3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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teajay 11-06-2006 08:36 AM

Hello Ladies,
Thanks for the warm welcome from everyone. Weighed myself today and I still weigh 218 lbs. Hubby and I went to two Church dinners with all the trimmings this past week. Ugh, thought I'd gain but didn't. So, I'm ready for the Nov. challenge. Is it every Monday that we weigh in? Everyone have a great week and great success. Good luck to all.

MoNewEngland 11-06-2006 09:39 AM

Hello lovely ladies!! I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Catherine: I'm glad you got to spend time with your DD. Good job on the water, and congrats on the promotion!

Nori: I'm glad DH and the girls are feeling better. I hope you escaped without catching the bug.

Teajay: I weigh in on Monday and so do a few others. Serena weighs in at WW on Tuesday nights. You can post your loss whenever you like but we'll all post our final November figure on November 30th if that's ok with everyone.

Erika: Isn't it great to see the ticker move! I added another dancing fat blob to my signature today, I've been looking forward to it!

Hello to everyone else and hope you're all doing well. Weekend confessions: I did eat out on Saturday night but I was good all day leading up to that. Yesterday, I ate below points but I ate junk.

I stocked up on Lean Cuisines yesterday so hopefully I'll be more organized this week. One bad thing is I've been craving spanish pork shoulder w/ rice. I have one marinating in the fridge and will be cooking it tonight. It's very fattening, hopefully DH and the kids will like it and eat some. I'll have to give the rest away or freeze it after my craving is satisfied.

We couldn't wait to eat at the casino Saturday because the earliest reservation they had was 10:30 p.m. We ended up eating at a place called the Steak Loft in Mystic CT instead. It was just alright, very noisy and food was so so. I lost $150 but DH won a $100 so a total loss of $50 wasn't so bad for a night out.

Weight loss for the week was 1.4 lbs for a total of 10 lbs. My next goal is Onederland! My friend still hasn't gone to the gym because her dog that is almost 15 isn't doing well. She's been staying by his side. I did go to the gym by myself Friday night and again on Saturday. Yesterday I took DD to the Dollar Tree store and Christmas Tree Shoppe. We're trying to find some crafty things to do for the holidays.

I'll chat with you all later.


serena37 11-06-2006 12:01 PM

Catherine: It was really nice. It was a 4 hour trip with 1 hour lay over at the Nantahala outdoor center. When I heard how long it was I thought my husband was insane cause our boys are 1,3 and 5 but they actually did real well. Of course it would be a really nice relaxing trip with no kids. My oldest stayed car sick the whole week. Even if we were just going 10 minutes down the road. So we probably won't do it again next year and our middle son got home sick halfway through the trip.

I'm not sure how I'm doing with the weight. I'll be going to weigh in tomorrow and we'll see. I haven't really been watching what i eat this week though.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

marinemommyof2 11-06-2006 02:12 PM

Where is my motivation??? ARGH! Must have slipped out the door while I was laying around!! Where is the girl who did at least 3 work out videos a week AND went to the gym? The only thing I've been doing is showing up to tennis and walking the dog.

The good news is, I've enlisted dh's help to keep me more in line. He's going to have to go all Drill Instructor on me and make me exercise. LOL

Happy day to everyone!!!

Nori71 11-06-2006 05:28 PM

I do have the stomach bug. Ick.

As soon as I feel better I want to start holiday projects too, Mo!

marinemommyof2 11-06-2006 09:13 PM

A little motivation is back - tonight I went to a TaeRobics class at the local rec center. WHOA! It was very challenging and a lot of fun at the same time. It was a lot like a Tae Bo video.

Nori - hope you start feeling better!!!

Mo - loved the crack about BF.....I'm with Nori - we're all too busy and too tired to have the little something on the side!

Catherine - way to go with water!

Danielle - how are you? Those girls treating you right?

Kim - how are you? The kids all being good? :)

Teajay - I absolutely LOVE church dinners! WTG with not gaining!

Serena - how are you? It's great to know you got a chance for a trip. I'm glad the boys were good. My oldest boy (the 5 year old) always gets car sick on curvy roads or changing altitude.

Erika - hope all is well!

Okay, I know I'm forgetting someone, but it's not on purpose! I still can't write and flip between screens. :)

MoNewEngland 11-07-2006 09:29 AM

Hi everyone:

My friend had to have her dog put to sleep yesterday, it was very sad. I went to the gym with her last night and she had such circles under her eyes. It was for the best and I'm glad she made the decision. The vet said he was struggling for every breath. He was over 14 years old and he had a great life. She has two other goldens also to console her.

At the gym I was so hungry I had to stop exercising, I thought I'd drop. I told my friend I would wait by the front door because I was so hungry I couldn't go on. Of course what did they have by the front door but a big banquet table full of free pizza. I forgot at Planet Fitness they have free pizza the first Monday of the month. I thought I'd faint when I smelled it. She was laughing when she saw me sitting there in front of it!

B: oatmeal 3
L: Lean Cuisine 5
D: pork/rice 15
S: granola bar 2
Pts: 25 Exer: 42 min Water: 40 oz?

Serena: good luck at weigh in tonight.
Everyone else: stay on plan and have a great day!


serena37 11-07-2006 03:08 PM

Sarah: I'm not sure what went wrong this time. When he first started having problems I decided to get a portable DVD player and the last few trips we've taken have gone really well, including the last time we went to the mountains, the movies helped keep his mind off of things but this time it just didn't help at all.

MO: thanks

marinemommyof2 11-07-2006 08:39 PM

LOL-Mo, you passed up free pizza? YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!!!!!

Serena - my husband was carsick when he was little. He grew out of it - so at least there's light at the end of the tunnel! Our dvd player works unless we're changing altitudes - anytime we go into mountains he's gonna get sick. LOL So at least we know to bring lots of plastic bags. ;)

marinemommyof2 11-08-2006 08:05 AM

Did anyone read the review on the main page here of YOU: On a Diet? Has anyone read the book?

I just have to take a second here and plug Superfoods again. I'm not saying you need to buy it - you can check it out from a library and enjoy it. Write down the 14 superfoods, and try to include them in your diet. Superfoods isn't a diet. It won't tell you to do anything different, except to include the Superfoods into your current eating plan.

teajay 11-08-2006 10:40 AM

Good Morning To All.
Beautiful morning here. The sun is shinning so nice. Sarah, yes, I like those dinners but lots of times, they get me into trouble with the weigh ins,lol. The superfoods, does it help to loose more weight? Mo, congrads on weight loss, wtg & wow on passing up pizza. You have the will power I wish I had. Thanks for info on weigh ins.I like your little dancing blobs that represents every 5 lbs. gone, they are so cute. Nori, hope you get to feeling much better each day. Sorry to hear you are sick and feeling icky. As far as my weight, holding at 218 lbs. Got to stay away from those dinners with all the trimmings,lol. Everyone have a great week & great success. Good luck to all. Had company out of state didn't get to check in as much as I wanted too, will try to do better and keep up better, got a little behind, sorry.

MoNewEngland 11-08-2006 11:51 AM

Hi everyone:

Teajay: come on now, who's more important us, or your out of state friends!;) You should have come online and they would have thought you were having a cyber affair! I would have eaten the pizza had I not been afraid of being caught by my friend! :o

Sarah: I'll check out that book, I remember someone saying blueberries were one of the foods. My mom might have it, if not I'll check out the library. Taerobics! You animal you!!! That's so great. Send some energy my way, I've been petering out lately at the gym and instead of increasing, I'm going down slightly in minutes or barely staying the same.

Nori: I hope you're tucked up in bed with a bowl of chicken soup and a good book. Get better soon, I miss you.

Serena: I give my DD children's dramamine when we go on road trips, it seems to work for her. DVDs help her stay busy but sometimes the tilting down of her head is what gets her sick.

Erika, Danielle, Kim, Catherine: :drill: Role Call!!! Front and center, what are you up to?

I'm eating Apple Crisp oatmeal and it's so fragrant, I feel like I'm eating a Yankee Candle.

B: oatmeal 3
L: Lean Cuisine, granola bar 7
S: 2 Lindt chocolate truffles :o :o 3
D: pork & rice, little piece of chicken: 14 (?)
S: skinny cow ice cream 3
Pts: 30 Exer: 46 min Water: 40 oz?

Have a great day. No gym tonight because DH won't be home till late. Maybe I'll try one of my WATP DVD's or some pilates....or just rest!

Have a great night. Mo

MoNewEngland 11-08-2006 11:54 AM

A shopping gift idea... My DD is 10 and wants a MP3 player. I saw one on Wal-mart.com for just $49. The Creative MuVo V100 is 1 GB and has a voice recorder which I'm sure she'll love. It seems to be a really good starter MP3 player for someone her age. It doesn't charge though like mine does but it takes only 1 AAA battery. Just thought I'd pass the info on. I looked it up on epinions.com and it got pretty good reviews and it showed a much higher selling price.

serena37 11-08-2006 04:03 PM

Weigh in was last night. I gained 2.4 pounds. I'm going in the wrong direction, and of course I had to listen to my husband afterwords. He wasn't really mean just really annoying. I actually think I did fine while we were out of town. I think those 2 pounds were from our week back in town. My mother has lots of junk food. She's doing the South Beach diet and somehow she managed to stay away from bread and sugar for 2 whole weeks. I told her she was on her own with that one cause I can't do it. I have some form of bread with every meal of the day. Which is probably one of my problems. She lost over 6 pounds her first 2 weeks though. Anyway, I'm trying to get back on the wagon. I can't stand to even look at myself in the mirror anymore. The husband caught me trying to take down the full size mirror out of the bathroom awhile back and wouldn't let me. He enjoys looking at himself.

jamamom 11-08-2006 04:32 PM

Ok MO! I am here, I have not been far away. I have been tired but not far away. One thing about this promotion is I now going at 3 in the morning. I still don't leave until about 12:30 or 1:00 though. Do to some changes I do get my own office and computer. At least that is what my boss is calling it. Anyways I did do my free weights and squats Monday night. I use the weights for my legs also. If all goes well and I don't fal asleep first I will do it all again tonight. I need to get back to using my stability ball. I only did 50 of the 100 squats that I used to do. I could have done more, but I just quit. I do lift 1000 to 1500 pounds a day in 50 pound incraments. My shoulders and back are getting stronger. Well, I am going to make dinner now. ANd then hopefully exercise shortly before I go to bed.


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