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Old 04-17-2007, 04:43 PM   #1  
Big is beautiful,but.....
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Default hello all

im new, im 26 and my name is Rachel(i prefer Rach)
i weigh 15st 10lb and want to get down to at least 10st i am 5'2" tall
and a size 18/20.
I am a mum of 3, 2 girls aged 5 and 8 and a son of 3.
I live with my partner, our kids and all our pets, we are currently thinking about home educating our children.

over the weekend i got myself a little notepad to use as a weightloss/inchloss diary and a tape measure.
so this morning took all measurements as follows
i have written it down like this(if there is a better way could someone please tell me?)

height:5ft 2 inch
right thigh:25inch
left thigh:24inch
bust under:42inch
bust over:48inch
so it turns out i have lost 4lb w/o really trying yeay!!!!!!

i have also written this down for me to have as my meal diary(can anyone tell me if this is ok or not and what i should change if anything)

breakfast:2 weetabix 1 cup of milk or 2 slices toast with marg
snack:fruit or cereal bar
dinner:sandwich,fruit and cereal bar
snack:fruit or cereal bar
tea:spaghetti bolognese
curry and chips
chicken w pasta in sauce
pasta in sauce meal
jacket potato and beans
beans on toast
to drink i will have water and or the kids dilute sugar free juice.

these are what i can have w/o changing too much of what we already buy now, and without having to go over budget for our weekly/monthly shopping money.
i have dramatically reduced my portion sizes from a plate the size i give to my OH to a plate the size i give to my kids.
Besides the (roughly) 30/40 mins walking to school and back each day how much more do i need to do exercise? i have a exercise bike, rowing machine, skipping rope, my stairs(lol) and a tae bo dvd(cant use this as i need to get the beginner one this is the advanced one and its real difficult)

Thanks for reading and sorry for rambling(lol)
p.s. anyone know where i can get help for the OH? he is underweight (according to the tables we use) and cant put weight on, he east as much as me if not more and cant put weight on, its getting him down though which is why i ask.

p.p.s i also have quite a large overhang due to my c-section 3 years ago, which is why my hips measurement is so large, does anyone have any advice on if/how i can get rid of the overhang or will it alwasy be there unless i have surgery?
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Old 04-17-2007, 04:58 PM   #2  
Big is beautiful,but.....
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just to add,
the thing that i dont wanna lose weight on is my boobs, lol, its great to have a good sized bust i was always what my dad calls " like an ironing board" and i hated it, so im really bothered im gonna loose them, lol.
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Old 04-18-2007, 05:40 AM   #3  
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Hello Rachel and welcome.

Love the pictures of your family and nice to see you too.

I am not good at saying what someone should eat but I can tell you that I know what you mean about the c- section thingy. I've had two of them and at first my overhand was horrendous. It has really really shrunk but it isn't too bad now. I am trying to lose about another 7-10lbs so I will see what it is like then. At your age yours may possibly spring back after you have lost weight but at my age there wasn't any chance of this. Sometimes I think about tummy tucks but I am a huge coward and I worry about infection and things.
As for bosoms they will shrink too but you will still have them don't worry. You won't go back to ironing board days although I would love that look!!

Well done on your first four pounds. I started off at 15 stone and I am five foot so I know how difficult it is to carry extra pounds.

Keep posting and let us know your news and how you are getting on

Take good care

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Old 04-18-2007, 07:19 AM   #4  
Big is beautiful,but.....
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Thanks Michele
i had thought a bout maybe a tummy tuck afterwards too, but i was really ill due to the c-section for 6 weeks after what with one infection and another so im not sure i'd go through with it either.
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Old 04-18-2007, 07:27 AM   #5  
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Oooh Rachel those c-sections are something else. My first one ended up in me hameorraging it was very scary for those around me but after some drug to stop the bleeding and some units of blood I recovered only to get an infection. Second c-section went better but ended up like you getting very very unwell after the birth due to an infection oh yuk.

I cannot get my babies out naturally since I have a little pelvis and my boys were big and breech!!

Thats enough of my birth stories. Hope your having a good healthy day.

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Old 04-18-2007, 07:38 AM   #6  
Big is beautiful,but.....
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lol, i am thanks
i gave birth to both my girls naturally with just gas and air and so thought he would just fly out so to speak, lol
so went to the hospital as late as possible, then she felt and said he was breech, our hospital dont "do" breech so had to wait for 20 mins (needing to push) for an ambulance to come and take me to another hospital 20 mins away , i lost a lot of blood i could tell by the nurses faces but they kidded me i was fine, i then asked the doctor next day, oh and t top it off he was not only breech his head was stuck in my rib cage so they had to cut my womb into an L shape to get his head out
sorry i have gone on its just good to share with someone that understands, my S.I.L has had 2 c-sections and recovered really quickly and waqs up nd walking about within a week, oh and got her figure back straight away, grrrrrrrrrrrrr
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Old 04-18-2007, 08:16 AM   #7  
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HI Rach and welcome! I was a breech kiddie but mum didn't had a c section. I dunno what they did I think I was actually born feet first - what that says about me I dunno.....Shudder to think. I want to know why it is human women (well some) have such problems getting back into shape after giving birth - yet those deer little meerkats on telly - after giving birth their little tummies are flat! Also I was wondering just this morning why on nature programmes most animals give birth with what looks like the minimum of discomfort while in the human world it ain't so - ok I know thing scan go wrong for animals - but they don't seem to be as 'noisy' as humans. I guess because they are at their most vulnerable then and it would hardly help to do the animal equivalent of screeching to their mate that he will be castrated when they get hold of him - in lion country......

These are just random thoughts and of course not to be taken as critisism of mums at all. I have never had a baby.
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Old 04-18-2007, 08:58 AM   #8  
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hiya peacock, and thanks for that
well i was told at school that we humans suffer more during labour because our children have relatively bigger heads to other animals due to having bigger brains to fit in them.
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Old 04-18-2007, 09:12 AM   #9  
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Ahhh! That'll be it then. I really must stop watching nature programmes. I get very upset about them when one dies. Always been a softie!
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Old 04-18-2007, 09:54 AM   #10  
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Hi Rach,
you've come to the right place

Just please tell me that on your food diary bit, you're not planning on eating all those things for dinner at once? It all sounds really nice, and once upon a time I could eat most of that, but have trained myself not to... although I can still be a piggy at times...

Your weifhts and measures look fine... measure once a month and you'll see the best differences... your food plan looks ok, try and eat more veggies with meals... you can fill the plate with them and have less carbs... and plenty of protein is always good.

You sound like you have a mini gym in your house, try different things out and see what you enjoy. Don't try and go overboard and do something for an hour at a time though, if you're like me, you'll feel unfit, and won't want to do it start small, like five to ten minutes a couple of times a day and you'll soon build up to doing it longer without even realising.

As for your hubs, mine's a skinny minnie too, although not underweight... maybe your's needs to try some supements like protein shakes and such? Just an idea.

Come and join in our monthly chat thread and let us know how you're feeling, doing, and all about your day.
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Old 04-18-2007, 10:18 AM   #11  
Big is beautiful,but.....
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Hi Chris and thanks
no im not going to eat them all at once, lol but they are all mostly home made
i will also be adding to some of the meals sweetcorn and peas and snackig on celery as those are the only veggies i like
where will i find the ,onthly chat thread?
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Old 04-18-2007, 10:40 AM   #12  
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Hi Rach

Here's the april chat
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Old 04-18-2007, 11:03 AM   #13  
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Thanks Clydegirl
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Old 04-19-2007, 04:08 AM   #14  
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hi rach, i was about the same as you to start. 5` 1" and 15st 12lbs. my hips too were over 50" . i am getting a bit worried as were before my belly was fat and firm, its now less fat and very wobbly . i would love a tummy tuck at some point, though how easy it would be on the nhs i dont know
you have made a good start, keep it up. i find this forum has helped keep me motivated, especially the challenges
my o/h was really skinny till he hit his 40`s. now he has filled out a bit (well his tummy has anyway - not a beer belly a choccy one!)mad
ps i was a breech (bum first), i was dragged out with forceps apparently, not that i remember
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Old 04-19-2007, 12:28 PM   #15  
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hi madaboutbooks
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