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Old 10-18-2006, 07:48 PM   #1  
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Talking Weight Loss and Chit Chat #217

Hello and to the Jaded Ladies site!

We are a group of ladies that come here for support and encouragement on our weight loss struggles, and we also find time for some chitchatting. So please, won't you join us? New members are always welcome.

I hope it was okay for me to start this.........
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Old 10-18-2006, 07:50 PM   #2  
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Hi Ladies.

Cristina -- Thanks. I will be emailling it to you once I "tweak" it a bit more.

Jane -- to Mary and Happy Bday to your son!

Tiffany -- no worries, seems like you have a lot going on right now, just pop in whenever you can, we'll be here. Take care.

Katie -- No worries and your not just a "decorative doily" you are a Jaded Laded and we aren't just for decoration! lol........

As for me my back is hurting badly again. I think its due to the weather and all ........I woke up and my DH had cleaned out the fridge as well as the kitchen so I wouldn't have to do it with my back being sore and all!

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Old 10-18-2006, 10:32 PM   #3  
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Hiya ladies... We had a warmer day here today. Guess who took advantage of the sunshine and actually got a walk in? Yay!
I didn't get much done around the house. The builder was here fixing a few little things and DH was working in the shop. Mom and I did run to the grocery and the Dollar store, but weren't gone long.
Soooo..not much news from here.

Sassy- Hope your back gets better soon. Nothing worse than a sore back. You have a good hubby if he will clean the fridge....better keep him around!

Jane- Hugs to Mary at her diagnosis. I don't know much about rheumatoid, so can't offer anything except best wishes for a GOOD Dr. and good info. I know she is lucky to have you and your DH to help out. Hugs to all!

MaryKate- You are not a doily...more like a vase of roses. Heck, if you are going to be a decoration, pick a good one. (Just kidding, of course.)
I DO like doilies were injured by my comment. teehee....

Tiffany- We all get busy from time to time. It is just so great to know the JL's will be here when we get back. AND no one will chastize us for being away. One of my favorite things about this group. Not to mention that we are just a wonderful, beautiful, helpful group!!

Cristina- Hey, that housework will always be is never ending. So relax a little. You are doing great, by the way.

Tomorrow we are meeting DH's sister and brother and their spouses for lunch. Hopefully I can get a walk in at some point. Fri.- A trip to Hobby Lobby..finally.
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Old 10-19-2006, 01:50 AM   #4  
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Jane: I'm sorry to hear about Mary. My mother had the same problem and it's very painful. She was able to keep her fingers nimble by crocheting. Sounds like you have a full plate. Happy Birthday to your son. How's the puzzles coming?

Sue: Sounds like you're settling into the new house. You've been so busy that it must be nice to have things slow down some. What would we do without Hobby Lobby?

Cristina: I'm glad you finally heard from Josh. Are you sleeping better? I think we should name you the welcome lady with all the card sending you do. You make me want to get on a stick and get busy with my holiday cards. Do you have a Jeopardy game? It sounds like the perfect gift for someone who is hooked on Jeopardy. I used to watch it but now it's on the same time as the news.

Sassy: I'm sorry to hear about your back. I hope it's not serious. BTW, does your hubby give Refrig. cleaning lessons? I'd like to sign up my husband. LOL

Michelle: You are still in my prayers.

Tiffany:Get well soon. You are in my prayers also.

Katie:I love doilies! I'm a doily person. We should be best friends!LOL I have them on all my tables and dresser. They were all made by me, my mother (gone from my sight but not my heart) and my MIL. If you would like any, I'd be happy to make you some. I chuckled when I saw you compare yourself to a doily. I thought of graceful and elegant. In victorian times, doilies were a displayed to show males that the young woman was talented and creative and would make a good wife. Needlepoint was shown also. You must be a woman of breeding. Feel better?

Marti:Sounds like you are doing well with all the exercise. You are an inspiration to us all. Good Job!

I've hit a plateau on this diet and it has me frustrated. I haven't gone off my eating plan so I figured I'd not stress myself out over it and not make a big deal of it. I was going to post last night. I caught up on all the messages and when I read about Michelle's mom I fell apart. My mother has been gone since 2002. She died on her birthday. I moved my mother to my home in 1996. Shortly afterwards she was diagnosed with Alzheimers. It was a very long 6 years and at times our relationship was strained. She did not know who I was at the end. I watched her fade away as I slept in a chair in her room when her time was near. At 8 am I sang Happy Birthday to her and then she was gone. I miss her terribly and I hadn't realized how much pain and sorrow still resided in me until Michelle's posting. Love your mothers while you can.
Sorry, I have to go because of the tears.
Hugs to you all.
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Old 10-19-2006, 01:55 AM   #5  
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A quick hello to you all!!

I've been tired from sitting on my butt all day at work, then come home to make sure I get my walking in. And I'm pretty much done w/anything else!

I did want to stop in and send my prayers and hugs to Michelle. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. You and your family will be in my thoughts during this time!!

Sorry for not being on much, but I need to get myself into a routine and get some time to fit in for computer. 8hrs of staring at a computer makes one not want to see one for days!! But once I do get myself in check, I will post more often.

For now, hugs to you all and I'll be back soon!!

PS. Sassy.....not a problem w/you starting a new thread! I will go close the other one if Jane hasn't already. Thank you!
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Old 10-19-2006, 04:40 AM   #6  
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Wink Morning Ladies!

Thanks everybody for your well wishes with my back. It is still sore, but not nearly as bad as it was lastnight. I'm hoping it will be back to "normal" by the time I go to work tonight. (Thursday).

Sue -- on the sunshine and the walk! Have fun on your trip to Hobby Lobby! I just went there myself to get the stockings for the troops! They have EVERYTHING out and a lot of it was 30-50% off! (at least up here!)

Norma -- BIG Sorry about your plateau and about the memories coming back of losing your mom. We are here if you need us. And Hmmmmm. Refrigerator cleaning lessons? Hmmmmm that could make some decent Yes my hubby is great, even though at times he does annoy the heck out of me, I guess I'll keep him! lol.

Marti -- I hear ya on sitting in front of a computer, in my case @ work for 10 hours and then you come home and are like UGH great another computer. lol. Good job getting your walking in. I need to get off my bum and get something done. I haven't done a thing, except for laundry on my days off! I just didn't want to push it with my back being so sore.......YW for starting the new thread, glad it was okay!

Have a Wonderful Day Everybody!

and to all who need them!
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Old 10-19-2006, 05:14 PM   #7  
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Hello ladies...

Late again getting on here. I swear I need a few more hours in the day. And, I even was up early this morning. Anyway, went grocery shopping and then headed to the scrapbook store. I must say, I had copies of the one page and I was surprised at how close to the "real" page it is. She handed me the first one and I thought it was the original. The only drawback is it cut off about 1/4 of an inch at the bottom which I didn't like. I've never done copies and really didn't plan on it this time but...I've wasted too much paper and now they don't have the same design there and I am not starting over. So...since the page is flimsy I am going to cut the bottom off and glue it to a color background. See what happens with it. She told me to try and remember if I am going to do copies to not do the bottom 1/4 inch of the page. So when I do the second page I will have to remember that, but then it won't match the other. UGH! But it looks good so...yeah.

NORMA...hugs to you sweetie. My mom is still with us but she lives in Arkansas and I am here in KS and we don't get to see each other often. Even tried to talk V (dh) into moving there. Of course if he could find a job there paying what he gets here he would do it. Hey, about the cards...I am getting ready to do my Christmas cards! DH and I are getting our Christmas picture taken next week. We didn't do it last year so I thought we should do it this year. Of course, what I need to be doing is Christmas shopping. The last few nights I have been sleeping pretty good but I think it is because I've been exercising and I got up early, lol. Actually, last week, I've been telling myself "Let go, let God" and I've not been worrying as much. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, seriously. DOn't have the jeopardy game. It comes on at 4:30 before the news so DD and I play against one another, lol. We love games!

SASSY...glad your back is better. You know, I just cleaned my refrigerator out too! Of course I didn't have any bad stuff, just some stuff that has been in there too long. The Hobby Lobby here also had a lot of Christmas stuff 30-50% off. Unfortunately I don't need anything. DH will kill me if I buy anymore Christmas stuff, lol.

SUE...I think that is cool that your mom lives with you. Now when you guys go to Vegas will she go as well? WTG on the walk. Ha, I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday! Had to return some stuff and of course I found a few little things I felt I couldn't live without, lol.

MARY KATE...okay, I just didn't want to send something to your son and him not like it or be allergic to it. But then he could always give it to someone else if he didn't want it. I found the perfect card for him! I used the card today and bought the rest of the I need to start stuffing!

MARTI...I can understand not wanting to get on the computer after sitting in front of it all day.

MICHELLE...thinking of you and sending lots of hugs your way.

JANE...hope you guys had a fun BD celebration.

Hi to everyone else

Well, I didn't get my exercise done early yesterday but ended up going at a little after 5 p.m. perfect time to go. No one was there and I got home in time to go dinner. Actually felt more energetic going at that time than I do when I go in the morning. But it's not a good time to go usually. And I did get my walk in today. Today was grocery shopping day, then had to go to both scrapbook stores. Was looking for something to add to the kids page but just couldn't find what I was looking for. Not sure what it was but I found some exercise stickers. Anyway, another busy day and it seems my housecleaning and computer time have been suffering. Tomorrow I only go exercise so if I get up early I should get it done tomorrow. Okay, don't want to go on and on. So...

Take care ladies and have a good one! Almost time for Jeopardy, lol!
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Old 10-19-2006, 11:11 PM   #8  
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Hello ladies,

Michelle - my thoughts and prayers are still with you, and I will be glad to hear from you as soon as you're able to be here.

Sassy - glad your back is better. That was really sweet of your DH to clean out the fridge for you. And like Marti said, no problem about you starting a new thread. Any JL is welcome to do that at 50 or so posts. I would mind going longer, but keeping it at 50 helps the ones who have dial-up.

Mary Kate - awww, you're much more than a doily around here, sweet cheeks! But, wait, let me see..... they're very feminine and bring a sense of cachet to the room, so hey, what's wrong with being a doily? I have one on my dresser, btw. Hope you had a safe trip to see your friend and her father.

Sue - it's rained here off and on all day! Did you have a good lunch with the siblings and their spouses? Have fun at Hobby Lobby tomorrow. I know I would!

Norma - so sorry you're sad about your mom. That's a pain that never really goes away. I lost mine the day before my birthday in 1984. She died early in the AM, and I got a birthday card in the mail from her later that day, after she passed. I'll never forget that feeling - I couldn't read the card for all the tears. About the plateau, just keep on being OP, and the weight will come off.

Cristi - wow, I'm so glad the scrapbook pages turned out well in copies. I'll keep that in mind for if I ever need duplicates in the future. Can't wait to see it! I walk the treadmill right before I go for my shower in the evening. That is, when I walk it at all. Come Nov. 1st, that's going to change, though. My foot doc said I can walk every other day, as long as I don't use the incline, and that's what I'm going to do when I begin my new lifestyle.

It has been very hectic around here for some reason. We had a good party for my son, and I loved having everyone over. Mary is scared about her diagnosis, and although I am very upbeat around her, today I cried for the first time about it, while I was at my Body, Mind and Spirit meeting. The disease can be so debilitating, and being the worry-wart I am, it's hard to not think about if she'll be crippled in the future. I know I just have to take it a day at a time.

In the meantime, we're helping Mary more and more with the kids. It's the least I can do. If I'm not able to check in as often, you'll know why, ok?

Have a good one, ladies.
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Old 10-20-2006, 12:02 AM   #9  
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Hi Ladies -- I'm sorry I'm not up to doing personals right now, but I wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate all of you! Your kind words, thoughts and prayers really mean a lot to me. Today we buried my mom and I just cannot understand that she's still gone. I miss her so much, and just wish for one more time of talking, hugging and kissing her. She has suffered for so long with pain, but recently was horrible for her. Having all of your support really means a lot and I love all of you! My avatar is of my younger daughter, my mom and my 92 year old grandma (my mom's mom) when my grandma was here in June. I'm so happy now that we got many nice pictures together. Thank you all again!

Love, Michelle
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Old 10-20-2006, 12:56 AM   #10  
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Hi time for individuals tonight, but wanted to let you know I'll be gone for a few days. I have to go to Vegas -- not for fun, unfortunately. My childhood best friend's dad is very sick with cancer...he is like a foster father to me. I've known their family since I was six; we moved next door to them about a month after my own father died, and I lived with them for my junior and senior year of high school. I haven't seen them (her folks) for almost 20 years and had lost touch with them over the last 10 years or so; just got back in contact with them and found out how very sick Jim is. They just stopped chemo because it isn't helping and he's in a hospice right now, hopefully will be able to go home soon with a hospice nurse visiting daily. Anyway, I'm driving down tomorrow -- will be 9 or 10 hours, and will be staying for a few days, so I'll see you when I get back. He's in a lot of pain, so I'd appreciate it if you would keep him in your prayers, that his pain will ease, and that he'll know his family is there for him.

Thanks for all your kind words, too...hope I didn't offend any doily-lovers here My husband says that to our cat -- she just lays around all the time, pretty much useless, and probably would run away if she saw a mouse. Her only purpose appears to be decorative, so he says to her, "Chloe, you are such a doily..."

Last edited by Katiecat; 10-20-2006 at 05:02 AM.
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Old 10-20-2006, 09:05 AM   #11  
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Boy, you girls have been busy posting away!!

Still apartment searching with DD. She is still in love with the first apartment she saw and has not liked any of the others. She says if she doesn't get the one she wants, she will just move home and rent a storage unit for her stuff and keep looking until she finds one that is like it. That one is small but cute and well maintained, has off street parking and is on a quiet street. The only downsides to moving home are the whole moving things twice once to storage and then to the next apartment when she finds it and he Dad. We all love him but he is VERY controlling and she doesn't want to fight with him. They are both very headstrong.

Well I am off to do the usual Friday stuff, bank, post office, library, groceries going to try to make it to the gym too.
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Old 10-20-2006, 11:44 AM   #12  
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Just a very quick hello this morning. Need to get things done before work. I have my Jhanai this weekend!!

I got all my blood work results back yesterday. I so very need to change my ways. I am like a walking heart attack or stroke waiting to happen!! Everything came back high except my Iron levels and that came back very low. Anemic they say. Still waiting for my pap results........better be normal.


So time to get my cook of a husband to change his cooking habits and turn his delicious cooking into delicious healthy cooking. And to continue my walking. Good news on that, I managed to lose a total of three pounds since I started walking!!! That problem is finally going in the right direction--down!!

Ok.....must go, sorry no individuals. Many hugs to you all!!

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Old 10-20-2006, 04:45 PM   #13  
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Just a quick pop in with cyberhugs for all of you who need them. Seems like several of us are hurting or upset at this time. Life is full of peaks and valleys, isn't it? I guess we couldn't fully appreciate the highs without suffering through the lows. Regardless, I wish you all a path to serenity and wellness.
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Old 10-20-2006, 05:27 PM   #14  
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Hi Ladies...

Seems like there are a few ladies going through some tough times...lots of hugs and prayers to you ladies.

Jane...I can only imagine how hard it is for Mary. She's lucky though that she has a mother to help her out. Glad you'll be getting back to your walking soon.

Marti...didn't even know you had gone to the doctors. Glad the results were good except the iron. You reminded me that I need to get in and have my yearly.

Mary Kate...lots of prayers for your friends family. Have a safe trip down to Vegas.

Michelle...hugs to you sweetie. I love your avatar. I'm glad you have the pictures of your mom and your precious memories. It may seem hard right now but one day you will remember her with tears of joy instead of sadness.

Sassy...hope you are having a good day.

Jules...I do hope your DD gets the apartment she wants. But if she doesn't then maybe it was meant for her to move back home to be with her parents for right now. I always believe everything happens for a reason. I never know the reason, but have always felt that way.

Sorry this is short. Was gone most of the day with errands and movie day with DD. And now of course is our time to play Jeopardy. I can't explain it but it is our special time, something we hardly ever miss and no one else can be in the room, lol. Well, excpet for Ernie dog. I will try to get back on depends. V is at work but is sick with a cold and may come home early so I can baby him. He needs it, and he needs to realx, working too hard.

Take care ladies and lots of hugs to you all.
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Old 10-21-2006, 03:40 PM   #15  
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Good afternoon, ladies...

Pretty quiet here today... Nuthin much going on. DD and I went to an Antique store this morning. Planned on going to a couple more but geez, we spent 2 1/2 hours in that place. It has thre stories plus a basement. It's cool looking at all that old stuff and reminising. Actually, hardly come across stuff from when I was little but once in a while we do. Anyway, today is a rainy lazy day. Think I will read a book later after I do some laundry. Might even clean the bathrooms, woohoo, that sounds like fun. Actually, I need to work on my scrapbook page and get it done and ready to send next week.

Went to see The Grudge 2 yesterday...such a dumb movie. But there were funny parts. I think DD and I have a warped sense of humor...we are the only ones that laughed. I want to see the movie with Clint Eastwood or he directed it or something. Think it is called Five Flags...I don't normally like movies like that but it looks decent. Anywho...won't go on and on about nothing.

Take care and I hope everyone is having a good weekend! See ya
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