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Old 06-03-2024, 01:15 PM   #1  
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Default What is the best weight loss diet?

The one that becomes your sustainable eating discipline. The one that is not a diet but a sensible way of eating that can become your way of living.

Now, the very problem with any kind of diet is that once you have achieved your goals, you would want…. to….go…back…to…normal eating?

See? thats where the problem lies with any keto-atkins-paleo-carnivore diet. They all end up where the normal diet takes over.

and guess what? you are back to your normal eating style.

Why there has to be a difference between a diet and the way you eat?

This is why I hate Diet because sooner or later you need to feel normal again.

———<a diet program> ——-| goal | ——<normal eating>——-

So in essence, every diet will work till you achieve your goal and every diet will fail once you go back to……you guessed it

I, for myself, have never ever followed a single diet and It’s been more than 5 years since I started worrying about my health.

Why not try to adapt to an eating style that is flexible to our lifestyle, doesn't make us a calorie-obsessive-junkie, and is our normal-eating.

Plain-old-me..a father, 9–5 worker who has never followed a diet.

So, How do we change our lifestyle, not radically upside-down, in such a smooth manner that dieting just becomes the way we eat and live?

Now, If a father-cum-husband-cum-developer who drinks 2 indian tea and 2 white coffee a day can maintains an eating style that fits to his life, WHY CANT YOU?

So I am going to write down all my science and art of how to make a diet to be your lifestyle.
  1. always, ALWAYS (not including cheat meals) have a protein (poultry, meat) portion in your meal. Protein is satiating in nature and it’s thermogenic. less calories more satiation.
  2. "supplements are progress enhancers, NOT progress starters." If you're not making any progress with your training and diet alone, then adding one or twelve supplements that you have no idea what they're designed to do isn't going to do jack squat. Get the training and diet dialed in first, be consistent for six to eight weeks, and THEN we can start talking about incorporating supplements.
  3. When you are dieting for weight-loss don't drink your calories, eat them.
  4. Understand that different dieting styles are just a framework and not a life-mantra. They all tell you one thing, “Eat less and stop stuffing junk food in your mouth”. Follow a diet but understand how exactly it is helping you to lose weight and learn how to eat for your goals.
  5. Fruit juice is THE KILLER. Fructose is the no.1 reason for obesity, metabolic syndrome, liver diseases and insulin resistance and eventually Type 2 diabetes. Eat whole fruits, more than 2 servings a day. know your fruit, read about its nutritional content.
  6. Diet soda, Cokes…or watever soft drink you are on..Just stop..still feels craving..earn it..
  7. Oats, eggs, sorghum are your best bet for your breakfast. Oat has a very special compound called beta-glucon which increases your insulin sensitivity and is the best grain to consume in morning to keep you full till lunch.
  8. avoid carbs as much you can in your dinner/supper. this way you get the results of intermittent fasting by not causing insulin spike overnight and letting your liver to burn the fat for energy.
  9. Controlling your insulin/blood glucose level is the key to be metabolically active. AVOID refined carbs, processed or canned foods. Look it’s a bit hard but it’s a habit that you will eventually improve upon. Make a rule, no protein, no meal. !! I have skipped lunch or walked 3 km in scorching summer to eat exactly what I needed.
  10. Losing fat and getting lean is supposed to be hard. The biggest reason many people can't lose fat isn't necessarily because of their diet or training – it's because they're not comfortable being uncomfortable. we're not willing to do the hard ****. We're not willing to feel hunger, give up our precious happy hours, or say "no" to going out to dinner every weekend.
  11. Be Active, chose a lift weights (my favourite). Clean eating/calorie restriction can take you thus far and it only works on one simple logic, eat less than you need. BUT the whole metabolic game turns upside down when you have an activity that eats through your calories that forces yours body to adapt to. It changes your body composition at cellular level which, in turn, increases your metabolic rate.
  12. The more your muscles are working, the more they need to adapt to the training and the more your food (carbs..glucose) will be partitioned to muscles rather than to your fat.
  13. If you are doing endless cardio to lose weight, your diet sucks. Period. Endurance training, HIIT, resistance training, they all help and aid in your goal of weight loss through different physiological changes in your body. Eating less is still the king when it comes to weight loss.
  14. Finding your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the first thing you should do based upon your gender, age, weight, physically active level. This should serve you the benchmark as to how much calorie you approximately need per day.
  15. Without being calorie-obsessive-junkie, just have an approximate idea of how much carb, fat, protein is in there for a food.
  16. Be aware of research but see how things work for you : A few fitness bloggers have been recommending skipping breakfast and doing intermittent fasting. In theory you may be able to lose fat faster by skipping breakfast, but in practice those people are probably a lot more likely to **** their diet up because they're hungry. What allows you to follow successful habits in the long haul?
  17. Barring any social or friendly gathering, question every single bite that goes inside. whats the function? you eating for pleasure? for energy? for nutrient? once you have a relationship with food you will actually trace it down into your gut and you can visualize what it’s doing in your body.
  18. Don't do anything else when you eat. when you read, watch TV, or look at social media while eating, your brain gets two pleasure signals. You get twice the dopamine release as you would from only the meal. Your brain doesn't dissociate the two sources of pleasure, and you start to associate food with a greater pleasure which reinforces your desire to have more of it. Plus, if you're doing something when eating you're not paying attention to satiety signals and you'll eat more.
  19. how metabolism our body metabolizes carbs/glucose/fat/fructose/protein. Do you know just two glasses of fruit juice a day for 4 weeks will torture your liver and will be the first step towards Type 2 Diabetes and liver diseases? So, Be curious to what goes inside.
  20. Apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, oat, coffee, coconut oil,berries, fish oil (Omega3 fat), all have been known to aid and improve your metabolism. Introduce them into your eating discipline.
Be Curious !! Know your body !! know your food !!

And, Ask yourself !!

Did you earn this bite ??

Earn it !!

This is not a diet..this is just a little shift in attitude towards your food. Everything you put in your mouth should serve a purpose !!

Edit 1 : there are few comments who asked me to cite some good literature regarding nutrition/metabolism. So I am going to explain how I improved my learning process.
  1. Understand macronutrient (Carb/Protein/Fats)
  2. Understand how our body metabolizes all three macronutrient. good starting point will be keywords like “glucose metabolism, fat metabolism, protein metabolism”
  3. At this level you should be able to understand the difference between sucrose/fructose/galactose and how differently our body metabolizes them.
  4. Once you have a good understanding of how our body processes macronutrients from food you should move on to how our body uses these macronutrient for bodily function. How glucose is used to provide energy, how fats are used to provide energy.
  5. This will give you encounter with a lot of process like glycolysis, glycogenesis, lipolysis, lipogenesis, ketogenesis, and a lot more,
  6. Want some more?? read about endocrine hormones, hormones that our body uses like testosterone insulin, epinephrine, HGH, IGF-1. what are their use in metabolism and growth.
  7. understand the basic functions of skeletal muscles (your muscles), adipose tissues (your body fat), liver.these are the big three organs of our body which will give you a deep insight of metabolism.
  8. This will give you an understanding at organ level and how organs are working together.
  9. beyond that will be your cellular and molecular biology. This is where you start understand how cells (skeletal muscles, adipose tissues) are working to provide energy. This is where you will start uncovering at molecular level (how a glucose molecule provides energy, how Fatty Acids provide energy, )
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