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Old 04-30-2009, 01:51 AM   #1  
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Default How do you keep going...

when you go time without losing? This happens at least once a month, and it gets more and more frustrating. I have not lost a pound in over a week! (its not even tom) It just drives me mad I dont know what to do. It's almost like all this is a waste. Though clearly it is not. How do I keep going? How do I keep myself motivated when I step on the scale, and it shows no progress. I have even gained a few ounces!
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Old 04-30-2009, 02:23 AM   #2  
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How about if you stop stepping on that scale? If it's frustrating to you, it might be a possibility. How about if you step on the scale again when you'll feel 'sure' you have lost some weight, maybe because your clothes will be a little looser?
I find that obsessing on a scale is the best way not to loose a pound, yeah, I did it too, so maybe just stop stepping there, keep your head down and stick to the plan, diet, exercize, whatever.
You know by yourself that plateaus happen to everybody and the only thing you can really do about it is just keep going and it'll pass, so, how about stop looking at the scale?
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Old 04-30-2009, 02:40 AM   #3  
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what motivates me to keep going is when i look in the mirror and see the results and knowing that im getting close to my goal, just make me more motivated to continue with the diet.
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Old 04-30-2009, 03:17 AM   #4  
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I am lucky this time because a switch has gone off in my head that reminds me that I'm in a process, and part of that process is that weightloss is not linear, whatever I do. This has made it (relatively) easy for me just keep on plodding.
The switch-on has been helped by Big Losers here, RocknRobin and others, for example, reminding me consistently of the need to focus and plod.
It's also been helped by joining sparkpeople.com. I find its nutrition tracker really, really helpful in tone, with clear indications that there is a Minimum you have to eat to lose weight and be healthy.
So those tools and 3fc support help me keep on keeping on.

It's almost (sorry, getting long-winded as I write) no, it's become a case that most of the time I can stand outside my weightloss process. Yes I celebrate it when it's working; yes I get frustrated when it slows or stops; but I have got it fixed in my head the logic that if I keep on doing what I'm doing, it will re-start, and that removes the huge emotional burden of getting a figure I don't want to see on the scales once a week.
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Old 04-30-2009, 06:36 AM   #5  
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Default It's not about motivation - it's about commitment.

Originally Posted by x0me880x View Post
when you go time without losing? This happens at least once a month, and it gets more and more frustrating. I have not lost a pound in over a week! (its not even tom) It just drives me mad I dont know what to do. It's almost like all this is a waste. Though clearly it is not. How do I keep going? How do I keep myself motivated when I step on the scale, and it shows no progress. I have even gained a few ounces!
How does one keep going while not losing?

Well what choice is there really? If you don't keep on going, keep on forging ahead, then chances are better then 90% that we would GAIN weight. And once you make that commitment to do what it takes to lose the weight and keep it off - there is no going back. There is no stopping. There is only continuing. Making the decision to lose the weight and get healthy is a lifetime decision. A lifetime endeavor. There ARE going to be times when there's no loss. And lots of em'. That's most definitely not a time to give up. What would that accomplish. It's a time to persevere. It's a time to keep with the program. To really stick with it more then ever. Because your work is not done. You haven't accomplished what you set out to do - lose the weight - and keep it off.

You've done fabulously so far. Fabulous. One weeks time is really nothing in the scope of things. Nothing. And perfectly normal. We might have a certain time frame in mind, but our bodies may just have another one.

But do keep in mind that as you get smaller (weigh less) it's going to most likely get more difficult to keep on steadily losing weight and you may need to tweak your plan a bit.

Last edited by rockinrobin; 04-30-2009 at 06:40 AM.
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Old 04-30-2009, 06:50 AM   #6  
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When I reach a point where I don't lose weight for a week or two, I believe that my body is readjusting itself to my new lower weight. Keep at it--you're doing great! 88 lbs forever gone is amazing!
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Old 04-30-2009, 07:28 AM   #7  
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I just look back at my food and exercise log. I try to see if anything in there is giving me clues as to why I'm not losing. If I find something, I change it. If everything looks great, then I know my body is just being weird and the weight loss will come soon enough. Most of the time when I quit losing I look back and realize that I've either not been drinking enough water or not eating enough fruits and vegetables or eating too many processed sugary treats! 100 calorie packs and granola bars are great, but if I eat too many of them, even while staying in my calorie/points range I will not lose.

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Old 04-30-2009, 08:25 AM   #8  
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I take measurements once a week as well. I find that usually if I go a week where I'm not losing, or not losing steadily, then I will actually drop an inch or two that same week. Then the next week, the scale number will catch up. Keeping measurements is a great way to also track your progress!
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Old 04-30-2009, 08:26 AM   #9  
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I can relate. I know it's hard, but everyone's right... you just keep on going, stay on track, and you WILL see those numbers drop again. Maybe having another goal to focus on, such as an exercise goal or something else that you can achieve and benefit from directly as a result of weight loss, would that help? That way the scale isn't a main or only source of focus..
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Old 04-30-2009, 08:46 AM   #10  
mmm nutella
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Upping the level of nutrition in my foods, sleeping better and having more energy are all things that thelp me continue on my weight loss journey which for me has been slow and steady for like 2 years!

One bad day of eating and I remember how gross and bloated and icky I felt when I wasn't taking care of my body. One pizza binge and my body lets me know exactly how it feels about it! And that really is the problem for me, 80% great nutritional food, and then binges every once in a while that lead me to consume more than a days recommended calories for a 200 pound man running a marathon!

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Old 04-30-2009, 09:06 AM   #11  
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I've been in the same boat as you. Two weeks at two pounds from goal has made me think more than once "what if I just decided to stay here?" and "why does my body hate me!"

But... then I try to put all emotions concerning this "plateau" out of my mind and think about it logically. Logically if I keep on my eating and exercise plan I WILL lose weight. And, next month is going to come no matter what so I can either be still on plan or off plan. I think I choose on plan.

Good luck, I know it's frustrating to see no results for all your hard efforts! Just keep at it!
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Old 04-30-2009, 09:09 AM   #12  
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You have worked very hard, and I'm betting you feel pretty good about yourself about now as far as your appearance and mobility. Think about how that feels. Think about that "on top of the world" feeling. Dream it, taste it, live it, desire it. Now think about how crappy you feel when you cheat, or blow it or what ever you want to call it. Doesn't it just make you sick to you stomach? Don't you feel worthless and self destructive? I don't know about you, but I just hate that feeling.

I'm totally with Robin on this. This is forever. We don't want to play with this yo-yo anymore. It's old, it tiring, and frankly very depressing. The new game is to get down and stay down. We are too smart, too beautiful, and too important to kill ourselves with food. It just ain't worth it. Stay strong. Fight with every fiber of your being. Please.
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Old 04-30-2009, 09:56 AM   #13  
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I agree with Lori and Robin... this is forever. You are going to be living this plan forever (give or take a little). If it's forever... well, you gotta stick to it now, because this is the reality of it all. This is what it's all about.

Weight loss is not linear. Not even close. I'll lose really fast for a while and then BAM... I have 3 weeks of stalling out. But guess what? It's okay, because this isn't a sprint to the finish line. If I gotta live this way FOREVER... what's a week or two? All that time does is give us a preview for what maintenance is going to look like.

You're doing amazingly well! AMAZINGLY awesome! Don't lose sight of what you have accomplished so far. Love it, enjoy it, celebrate it! Take those 2 weeks to reflect on how far you have come, to pat yourself on the back for a job well done, and to continue to plan for the future. It's like pulling off the road of weight loss for a little sight seeing... eventually you'll start losing again. Have faith!
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Old 04-30-2009, 10:49 AM   #14  
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I hear ya- since easter I have yo-yo'd from 216-212 and it's so frustrating. Yesterday I was 213, I'm like arg I'll never get below 212. BUT I know if I give up I'll just gain it all back and then some!

I've kicked up my "clean" eating into higher gear and have lost 3 of the 4 lbs I've gained from easter and hoping to continue that downward trend

You've lost so much already congratulations!
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Old 04-30-2009, 10:51 AM   #15  
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Look at that number beside your little chickie avatar!!! Look at how far you've come on your ticker!!! A waste?! Do you know how many people here will look at your accomplishment and become inspired?! You are an inspiration! Be proud of your accomplishment! And so, the scale is moving slowly now. That's to be expected. When you become frustrated, just look at how far you've come and know that you can do it!! Great job!!!
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