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Old 05-22-2001, 07:07 AM   #1  
Opening a whole new world
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Ok, I actually had this done and lost it.
So I will make this one shorter (the last one was a bit long). I think yesterday I was more tired than anything, also Weigh-in's make me nerveous. I weigh myself thoughout the day. All day. But I'm taking this slowly, so if I want to have cake, and wine once in a while, I can. I'm not going to stop enjoying the things I like, cuz that's when I will jump ship. MODERATION and exercise (although my wine could of been less, I had fun). Yesterday was really busy. Almost late for meeting. But when I walked into that room, I felt like a queen. We had SRD last week-end got really inspired. All the ladies that went did. Well after going to SRD, and getting closer to the ladies, and being so close to meeting time, They thought I wasn't coming. Everyone said "there you are, we thought you weren't coming". The whole room just seemed to smile. That made me feel really welcomed. We are already making plans for next year.
I lost 1 pd. last night, and won the kitty, too. Thank you for all your encouraging words. You ladies are great.

I'm glad to hear that you took sometime for yourself. You can get back on track. I know what you mean about staying on track with fewer calories.
YOU CAN DO THIS! Some adjusting, but it will work.

You can get that weight back down. One day at a time.

The rest of you ladies you go girls. We can do this. YES WE CAN. Good luck weighing in to all of you this week.
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Old 05-22-2001, 10:23 AM   #2  
Always find the good!
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This morning I got up and weighed out all of my food today. I also packed my gym bag to go over at lunch. One day is right!

I'm not weighing in tonight. I'm going to my meeting though. I've decide to take a week to get back on track. I clearly know I'll gain.'s not that I"m not facing the gain...I'm just afraid that my 'well screw it all then....' personality will beat me for the week if i show a huge gain that is clearly just vacation weight.

My goal for next week is to be where I was before I left. And then let's move on from there!!

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Old 05-22-2001, 05:53 PM   #3  
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Hey wendy and amy!

Wendy ! Congrats ! You are doing so great! YAH! I am glad you had fun at srd and you lost weight this week and won the money. YOU GO GIRL! How much have you lost now?? It must be a lot!

Amy! I too think you need to take some time to get back on track. I was off all weekend and now am forcing myself to even drink all my water. And before, I did it with no problem.

I have to weigh in thursday night and have lost the past 5 weeks. I am dreading it soooo much!

Take care ladies YOUR TOPS PAL PENNY
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Old 05-22-2001, 09:01 PM   #4  
Working My Way Happy!
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Hi Wendy,

I think you are doing great. I am so glad that the srd really inspired you to keep you going. That is what we all need. Something really inspiring once in awhile to keep us going. I don't know what my problem is. I just can't seem to get on the right track. I was doing so well for so long and now I have lost it. I have to find a way to find my way back to a plan. I am so glad that you had a loss this week. I know you were really dreading it. You deserved it. See I told you that one day wouldn't ruin you.LOL Keep up the great work. It is paying off.


Good luck this week with your plan. That is great that you are focused again and you have a plan. Weighing everything is good. That way you know exactly what you are eating. You will lose those vacation lbs this week then you will be on your way to goal again. Keep moving forward and stay focused.


I liked your graphics. Where do you find them all? I didn't do good for this challange. I think that I will have to make it up in the next one. Hopefully we can have a july 4th challange that ends july 4th. I think the 4 weeks are good. Sometimes though 4 weeks can be a long time if things aren't going well. But the challanges are good.
Don't worry about the weigh in this week. If you do have a gain it won't be much. You can turn it around for next week. I know it will be dissappointing for you. But you were off plan but you enjoyed yourself. You have come a long way. Don't beat yourself for one gain that you don't even know if you have or not. You will do fine. You are right where you wanted to be for that wedding. That is a huge accomplishment. Think of all the positive things that you have done they far outweigh the negatives that is for sure. Keep your chin up will are doing great.

I didn't do too bad today I guess. It could have been better I guess. I shouldn't have had the pc of pizza for dinner. I had a chef salad also.

I really have to have a long hard chat with myself and tomorrow seems to be the day. I can't keep floating like this. I have still been doing my exercise but I have to stop eating the extra junk as well. I have to make myself a goal and stick to it for a week I guess. Start back in and do one step at a time. What do you all think? Do you think that is a good idea?

I will set my goal for next week to not have junk food. Although it will be hard because we have the holiday weekend approaching but I can do it if I really try.

Have a great night everyone and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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