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Old 05-09-2016, 03:55 PM   #1  
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Default pleased but worried

Ive recently changed my plan to involve not eating after 8pm and its going well. Over a week now and 'not had anything to eat after 8pm.
I used to eat just before i went to bed or as a reward for finishing my chores.
Its really helping me to lose weight but here's the down side, at about 7.45 i tend to think "ive got XXX calories left, i must eat while i can".
every night so far im not hungry and therefore dont eat which is great but its meaning im only eating 1100-1200 calories a day instead of my alloted 1400.
I'm worried if i keep on like this, one night i will eat after 8pm and not stop.

Today ive had 1156 calories and can now not eat until the morning. Should i have some milk or a hot chocolate (still not food) to make me up to the "safe" 1200 calories or just not?

Should i try to eat another 100 calories somewhere during the day? I guess i could have a yogurt with my banana in the morning?

I just dont know if i should continue going below the 1200 a day "rule" - so far 6 out of 8 days ive been under.

Im really pleased ive found something that seems to be working for me losing weight wise but i dont want it to end in tears so to speak.

What should i do?

E.T.A im still doing my exercise regime, 45 minutes pilates on a tuesday, 1 hour cardi/weights and 15 minute ab blast class on Thursday and then 1hr 45 minutes cardi/weights on saturday and 15 minutes ab blast on a saturday.
Each day i make sure i get at least 10k steps.

Last edited by Rechyl; 05-09-2016 at 03:57 PM.
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Old 05-09-2016, 04:13 PM   #2  
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If you have a reason for the after 8pm rule or it works for you then you should stick with it. And I wouldnt do the hot chocolate or milk because a FEW days low doesnt hurt if the point is to change a habit that has given you difficulty.

But yes, you should move those calories somewhere earlier in the day. If 1400 is your target, spread them out earlier in the day. It sounds like you need more like 200 planned earlier.

The number one reason for the 1200 calorie "rule" is that it is very very difficult to get adequate nutrition on <1200 over the long term. (Cue all the arguments for and against) Also it doesnt give you anywhere to go if you get to the point you need to look at another cut.

If you had a calorie level that was working before changing the eating window, change the window and maintain the same calories. Establish the eating window as a habit change all on its own so you can evaluate its benefits to you separate from changing calories. Does it help you stay in your target. Does it help you sleep better. Does it help stave off late night binges. Whatever reason you had for changing that habit in the first place.
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Old 05-10-2016, 08:58 AM   #3  
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Basically I was eating late at night and it was stuff I knew I didn't really need - crisps and chocolate so I said no more! I just wont eat after 8pm.
I am not really hungry during the day for more food and I don't particularly want to eat more just for the sake of it but if I keep on like this, you are right, I will have no where to drop to if I need to.
it also backs up that I was right in that I didn't need those late night snacks, I was just being greedy.
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Old 05-12-2016, 10:55 AM   #4  
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If eating after 8 causes you to binge maybe you start adding a small afternoon snack into the mix or upping your calories at dinner? Adding in some extra healthy fat like coconut oil or butter.
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Old 06-26-2016, 11:29 AM   #5  
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Tbh, I tried to diet once before a while back. It went so well for a week. I wasn't craving foods, I was super happy and not at all tempted which was weird for me. And I started thinking 'oh no what if its going too well? maybe i should have some chocolate so i don't turn into a control freak about it" and then i binged and actually gained weight. I'm going to have 1 cheat meal a week now and i've promised myself i wouldn't freak out if it goes well.
If your regime is steady and nutritious and health conscious then i really wouldn't worry about it
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Old 06-26-2016, 11:31 AM   #6  
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and the cheat meal actually resets your fat burning hormones and makes you less likely to binge so it's a really good idea you wouldn't really have to worry about the one cheat meal either if you're surpassing your goals already
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Old 06-26-2016, 07:59 PM   #7  
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Thumbs up

good luck for your efforts
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