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serena37 10-20-2006 12:14 PM

Nori: We will be leaving next wednesday the 25th. Staying for a week. Of course last year when we went I actually managed to lose weight. I guess because we weren't sitting at home doing nothing.

Mo: It is so much easier when you have someone doing it with you. My mother did it with me the first time I did WW and it went really well. She's not doing it right now but she does help by cooking accordingly when I'm around, which is pretty much everyday. She's looking forward to us going out of town so she can have a vacation of her own. LOL, but I'm pretty much on my own and it can sometimes seem like a very lonely road to walk. (My husband is 6' and weighs about 170. All muscle) It gets really annoying when he says something like, "I'm getting fat"

Well, this week is going Ok but, today is my birthday and I was kind of hoping to go out to the crab shack and get all you can eat crab legs. My absolute favorite. Thankfully crab meat isn't really all that bad for you or fattening. Monday is my sons bday and his party is this sunday so of course there will be cake and I just can't say no to cake. Then, I will be baking cupcakes to take to his class on monday for his birthday and I'm sure I'll have to taste them to make sure they are ok for the kids to eat, likely excuse. Anyway, hopefully if I gain it won't be too bad.

Talking about gyms. I would like to start going back to the gym but what I really would like to do is martial arts. I wish we could afford for me to do both but we really can't so I have to chose. The gym would probably be more beneficial for me at the moment but I feel like if I wait too much longer to start martial arts I'll just be too old. I tried to start 2 years ago and found out I was pregnant and had to quit. My very first class the instructor let me kick a board. I broke it the first try, that was just really cool.

I hope everyone is doing really well. I'm not sure if I'll have much time for checking in this weekend so it may be after Nov. 1st before I'm able to check back but I'll try to poke my head in.

MoNewEngland 10-20-2006 03:23 PM



:woo: :woo: :woo: :woo:

I forgot you were going to the mountains, have a great time. You are so young, don't be silly. Either one would be great. There are some good sounding cake recipes on this site. I might make the chocolate pumpkin muffins tonight. Nori must have jinxed me and I'm getting my period today! You must mix a chocolate cake mix with a can of pure pumpkin and it makes 12 big muffins for 3 pts a piece.

I'm not sure if I'll make the gym tonight. I have to stop at my mom's, go grocery shopping, make dinner, etc. If I do go, it will be late.

Have a great weekend everyone. I did good this week eating and exercise wise, but I hope TOM doesn't screw up my weigh in. :crossed:


Sugar-N-Spice 10-20-2006 04:18 PM

Happy Friday Girly Girls!!!!

Well, I managed to ditch one pound this week. I really didnt know if I'd done well enough to lose anything, so imagine my surprise. I'll take anything that goes backwards! lol

Nori, I hope the babies appts went well. I know when mine were small I hated having to be there for their shots. I still can't deal well and I've got a 10,12 & 13 y/o. LOL You are doing great these days! Goody for you!! Ugh, why is it most men seem to be able to hang onto that junk food and not even care? Seriously, who ever heard of hanging on to a package of Oreos for 2 weeks? LOL

Serena, have fun on your trip!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!

Mo, you had me giggling about the Mild Duds and your DH. I could just picture you sitting there as he munched on those. Can't tell you how many times mine's done stuff like that and me willing for him to choke on it. LOL It's great news about DD planning out her menus. Is she excited to be doing this? I wish my mom had taught me stuff like this when I was young. Instead I got to watch her starve herself or go on the Tab diet. Remember Tab soda? I hope DS is feeling better. We've got lots of strep going around in the kids schools here. *knock on wood* none of mine have been sick. Yet! Good for you for going to the gym alone. I knew you could do it!!!!

Erika, I'm so glad you got to go to the gym!!! I hope that this will be a great key in your weight loss journey. You can do it!!!

Kim, your calorie plan sounds very doable. Best of luck to you! I hope you're having a great time on vacation!!!!

I swear, I REALLY hate where we're living! We rent a condo that we've been in for 3 years now. When we first moved in it was company owned and then they went private and all the units were sold off. We chose not to buy and our unit sold to someone who gave us the option of staying as he was only going to use this as a write-off and kept our rent the same. Ok fine. Well then we get these guys that move in directly above us. OMG! Rude rude rude is all I can say! They've been here for about 6 months now and let me just tell you, I am counting the days until we can move! Okay, all done with my rant. lol Just gets under my skin when I gotta keep hearing their loud music and loud clunky footsteps all dang day. Ggrrr!

So anyways! .... anybody doing anything exciting and fun this weekend? Wish I could say I was, but nope. LOL Just alot of chauffering around my kids everywhere, laundry & housework. Fun times, huh?!

Have a good day ladies!!!!!


MoNewEngland 10-20-2006 11:42 PM

Going to bed soon.....
Hi ladies:

I just logged on to download some music to listen to while at the gym! I went tonight and worked up to 15 minutes on the elliptical and 25 on the treadmill. Then I did 5 minutes on some other contraption but I don't know what it's called. It was kind of hard but I'll try it again another day.

Danielle: congrats on your loss!!! :carrot: :carrot:
Sorry about the upstair neighbors. DS is feeling better but I think I'll keep him home from soccer tomorrow morning.

DH cleaned the bathrooms while I was at the gym tonight, I'm killing two birds with one stone! :D :D

Off to let Jay Leno talk me to sleep.


MoNewEngland 10-23-2006 09:31 AM

Hello ladies:

I was surprised to see that no one posted all weekend. Today was weigh in for me and I was down .4 lb (6.6 lbs total). Not a big loss but it is TOM so I'm hoping for a bigger loss next Monday because I had done really well this week eating and exercise wise.

Weekend Summary:
Friday: 20 points, 48 minutes (15 elliptical, 28 treadmill, 5 Arctrainer)
Saturday: 24 points, 50 minute walk (2.75 mile)
Sunday: 22 points, 20 minutes (10 Arctrainer, 8 treadmill, 2 stairmaster)

Saturday we got to the gym at 6 p.m. and it was closed! We had to walk at the local high school instead. Sunday I didn't have time to go with my friend to the gym because I went shopping but I did sneak in 20 minutes on my way home at another gym that was open late with my sister.

I bought a Cooking Light cookbook this week that looks really good. After I try some of the recipes I'll post them here if they're good. I hope everyone is doing fine and hope to hear from you all soon.


serena37 10-23-2006 09:57 AM

What a weekend
Well, we went to Outback steakhouse for my birthday and it was so good. I got a steak and steamed broccoli. But we also had bread and fried mushrooms. Yesterday was my sons bday party and of course I had a piece of cake. I made cupcakes for his class today and so far I've managed not to eat one. Hopefully all the teachers will eat too so I don't have any to bring home. I'm probably going to be extremely busy tomorrow but I plan to atleast go weigh in tomorrow. boy do i dread it cause it will be the 3rd week in a row that I've gained.

It looks like everyone else is doing well though. I probably won't be back on here until next week when we get back from vacation.

Sugar-N-Spice 10-23-2006 12:06 PM

Hey girls! :wave:

Mo, sounds like you had a really good weekend workout wise! Good for you for sticking with it lady. I didnt do my workout like I'd wanted it to, just felt very uninspired. When have I ever felt inspired by exercise, who am I kidding! LOL Congrat's on the loss, it may have been small but they do add up to bigger things!!! You're definitely on the right path, and yup, you're right, next weeks WI will be better because tom is here now. Keep it up!!!!

Serena, so glad you had a great birthday!!! Hope you have an even better time on vacation!!!

Not a whole lot from me today. Busy weekend around the house and now I'm exhausted. lol Glad the kids went back to school, I don't think I could take much more of the bickering and arguing my girls seem to do more & more of. ugh, and the teen years are just around the corner!!!

Have a good one everybody!!!


Nori71 10-23-2006 12:53 PM

Happy Birthday Serena!!

Mo - I like many of the Cooking Light recipes. All of the desserts I've tried are quite good for being lighter versions. Let us know any real keepers.

You're braver than I to even weigh in the week of af, MO. I cannot bring myself to see those #'s...when I can feel that my rings are tight and my face looks puffy...I will not weigh. My history shows that I can be up 5-8 pounds pre-af. I'll weigh next Monday and aim for anything under 225! Anyways, weekend was so-so food wise. We went to a fall bbq yesterday where I ate a Polish sausage, fruit salad and brownies (that had Andes Mint chunks in them). Not "pig out", but not just 1 brownie either.

Off to the gym. It's a gorgeous, crisp cool morning here in Eastern Washington. Maybe I'll take the girls to the park afterwards.

Happy Monday ladies!

slimkim 10-23-2006 01:47 PM

hi ladies!!
Well I am back from our little "mini" vacation... North Carolina was beautiful this time of yar.. still warm enough to walk around in sleeveless and shorts.. I forgot my suit.. I think it was a froidian slip..LOL... I am up in weight..sob.. but i did not restrain from indulges so i got what i deserved... i had fun tho... well cracking out the whip this week.. I just want to get under 230 by end of month.. that is 4 lbs.. i can do it...

Danielle congrats on that pound.. great work!!

Nori... how's everything >??? I am sure the scales will be kind to you... i am gonna tag you once i get into those 20's so look out..haha

Mo... how did u get hubby to clean a bathroom.. i wanna know that trick! You are being so dedicated.. u go girl!!! I will shake my booty later.. promise.... great news with the scales still moving downward!

Serena.. I know you are going to be away but just wanted to shout out at you.. keep up the good work!! have a great time.. see you when u get back...

ok who did i miss??? i just made some cambells onion soup with extra beef broth, some light w/w tst and melted mozz cheese.. yum yum yum! pretty low cal.... well you all have a great day.. I hope by my official wi day(wed ) I can report same weight if not lower.. gonna bust my butt !! bye..Kim

MoNewEngland 10-24-2006 09:32 AM

Hello ladies:

TOM is starting to leave thank goodness. I don't think I could take another night of working out with it. I was so chaffed last night, I felt like I had on fiberglass insulation underwear! I left work in a huff yesterday. DS had a migraine at school and the nurse didn't call my cell or my work or my husband's cell. Instead she called the 5th person on the call list who wasn't home. DS had to suffer for two hours at school with a migraine and take the loud, noisy bus home. Then my mother got them off the bus and took them to her house. I left work at regular time to go get them and he looked awful. Needless to say he was sound asleep when we got home. I put him right to bed and within a half hour he threw up all over his room and his new featherbed! The poor thing was so worried about having so much make up homework from last Thursday/Friday when he had a fever. I told him not to worry about it. But he ended up waking up around 8:30 feeling much better. He ended up spending two hours at the kitchen table doing homework and going back to bed around midnight. He was fine this morning. DD tells me every morning she's not feeling good (bit of a drama queen) but she goes to school anyway. This morning she was running to the bus stop and fell (missed the bus) and came home crying so I had to drive her to school. Hopefully today will be much calmer!

B: oatmeal 3
L: Smart One, cucumber 6
S: shrimp cocktail, graham cracker 5
D: eng muffin w/ PB&J, skinny cow 8
Pts: 22 Exer: 56 min. Water: 40 oz?
(36 treadmill, 10 arctrainer, 10 elliptical)

Kim: glad you had a good time on vacation, now back to reality huh!
Nori: I weighed again today, still the same :?: Your weather sounds like here, but it's getting a little chillier the last couple of days. We haven't turned on the heat yet, but have lit the fire the last few nights. I haven't tried any recipes yet but I'll keep you updated. The lemon chicken looks really good.
Danielle: are the girls behaving yet? What ages are they again?
Erika: how's the gym going? Are you dressing your pets for Halloween?!

What is everyone else's kids dressing as for Halloween? My DD is going to be Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribbean and DS is going to be some kind of japanese cartoon character.

Talk to you all soon.


marinemommyof2 10-25-2006 08:50 AM

Hi Nori, Kim, Mo, Serena, Danielle, and all the "new" girls!

I'm Sarah. I was one of the originals from the Diet Journey Thread, but I've been absent for awhile due to our move. My husband is a Marine, we have 2 little boys, and we live in South Carolina. :)

I have internet again! Isn't it wonderful? When we got to our new house, we discovered the cable company hadn't even laid the cable lines yet.

I have tried several diets, and I'm getting ready to go back to the WW system of counting points. For me, it's always been the most successful. Tomorrow is day 1! I also am planning on adding 2 walks, and 2 exercise video days, because lately I haven't been doing a thing.

That reminds me, I have to go adjust my ticker to my current stats! EEEK!

It's great to be back!!


MoNewEngland 10-25-2006 10:04 AM

Hi Sarah: Welcome back, I hope you're all settled into your new house and enjoying it. It's so good to see our group reuniting! I just started dieting seriously again about 3 weeks ago and also started exercising. It will be slow going but I just need to stay organized enough to have good food around me.

My day was good:
B/L: big bowl of cereal 8
S: fresh pineapple 1
D: big portobella mushroom
w/ tomato, onion, feta cheese & potato wedges 6
S: skinny cow ice cream 3
Pts. 18 Exercise: 43 minutes Water: 40 oz?

How are the rest of you ladies doing? Who's kids are what for Halloween? I love this time of year. We'll be carving our pumpkins Sunday I think. I want to get some cheap gourds and cut our the tops and put tealights in them. I saw it in a magazine and it looked cute. I'll put them around the front porch maybe.

Take care.


marinemommyof2 10-25-2006 10:11 AM

It's so great to be back on the east coast and see FALL! The mornings are so chilly, but it's a nice change from the desert. :)

Mo, my 5 year old is going to be Batman, and my soon to be 2 year old will be a duck. LOL I love that the 2 year old is still small enough for me to pick. :) My 5 year old has never even seen a Batman cartoon or movie...lol.

I'm so glad you got back to seriously being on the wagon 3 weeks ago. I'm excited about getting started again tomorrow. I want to get back to taking vitamins, drinking 8 glasses of water, and increasing my fruits & vegetables again. It's amazing that being as off the wagon as I've been, I've only gained back 8 pounds. LOL

MY NEW MINI GOAL - 6 pounds by Thanksgiving. :)

MoNewEngland 10-25-2006 12:50 PM

Sarah, congrats for staying in Onederland!! I can't wait to get there, hopefully by Thanksgiving but I'm secretly hoping by Veteran's Day!

Nori71 10-25-2006 03:32 PM

You can do that, Mo.

HI SARAH! Glad you are "hooked up" again!

I have to be to work in 15 minutes, just had to check in.

I'm having a so-so week. Girls have colds and are crabby. I have AF. I'm so busy I'm not being good about planning my food, so I've been grabbing things through the day. I hate living life at this pace, but it's not going to change anytime soon, so I need to adjust. I do not have trouble with the exercising.

Anyone go to MOPS meetings? I just started last month and they are fun. I go tonight again.

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