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Old 04-06-2002, 04:47 AM   #1  
Dancing those pounds away
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Arrow 300+ and Ready To Try Again... #152


We are a group of people who are working together to lose our excess weight.
We are on different plans and are of different sizes.
We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We recently started a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

Please feel free to jump right in with us.
And be sure to check if there is a second page. We don't want anyone to miss any posts.

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Old 04-06-2002, 04:57 AM   #2  
Dancing those pounds away
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Angry Hello again

Well friends... I have no great words of wisdom, no light bulb moments to share. Not even a funny story.
Well.... I do have a boob joke since we have all shared what we look like in the NUDE. Not a pretty sight.

I wrote the joke.. but just couldn't bring myself to post it.
It is not all that bad. But, I just couldn't do it.

Well ladies... I got us started this Saturday... now lets all hear from you.... that includes all of you lurkers too.
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Old 04-06-2002, 06:04 AM   #3  
I'm on my way!
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Default Come 'on 2Cute...........

You left us in the lurch...you rotten girl you! Give us the joke...we can handle it...we are mostly all saggy grandma boobs...who couldn't use a boob joke!!??

I woke up with a slight headache today....I hope it goes away...I have to take my son to his first gymboree class today. I know he will be a little terror and run all over the place and not listen to me! He is so inquisitive these days! I hope I get to count this class as exercise for me too!

Tina..I'm so glad things worked out for you at work! Sometimes we fret and worry all day about nothing. And yes, your boss does sound like a dr. jekyll and mr hyde thingy! Scary! Being on night shift never works well for the body...I worked at the post office for 5 years on nights and you never ever get use to it. Hopefully the stress will go away and you can concentrate on YOUR well being now too!

2Cute...you are so right...my ex use to blame me for his drinking...but I was smarter than that! LOL Then not long after I realized that he was making me so stressed out that I was eating for comfort. After I realized that I removed myself from the situation, moved myself 250 miles from home and lost 97 lbs in 10 months and found myself a real man! And here I am today! Sometimes we can't remove ourselves quite so far away from those people that trigger us...but we can hopefully avoid them as much as possible. Just remember...you are woman you can roar! LOL

Mary....you made over $4000 dollars? OMG....what did you sell, the whole kit and kaboodle...I could move all my junk to your house and set up and sell and still make a profit! Do tell your secret!!

Oh gosh....CRS is setting in already this morning. I know Baylee and Jen posted but since its on the other thread I can't peek back and look to respond! My head is killing me....does that burn calories? Headaches? I sure hope so...at least it won't be a lost cause!

Well I better go get my son some breakfast and jump in the shower. The class is at 9:15 this morning. This time I am putting him in his highchair with breakfast and then I will jump in the shower...no more scenes like the last one! I was exhausted before I even got dressed that day!

TTFN Michelle
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Old 04-06-2002, 07:08 AM   #4  
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. The 4 was a typo I made$175.00 I wish I could have made that much but all the southern folks down here want bargins. I guess if I had sold dh, son and cats I could have made that much
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Old 04-06-2002, 08:32 AM   #5  
I'm on my way!
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Phew...Mary...you scared us all there! Was considering moving down where you are! LOL I have some stuff gathered for a yard sale too...just waiting for the weather to get warmer!

I just wanted to share this breakfast I had today. It was a pimento and cheddar cheese omelet. I know yuk! BUt if was really really good. I took two eggs and beat them with a pinch of baking soda and poured them into a small teflon skillet sprayed with cooking spray and sprinkled in a spoonful of chopped pimentos and some low fat shredded cheddar cheese with salt and pepper...I let it set and flipped it over halfway like they do in the restaurants. Let that set a little more then flipped it again to finish cooking on the other side. It was really really good and I was so proud of it! I had two slices of WW bread toasted with 1 1/2 t. brummel and brown margerine. The total was only 6 points! And it was very filling!

Well I better get us ready to go to gymboree. I will be back to report how terrible my little boy was and how much exercise I really do manage to get out of it! LOL
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Old 04-06-2002, 12:01 PM   #6  
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Where is everyone? I guess you all have a life! LOL I only have one every other weekend when John isn't working.

Well...we survived gymboree...Andrew absolutely loved it! Me? I am ready for a nap!! IT was 45 minutes of pure exercise...I am sooo tired! Today was up, over and under. The kids were climbing and walking and crawling up ladders, steps, tunnels, bridges. It was exhausting just watch them! I'm glad I signed him up. He loves it! We also did lap rides. My legs hurt!

Afterwards, we managed a short trip to the grocery store. Andrew got a new sippy cup. Me....I got some new snacks for myself and a couple of the lean cuiseine meals. They were half price. I got the salisbury steak with mashed potatoes and gravy and vegetables. The gravy also had mushrooms and onions in it. Surprisingly it was verrrry good!! They were only 6 pt meals so I had a skinny cow ice cream sandwich too.

I also found these little bars of cheddar cheese. Each one is 3/4 of an ounce. They really are kid size but its easy to just grab one of those already pre-measured when I need a quick something. At least I know the points ahead of time! Those mozzarella string cheese are good to?

Ok I guess I will stop babbling for now and hope some more of you come out today. ITs cold here so we will be staying in. Andrew is getting ready for a nap and I think I will have one too!

Have a great day! Michelle
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Old 04-06-2002, 12:54 PM   #7  
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Thumbs up Help

Well I've neglected you guys for about a week and half, and now I'm suffering, It really pays to check in daily and see how everyone's doing. I've been a bad bad girl I just can't get into the swing of things and stay on a program, I think I've even gained 4 lbs but don't want to admit to it. Isn't it crazy how easy it is for some people to gain weight, it's not that I eat really fattening foods, it's the portions that get me.
I found this fat burning diet that flushes the body of impuritities and I think I might give it a try, just a little kick in the arse to get me motivated again.

Skinny Soup Recipe...... Basic Fat Burning Soup
6 lg grn onions
1 or 2 cans of tomatoes
1 lg head of cabbage
2 grn bell peppers
1 bunch of celery
1 pkg. dry onion soup mix
Season with salt,pepper,curry, parsely or bouillon if desired.

Cut vegs into sm. pieces. Cover with water and boil fast for 10 mins then cut to simmer until tender.This soup can be eaten anytime you are hungry. The more you eat,the more you lose. If eaten alone foor long periods of time you will suffer malnutrition.

Day 1....Eat all fruits today except bananas. Eat only soup and fruits. For drinks-sugarfree tea, cranberry juice or water.

Day 2....Eat all vegs today. Eat until you burst! Fresh or canned o.k. Try to stay away from peas and corn( high starch content) Eat the soup along with the vegs. Reward yourself with a huge baked potatoe for dinner loaded with butter. Do NOT eat any fruits on this day.

Day 3....Today eat all fruits and vegs that you want with the soup. Do not eat a baked potatoe today. If you have not cheated on this diet you should have lost between 5-7 pounds.

Day 4....Today eat as many as 3 bananas and drink skim milk.
Both are full of carbs, protein and calcium.

Day 5....Beef and tomatoes. Have as much as 20 ounces of beef if desired and tomatoes. Canned or fresh. Drink at least 6 glasses of water today to rid the uric acid in your system. Eat the soup if you're not too sick of it, at least once today.

Day 6....Beef and vegs today. Eat all you want. No baked potatoe though. Soup at least once today.

Day 7....Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and vegs all day. Stuff yourself silly. Have soup at least once.

The end of the seventh day weigh yourself. You should have lost 10-17 pounds. If you lost more than 15 pounds, stay off this diet for 2 days before starting it up again.

This diet is a fast, fat burning diet that flushes the body of impurities and makes you feel good. Do not drink alcohol, it is slows down the whole process. Go off this diet 24 hrs. before alcohol intake.

Definite No-No's: Bread, alcohol, diet drinks.

This plan is from the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital. It is used for over-weight people to help them lose rapidly before surgery.


Have any of you guys tried this, do you think it's healthy. I love veggies so I don't thing it would be to hard to stick to. I'll give it a try and let ya know how it goes.
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Old 04-06-2002, 01:06 PM   #8  
Dancing those pounds away
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Wink I will come out and play Michelle... LOL

Gee...How can I not post. Poor Michelle is running this thread ALONE. LOL ...And I am grateful too.

I have been in bed all morning. I have gotten morning and nights confused big time again. I stayed up all night and went to bed at 7am. I have such an addictive personality. I got on this computer house hunting and just could not stop. And did NOT find a single house I want.

Michelle.. it sounds like you and Andrew had a FUN filled day already. There is no way I could keep up with little ones anymore. I really WORRY about when my baby granddaughters will be too much for me to chase.

Mary... I am so sorry you lost $4,000... but glad you did make $175. If I had the drive to do my garage sale... I have enough stuff to make $4,000. That is a LOT of junk. LOL. I never know where it all comes from.

Okay Michelle... since we are such a "crazy" group... I will post that boob joke. But please don't hold it against me.
It is not bad... but a little discolored.
I apologize if I offend anyone.
It is just so fitting for our "group of boobs". LOL

What did one saggy boob say to the other.???
We better perk up or people are going to think we're nuts.

LOL. I have a really funny picture about saggy boobs. But it is too big to post here. I will have to see if someone can shrink it for me. (Not real boobs... just a drawing)

Okay... I am out of here. It is noon here and I need to get this day going. Tomorrow I am going to see my other daughter at college so I really need to be productive today.

Last edited by 2cute2Bfat; 04-06-2002 at 10:05 PM.
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Old 04-06-2002, 01:27 PM   #9  
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Default Ooppss...

You slipped in on me Duckie while I was posting. Sorry.
Glad to see you are back.
Your soup sounds very yummy.. but I have retired from diet tricks.
My goal is to learn to eat healthy. BUT... this is coming from the fattest person in here...LOL ... so I don't know that you should listen to me.

Have to run.... (I wish) ... I have to get going. I am sure I will be back many times today.
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Old 04-06-2002, 04:08 PM   #10  
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Hello everyone! I did all my responses first and now am just filling in at the top. Geez, I feel like I've been here for hours doing responses and I was here yesterday morning. Gosh, we are busy!

Food is and has been terrible lately. I need to really work on it. I have been so overwhelmed with jobs that I can't stand myself. I need to work on taking a moment out for me too, I guess.

Michelle: You are doing such a great job! That recipe sounds awsome. And thanks for the tip on the garlic spread. Is that in the dairy department? * Ok, here's the secret for responding when it's broken up on 2 threads. Open a second window. How? Go to the 'file' menu and go to 'new'. It will come up 'window'. Click and wallahh you have a new window with the identical same stuff in it as you already had opened. Go to the top of the page and select the next thread. Hit 'post a reply' and your box will appear to write in. Then you can toggle back and forth between the old thread and new to make your replies. Once you've finished replying to everything on the old thread you can close that window and continue posting to the new thread. Just don't close the wrong window!

Jen: 2#, GOOD FOR YOU! See what staying out of the kitchen does? My problem is that I stash stuff in my office and then I 'closet eat'!!

2cute: I'm so glad you had such a nice visit with your dad. I'm sure he really enjoyed you staying all day and 'playing' with him. He probably also found that with you coming the day after his birthday, he had you all to himself and could really enjoy the visit. * Please don't let us off the hook with your thoughts on 'feelings'. I'm very selfish and find your writings very eye-opening whether they help you or not! So please write for us (oops, I mean...you)

Tina: So glad 'the conference' is all over with. And sounds like it was just a little worth it to get put back on firsts. Cool! Too bad you had to have such a nasty blow out to start the ball rolling, but apparently it was almost worth it. * What is it about men and their lack of aim, anyway???

Mary: You did pretty good for one day. That's $175 you didn't have yesterday! Sorry no one made an offer on the 'boys'. We just can't see to get rid of the buggers, can we??? You know what it is??? I think other people have already learned their lesson and aren't up for the additional challenge a few more men in their lives would bring!

Baylee: No, I didn't watch 20/20, but I taped it. I will have to find time later to fast forward through it. I still don't think surgery is my answer, even if others think it is theirs. Do drastic for me.

Malia: That is really scarey about the dog obedience class. My gosh, it doesn't sound like the instructor or the owners had much control of things. You and your poor Mickey should be glad to make it out without a scratch. * The trailer for High Crimes really looks good. I will definately look for your niece.

Andria: I'm glad you checked in. I thought maybe you didn't love us anymore. Glad your life is getting more under control. How's business? Still recruiting?

Katrina: Several women I know are going to classes for Medical Transcriptionis. It seems like you would be ahead of the game being able to read Dr's writing AND knowing the jargon. Go For It!

LuckyLadyBug: Sounds like this crazy weather has all of us going, no matter where in the country we are. The only one not complaining is Malia in Hawaii. I wonder if there's room on her island for all of us?????

Hi Nancy: No, I haven't tried the Sacred Heart Hospital diet, but I have heard of hospitals having this type of thing around for those instances where a patient needs to lose quickly. I just wonder if you gain it all back immediately if you go back to just eating normally. I mean after this if I restarted my WW would I then lose on WW too?

I'm gonna run. Laundry needs to be done, ironing, folding. You know the drill. There are dishes piled in the sink and I won't even tell you about the papers flooding my office. Catch ya'll later.

"The bond between women is a circle--we are together within it." - Judy Grahn
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Old 04-06-2002, 06:38 PM   #11  
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Hi everyone,

It's official, Mikey is a school dropout. The trainer and I had discussed what happened. She was worried it was the bite, but I told her I honestly don't think some of the owners could control their large dogs. It was irritating everyone kept telling him and me...ohhh, he's so scared. We just have to get off of our butts and go to the park or beach. Mingle. I have to admit this computer is a home trap. What am I doing in the middle of the day? Surfing on the internet.

I hope everyone's having a more productive Saturday. Mary, $175 is a good amount. I'm going to donate my clothes to the church thrift store. I'm too lazy to have a yard sale. Another 10lbs, I'm going to clean, clean, clean. Did I use this in the last year? No, out you go!

Have a good one,
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Old 04-06-2002, 09:24 PM   #12  
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Well chickies
I mad $20.00 today the sale is finally over. Some of the things taht didn't sale I sent to a neighbor that just moved in that doesn't have anything hardly his wife is pregnant.I bagged up the clothes to take to our crisis center. I had 4 boxes of odds and ends I put at the edge of the lawn to give away. A lady that came yesterday came back and got all the free boxes plus 8 landscape tembers I had taken up. So I guess we had a good sale. I bought groceries out of it and got a vcr for the bedroom tv.
Dh took me out for our anniversary . I ate too much. We also went to see Blade II I love vampire movies and Wesley Snipes is one bad dude.
Well I better go for now. Oh yes I forgot my grandmothers sister died yesterday.
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Old 04-06-2002, 09:31 PM   #13  
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I hauled, raked and hauled some more stuff around all day -- I now am cleaned up (took a shower) but am totally exhausted. I hurt everywhere...

Tomorrow I want to paint my porch but it might not be warm enough. It is 46 now...warmest it has been all day.

Oh shoot .... just remembered I lose an hour of sleep tonight....

I will try to catch up tomorrow....miss you all.....
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Old 04-06-2002, 10:28 PM   #14  
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Gee there seems to be several of us missing today. I hope you all come back soon. I am definitely going to bed earlier tonight. Tonight starts daylight savings time.. so we lose an hour.. plus I have to get up early to go see my daughter. I wasn't even going to post now... just go to bed... but I had to see who I missed.

I ran errands for my daughter all day. Hunting for decorations for a banquet. It has the theme... "A Night at the Oscars".
It is hard to find decorations. Came up with a lot of "going to the movies" decorations... but they want fancier.. more "formal" Oscar award type stuff. I even found a mini oscar trophy... but they were $8 each and only 6"tall. they need like 20 so that is too expensive. I also found a 10' oscar... but he was already rented for the night they needed. I may make one myself out of styrofoam... but don't have much time. I found styrofoam 8'tall.
I LOVE doing decorations for parties. I wish I could have gotten involved sooner... but now I just don't have the time.

Ladies... have a nice evening... and a blessed Sunday.
Soup and salad Sunday......
My favorite thing to make for dinner on Sunday is...
"Reservations" !!!!

Mary... "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY "!!!!!!!

Last edited by 2cute2Bfat; 04-06-2002 at 10:31 PM.
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Old 04-06-2002, 11:27 PM   #15  
a work in progress...
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WOW! You guys have been busy! I'm gone for one day and there are a ZILLION new posts! We went to Philadelphia today to check out an open house at the University of the Arts with my daughter.... It looked very impressive, the staff and students that we met couldn't have been nicer. I can definitely picture her going here and loving it. We're thinking of enrolling her in a month long summer program there, where they really polish their skills (song, dance, drama) which will hopefully give her an edge in the admission process...students need to pass an audition to be accepted here. She is just excited beyond belief and I am too, for her! I love that the school is close to home (2 hr drive) I guess all we need now is to find that winning lottery ticket! $$$

Food wise, I've been so so yesterday and today. I just HAD to have a Philadelphia cheese steak sandwich today, and it wouldn't have been complete without those fries and that Coke! Tomorrow, back on track...no regrets...IT WAS GOOD!

Thanks, Thin...I didn't know I was a grandma! \o/ \o/ After nursing two babies, THOSE babies are pointing south!

2cute, you're house hunting? Looking for some new digs? Good luck!

Mary, good job clearing away all that stuff AND making money! Happy Anniversary!

Lucky,,,you're having a heat wave up there! get out the suntan lotion! Spring cleaning is great exercise! You go girl!

Malia...I hope you got your money back from that bum course! What kind of dog do you have?

Michelle, thanks for the recipe...that looks good! Gymboree sounds like a blast and just what an active little guy needs! Hooray for naps!

Jen, good job on the loss...keep it going, girl!

Tina...interesting how that all turned out...some bosses are so wierd, they're really not suited for the position and try to cover up with bluster...anyway, if that's what you want, go for it!

Hi andria, welcome back!

Baylee, hope you are feeling better!

Duckie, let us know how the diet works...I've seen that before, too scared to try it though!

Did I miss anyone? I hope not...Sorry if I did...I have to go turn the clocks back and hop into bed. So glad I'm not working tonight...that extra hour is a killer! (Don't mind when we "fall back" though!)

See you all later...

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