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Old 01-05-2002, 01:49 AM   #1  
'Per Ardua ad Astra'
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Default Sensational Saturday!

Well off to the city today. Shopping with the old man. Costco, the bread store, your average milk run. The high point will be my Chicken Santa Fe salad at Swiss Chalet.

My Mom lives in Guilford, you may be neighbors! I grew up in Cloverdale on 184 Th street. It was all farmland back then. We had chickens, cows, a totally nasty pony and a buckskin mare that could jump any fence known to man. Rusty (the pony) and Ernie (the cow) would undo the gate latches and follow her (usually down the Fraser highway) until the RCMP rounded them up.

My Mom and I are going to go to Buchart Gardens and maybe Minter Gardens this July and I may come out for Easter. I would love to look you up. Us Surrey girls gotta stick together!

Summer, I forgot to thank you for sharing my program with your group. I worked really hard on it and you using it made my day. What was your extra info? I am working on another one about sticking to it, if you like I will share it with you when I complete it.

Sherri, some things I can talk to my Mom about and some things I just can’t. This would be one of those things. My mom and I have a real traditional relationship. She is always right and I worship her for it. Actually almost always she is right. And I really do adore her. I think I will just get the dietician to write me out a week of menus on official hospital stationary and hand them over to her on arrival. That way she will be my watchdog and not let me near anything I don’t want to eat. HaHa, We will both be happy as she will have done her level best for me and I will have let her lead the way. And my family wonders why I am such a protective clucking hen! Sheesh, I come by it honestly.
My mistake this trip was to take a week off in front of her. She took that as a signal to spoil me rotten and reward me with all my favorite things. Why are the best relationships always so fraught with emotional pitfalls? Actually I know the answer to that one. Because we care so much.
Thanks for the compliments. I still have a long way to go but buying that dress and seeing the old boys face were worth the effort. I plan on being an absolutely fabulous Forty this year. Really have to work on walking in high heels again tho! I told my son you think he’s handsome and he asked if you’d been drinking. Funny guy, eh?

Well ladies, gotta run, take good care of yourselves today and have a Sensational Saturday!

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Old 01-05-2002, 08:05 AM   #2  
Mother Hen
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Today is also my day to run around and do errands.
CC I would love to have a copy of the program you are working on. Do you still have my e-mail address?
I am thinking about taking the leaders job this coming year. I do most of it in the background anyway. But I have to find someone that will do a good job of weigh recorder. I put my all into being leader and I can't do both. The weight recorder needs to be someone who needs minimum help. I haven't decided yet. But my hubby said two weeks ago he could see the signs that I was thinking about it. He knows me too well
i have more time now than when I was leader before. Then I was working shift work and it was hard at times.
hope everyone has a good weekend.
You are all some very special people. My life has been blessed to have found this site.
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Old 01-05-2002, 12:19 PM   #3  
Working My Way Happy!
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I just wanted to say that what everyone posted on the other boards about the chapters I think is true also. I don't think that you should go out to eat afterward. I think that defeats the purpose of what we are trying to do. In all chapters you have the ones that come for the social end of it and those that are serious and those that do all the work. From talking to everyone here on these boards for the past year I have realized that no chapter out there gives as much support as our boards here do. We here all want the same things. We want to reach our goals. Yes we screw up once in awhile but we are there for each other when that happens. I never hear from my group and to me that is not support. I know that at any given hour of the day I can come here and post and I know someone will get back to me good or bad. We all should remember that we are all individuals with different personallities. We never mean to hurt anyones feelings. But we must all feel comfortable posting what we truly feel about different situations. I feel if you didn't want an honest answer (even if it doesn't agree with you) then you shouldn't have asked. That is what true friendship is to me. To always be honest. Yes we might not like what we hear but it doesn't mean we have to take the advice. But maybe sometimes it opens up new doors to ideas that we might not have thought about. So I am never upset with a response. I take what I want from it and learn from it and move on. We are all here to help each other and that is what we do. We are like a big family all struggling with the same problem. That is what makes us close having the same problems and dealing with them together.


I think you have the right idea and I love it. That way you can stay on plan and your mom will think she is leading the way. Especially if you get something in writing from the nutritionalist she will help you. You think of everything don't you? And by the way tell your son I haven't been drinking but I am happily married as well.LOL
Glad to hear that you are back to your plan and getting focused back on you. The past is over and today is here and now. We can only do what we can today and look forward to tomorrow. You are doing a great job. I know it is hard to get back on track after being off. I have done it so many times. But I won't ever give up. I remember Eleni's Start Over Poem and I know that each day is a new day with no mistakes in it and it is up to me what I do with that time. I am going to get healthy and hopefully stay there. You are well on your way to. We all are.


I think you would make a great leader. You have so much to offer and you really care about others and having them succeed. You have been in that position before so you know what to do. You will change someones life and that will be such a reward to you. You will be changing your own life to because you are right on track. Maybe being leader will help you to stay focused and do what you know you have to do for you while helping others succeed.

This is going to be such a great year for all of us here.

I was off plan last night. We went to Applebees and I had a mudslide God I love them. They are so good. But I am back on track today and doing well with no problems. I will have a loss this week I know it.

Have a great on plan day everyone.

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Old 01-05-2002, 05:55 PM   #4  
donna p
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hi all - well a typical dreary rainy winter day here. I am busy cleaning out my kitchen drawers. Tonight I have a party to go to but I intend to take a bottle of water and to eat before I go and then just socialize all night.

Yes CC your mother and I live real close. I live by 92nd Ave and 132nd street. We moved out to N. Delta in 71 when my son was born and my daughter was two and then when they finished school moved to Surrey. I have dogs and cats and needed more yard space. We had put in a pool in delta and that didn't leave any space for yard. Here we have a double yard so I have a pool on one side and the other is yard for my garden and animals. I worked in Cloverdale for several years back then too. We are going on a cruise for one week in July- not sure yet which one but hopefully it won't be the one that you come. I am looking forward to meeting up with you.

I wish I could meet all of you...what fun we could have...

Have a great OP day.............
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