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lou1978 01-16-2008 06:18 AM

ugh... finally got myself to Drs... have chest infection... I was suposed to be chair of our team meeting... and off to brum for training tomorrow...

anyway chicken recipe....;

serves 4

prep time 5min + optional marinading (i did mine overnight as we were going to gym.. so would be back late to add 30mins!)

cooking time; 30min...

cals: 267, 2g fat (0.5 sat) - per serving


4cm piece fresh ginger, peeled & finely grated
1tbs soy sauce (+ extra to serve)... i used the low salt one..
3tbs sweet chilli sauce
juice of 1 lime & zest finely grated (i think that was a bit much..it was qute limeeee so adjust to your taste..)
4X 170g skinless chicken breast
300g pak chio.. trimmed
noodles & sesame oil to serve.. (ooo i forgot about that!..lol)

1. preheat oven to 190C/375F/gas mark 5. in a bow mix the ginger, soy sauce, chilli, & lime & zest. make 4 diagonal cuts across each chicken breast. Add to the bowl, turning to coat (leave for 30mins if you have time, then prehat oven)

2. Place the chicken on a lined baking tray (with foil or greaseproof paper). Pour any extra marinade over the chicken. Cook for 25mins until baked through and well caramelised.

3. Halve the pak choi (if large..) steam for 3-5mins until softened. Serve along side noodles cooked according to instructions & dress with a few drops of sesame oil & a little soy sauce

enjoy!!... it was yummy! & we left the chicken to cook while getting ready for next day/having shower... easy peasy!....

BTW.. pak choi is high in folic aci, energy releasing B vitamins and soluable fibre...!!!

Clydegirl 01-16-2008 09:06 AM

Cheers lou for the recipe. That looks simple enough. I have never made pak choi.

I'm off to St.Louis daughter has her scoliosis appointment.

lou1978 01-16-2008 09:21 AM

pak choi ... tastes a bit like cabbage.... but quite i distinct taste i think...

ooo hope the apt is ok...

sarahgrace 01-16-2008 09:32 AM

Where abouts in Brum are you off to Lou?

lou1978 01-16-2008 09:57 AM

im not now... im sick.... not sure where is was going to be held..
i lived there for 6months after i qualified... lived in stechford.. hated it... (no offence..).. i worked at heartlands.. was awful... me & and one other trained staff for 24 kids!.. not good!.. some were quite sick..

sarahgrace 01-16-2008 11:04 AM

:)wouldn't argue about Stetchford. or about heartlands for that matter. Mainly ended up in A & E there usually escorted patients or as one when one of mine knocked me out:mad: harborne is nice

Clydegirl 01-16-2008 11:27 AM

Sarahgrace I worked at the Q.E for 2 years. I remember Harborne. The Plough was our favourite watering hole.

lou1978 01-16-2008 02:26 PM

phewww!!... lol.. i lived in the nurses home for 4 weeks before i found a little flat to rent.. (stechford)..

I remember a sister who lived down the corridor there was only one HUGE cupboard in the kitchen .. she had packlocked it with all her stuff... & the cooker was vomit enducing.. about 4inches of lard on the hob.. ugh....

one night i was sat watching TV and there were blue flashing lights outside my window (i was on 3rd or 4th floor)... was used to that because the ambulances used to go up n down... but i thought mmmm its still there... looked out the window..& it was a fire engine.. aparently there was a fire in the laundry rm.... no fire alarm went of!.. thats when i had to move...!!!

my flat was nice.. all newly done out.. above a hair dressers lol.. BUT literally next door to a chineses & 24/7 kinda place ...whopps!... but then was on a 6month contract... so had to stay...

moved to oxford after that....!

i dont know harbourne...

sarahgrace 01-16-2008 04:22 PM

2 Attachment(s)
The plough is still there although a trendy wine bar type place as you can see below. harborne hhigh street circa 2005 this there too. :)

Clydegirl 01-16-2008 05:12 PM

Sarahgrace thanks for posting those photos of The Plough. It's hard to imagine it as a trendy wine bar. We had some good nights there. Then of course going for a curry every weekend. I have such a craving for a balti chicken now.

Daughter's appt went well. The doctor was really pleased so she's to continue with the brace and see him again in 6 months.

Moosegirl 01-17-2008 03:26 AM

Well I got my first official NSV… I have two pairs of jeans in the wardrobe that I bought over two and half years ago that never ever fitted me, I could get them on but I couldn’t get them over my belly… so I decided yesterday to dig them out and try them on and they fit! I couldn’t believe it so I shall be wearing them tomorrow for the first time, I’ve not worn jeans for over 14 years! Here’s hoping in another six week or so they will be too big!

Clydegirl 01-17-2008 08:25 AM

Congratulations Moosegirl that's a great feeling.

I'm down half a pound today.

lou1978 01-17-2008 09:00 AM

CG.. thats good... best to stick with the brace than go for rods if you can!...its a long op!.... well done on the half lb!

Moosegirl... wooooo hoooo... enjoy your "new" clothes.... & heres to the next size down!.....

sarahgrace 01-17-2008 01:53 PM

well done moosegirl, it's nice when that happens. I haven't been to the Plough for a couple of years, CG as it's not up to much, although the beer garden is nice in the summer. The Junction is now the best place in Harborne. Harborne tends to be quite upmarket these days which is why I can't afford to live there!! :)

kn1ghtbabe 01-17-2008 02:27 PM

Managed 15 mins on the exercise bike this afternoon. As there isn't much on TV tonight think I might go spend some quality time exercising. Might help my low mood as well.

Moosegirl 01-18-2008 03:30 AM

Off to see Sweeney Todd today and I won’t be buying the cinema snacks!

kn1ghtbabe 01-18-2008 05:55 AM

Moosegirl - was sweeney todd any good? fancy seeing it myself.

lou1978 01-18-2008 08:02 AM

ooo my consultant (boss) looked after his wee girl!...;0)

Clydegirl 01-18-2008 08:27 AM

Lou you'll have to explain!

lou1978 01-18-2008 09:31 AM

ooo she was really sick.. & he was her consultant... all was kept V quite.. was funny as it was in the papers etc.. that she was sick & in a london children hospital lol... mmm wonder where that is then!!!

Moosegirl 01-18-2008 03:43 PM

Lou I hope you will be feeling better soon... Chest infectons can be nasty!

lou1978 01-18-2008 06:02 PM

feeling a bit better thanks.. just feel soo tired.. have an apt at teh bank 2mo to discuss our mortguage as its coming to the end of its 2 yrs... wooo hoo! lol..

Clydegirl 01-18-2008 07:58 PM

Went to physio, turns out I have a frozen shoulder. I have to see them for 3 weeks for treatment and do exercises at home 3 times a day. So went for first session today and after my walk today did the exercises for the 2nd time.Took me 30 minutes and I have to do them tonight again. So I feel like I'm getting a workout.

Have a good weekend everyone. Chris and RSG stay warm. It will be frigid this weekend.

Homersmummy 01-19-2008 07:21 PM

Hi all.
Does anyone here just do walking as their exercise? And do they think it helps?
I started walking with my sister, we do 50 mins to an hour rapid walking, with incline half of route, but googling doesn't seem like really it'll help with my weight loss. If I'm lucky I'll get a pound a month from it? I do my exercise DVD some nights (Rebecca Wheatleys, the new me workout) but not often because I can only do them after my parents have gone to bed and our flat has very thin floors, so I can't do it often because it creates noise and we have people who live under us. I can't afford the gym any more, so we thought we'd walk most days instead. But, is it really worth the effort? :(

lou1978 01-20-2008 06:19 AM

does this help???


Moosegirl 01-20-2008 12:00 PM

I signed myself back up to the gym again this weekend so I get into Swimming again and some Aqua Classes as well! I am looking forward to getting back out there and figure it’s worth the expense once a month! I just got to go and get some new trainers tomorrow since my old pair are way too big!

Also listed some clothes on eBay that are now far too big for me! Wooohooo never thought I’d get to do that!

Homersmummy 01-20-2008 01:36 PM

Weighed myself this morning and I've put on. GAH! I give up!!!! *oops posted before I'd finished*
Yeah anyway, I weighed in at 271lb this morning. I have NO idea how this is happening because I am being so good. :( I stayed the same when I wasn't even properly trying for like 8 months, then I go on the diet religiously again and I put on! I don't get it. I've been trying for 2 years now come 26th January. I never thought I'd still be this big come 2 years down the line. :(

BritinNJ 01-20-2008 02:21 PM

:hug: HM.. are you eating enough? To lose, you have to beconsuming at least 1200 cals a day...make sure you're writing everything down and adding correctly...and don't forget the exercise :) We're here for you luvey.

Moosegirl, well done on the sign up for the pool and the getting rid of clothes that are too BIG :) Way to go sweetie :hug:

Piggin' cold here... need to get dressed and get out walking with pooches, went back to bed this morning and slept until noon! I never do that... it was lovely :)

Hope everyone is having a healthy weekend... see you all later :wave:

Moosegirl 01-20-2008 03:21 PM

Chris, its cold here tonight, past few nights I’ve left the heating on to keep the house warm, I never use to mind the cold but as I get older I can’t seem to tolerate it much!

HM, How about trying weightwatchers points… I am not following it as such but I do find the points system is a good way of limiting some of the nicer things I eat…

redsoxgirl 01-20-2008 03:32 PM

Chris I started to take a walk today and turned right around and went to the gym instead, it's ridiculous out there.

Now I'm curled up watching the Pats game with my Mom, she is a huge fan and is running around my house yelling at the tv.

HM..sorry to hear about your not losing, have you been checked out by the doc for thyroid issues or anything else that may be happening with you?

I'm still working on the birthday and holiday weight, I'm 4 lbs over my ticker!!!!

kn1ghtbabe 01-20-2008 03:50 PM

HM-The site I use for cal counting started me off with 2,570 per day. That was with a goal of losing 1lb per wk until I had lost 10%. I am now on 2,381 per day as I have reached my 10% goal. It does seem alot of cals but it is working as I reached my first 10% goal ahead of the date they gave me. They say on their site not to go lower than 1,200 per day whilst trying to lose weight.

I have had another sort out of my clothes. I am fitting into size 20/22 tops and size 24 trousers. So I now have another large pile of clothes to list on ebay. Listed some at the beginning of the year and what I sold has paid for me to get some smaller clothes. I've gone down 3 sizes so far.

lou1978 01-20-2008 04:24 PM


sorry your not getting anywhere

might be worth getting a MOT with the drs...... heart, kidneys too... might be a reason for extra fluid which will hamper your efforts..

ask for FBC, U&E & LFT's ;0) hehe... sorry ... i turned into casualty there.

FBC - full blood count... so checks all your haemaglobin so your not anaemic,

U&E checks stuff like sodium, potassium, Cloride, Bicarbonate, Urea, Creatinine & anion gap ... so heart & kidney things.....

LFT - liver function tests .. check all is ok there..

are you diabetic?? It might be worth a test for that too.... & oh and colesterol...

um followed up by ablood transfusion.. only kidding... only a small amount of blood is needed for each.. about 0.5ml.. if that!..

do you keep a food diary??? might be usefull to start .. its easy to forget some things you eat & think you are in you allowance....

a bit on underactive thyroid.. ...


at least if you have all the tests you can rule out anything medical that is causing you trouble!

Lou xx

micheleherts 01-20-2008 04:36 PM

Hello everyone

Just been catching up on your posts. I worked all weekend which I don't usually do. So I'm worn out. No day off now till Thursday.

Ouch Clydegirl with that frozen shoulder, I once slept funny on my arm and woke and couldn't life mine for about 3 days. I sympathise with you.

Hommersmummy I think walking is well worth it. Keep at it don't be disheartened. Maybe it is your food intake that needs looking at. Your body does need to be fueled.

Redsox I'm about five pounds over my ticker but I'd be too upset to change it so in my world I'm still at that weight!!!

Don't faint you lot but didn't I get myself back to the gym Friday night, I ran for 20 minutes which was great even though my old toe was at me. However when I did the weight machines I could see my reflection and there was a definite wodge of podge around my middle that wasn't there before Christmas but as I've said before my eating is much better so I'm confident I can get back on track.

Got home from work and found my little fella unwell. My hubby was at home with him, I think he has tonsilitis as I can see little white specs on his tonsils. So please god I can get past Gestapo receptionist at GP tomorrow and get an appointment for him. I always know when my boys are poorly they very rarely are but sometimes they say oooh I don't feel well my stomach aches or my throat hurts to which I give them a packet of soothers and send them to school. When they are really unwell they are allowed their duvets downstairs a bottle of lucozade and I lay beside them and tell them how they are my babies, which both of the soppy sods love and so do I. So at this moment youngest fella is conked on the sofa and here's a surprise hubby is conked on the carpet too, so no change there.

The eldest fella is off to Rome for five days with the school in February he has a great life. We have a meeting at the school tomorrow night so no gym tomorrow. In a space of a year that child has been to Barcelona Belgium and now Rome. The little fella makes his school options for September if he decides he want to go History and geography then he will do these trips too.
In my day we went to a place called Cuffley Camp and a day trip to Hampton Court Palace, oh and a trip to the Ideal Home Exhibition where my friend got hold of loads of minatures of whisky drank them and was rotten drunk she was 13 at the time. Oh those were the days.

I have to say there are good boys though, and i've made them promise only two things. One they will always come home for Christmas Dinner and two should I ever grow a beard which I think is entirely probable could they shave it off since I have no daughter to do such a thing.

Right I should go and prepare a salad for tomorrow's lunch.

Goodnight godbless
Michele xxx

micheleherts 01-20-2008 04:39 PM

Beard shaving when I am old that is should I grow one in the next couple of years I shall have to sort it myself


Homersmummy 01-20-2008 06:45 PM

My sister and my friends in work have all said perhaps it's because I'm not eating enough, the bigger you are the more calories you need. I've sat here tonight and planned my meals through the week, I'll stick to it and see what happens in a fortnight when I weigh myself again. I still don't think it's enough though...! I'm all out of ideas now. I've read through the Slimming World book tonight, but I can't afford to diet as they suggest.... I need to do it on the cheap as it were!

I have to get up early tomorrow for my hour walk with my sister. My ankles still kill from the hour walk yesterday though, so this will be interesting!

I've been told just now by a friend on myspace to go to the doctors! I know I have to anyways. My sister has just been diagnosed with PCOS and my mum had it too, they said to her it could be a factor in her weight, but she's no where near as big as me! She's been put on Xenical to help her lose weight. I don't want to go on that, because I can't risk having any 'need to go loo now' issues whilst I'm at work! But, it's so disheartening when you try but you gain!!

BritinNJ 01-20-2008 07:32 PM

Hello all :wave:

RSG...I can't believe those football players ran about in this cold weather... made me cold watching it...not that I'm a football fan, but hubs had it on and I let himm watch it with the fire going... he's coming down to the chilly family room soon though, so I can watch AR finale :)

I did walk earlier, it was not nice out and we had about an inch of snow on the ground and some black ice so I was treading carefully for part of it.

MG.. what do you do no instead of WW points? I love points but am now trying to follow high protein as it worked so well for me during the summer, I can do it, but with the cold weather, it makes me want stodge...

Michelle, you made me crack up with your 'wodge of podge'... what a great way to describe a bit of fluff round the old belly... can I use it please? Hope your young'un feels better soon...don't we always know that they're not well when they cuddle and sleep on the couch.

HM, I really do reckon that you're not eating enough cals...now you've done your food plan for the next two weeks, add up how many cals you have each day, if it's not over 1200.. and it should be more, add some more in... your bod sounds like it may be in starvation mode luvey... as for your Q earlier about walking which I missed... keep it up, it's a wonderful thing to do, one of the bext exercises in the world.

KB, well done on your clothes sizing going down, isn't it a marvelous feeling... keep up the good work :)

Lou, I'm glad you explained the tecnicalities of your little nursing letter's otherwise I'd have had to ask CG what on earth you were talking about... or watch reruns of ER :rofl:

Right, well off to make a cuppa... have been :angel: so far, so hope I can keep it up through the nasty cold evening.

See ya all tomorrow........

redsoxgirl 01-20-2008 07:45 PM

Hey Ladies...

Basking in the Patriots win, now watching Green Bay and New York play in even colder weather!!!

Anyway I got this email from a friend of mine this week and since we've been chatting about how many calories we should be eating each day I figured I'd post it.

I posted this a few weeks ago but doing it again in light of some of the posts about calorie levels recently. Ladies, please let go of the notion that one needs to eat 1200 calories to lose weight. It is outdated and not healthy. It is virtually impossible to get in all your nutrients on that and most likely will result in good amounts of muscle loss.

Two calculations---for non workout days and workout days put together by a sports nutritionist (and backed up by the citations/references in the book New Rules for Lifting for Women) for an approximate 1 lb loss per week (which is considered a safe level that helps preserve muscle mass while dieting)

Workout Day
1. multiply your weight (in lbs) by 18
2. Subtract 500 from that total to get your calorie needs for the day

Non-workout Day
1. multiply your eight (in lbs) by 15
2. subtract 500 from that total to get your calorie needs for the day

kn1ghtbabe 01-21-2008 05:24 AM

Morning all. Have lost the weight I gained last week. Must have been thanx to the haircut! My Uni materials arrived last week and I really ought to consider getting on with them and making a bit of a head start before the I am hoping this is my final year to get my degree. I've already been invited to do the Masters degree but not sure about how I can fund it at the moment.

Moosegirl 01-21-2008 07:55 AM

HM - it’s strange going by that name for you…. PCOS people do find it a lot harder to lose weight due to insulin resistance it certainly would be worth a trip to see the doc in a couple of weeks if you don’t see any change…

Chris – It felt good putting those clothes on eBay!

Weighed today down another 5lbs! Woooohooo I am so chuffed with that as I was convinced I wouldn’t lose this week because I’d slacked on the walking because of the rain! Picked up some new trainers this morning so all ready for the gym now… I only have 9lbs to lose to get me out of the 300’s! ;)

veggie 01-21-2008 02:29 PM

Urgh PCOS... after my scan and internal exam last year I got a big 'you've probably got it' from my helpful doctor. :rolleyes:

Well done Moosegirl on the 5. :cp:

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