interested in and then find a blog. Wait I do read Melissa's here which is under her signature. I love it because she's around my age and has come so far. I also read some yoga blogs like YogaDork, sometimes Kurt Johnsen's and Bryan Kest's, but they don't update often (YogaDork does). But they are not really diet blogs. I just read "Suddenly Skinny" which I think was originally a blog, cheap from Amazon (I think $1.99), and inspiring. I also read "then just stay fat" which was okay. It had some good ideas, but really seemed more like some personal trainer who is a little over the top with regards to obesity. Congrats on the house! We bought this one (my 4th/our 3rd together) June 2011. I am super grateful because we went through some really trying times over the last 5 years (which I am sure is a huge reason I gained weight). It's always exciting and stressful, like we didn't know the exact closing costs until the morning OF closing. Usually I know 24-48 hours before, but this time not...ugh. I was so relieved the day we closed.

Misti are you glad about the shift? I would hate it, but everyone's different. At DH's new place they are thinking of doing four 12 hours one week and then three 12 hours the next week (but he'd get 4 hours of overtime the four day week and get paid 4 hours of regular time to bring him up the three day week--it's weird). He HATES this idea. What he doesn't seem to realize is his last place he WAS working salary, no overtime, 20% permanent pay cut in 2009, AND 80 hours a week until he quit. He worked overnights about 3 weeks out of the month between November 2011 and February 2012, so I know he CAN do it. It really sounds great to me, 12 hours is what I worked in house, and I loved it!

Oh MamaKat I'm sorry about the rat. We're getting a new kitten in October this year and I'm worried about the new hierarchy issues because our female (she's about 5-6 years old) is a loner for the most part. However, when SHE wants to play--my male (who is about 2-1/2 MUST play) must accommodate Miss Chloe or she will howl. However, when he wants to play (which obviously due to his age is more often) she'll get pissed off and refuse to go there. She was aggressive a bit when we got him (for about 48 hours then she was like "meh he's stuck") but he wasn't a runt and they were not littermates so I have no idea what that'd be like. I hear you on even monitoring a planned splurge. It's so different than just eating like that daily, and IMO kind of nice to be in control of intake versus food controlling me.

Well yesterday I ate high again 1890 calories and then 1 hour of yoga (not power this was Yin--Mark Lahan's Back Side which was SO GOOD) and 25 minutes on the bike. I think I can correlate this with my cycle which is due soon...but who knows. I used to think "control control control" now I'm like just reading patterns and trying to work with them. I think my next "goal" will be to have a cup of tea at night to sip on and hopefully refocus any snacking ideas (because everyone else here is eating after dinner) to change it to that. I got some pretty loose teas from a tea shop recently and MIL sent me a Japanese inspired tea set so I'll make it a ritual and that will help.

SerenityDiva 08-27-2012 10:26 AM

ItsMyTurn and Melissa it is rough! This is the first year I have NOT worked since having kids and I actually cried...I felt stupid, but whatever it is what it is. The kids were excited to go, well except for my 20-year-old who left apparently before we got up (he's a junior in college until March when he ships out for the Navy). My 6th grader was rearing to go (my son) and my daughter...ugh. Well she curled her hair last night and slept in pillow rollers, which she has done over the summer. Today she woke up not with waves but FRIZZ. We put Argan oil in her hair and straightened it, but I still don't know if it will look right. I wish she would have just not used the rollers with the humidity we're having because she's going to be worried all day long.

Misti in Seattle 08-27-2012 08:29 PM

Hi everyone!!

Another Monday gone! Hope it was successful for all of you.

mamakat, that must be the "top story" I have heard of why someone got carried away and overate LOL. At least you came up with something original, ha ha. I cannot imagine allowing a rat in my house, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :)

berry, yes glad the pigging out was just a dream! You got to enjoy it without paying the consequences.

Diana, LOL yah what ItsMyTurn said -- I don't think Octomom is the person to be comparing yourself to!!

ItsMyTurn, I hope you kept your sandwich out of the copy machine. Could be a bit difficult to explain to the repairman!!!

Serenity, I BEGGED for YEARS for this shift before I was allowed to work it!! :) My department had never before allowed anyone to work that early. I could change it if I wanted. People can pretty much work the shift they want within certain hours (usually 8-5'ish). But our company is open 24 hours a day so we can always get in and out. And the 12 hour days seem a bit much, I agree. It's too much; no one should have to work those insane hours. Actually I would be having to work more overtime too except my doctor put a limit on it because of some health issues (I asked her to and she agreed it was needed).

Misti in Seattle 08-27-2012 08:33 PM

Today's food

Tonic Alchemy in a bit of grapefruit juice

2 steamed eggs
1 pc dry Whole Grain Goodness toast
7 apple slices

Small bowl mixed fresh fruit

3 oz tuna packet
cottage cheese
3 apple slices

the rest of the apple slices (from an individual serving pack from Costco)

Grilled chicken salad from Jack-in-the-Box
(contained lettuce, a few grape tomatoes, shredded carrots, onion, cucumbers, small amt grated cheddar cheese, a few croutons, balsamic vinegrette dressing). I added a bit of feta cheese, sprinkle of hemp seeds, 1 spoonful of peach/mango salsa, lemon herb vinegar).

small glass skim milk
individual package (40 cal) freeze dried bananas/strawberries

AM weight 259 (grrrrrr)

Diana3271 08-27-2012 09:56 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave: I have had a busy day and just got home. I have read everyone's posts. Thank you for the good thoughts you sent my way, today. I will do personals tomorrow since it's so late.

I finally have a diagnosis. I actually have 2 different issues going on. The first issue is the problem that has been ongoing for 2 + years now. The second issue is from this weekend.

A year ago I went to an allergist for food allergies. We did the skin testing for various foods I was tested for everything but a few items. He also did blood work. He said that my blood showed histamine and for me to take an antihistamine daily. I thought he just blew me off. I have eliminated just about every food group. In the last year I have gone to eating plain grilled protein and steamed broccoli daily, without any oil or seasoning. I have continued to have allergic reactions. I have taken antihistamines when I have flare ups. I had my records/labs from the other allergist forwarded to the new allergist. We did skin testing today for the foods that I think I am allergic to. He wanted to make sure that I wasn't allergic to these foods. Well, I'm not. Basically the other Dr. diagnosed me, but he didn't give me a proper term. I have tested positive for IgE receptor antibody (Angio Edema). The basic idea is that my body makes an antibody and my body thinks it's allergic all the time or when ever it wants to. That's the reason the histamine is in my blood. That's the reason I have eliminated all of these foods, but I am still reacting. The only help is to take a daily antihistamine like the other Dr. said. I had about 5 minutes to do some reading today on this, not much time at all. It causes lip, body, facial swelling. Also, I have had bouts of severe abdominal pain. This is part of this. Also, I am hypothyroid. People with hypothyroidism are more prone to have this problem. It is also an autoimmune disorder. Also remember when I mentioned about the lymph node? This disease/disorder can cause an enlarged lymph node. Now all of the pieces of the puzzle come together and make sense. No matter how much food I eliminated, it would never completely clear up because it's not a food allergy.

Why couldn't I have a simple citrus allergy? Eliminate the citrus and eliminate the problem. Live goes and and life is good. NOOOOOOO! I have to be freakin' allergic to myself basically! :rofl:

Has anyone heard of this before?

Now about my second problem. I have been having issues with back pain for the last couple of months and couldn't figure out what the problem was. I thought I was having posture issues. I have always had good posture, but I just kept trying to improve on this. This weekend I discovered a painful rash on my back. I have shingles. Hopefully this will get cleared up with the prescription meds.

berryblondeboys 08-27-2012 10:12 PM

Diana - I have been waiting all day to hear about what you found out.

Here's my thoughts.

1. Your previous allergist sucked if he didn't explain enough what was the problem and how you should go forward with it.

2. It sucks that there isn't ah "aha!" answer for you - that you can't just eliminate something and be OK. That you have to live with this the rest of your life is stinky!

3. HOWEVER, with knowing that there's no food that is off limit, it is much more freeing for you and your diet. You can reintroduce foods and enjoy food much more than you have been able to for the last couple years (at least).

4. Shingles? Woman!!! It was probably brought on with the added stress of your mother passing away and all these allergy things bugging you. Shingles, from what I hear, is no joke!

Have you gotten your blood work back for the thyroid yet? are the numbers better?

And, will they give you a prescription antihistamine that is stronger or longer lasting or whatever?

Hugs... seriously, that's a lot to take in - but it IS an answer at least.

Diana3271 08-27-2012 10:15 PM

Total Approx 1470 Calories + :coffee:

Breakfast (395 Calories + coffee)
spritz oil in pan
egg 70 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
Vegetable of choice
1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
juice 75 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (375 Calories)
Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
Honey mustard/Lettuce 25 calories
Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 90 calories
1 Apple 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)
Grilled chicken breast 400 calories
2 orders steamed mixed veggies 200 calories
I had 1 roasted peanut, 1 pinch of a yeast roll, 1 french fry 100 calories or less (I used to do this all the time, before my food allergy situation. I didn't count the calories, though. It helped me not to have cravings for these foods. I probably won't count these calories in the future. I will try to do things the way I did them pre-allergy ;))

Insanity Core Cardio & Balance

Diana3271 08-27-2012 10:24 PM

Berry I can still feel the aha from the pieces coming together. Now, it does make sense. It is a total PITA that this diagnosis was out there a year ago but I have had to continue to fight and battle this thing with every ounce of energy that I have in me. I was sitting at the table tonight and feeling absolute fear of the honey butter that was close to me. It will take time to resolve those issues. The good thing is that over the years I have done research and I know what is healthy for me and what isn't. It's my job to continue to try to be healthy and to do eat things in moderation. The Allergist recommended Zyrtec, one a day. If that doesn't work, I will have to take 2 a day. Hopefully that will work. Since I will be taking the antihistamine long term, I will probably rotate through the antihistamines over time. I will go to the Endo on Wednesday. I will discuss this antigen thing with her, too. It sounds like something she might be familiar with, too. Thank you so much for the support.

Empowell418 08-27-2012 10:31 PM

Hi, I'm Emily. New to 2fatchicks as of yesterday. Misti was kind enough to invite me to this link. I love the idea of daily check ins so I'm all about this forum. Today was a decent day. No binge eating and I recorded everything on my WW site. Didn't get to walk but that is okay, tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow is also weigh day! A little scared but I'm gonna keep going regardless of what the scale says. :)

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