3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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mamakat 11-07-2011 06:18 PM

Good Evening Everyone,

Well I got most everything I said I would do done...still have tons of laundry, but I worked on it all day. I did not get to write as things got a little hectic. And just when I was sitting down to do so, my DS (who is now stressed to the hilt)asked me to take him to Game Stop. Poor kid, I feel bad for him. So maybe after a shower, I'll get some writing in.

Bad news at doctor for son which made him stress out. He is one more step away from being "normal" and is very scared he'll end up like me (Bipolar) doc will be watching him even closer than before. I feel bad for him b/c its my fault...not like I knew before kids but still, I feel bad for him.

It was dark by the time we got home, but I had said I'd workout for at least 30 mins. And like Berry, I really want to say I've lost 83lbs by the end of this year. It's not going to happen if I don't workout. So I vowed to walk at least 30 mins. Well usually it take 15-20 mins to walk to the boardwalk, but I got to the beach in 10. Boardwalk closes at sundown, which I clearly was after and it's next to woods so not safe for women to walk in the dark. So I started going uphill. Apparently since losing weight and building up stamina, I walk a lot faster than I thought. I kept having to turn down another road and another road. Finally I was close to home and decided to walk to another beach. SO I made 65 mins with lots of hills. NOT BAD :D

I got to go shower...I'm sweaty :)

Berry I definitely think you'll make it...we can do this. :)

K9Owner 11-07-2011 07:40 PM

Larry: :yay: Good for you for getting yourself back together! Get back on track this week. Hopefully, that 205 will go down for you really soon.

MustardFan: You are exactly correct, get back on board with the next meal! How many cals/day are you shooting for?

Jo: :wave: Great to see you post! Hope you have a great time tonight.

: :welcome3:

Star: :crossed: for your hubby's PT job. Go get that work out in girlie! ;)

Muse: :welcome2:

Lauren: Welcome Back!

Diana3271 11-07-2011 08:03 PM

Nevaeh Soup is highly recommended with weight loss. I always have problems when I eat soup. :lol: It's normally loaded with sodium. I had soup tonight at dinner. Let's see what the scale says tomorrow. :(

Berry Your dinner sounds amazing! I'm glad to hear that you had a wonderful evening. I love the talk about motivation! You can do it! :carrot:

Mamakat Great job on the .8 for the week! Are you saying that you are 2 weeks behind on the laundry? :?: That's a ton of laundry! That will be exercise within itself. Did you get it done?

Muse Hi and Welcome to the check-in! :wave:

Moondance Great job on the pound! :carrot:

Solarplant Hi and Welcome to the check-in! :wave: I hope you interview went well.

Jomatho I think you are due for a whoosh! ;)

Lauren Hi! :wave: It is so good to see you! :hug: Congratulations on your marriage! I can't wait to see pictures!

KaylaChristine Congrats on your status change! ;)

Itsmyturn Sending positive vibes :goodvibes: to your DH for his interview tomorrow.

Larry Great job! It looks like you got things under control.

MustardFan If you don't feel comfortable eat the treats, it may be best to stay away for a while. Sometimes, my head is not in the right place, so I don't need to splurge. Other times I can. It just depends on where my head is. Seems crazy. :dunno:

K9 Hi :wave:

Diana3271 11-07-2011 08:09 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

We ate dinner at Olive Garden tonight. My calories are good, but I know the sodium is high. We'll see how things turn out tomorrow. Hopefully not too bad.

Total Approx 1420 Calories + :coffee:

Breakfast (365 Calories + coffee)
spritz oil in pan
egg 70 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
Vegetable of choice
1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
high fiber English muffin 100 calories
1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
juice 75 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (375 Calories)
Natures Own 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Rounds 100 calories
3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
1/2 TBS Hellman's light mayonnaise/Lettuce 25 calories
Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 90 calories
1 Apple 100 calories

Dinner (680 Calories)
Zuppa Toscana 200 calories
Venetian Apricot Chicken w/broccoli & asparagus 400 calories
3 Andes Mints 80 calories

Cathe's MMA Kickboxing w/weighted gloves
TJ Turbo Sculpt w/8's + 10's

mamakat 11-07-2011 08:34 PM

Diana No, I am not caught up. I didn't do any laundry for two weeks, one week being the time I was laid up with the hip, the second week because I was into writing :p We have a huge basket in the bathroom (which is overflowing with last weeks laundry) and another basket and a half in the laundry room. I did get four loads done today, but had to do other things too. But tomorrow is another day. As I start feeling it's getting done, another basket is filled and brought down...laundry is never ending and it's my one and only job (except taxi driver for the kids) so if it doesn't get done, I'm to blame :p But it is a very good exercise for me (up and down stairs and all that lifting). My arms get tired :D

berryblondeboys 11-07-2011 08:43 PM

Great workout in the gym. I don't usually get to see myself in the mirror (not that I like to) and it's weird. I can see I'm keeping up. I can see I look strong, but I also see my blubber and I hate that!

Though, my loose skin is slowly shrinking up. Not sure it will ever go away, but I can tell it's getting better as time goes by - which is good.

And I got a walk in - I'm serious about this goal!!!

ashkunc 11-07-2011 10:02 PM

I should be getting my order from Diet Direct tomorrow....ready to start on the 2-week Wonderslim program!! I did try to "start" getting on the plan today by tracking my calories (I am using Livestrong's "My Plate" program from keeping track of calories and activity). I'm trying to lose about 2 pounds a week, so I have to keep my net calories (after activity) around 1200/day. I was good today and had 132 calories left to spare (since I took kickboxing tonight!). I also drank like 96 oz. of water!

Has anyone on here tried diet pills? I bought Oxyelite pro but then I read that you can have major problems if you take anti-depressants/SSRI's. Plus you have to make sure to drink a ton of water and have NO additional caffeine when you are taking the pills. It scares me, so I am taking them back or giving them to my husband to use. One step at a time...I want to do this without the assistance of possibly addicting diet pills!

K9Owner 11-07-2011 10:19 PM

Today OP :woohoo: Tonight OP :woohoo:

Today's Menu
FF Cheese Omelet, Pineapple 152
Lazy Cabbage, Raspberry Greek Yogurt 393
Pineapple Cottage Cheese, Lazy Cabbage 408
:drool: Portabella 'Shroom Caps (2), Broiled Peppers/Onion, Blackened White Shrimp (6), Cranberry Juice, Frozen Kefir 508
Total: 1461

Water 72 oz
K9 Walk with Hill Intervals 248
Abwork 180 reps :woohoo: YES! They are burning!!!

solarplant 11-07-2011 10:22 PM

@ashkunc I once took hydroxycut for 3 months back in 06 and I can't say it helped or hurt me lose weight as at the time I was working out daily for at least 1.5 hours a day. (which I must assume actually caused my weightloss) I will say, I regret taking the stuff since all that came out with hydroxycut causing heart problems. This time around, I have lost 20 pounds with just counting calories and exercising. I don't think you need diet pills to help you out. :| That stuff is not regulated, you never know what's really in them. I would go back in time and tell my younger self not to take any diet pills. :)

Anyway if you decide to take them, I would just do it very short term. Def not a long term solution.

Also diet pills get expensive! I would just spend that cash on the food. :)

danzingurl77 11-08-2011 12:10 AM

Ash- I have taken oxyelite, it did give me a boost for my morning workouts, but combined with my birth control it made me sick.. I'd say you're just fine without it!

Had a good day, worked out and made a healthy coconut shrimp for dinner! In trying to be a better homemaker so I was pretty proud of myself today. ;-) 2 days of binge free down!

WannaBeLoserAgain 11-08-2011 04:42 AM

I think we have lots of new members being accountable! Everyone is doing great! Stay accountable and lose the weight.

I stepped on the scale Monday afternoon and I was pleasantly surprised to see my 170 again and a few peeks at the scale saying 169. I am staying on plan. Twenty pounds lost since the end of August! I need to stay the course!

I am still calorie counting, in fact it has become a habit! There has been a a few surprises when I checked the calories after eating and I have since learned that the liquid coffee creamer that is flavored is not worth the calories. Go for the lower calorie on cereals and ice cream. A ice cream cone is a good way to keep your portion under control. Going overboard on calories is not going to ruin you...but, it may take another week or two to lose that added weight.

Anyway, I am glad my weight is creeping.........down.

still 11-08-2011 05:47 AM

Hi, everyone!

Weigh in is stable at 164- think I can manage 2 more pounds down in three weeks? Yesterday was a decent day- I overindulged in some Sunchips but then I did an extra bit of cardio, so I evened out at my caloric goal. My muscles are definitely tired today.

The plan today-

Breakfast- Kashi Go Lean with milk and hot tea
Snack- mozzerella cheese stick
Lunch- salad with chicken, peppers, light balsamic vinaigrette
Snack (if needed)- a couple cups or popcorn, but I'll try to stick with my tea
Dinner- a small portion of baked spaghetti

Disney in 22 days. First Disney goal reached at 165. 2 more pounds to lose to reach second Disney goal. I can do it!

I hope everyone has a fabulous, on plan day!

ItsMyTurn 11-08-2011 06:33 AM

Still - you can hit it!!!

Mamakat - Sorry to hear the doctor is so suspicious and stressing out your son

Diana - Olive Garden sounds yummy, been 2 yrs since I have gone there

I didn't get in a full workout last night, but did do a 20 min walk. It's not much in the scheme of things, but burned more calories than sitting on a couch :) I also got valuable time on the phone with my mother (hopefully will happen more now that there is only a 2 hr time difference with the east coast). It's my birthday today,but it won't pose a problem as I am just working and conducting life as normal.. way easier to control calories that way :) Weather is cold, but good and clear - so I will take it!!! Have a great day all!!

berryblondeboys 11-08-2011 06:37 AM

ItsMyTurn happy Birthday! I hope you do something to make your day feel at least a wee bit special!!!

berryblondeboys 11-08-2011 06:46 AM

I guess dinner out didn't have a huge impact - GOOD, but I also didn't eat dinner last night. I worked out 5:30 to 6:30 and just didn't get hungry for dinner. Maybe I should work out in the evening more often! I ended the day with only eating 800 or so calories. Now, I don't plan to do that on a regular basis, but if I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry. There are plenty of other days I'm ravenous and eat more, so it all balances out.

Doing bodypump today and maybe working in the yard, but with that 1.8 pounds drop - it makes it that much closer to getting to goal, but it's still not my all time low. I need to get below 180 to reach that. Come on Melissa!!!!

Diana3271 11-08-2011 06:52 AM

Itsmyturn :bday2you::celebrate::bday2you:

Diana3271 11-08-2011 06:53 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

I'm glad I have given myself a weight range to work with. Geesh! I'm also glad to be 100% on plan, too. Gotta love (NOT!) that sodium! ;)

Weigh In: 148.6
Up: 2.2 pounds :yikes:

mamakat 11-08-2011 07:18 AM

ItsMyTurn :bday2::bday2you::woo::balloons::celebrate: Hope you have a great day!

jomatho 11-08-2011 07:29 AM

Diana, YOU got the sodium bomb yesterday :lol: Sorry about that!
Berry, you are doing great, can't wait to watch you meet your goals!
Still, you must be getting excited for your trip!
MyTurn, :bday2you:
Mamakat, if I don't do at least one load of laundry a day, I am drowning in it. I prefer to do 2 loads a day, that way if I am unable another day, I have some slack. Some people like to do a whole days worth, but not me, two loads a day is manageable.
K9, you are doing awesome with the ab work!
Wannabe, I know what you mean about some things not being worth calories, however, my coffee creamer is still worth the calories in my book, I love my cup of french vanilla coffee every morning and it is worth 75 calories every day!!!!!!! Yum!
Mustard, sorry you feel like you are losing control, maybe give yourself a little more slack on the normal days so you don't feel like you are so deprived. The weight will still come off.
Larry, way to reign yourself back in. Darn 205, it's a battle for sure!
Moondance, congrats on that pound. :yay: A pound is gold, take it and run with it!!!
Danzingurl, I laughed when I read you are trying to be a better homemaker, that is the story of my life! Great job with your workout and eating!
Ash, you can do this without the pills. You have to learn how to eat and move for maintenance to work anyways and that will obviously be pill free.
Solar, your plan is looking good!
Muse, good luck with the new meds, I hope they work for you!
Kayla, you lost a pound too! :yay: Congrats to you!

Phew, I haven't done personals in a while and have been just skimming to keep up lately, but it's like we say, personals are not a requirement (that was for all you newbies). Glad to see some new faces and that all you regulars are doing well too.

As for me, I am back to my low of 176.6 today!

I actually saw 174.8 yesterday afternoon right before my shower, and I only count the morning weights, but that was still pretty exciting. A new low would be very welcome this week!

Diana3271 11-08-2011 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by jomatho (Post 4100329)
As for me, I am back to my low of 176.6 today!

I actually saw 174.8 yesterday afternoon right before my shower, and I only count the morning weights, but that was still pretty exciting. A new low would be very welcome this week!

Jomatho Great job! I hope you see the new low very soon. I'm cheering for you! :cheer:

Diana3271 11-08-2011 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by mamakat (Post 4099994)
Diana No, I am not caught up. I didn't do any laundry for two weeks

Mamkat I would be running around nekkid! :rofl: I don't have that many clothes! :o I only have 4 pairs of jeans and 4 bras. I have quite a few shirts, though.

mamakat 11-08-2011 07:42 AM

Diana there were times that the family has said "I don't have..." So I'd go out and buy it (instead of doing laundry). So we have so many clothes. It's rare we run out. If we do, I complain that they know what they do and don't have and everyone knows how to use the washer and dryer. My kids are very spoiled in they are just now getting the odd chore. I've been doing everything on my own since 8, so if they are nekkid it's their own fault. :D

berryblondeboys 11-08-2011 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Diana3271 (Post 4100332)
Mamkat I would be running around nekkid! :rofl: I don't have that many clothes! :o I only have 4 pairs of jeans and 4 bras. I have quite a few shirts, though.

I have 4 pairs of pants too (not counting a couple workout pants) and just 2 bras for every day and two for working out. Both were in the dirty laundry yesterday so I pulled out the sportsbra I started with. Well, that went to my huge pile of donating clothes as the chest band just swam around my chest - loose like a shirt and the cups weren't filled out. Hmmm... extra support or no support? LOL

berryblondeboys 11-08-2011 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by jomatho (Post 4100329)
Mamakat, if I don't do at least one load of laundry a day, I am drowning in it. I prefer to do 2 loads a day, that way if I am unable another day, I have some slack. Some people like to do a whole days worth, but not me, two loads a day is manageable.

Two loads a DAY? How many outfits a day do you wear? or is it all those sports practice clothes? I do about 4 loads a week for our family of 5! But then no one is in sports and we wear most clothes more than once.


Originally Posted by jomatho (Post 4100329)
As for me, I am back to my low of 176.6 today!

I actually saw 174.8 yesterday afternoon right before my shower, and I only count the morning weights, but that was still pretty exciting. A new low would be very welcome this week!

You are doing so great! That 174.8 is a preview of what's coming!!!

madmadz 11-08-2011 08:41 AM

Hi everyone! I was naughty yesterday! I went to dollar tree and bought a bag of christmas chocolate. It was dark chocolate and I ate every peice!! :o haha oh well after the 4 day migraine, I earned it. I am still 157. I am gonna focus this week on upping my cardio. I reallllllllly want to get below 150 as quickly as possible. I am so sick of being in the 150's I could scream. I dont dare drop my calories any lower, so I guess I need to get off my lazy duff and get moving more. I feel alot better since the headache is finally gone and i am ready to melt some fat! :D I hope you are all doing great!

mamakat 11-08-2011 09:07 AM

Good Morning Everyone,

Doing this with nails wet.

Berry how on earth do you not have more laundry? My two Scots (DD & DH) change twice a day. DS and I have to be told sometimes to change :p But every day is a new towel, sometimes two for DD. She is one of those girls that tries on and tosses, so I wash a lot of clean clothes too. :p

Jomatho :congrat: on new low. I'm sure you'll see the lower low soon.

madmadz pick yourself up and get to working out, you'll feel better :)

Good morning chickies :wave: I hope you all have a great day. I have got to write this stupid chapter, at least a stinking rough draft. It's stopping my progress. I also have to work on laundry :p I calculated yesterday's walk, it was about 3 miles IF I did it right. I'll ask DH to calculate it later.

I hope you have a wonderful and healthy day :)

KaylaChristine 11-08-2011 09:15 AM

Weighed in at 161.4 this morning :( Went to my fiance's grandmas for dinner and we had chilli and cornbread....and I probably ate too much in addition to the sodium amount. It was the perfect rainy weather for chilli. Hopefully I'll see 159 in a day or two.

Cinnamon swirl oatmeal
Diet hot chocolate

Chicken on a bed of rice?

1 homemade enchilada

Exercise: 15 minutes of pilates after work, 20 minutes of zumba.

solarplant 11-08-2011 09:35 AM

@ItsMyTurn Thanks for the lovely welcome. I missed it until I just went back to reread just now. :)

This morning my scale finally said 176.0 again. After a few days of up and downs i'm glad it's back, it was getting scary.

I'm about to head out to the gym for a little bit of running and then rowing class!

After that, I really need to finish my project. I ran into a major roadblock yesterday, and I just have figured out a workaround. :(

My 2nd interview went really well! They want me to come in Thurs or Friday to shadow one of their employees so I can let them know if that role is something I really want to do or not. :)

shr1nk1ngme 11-08-2011 09:39 AM

Stayed 100% on plan yesterday. :broc:

Did my 100 crunches yesterday for the "100 crunch challenge" thread. Walked the dog for an hour at the fastest pace I could manage, especially powering up the hills.

Today I am going back to the gym. I am approaching goal and I need to develop a maintenance exercise routine anyways, or else I'll just gain it all back.

So, I am off to the gym!

K9Owner 11-08-2011 09:53 AM

:celebrate: STAR :celebrate:

K9Owner 11-08-2011 09:57 AM

Madmadz: :nono: STEP AWAY FROM THE CHOCOLATE! :nono:

Ashkunc: I have taken Phentermine in the past. I became addicted each time I took it. It defo works, but I wouldn't recommend it if you don't want something wif side effects, withdrawals, mood swings, personality highs and lows, incredible insomnia, etc etc. (Rx only)

Nikki: I think if you steer clear of Chinese, your goal is doable! :lol:

: I'll second Jo's opinion in that you defo got the Sodium Bomb! WoW! You'll be back down in a day or 2 though--chin up!

Jo: Hopefully your extended invitation to the "This Week Loser's Club" reached the inbox of my FB page! :lol: Come on Friday and make it stick!!!

Solar: Best of luck on the new job!! I hope you like it :crossed:


AFM: Today is unplanned as of this moment. I want to go visit my parents (45 min drive), but I really have to go see Brandon--my chiro. In just 3 sessions of Torso Rotation, my left hip is OUT! :tantrum: The good part of this is I can identify when it is out quickly, go in for an adjustment, and not have to be laid up with back pain for a week. The bad part of it is that if I go this morning, it's "No Workout Tuesday" for me :cry: I can't workout on the day of an adjustment, b/c it overrides all of his work!

berryblondeboys 11-08-2011 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by mamakat (Post 4100458)

Berry how on earth do you not have more laundry? My two Scots (DD & DH) change twice a day. DS and I have to be told sometimes to change :p But every day is a new towel, sometimes two for DD. She is one of those girls that tries on and tosses, so I wash a lot of clean clothes too. :p

As I said, we rewear clothes. We have our "good clothes" for work (only DH now) and then our around the house clothes. All clothes are worn more than once except for underclothes (T-shirts and underwear and socks). We change towels once a week and sheets every two weeks. Hand towels in the kitchen every couple days and we have 2-3 out.

We just don't go through that many things because they don't get dirty if you are sitting in an office chair or at a desk all day. Even hotels don't even wash towels every day any more. You use them when you are clean - so, hang them to dry and reuse is what we do.

ashkunc 11-08-2011 10:51 AM

Thanks everyone for your feedback on the diet pills. I only took one of them and I am going to take them back with my receipt. I know some guys who work at Vitamin Shoppe and they said they would take them back if I didn't like them. I just read to many things about potential drug interactions and you can't have any additional caffeine, can't drink alcohol, etc. I just don't think the risk is worth it! Healthy eating & exercise is going to be my focus! I am teaching my RPM (Spinning) class tonight so should burn over 500 calories in an hour!

L R K 11-08-2011 11:02 AM

Hi Everyone :wave:

Just dropping in quickly today to post my day!

11/8/2011 - Food & Drinks

Breakfast: 2 slices stone millet bread with a swipe of Earth Balance, a slice of soy cheese and tomato slices + 1 pear

Lunch: Stir-fry - Lightly pan-fried tofu slices, boy choy, broccoli & light soy-sauce based sauce on brown rice

Snack: Small banana

Dinner: Meatless "Chicken" marinated in a Greek sauce and grilled + a handful of Greek baked potatoes + broccoli slaw with French dressing

Drinking: 1 morning coffee with sugar and soy milk + 2L water

Exercise: 2 mile walk with the dog

KaylaChristine 11-08-2011 02:32 PM

I don't think I'm going to be able to get any exercise in today :(

I frequently (3-4 days out of the week) have upper back pain/neck pain and usually need at least 4 ibuprofen to dull the pain. I'm all out of Aleve though, and that's what works best for me. I won't be able to get any until thursday after work. :(

I'm hoping my back pain is because I'm overweight and nothing serious. After I drop the weight, I'll go from there and speak to my doctor.

My neck/back does feel a little better while I'm walking, so I might go for walk today as long as it's not pouring down rain.

still 11-08-2011 03:40 PM

Hi everyone!

I am so proud of myself! I wrote down my plan for the day, and so far its been spot on! I've stuck to everything! Considering what my last week has looked like, I'm pretty happy with that.

Kayla- Hi! I'm sorry you are having back trouble. Have you ever tried yoga or stretching for the pain? When I was having back pain, my doctor gave me some specific exercises/stretches to do to help. If you want to know what they are, I'll give them to you.

LaurenA- So good to "see" you back here! Congratulations!

ashkunc- hi! have fun at spinning class!

K9- Haha! I totally need to stay away from the Chinese! Hopefully we're done there for a while ;) How are your abs coming along?

shr1nk1ngme- Excellent plan, starting to "practice" for maintenance! Good for you, looking ahead!

solarplant- Hello! Yay for rocking your second interview!

mamakat- good luck getting your chapter written! And thanks for all the kind words about DS lately! It means alot!

madmadz- :dust: Here, now get moving! :D

Melissa- hello!

Diana- hello!

Larry- hi!

wannabeloseragain- hi!

ItsMyTurn- :bday2you::balloons::bday2you:

jomatho- hi!

Moondance 11-08-2011 05:07 PM

Happy Tuesday!

Late in posting today as I stayed home with DD who wasn't feeling well, then was pretty busy once I got to the office. Doing well staying OP...not letting guilt interfere with good choices. It's rather liberating to put my needs first and not worry about hurting feelings. :D

Gotta go shopping after work...trying to figure out what to buy my DD for her 18th birthday (her list is $$$$$$$).:lol:

berryblondeboys 11-08-2011 05:14 PM

Wouldn't you just like to bottle up motivation when you have it in abundance to use it a bit on days that you don't have a lot of motivation? I have more than enough to spare right now. Most of last month? Not so much!

mamakat 11-08-2011 06:02 PM

Ugh, where did the day go? One moment it's bright outside and the next it's pitch black. It's only 6pm and I'm drained. I did nothing! Okay, that's not true. I got the chapter written...yes. I went to lovely New Haven (thick on sarcasm), I took DD to a friends and I went to the library. So I got some stuff done. DD made me eat before we left, that's two days in a row she's called me out on not eating. I just feel like I have no time :p

Well, it looks like no work out for me. I feel like I've been up and tons of stuff even though I haven't. I swear it's New Haven, it sucks the energy right out of me. I hate New Haven. :D

I'm going to bed. I hope you all have a good night.

madmadz 11-08-2011 09:29 PM

Thanks ladies for setting me straight!! NO MORE GOODIES FOR ME I PINKY SWEAR!!! Okay about the headaches. I just ordered a inversion table. Its where you strap your ankles to it and it flips you upside down. If it doesnt work then I am going to the chiropractor. Funny thing is these headaches didnt start until after i started dieting. I get them almost every day. Sometimes they are dull and sometimes debilitating. I get plenty of protein and calories so I dont know if its related or not.
Mamakat I hear you about the darkness. It is pitch black at 5:00 oclock here!! It just makes me wanna crawl into bed!
berryblondeboys I wish I had the motivation I had last month. So far this month I am just dragging!!

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