3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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teajay 10-31-2006 09:00 AM

Good Morning To All
Thanks for the warm welcome Dainelle. I really appreciate that. I have surfed 3 fat chicks for months, lol, not knowing how to join a group and then I seen this group's warm invitation. Just want to say thanks. I really needed that invitation and much needed support. I know that you all are a swell group by the warm invitation. LookingForHelp16, I know what you mean. Like Dainelle said, I also swell on trips, eat way to much salt and sodium rich foods. Does anyone have a salt substitute that taste good that I could use instead of salt. That sodium will bloat a person and it does me, lol, like a blowed up frog. So just hang in there and keep on keeping on. You can do it. We'll do it together. My weight yo yo's around. I eat in volume so I have to eat loads of veggies, have to throw a sandwich made with diet bread, (2 slices for 80 calories) in there late at night to keep from eating sweets and junk food which I really like a lot. Now, this is where I slack big time, lol, exercise, whew that's a hard word for me. I need to get more active other than cleaning house and babysitting a child. So, open for tips on that. Everyone have a nice day today and a great week. May we all have great success. :) Teresa

MoNewEngland 10-31-2006 09:06 AM

Happy Halloween Ladies :haphal:

Teresa: Welcome to the thread. It's always great to have new members. We are about the same height and weight and I'm doing WW also. I love to cook and read also...but I hate to garden! I'm just too lazy! Congrats on the weight loss you already achieved. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

Erika: I hope you feel better soon. Have some chicken soup :getwell:

Danielle: I went to see Running with Scissors, I may have talked about reading that book a while back, it was good but as always, the book was better.

Sarah, Nori, Kim, Melissa, Catherine: I hope you're all doing well. It looks like most of us voted for two seprate challenges, tomorrow should we start a new thread for "DEW It, November Challenge"?

B: oatmeal 3
L: Smart One & grapes 6
S: granola bar 2.5
D: PB&J on WW bread 7
S: granola bar (@ 3 a.m.!) 2.5
Pts: 21 Exer: 55 min Water: 40 oz + 3 teas

Have a great Halloween and "MOVE AWAY FROM THE CANDY DISH"! I'll be repeating that to myself all night!


Nori71 11-01-2006 12:43 AM

:welcome2: Teresa! So happy you joined us here!

Danielle - hold your "it'll come off in no time" encouragement to me. :foot: I totally sabotaged myself tonight. We had 1 trick-or-treater and I had 3 bags of miniture candy bars. I "meant" to buy stuff that I'm not "into" and now instead of eating a proper dinner I ate about 7 miniture bars. :yikes: Ugh. I could have just kept right on eating them, but did get my stuff together before totally losing control. (Yes, ladies, 7 miniture bars isn't the worst binge I've had by a long shot!) I had a wonderful Pilates class today and drank tons of water, so not all is lost.

I'm so up for a November challenge starting tomorrow.

See ya'll tomorrow. I'm so sad that I cannot get on here at 3FC at work. The IT guys blocked it for some reason. I asked them why and they said it's just the security software that they upgraded to. It blocks lots of sites. :mad:

marinemommyof2 11-01-2006 07:09 AM

Teresa - welcome!!! If you're looking for something with the true salt taste and less sodium I recommend Morton Lite Salt. You can find it in a typical grocery. There's less sodium, more potassium, and it measures and cooks and flavors just like salt. I like all of the Ms. Dash's - they don't taste like salt, but they can give vegetables and baked potatoes lots of flavor. My husband prefers the "Table Blend" version, and I like the Spicy one.

I hope by the time I weigh again (Friday) I will be back to normal.

Mo - keep repeating stay out of the candy...lol. Holler it loud enough for me to hear at my house.

Danielle - hello!

Erika - what is PCOS? Hope you're okay.

Nori - can't believe they blocked the site. Work used to be my prime time for getting on here. :) I had more breaks at work than at home with my little guys.

slimkim 11-01-2006 09:03 AM

hi ladies....
OK.. sound off your grand total for month of october loss!!!
copy and paste this area to your post ok??

Kim: -5.5 CW(228.5)
Mo: -8.6

TJ ..I know u are just joining so we are having 2 challenges via our vote..
1 for November and 1 for December.. most weight loss.. each month.. so weigh in today and weigh in each week to report and then we'll see who wins ..

ok everyone report in by today or tomorrow so we can email special things as awards to the winner.. I think unofficially it is Maureen(Mo) so chime in so we know who is where.. you can put current weight if you want.. don't have to... if you don't mind the winner give their email address so we can email cool good wishes.. etc...

mo..way to go 2 lbs!! you did great!! you are reallly rising to the challenge.. what was the grand total loss for you for month of october?? mine was 5.5.. hey at least it was a loss... I can relate to the drama queen syndrome my DD(9) usually play trips one of her bigger brothers(13 & 14) just playing and then they supposedly "play" back and she gets hurt.. and the tears flow and I hear MOM in the blood curdling way I am surprised she has not broken glass yet with the pitch she can get to.. LOL but I know they can be rough with her so we are always on them about it..but she LOVES to annoy them,.. provoke even (little devil)..hehehe

~ just batten down the hatches.. it is a new month! you can do it.. glad you're back! No worries.. I have had to relose a few pounds way more times than i care to admit! but alas NO MORE!!!!!

Nori~ are you feeling better??? I agree with Mo just reweigh in a day or 2..

Catherine~ how is everything going for you these days??

Danielle~ I don't know about your house.. but there is a table full of candy.. and I stuffed myself with reeses last night but now I told myself that was it no more.. a one time deal! I exercised this am already and skipping a bigger breakfast hoping to offset my indulges from last evening( I was an oinker)lol
have a good one..

Melissa, Erika, TJ glad to see you all .. glad you found our group.. are you all up for the November weightloss challenge??

Ok well as far as me.. my losses are steadily moving .. i am happy with that... DH is off to fish at the beach and I am off to shop for more decor.. need a couple rectangle style mirrors.. ok bye all!! Kim

MoNewEngland 11-01-2006 10:09 AM

November Challenge Day 1!!!!!
Ok ladies, I guess we'll keep Novembers post here in this thread??? If not, let me know if we move.

My total loss for the October Challenge was 8.6 lbs.
Starting weight for November challenge is 202.2

I will definitely be in Onederland by Thanksgiving even if I have to saw off one of my legs. Last night I didn't have any candy but I did have two biscotti dipped in chocolate with a gummy worm on them from the lady down the street who runs a bakery out of her house. I missed the gym but did walk around with my kids so that's a little exercise ;)

B: oatmeal 3
L: Smart One & grapes 7
D: porkchop & mushrooms, bread 10
S: biscotti 6

Pts: 26 Exer: none Water: 40 oz?
(I may have eaten a granola bar yesterday, I can't remember 2.5 pts more??

Kim: great job keeping us in the "challenge" spirit. I hope you found your mirrors.

Nori: Ok, here's my tough love speech, first a hug :hug: Didn't you hear me yelling "move away from the candy" :club: You are the one in my mind that never cheated and was always exercising. It's your fault I joined a gym! Now, November is your chance to take back the title, are you up to it?? :boxing:

Sarah, Teresa, Erika, Danielle, Catherine, anyone else I'm missing? We've got 30 days starting today to make this thread full of the Biggest Losers!

:coach: Come on girls, let's pull together and kick each other's butt :kickbutt:


Nori71 11-01-2006 11:16 AM

October weightloss and 11/1 start weight:
Erika: -4 289
Catherine: 192
Danielle: 247.5
Kim: -5.5 229.5
Nori: -4 228.2
Sarah: 204
Serena: 184
Teresa: 218

Thanks for the pep talk, Mo! (WTG on your weight lose for October!!) My little sugar binge last night has me up a pound. I've promised myself to start November out good and get into good habits before the holidays come. Once I stick to something for a good 2-3 weeks, I get in a groove and can steer clear of trouble! Usually.

Nori71 11-01-2006 11:18 AM

Oh yeah, and I promise to buy miniture bags of goldfish and little toys for next years trick-or-treaters!

marinemommyof2 11-01-2006 02:09 PM

I'm UP from October.

So my November starting weight is 204 lbs. Can't bear to change ticker, because I refuse to give up Onederland without one heck of a fight!!!!!!

I'm going to be the biggest loser! ME ME ME ME! And I challenge all of you to beat me! Because the only thing sweeter than losing weight is having great friends who lose with you!!!!

Tonight, my WATP videos are coming back out of the closet!!!! :)

serena37 11-01-2006 04:04 PM

I'm back
Well, I'm back and it looks like I'm way behind. I may not get the opportunity to go back and read everything to get caught up but I hope everyone is doing well. I didn't do too good. We ate out a lot. But I thought I did pretty good with the amounts though but we didn't do a lot of hiking with our boys but we did do alot of walking at some places that we took the boys too.

MoNewEngland 11-01-2006 04:24 PM

Serena: Glad you're back. Don't sweat last week. Today is Day 1 of our November Challenge. The slate for October has been wiped clean!!!

Ok ladies, it looks like we have a healthy competition going on for November. We're all capable of winning this one. May the "biggest loser" win! I'm off to the gym but I'm tired, I hope I don't fall off one of the machines...

LookingForHope16 11-01-2006 05:43 PM

Kim: -5.5 CW(228.5)
Mo: -8.6
Erika: 4 pound loss! ( takes me at 289)

PCOS is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome!!

Thanks for the wishes to feel better! I'm hoping that I can!!
I've set my goal of 300 minutes for the month of November!! We will be moving into our new apartment in 1 month from today!! WOW!! That is alot of packing and moving to be done!

Good Luck to all of you girls for Novemeber!

slimkim 11-02-2006 09:07 AM

mornin everyone!! hope all of you have a super duper on track day! I have been so terrible with the candy in the house..:mad: i am going to put it in a box at night and lock it ..literally.. i only seem to want it at night....

Sarah~hey I have WATP videos I do 3x's a week.. i am restarting them.. i do 1.5 mi and will be doing 2 mi starting next week... great attitude for November.. let's go!! :carrot: :carrot:

Mo~ not all have reported in but I am pretty positive you won.. and only having biscotti.. you are so dedicated.. i am impressed!! do you want topost or pm us your email address so we can send congrats and such to u since you won!! :hug: your choice... I would like it.. if not I guess I could make something and copy and paste it.. probably not as neat as things out there these days... CONGRATS!!!!!

Nori~ You make me laugh in the morning.. thank you! If it will make you feel any better I had 5 reeses the other night and then some oreo's..but hey i only had 2% milk...LOL new month!! let's do this.. put those old fat pounds off of us for good leave them in 2006 never to return! YEAH!!!:dust:

Serena~ November..new challenge! you have to weigh in tho .. what is nov start weight??? glad you're here we need you! new day..forget about last week... we can do this.. i am routing for all of us!! :cp:

~ How are you doing this week.. i am sorry but i forget are you a stay at home mom too? Novemeber challenge here we come!! oh you need to post your starting november weight so we can track it with you for challenge!! we gotta get psyched for thanksgiving and know what points we can divvy out of calories for that day.. don't forget that 1 pt pumpkin pie.. you all have that recipe? if not i will post it! :D

Melissa, and TJ.. weigh in for nov so we can know where you were in beginning of challenge.. let's go!! oooh rahhhhh :dizzy:

Ok well more later.. bye all! Kim oh scales were officially at 229.5 for beginning Nov. 1

MoNewEngland 11-02-2006 09:17 AM

November 2nd
Hello ladies:

I hope everyone had a great Day 1 of the challenge. These challenges really help me mentally. Last night I went to my mom's for my sister's birthday (after I went to the gym). I had a little macaroni for dinner and because Day 1 kept flashing through my mind, I had no cake, or pie!!!! They all teased me and handed me the fat free coolwhip saying it was the only thing I could eat that was on the table. I can't believe I passed up the cake, it kept staring me in the face!

I found a recipe for baked potato soup in a WW magazine, does anyone subscribe to it? I borrowed one from a friend and it didn't look bad I was wondering if it was worth it.

B: oatmeal = 3
L: Smart One & granola bar = 8
D: macaroni = 8
S: skinny cow ice cream = 3
Pts: 22 Exer: 54 min Water: 40 oz?

Nori71 11-02-2006 09:57 AM

It's freezing rain here this am. I really wanted some more pretty fall weather - but it's been downright cold already. Around 10-12 degrees at night. Cold for here for November!

CHALLENGE IS ON!!! Not everyone has posted their Nov 1 start weight yet. Teresa - I assumed your ticker was correct?

My girls and DH have the stomach flu. I'm taking acidopholis (SP?) ini hopes of advoiding it. I haven't been able to exercise yesterday and probably will not today. We'll see how it goes. Doing everything around home and working.

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