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BritinNJ 01-08-2008 09:22 PM

Fea..........:drool: curry.... yummy :) naughty of you not to have eaten in so long though, remember our bodies think they are starving if we don't feed them on a regular basis :hug: Don't want to be a nag to you, but as I say to my hubs and kids, it's not nagging, it's loving..

Michelle, Hannah is 110% better.... thank God. She is doing briliiantly. She's taking college courses for her senior year this year and will graduate in june, she'll be 18 in a few weeks!!! Thanks for asking. :hug:

Well I had a very busy morning, I wore myself out and it was because I didn't eat sufficiantly myself...so I'm nagging myself about it too. I know better, and yet I still manage to forget to eat within good time limits and I know what it does to me...I was so knackered, I had to have a nap for an hour!

SG, don't worry about a gain from the weekend, it was your birthday, you'll soon get it off again if there was even a gain, you may be surprised, just remember to get your fluids into you :hug:

KB, :lol: at you cleaning and your puppy being scared, my two dogs move out of the way pretty sharpish when I'm cleaning, they don't know where to go at all because as soon as they settle somewhere, there I am with mop or broom or hoover and they have to move again, I shut them outside this morning and had to sit out there with them while my floors dried...bless 'em, they weren't impressed.

Back to work tomorrow for me....and a good workout while I'm there.

See you all tomorrow :wave:

Clydegirl 01-08-2008 11:21 PM

Hello :wave: .

Everything all right here we had some vicious thunderstorms but no tornadoes. My youngest was a basket case and was fretting all night. I ended up taking her downstairs and she slept on one couch and I slept on the other.

My friend and I weighed and measured ourselves yesterday. We will try and weigh each week together.

Chris you have to eat breakfast. Don't wait too late in the morning before you eat.

I love curry.

Take care everyone.

redsoxgirl 01-09-2008 06:32 AM

Hey Everyone

Warm and tropical today, it's weird but I love it, running outside is January.

Chris I'm so glad to hear Hannah is doing well.

Michelle hope your Mum continues to improve, we have kids at school spit out their medicine all the time.

Peacock glad you had a good b-day, mine is on Sunday, not sure what I'll be up to, I'm having people over on Saturday for the Patriots game. I told them that someone has to bring a cake :)

I have put on a few pounds that are really bugging me, so I'm hoping to deal with them this week.

Have a great day all.

BritinNJ 01-09-2008 09:19 AM

:wave: Morning

It is mild here, windy too, I'm just about to walk the dogs and then head to work, must have some brekky first though... thanks for the reminder CG, sorry to hear H was fretting, has all calmed down now? At least you have nice comfy couches to kip on though :)

RSG, where have you been? Nice to see you back :hug: :hb: for Sunday, hope you get all that you dream of and a nice cake to boot.

Ok, tum is a rumbling... time to feed the beast.... see you all later.

Fea 01-09-2008 12:06 PM

Hi everyone!

BritinNJ, everything you say is true. I hate not eating in so long, not just because Im bloody starving lol but because I know its not good for me and theres also the chance that I might end up eating something I shouldnt just because its quick.

All worked out well in the end. 6lb off this week. Its my first week so I expected a loss of water but I did better than I expected.

sarahgrace 01-09-2008 03:09 PM

I lost two this week much to my surpise. I suppose I have done a reasonable amount of excerise but still wasn't expecting a loss. will take it though:)

redsoxgirl 01-09-2008 06:38 PM

Hi Everyone

Chris I've been around, but not checking in here as much as I should which is showing on the scale and in my gut which seems to be protruding, I'm back up to 164. Hopefully I can nip it, I feel like there was a real difference in the way I looked when I was 160, I know it's only 4 lbs but I'm short so it shows a lot.

Oh well, hopefully I can drop them I think being out of work for almost 2 weeks was not good for me, I noticed I barely drank any water, and I ate way too much.

Another tropical day here, so I ran 5 miles.

Gotta run, my friend is putting my new TV on the wall tonight :)

BritinNJ 01-09-2008 07:20 PM

:cheer: Fea and Sg.. well done on those losses... brilliant.

RSG, yes, quite tropical indeed although I reckon we must have had a mini hurricane while I was at work, I came home to find the BBQ and teh huge heavy deck box had moved across the deck...I can't be bothered to move them back, they'll have to wait until hubs is home at the weekend. :)

A new hang on the wall telly eh.............nice... enjoy it :)

Well I was so busy at work today, I didn't get to work out, so time to get on the :tread:

See you all tomorrow... after my early shift and a little nap

kn1ghtbabe 01-10-2008 07:27 AM

I have been bad this week. I had planned to restart with my exercise on Monday, but so far I haven't done any. Mainly due to feeling rough. Constantly coughing and feeling sleepy. I have spent the morning searching for a job. Not much going round here as most companies have just laid off christmas staff.

lou1978 01-10-2008 01:55 PM

hello all im back.... been naughty prob since the summer lol.... put on about 28lb ops!.....

lost 6lb this week so hope it wont take me too long to get it off.. would have been to gym this week but been sick grrr.....
were off skiing in bulgaria in march.. so thats my aim.... and need to get fitter or will be dead by end of the 1st day!

work has been manic...few issues with several of my trials... ugh... hey ho.. what my job is about (i guess lol)...

www.sence-mcrn.org.uk have a look took us ages!...

keep up the good work!!!..

Clydegirl 01-10-2008 01:59 PM

Morning everyone.

My weigh in day and I lost 2.5lbs

Sorry got to go my friend just arrived for our walk.

lou1978 01-10-2008 02:04 PM

go CG !!...

sarahgrace 01-10-2008 02:57 PM

Welcome back Lou :wave: Your job looks interesting. how is your back?

micheleherts 01-10-2008 03:41 PM

Hello everyone

It was my day off, I weighed myself and it said I was a pound heavier, god knows how that is, as i've been very healthy. I wasn't too disheartened though I shall just carry on regardless.

Well done you girlies with your weightloss successes.

My heating packed up yesterday as well as my hot water. Today though the gasboard called and all is fixed so I'm warm again which is just fantastic.
Ate a few quality street this evening but walked for an hour with two friends and Ken (the dog). My mother is still unsettled but she is at least sleeping through the night. I had worried that she would end up in the mental health ward again. You wouldn't believe how awful it is there. The staff as far as I could see were as lazy as feck actually don't get me started on the mental health system in this country.

Redsox I know what its like to be short I'm five feet tall.

Welcome back Lou.

Right I must shift myself


Clydegirl 01-10-2008 08:51 PM

Hi Lou good to see you back.

I'm sure that weight will be falling off you soon. I was checking out your link aboput your work. Very interesting. My youngest has spent a lot of time in childrens' hospitals.

We had our walk in the pouring rain felt good though.

Michelle I hope your mum continues to improve.

BritinNJ 01-10-2008 08:56 PM

:lol; Michelle.... you're last comment had me do a double take darling, but it did make me giggle when I realised I was reading it wrong :hug:

CG, well done on the loss.... back on track my luv... I'm right there with ya, hope you're enjoying the walking :hug:

Lou, glad to see you're back, we'll fight the pounds off together, one at a time, we all here together, hope you're enjoying the new job :)

Had a slow morning today, managed to get some packing donw ready for our impending move to another place in the town I'm at... we're gonna be right posh there, we're even getting a flat screen telly I was told today, shame it only shows curves machines, but at least it'll be better than the box our members have to look at now.

I came home and had my nap, I must have been knackered as I slept for two hours, these early mornings don't agree with me at all, thankfully I only have to do one a week at the moment.

OK, time for a new CSI floowed by a new ER, my favs :)

See you all tomorrow

redsoxgirl 01-10-2008 10:30 PM

Nice to see everyone popping up in here again!!!

Another nice day here, I'm not going to know how to act when winter returns, went to spin class, lifted weights, and then promptly went out to dinner tonight but I wasn't awful.

The new TV is on the wall...YAY.

Michelle I'm 5'3" every little pound shows.

Well I have dinners out planned all weekend for my b-day so I guess I better focus during the day. It's nice having different groups of friends but I do go a little crazy during social times...oh well, better than sitting on the couch!!!

Off to bed I go.

Clydegirl 01-10-2008 11:17 PM

:celebrate: RSG Happy birthday, enjoy the weekend.

lou1978 01-11-2008 11:35 AM

thank-you for your return welcomes!... (again! lol :o:o)

my neck is fine.. i had pain on sat... but now i know its due to this damn viral bug... grr.. wanna get to the gym & get fitter for skiing!!!...
& im not sure i can watch anymore Jeremy Kyle lol.. I was going to go to work today but was up 4am coughing my guts up.. ugh..... :(

so the new job .. almost been there a yr!... is suiting me... & i have even done some shifts back on PICU.... good to keep my skills up... amazing how much i have forgotten/ takes me longer to do stuff!...

marmite & jen are fine.... the boy is being naughtly latley lol... we got a puzzle for xmas.. he has taken to "helping"... grrr.. jumped right on the table & trashed it.... ooo not to forget the bits he has chewed..... I'm sure he thinks hes a dog!... :dizzy:

michelle... glady your heating/ water is fixed.. nothing worse... we had same prob last yr in our flat...

CG... hope your son is better now....

omg... ppl are getting married on ricky lake... ugh i needto get better & back to work! lol

micheleherts 01-12-2008 09:12 AM

Hello everyone

Redsox you are right its lovely to see everyone again.

Well I've been tidying up this morning, little fella stayed at his mates last night then came back this morning with about six of them. All very polite though I have to say.

The big fella has been seen once this morning, he did his paper round came in had some crumpets moaned then went back to bed havent seen him since and its just gone 2. He sat an exam yesterday an AS module in history so he has probably tired himself out all that thinking!!!

I'm definitely definitely definitely going to the gym tomorrow whether my toe hurts or not. I walk everyday I know but this isn't enough to shift poundage for me, I'm also going to cut down on bread again. All this week I've had sarnies for lunch instead of a salad and I feel so bloated again. You would think after all these years of watching weight and stuff we would have cracked it by now.

My mother is improving, I weighed her last night and she has lost a stone.
She is now 11 stone she was 13 and a half at one point, she is five foot like me. Actually she looks shorter than that I think she has shrunk as you do when you get older. Like myself she loves her grub but since she has become unwell she has been off her food. Mind you she scoffed a pack of sausage rolls last night so her appetite must be returning. Her meds for schzophrenia have weight gain as a side effect. She was seven stone 12 until she started on these!!

I've just had a bath done my hair and I'm about to go to the shoppies to buy some bits. Hubby is out working.

Have a good Saturday

BritinNJ 01-13-2008 09:18 PM

:hb: RSG, hope you're having a good one... I reckon you might be able to imbibe as well as it's showing the school closings for tomorrow... :lol:

I ave been an absolute :angel: today. I am feeling very virtuious (sp?) and hope the feeling stays with me tomorrow.

It's been a lovely day weather wise today, sunny and mild, beautiful for a walk with the dogs this afternoon, although it's all changing after midnight, rain and then snow and high winds...

Michelle, how's your toe, did you cope with it at the gym luvey? And what did you do to it in the first place?

Right, well time for a tiddle, the water intake is very good today as well...as is the out come :)

See you all tomorrow chickies. :wave:

linda25590 01-14-2008 01:54 AM

hi gang just popped in to see how this thing works. nearly 2 weeks in to my new diet, am feeling positive, have a short holiday booked for 3 weeks time and am aiming to hold out till then. keep strong.

peacock 2 01-14-2008 06:26 AM

WOw! Well doen Linda!

BritinNJ 01-14-2008 09:31 AM

Well done Linda, I'm sure you'll do really well on your holiday as well, you'll be in such a mind set that you'll choose food carefully and if you do treat yourself, it's ok, you are allowed :)

Well we have very wet snow falling right now, supposed to lighten up later on, but the winds are making it not vey nice out. I don't know if Pen and Lew are going to walk this morning, the wet snow gets in their paddy paws and they limp and have been known to have to have been carried home, remember CG? :lol:

WEll time to do some washing and have a nice healthy brekky...more later, have a good one all.

Clydegirl 01-14-2008 11:41 AM

Poor Lew I remember carrying him home.

Cold here but dry so I'm off for my walk. All bundled up like the michelin man.

sarahgrace 01-14-2008 01:30 PM

well I had a busy weekend, all you can eat buffet on Friday, I was quite restrained until I got to the desert stage:devil: . Drinks on Sat, I'll have to see if I pay for it on Wednesday :o. Weather was foul on Friday, night it snowed and people got caught in flash floods and had to be rescued. doesn't happen a lot in Birmingham that! :dizzy:

kn1ghtbabe 01-14-2008 01:37 PM

Have had to cancel our Dublin trip. Our puppy has had his jabs but I don't have his vet card so no proof. Vets say I have to start again, leaving 3 wks between jabs. No good to me as we was meant to go a week tomorrow. All this means kennels won't take puppy so we are having to stay at home. Only good thing is we only a tenner. So to cheer me up I am having my hair done tomorrow. Well best go get on with cooking tea.

micheleherts 01-14-2008 04:30 PM

Hello everyone

Well I didn't get to the gym Chris as Saturday night didn't I go out and get rotten drunk on a few glasses of rose. I just cannot drink that stuff at all and I know this but I still do it. Consquently I came home Saturday night got sick as you do in front of your 16 year old son. Who helped me up the stairs and down the stairs again. Whilst hubby moaned at me. Conor thinks its hysterically funny and has teased me mercifully. Apparently I said to him "Conor sit with me dont' let me die on my own" anyway I must have conked it on the sofa woke up at 3am crawled into bed woke about 9ish and promptly got sick again. I had the worst hangover Sunday it was terrible. All my own fault but I can say with my hand of my heart I cannot drink rose for a long long time.

As for that old toe of mine it's still sore. I did that just after Christmas, now this maybe too much information but you know me I don't hold back. My hubby was laying asleep on the carpet and I kind of felt frisky so I lay down next to him and god knows what happened but he jumped up and somehow I wacked my toe on the nearby radiator. Oh the absolute pain, and there was no friskiness whatsoever I didn't even get that far. I must be very scary!!!

So thats my news really. My mother continues to improve but still has some way to go. My father is still frail and tried but doing ok.

Take good care everyone


Moosegirl 01-14-2008 05:11 PM


Not quite a newbie, was here some time back but it’s been too long so decided on a new start, some faces or rather names I do remember!

Finally I am tackling the weight problem that has made me put my life on hold, down 44lbs and at the lowest weight I have been in almost 10 years! Long way to go but am determined to get there and make 2008 the year I am swallowing success!

Looking forward to catching up and supporting others in the battle to lose the bulge!

redsoxgirl 01-14-2008 08:01 PM

Michelle that story is hilarious!!!

Chris you know me too well, I was out for Mexican last night for my birthday when I got a text that school was cancelled, so another round of drinks were promptly ordered.

I didn't feel too bad today, spent the whole day with a friend who was wiring my new TV, this thing has taken a ton of my time, but it's finally up and running and the wires are behind the wall.

Eating and drinking has been ridiculous, I have been working out but I really need to stop the food. One more dinner out tomorrow and that's it, I think I'll try and lay low over the weekend.

Hope everyone is doing well!!!

lou1978 01-15-2008 02:15 AM

michelle you crack me up... lol... esp as i got up about an hr earlier than i needed to grrrr... I was quite happy snoozing..
gota pop to the Royal Brompton & St Marys (hospitals) & sort out my honorary contracts.... its not a fun job... one hospital been trying since last april!!!... grr.. one the woman just wrote the letter & all was done... if only they were all like that!

went to the gym last night... managed to breath.. just... still vvv snotty.. ugh its gross.. i hate it.. going again tonight as im off to Birmingham 2mo nite for work.. & wont get my 3x in this week... !

had a yummy dinner last night... chicken (marinated in lime juice& zest, sweet chilli sauce & soy sauce) baked in over for 30mins served with noodles & pac choi mmmm (its from Zest magazine... free diet book thingy)

RIght better go... get my train!!!

have a good day all Be good!!!!


micheleherts 01-15-2008 06:25 AM

Good morning to you all

Redsox I must have missed somewhere that it was your birthday. Sounds as if you had a great old time! A belated happy birthday to you.

It's my day off today the weather is atrocious. The boys had left every single light on in the house. I spoke to them last night and told them I would no longer be picking up their dirty boxer shorts from the bathroom each day. They would be left there (urgh) and if there were none to wash in the laundry basket then so be it. Conor woke me this morning to say mum i'm putting my boxers in the basket, oh thank you child what a lovely words first thing in the morning. Little fella is usually a little more helpful although very wilful.

Lou hope that cold shifts soon, I can't remember the last time I had a cold. Chris I'm delighted Hannah is doing so well.

I've started the day with my usual customary fried egg sarnie, so I'm feeling nice and full, I've got to change the bed linen and have a tidy up.I can't face walking to the gym so I am going to wait until hubby comes home. I have lovely new trainers that I hope I can get on and outside is so muddy due to he workman across the road filling in the chalk mine that my house is on!!

I have no body lotion or moisturiser left only this Stretch Mark Cream that I saw advertised, so I smothered myself in that including my face I shall be like that toy my brothers had as children Stretch Armstrong.

Right I must get going and do some stuff.

Take good care everyone


BritinNJ 01-15-2008 09:05 AM

Hello all,

Michelle, your frisky episode had me in hysterics luv...you really do have a way with telling a story :) Boxer shorts eh? With Hannah it's all clothing, she just dumps it on her bedroom floor and walks over it, my Mum tells me I was a slob at the same age too, but I don't believe it at all... nope, not me, not possible.

:lol: at you being stretch armstrong with your left over cream.. I bet you'll be all sorts of supple, you should seduce your hubs tonight.. :wink:

It's very cold out, little smattering of snow on the ground but will walk pen and Lew shortly, with their little winter coats on.

I shall have my brekky first though so I don't feel starving and want to stuff my gob with carbs after walking...

CG, how was the walk, how long, how far? Keep it up luv.

RSG, glad you had an extra round on your birthday, time to get back on track now though lovey.

KB, sorry to hear about the Dublin trip being cancelled, shame that is. When you get pups jabs again, make a copy of the papers and store somewhere else, I have a seperat doggy file as well as their paperwork being in the filing cabinet, it's rescued me no end of times with different aspects of their health :)

Ok, time for brekky.... :wave:

kn1ghtbabe 01-15-2008 10:30 AM

Afternoon all. Have had my haircut to cheer me up over the Dublin fiasco. Then OH rings to inform me he is getting a lift home from work as he can't get his car started. Also means he'll be pinching my car for work tomorrow. Time to consider giving him a pushbike and scrapping his car. It's only a 40 mile round trip to work.

micheleherts 01-15-2008 10:30 AM

Chris I have the suppleness of an octenengerian!!

knightbabe I meant to say sorry about the Dublin trip being cancelled. Hope you can re-book soon. Dublin is nice you should think about going to Kerry it's just wonderful. I'm off there in March for St Patricks Day to visit my relatives.
No rose of course!

No seduction tonight Shameless is on a programme on Channel 4 that I just love. It will be too late then!!! Oooh how exciting am I!!

I've done the beds tidied up. the boys will be home soon, I told the pair of eejits this morning to put waterproofs over their blazers but just found them hanging in the storeroom. Boys eh.

Clydegirl lovely to see you

Lets all be the bestest girlies


sarahgrace 01-15-2008 01:28 PM

I'm being good today its WW tomorrow. :angel: i might have mini fish and chips after :devil:

Clydegirl 01-15-2008 03:46 PM

Hi everyone.

Been at the doc's. I have to go back to physio as I have rotator cuff tendonitis. They did x-rays as well. I have decreased range of motion on that side. Can't unfasten my bra at the back anymore. In fact last night I couldn't raise my arm up all the way to shave under it.

I've been walking with my friend. We walk 30 minutes at the moment but I need to increase my exercise.

Hi Michele I love reading about your family and your shenanigans with the rose.

Lou that chicken sounds good. Where's the recipe?

Welcome Moose you've done really well 44 lbs awesome.

Mini fish and chips sounds good to me.

BritinNJ 01-15-2008 09:44 PM

ooooooooooooo CG, I know how that pain is, I had tendonitis in my shoulder from moving J's bed and of course the rotator cuff damage bloody hurts! Ough... :hug: for you darling...talk soon.

I've just been on the :tread: while watching biggest loser, kept me going great because they're workouts are so hard and so inspirational :)

See you all tomorrow :wave:

Clydegirl 01-15-2008 10:31 PM

I remember when you had the problem with your shoulder, wasn't sure if it was the same thing. It got better didn't it with physio?

Remember going to that PT place in Jersey? Was it in Cherry Hill?

Moosegirl 01-16-2008 03:05 AM

Clydegirl – That sounds painful for you I do hope that the physio can help you. I see a physio myself for a trapped nerve in my leg which I’ve had now for over six months.

It’s a rainy day which means I am not going to get out with the dog since he refuses to walk in the rain, but I need some shopping so think I will walk to the supermarket so I can get in some exercise!

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