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Old 08-13-2001, 03:33 PM   #1  
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Default ~~ The Thin Group #60 ~~

Hello and welcome to the Thin Group! We are a great group of ladies (but men are welcome if there are any who care to join us) who have one thing in common. We are all working together toward our goal of being healthier in our daily lifestyles and to lose weight in 2001. There are all different ages and backgrounds here and we all have different ways of losing our weight. We love to have fun, but we also give a lot of support, encouragement and motivation to one another. Please feel free to post with us - just jump right in and you will receive a warm welcome. The more the merrier!

Please feel free to check out our website and learn more about us at:

Back later. Love, CJ
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Old 08-13-2001, 03:35 PM   #2  
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Wow! Been away for so long almost forgot I could start the new thread without cheating!!! LOL

Be back later to address you all !!!

Love ya! CJ
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Old 08-13-2001, 05:50 PM   #3  
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Hi all! Boy things sure have changed here quite a bit. Sorry to be have been MIA for sooooo long. Work is keeping me so busy and I am sure you have heard that I am planning a wedding. Yes, I am being brave and doing it again, this time I KNOW I got it right. No questions and no doubts what-so-ever. I can't believe I have not stressed once in the planning. We originally set the date for Sept 21, 2002 but figured why wait a whole extra year, so we are doing Sept 21, 2001.

Don't have much time to be online - we've only got one phone line and I am expecting a call from his mom. She's going to be visiting this weekend from Florida and we need to work out final arrangements. His mom is great, like a 2nd mother.

I hope to be visiting more often, I need to get back on schedule with losing weight. I have gained back about 20 of the 60 I had lost but at least I am owning up to it and in the past I just would have ignored it. I need to drop 10lbs by the wedding to make my dress just a tad more comfy.

I created a web page for our wedding if anyone would like to check it out... Here's the link:

Our Wedding Web Page

I hope all of you are doing well.

((((((((((Judy)))))))))) I read a bit to help me catch up and I am sorry to hear what you are going through.

CJ - Glad to hear you now have a computer up north!! WooHoo!!

Everyone take care and if you drop by the website please feel free to sign the guestbook!

Hugs to all,
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Old 08-14-2001, 09:09 AM   #4  
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Hello everyone. Finally time to post. Unfortunately, I'm in the midst of a crisis. You all remember how I've been planning this big trip to Las Vegas for my 40th b-day? I've only been talking about it for about a year and a half, right? Have hotel reservations and have had the non-refundable plane tickets since May. Been counting down days and hours. So what could possibly happen?

JURY DUTY!! I have to report on Friday, 9/14. Might be OK except that we're supposed to leave on Sunday, 9/16 morning. What if I get picked for a trial or something??? I'll be honest. I haven't slept or eaten much since I got the notice in Saturday's mail. I've already sent the jury selection commission a long letter asking to be excused and including copies of my tickets, etc. and explaining how we've been planning this trip for so long, etc. etc. I'm hoping someone there has a heart. I even told them I would be ready, willing and able to report on any one of the other 360 days of the year except for the week of my vacation. I did everything except beg. But I will if I have to.

OK, so I know it might sound trite and like I'm overreacting but I'm asking you guys to all keep me in mind and cross your fingers or say a prayer that I'll be excused from this just this once. People here keep telling me that I probably won't get picked or that I'll be excused, etc. etc. but I'm just too afraid to get my hopes up. Sometimes I feel like only bad things could happen to me. I've even thought about cancelling the trip.

Of course, I was still reeling from this news when the phone rings. It was my father who says he just had a call from Scumball (my - hopefully - soon to be "ex") who wanted me to call him. So I did and it seems he needs a favor from me. He can't refinance the mortgage unless I dropped everything, drove up to where he lives and signed some papers for him. Now I've only been hanging in limbo for 2+ years waiting to be done with this divorce and suddenly HE needs a favor???? So not going to happen. I told him I wouldn't sign a single thing without my lawyer checking it over first. Yesterday morning I get this long confusing fax from his new mortgage company which I immediately forwarded to my lawyer. I talked to my lawyer's secretary yesterday afternoon and she says that my lawyer's already filed a contempt order with the courts because Scumball and his lawyer refuse to communicate with us or answer our letters or calls. Scumball says that his lawyer says that it's me who's refusing to cooperate. It's all such a mess, I just can't believe it.

Anyway, like I said, I haven't slept, can't concentrate, feel like crying all the time. Oh yeah, and my hand hurts. (Although it is healing up but very bruised. Someone says it looks like I knicked a vein and that's causing the bruising but it should heal.) OK a "great" way to diet. Feel nauseaus all the time. That'll keep you from eating. Although I don't recommend that method.

I'd better go. I'm still trying to catch up with all the work that piled up when I was gone. At least I was so busy yesterday that I could forget all my worries briefly. And I have to stop myself and think of how things in my life could be worse. Rich has been my rock and stability through this.

... I just wish that I could be my own rock and stability.

Please send me good vibes, my friends???? I'm feeling so overwhelmed.....

I love you. Jo.
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Old 08-15-2001, 10:59 AM   #5  
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Default Good morning ...

Just a quick hello this morning. Have to get outside and help hubby and I have weigh-in today at noon. At home I go on Thursday mornings, and up here I go on Wednesdays at noon. Confusing ...

Hang in there and keep your fingers crossed they don't call your name Friday! Hope it works out for you and you get to go to Vegas. And, you would be surprised just how much of the "rock" is YOU!

Still praying for you and Cal. Want you to know how much we all love you ... keep in touch.

Well, this is a short one I know ... but at least I am now able to post from the cabin! For now anyways .. am having a bit of a problem with my new computer ... hope it isn't anything big.

Love to all!
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Old 08-15-2001, 12:38 PM   #6  
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Well, another day and another crying fit for Jo. Jury selection committee refused my request to be excused from jury duty. So now, instead of looking forward to my vacation, I get to obsess over whether or not I'll get to go. I no sooner get off the phone with them and Scumball calls to harrass me a while. Then he has his new "mortgage lady" call me to harrass me too. I said it to him, I said it to her, I'll say it to you.... I'M NOT SIGNING ANY *@#!*# THING!!!!

The good ???? news is that I talked to my travel agent. If we decide to hang in there and hope for the best on Friday 9/14 and then I get picked for a jury or something equally stupid (Jo's luck) it'll only cost us $150 penalty and we'll be able to reuse the airline tickets minus any increase in airfare within a year from the date we got them (May). I've yet to sit down and discuss this with Rich (too busy having a tantrum or two) but I think we might just hang on to the tickets and keep our fingers crossed.

Again, I keep telling myself my life could be worse. But I'm having trouble convincing myself....

Sigh. Sorry to vent to you guys like this.

Love, Jo.
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Old 08-15-2001, 11:22 PM   #7  
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Hi everyone. Thank you for all of the support. This is the first time I have had to get back here.

JO: Of all the luck Will be crossing my fingers for you to be not to picked. Here though we have to be there for most of the week even if we are not picked. I hope that isn't the way it is for you. Don't even talk to your soon to be ex. Just hang up . and as for the real estate person, that is just down right harrassment. You hang in there. YOU WILL come out on top Hope your hand is doing better I know that has to hurt.

Joanna: You will make a beautiful bride. Can';t wait to see the pictures.

Well, got to go need to do some laundry. I don't do it during the day because of the heat. Take care and will talk soon. Mary kay
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Old 08-16-2001, 02:30 PM   #8  
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Hi everyone,

Just thought I would post while I have a few. Not doing too well on plan, last week lost 2.2 lbs and lo and behold gained that same amount after camping. So there you go!

Had such a good camping trip with my daughter Kelly, her boyffriend, Brian and his parents. They were great, really laid back like Ken and myself. We all clicked right away as Kelly said we would. Had a great time and did lots of hikes and nature trail things. Tried to be good and in fact only did have one samore all weekend. But I guess it must have been those wine coolers and Mikes Hard Lemonade. LOL Did have a couple a day so I know what the culpret was there. My husband said that with all that walking we were doing I should have a good weight loss and I said, yes but I think those drinks kinda of cancelled everything out and than some. LOL Oh well live and learn right?

Joanna-My gosh my friend, what a difference a day or a couple of months make. Look at you, found a great guy and the right one this time I am sure of it. I am soooo happy for you and Tim and know two must be so excited and can't wait for next year when you get married. I went on your website and just loved it. It brought tears to my eyes when I read it. He sounds perfect for you and you for him. Keep in touch and keep on posting and we can all help each other try to lose our weight.

Gail-Sounds like you are getting where you want to be with that great Aryurvedic reading you have been doing. Good job on those 3 lbs, you are moving in the right direction that's for sure. Got you email and will send you one soon. Love to you Gail. Keep on doing what you are doing.

Chrissy-Hey sis in law, it was really nice to get you call the other day from Papa's. Thanks for going with my Dad and getting those things done we had talked about. I know he appreciated it as much as I did. You are so good to him and brother Jerry, as I have told you many many times. Gosh you school school starts soon doesn't it? You will do great Chrissy I just know it. You breezed through nursing school and now it is time for a change and you will do fine.

Jo-Sure hope you don't get picked for jury duty. But you can get out of it if if you just answer the questions right. My brother used to be a judge and had said that the lawyers won't pick you if you show any certain opinions or are not open minded. So maybe if you showed you were closed minded that would work. Well not telling you to lie, cause you can't but hopefully you won't be what they want and you will be on your way. Good luck! And hope you get to go to Las Vegas after all. Sorry about SCUMBALL and all he is putting through. Hope it finally gets over and done soon to save you sanity and let you get on with your life. Here are some good vibes for you.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{GOOD VIBES FOR JO}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Sandi-Have a great time on your trip to the Dominican Republic, that sounds like a beautiful trip and I am sure you will love it there. Keep us posted if you get a chance and don't forget to post when you get back and tell us all about it. I had a friend that went there and loved it and brought me back a really beautiful cross-it was a black one and made out of some kind of stone they have there. I forget what kind it was. But I just love it!

Mary Kay-Hope things are going better for you mind frame wise MK. Just hang in their girlfriend. I was glad to read your post.

CJ-How did you do at you WW weight in? Hope good. I haven't been doing too great and am still struggling to get back on track again. Hope you lost some more weight. I too am glad you have a computer at the cabin and I know you are too. It isn't fun to be out of touch is it? I know the feeling. Love ya and miss you!

Judy-How are things going for you? Hope your family are there with you during this time. Post and let us know if you can how you are holding up. LOVE YOU JUDY!

Sam-Congratulations on your new very own house. I am so happy for you guys. A new house and a new baby, you sure got it all girlfriend. Good for you losing that weight.

My girlfriend, Thelma, from Ohio, that I have known since Kindergarten is visiting us in Indiana . Her and her husband are camping at the Brown County State Park nearbye, cause they love to camp with their RV. I tried to get them to stay here, but they love to camp. So we have been seeing each other almost everyday. We have been to their campsite, sitting around the fire. The other day we all went to this great town called Little Nashville-CJ remembers that place and loves it, and walked around, had lunch and shopped quite abit. It is one of those towns with lots of great old stores that you can find lots of neat things to buy. Like I did! LOL Last night I made dinner for them and had a get together and made Chicken Cacciatore and it turned out great. Ken's sister came over and her daughter, my niece and her new hubby too. The boys, Dan and Al were off work so it was a nice dinner for all. Ken is in Oregon for another RV Ralley in Bend so he wasn't there, but he will be home tomorrow night. Than he will see Thelma and Tom on Saturday, we will all go out to dinner together. They were gonna leave Saturday, but wanted to see Ken so are staying an extra day so we can all go out together. I am looking forward to it.

Well better get going and get somethings done around here. Take care guys and if I don't talk to you before, HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Love you lots and lots, Sassy Sharon

Last edited by Sassy; 08-16-2001 at 02:33 PM.
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Old 08-17-2001, 10:18 AM   #9  
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Sorry I haven't been here recently. I was having some trouble with my Internet provider last week, and this week, things at work have been hectic. We just got a new Center Director, and she is planning to make a lot of changes. I keep telling myself change is good if it improves the center, but the transition will be challenging. Whew, I'm exhausted!

I'm still losing weight, but slowly. I've only lost 2.5 lbs. in the last month, but my total is now 27.5. I'm hoping to make my goal of 30 lbs. by Labor Day. That means 2.5 lbs. in 2.5 weeks. I should be able to do that if I try!

Sharon, it sounds like you had fun on your camping trip. I'm glad you got along so well with your daughter's boyfriend's parents. That alcohol is probably the culprit in negating your weight loss.

Gail, tell us about the new way of eating you are trying. I've never heard of it. Congratulations on the 3 lbs.

Judy, I just want to let you know I'm thinking of you and sending you warm wishes. How are you doing?

MaryKay, hope all is going better for you.

Jo, I was sent a jury duty summons for Lehigh County for the week before my son's wedding and was concerned about that. Luckily, when I called for instructions the night before I was supposed to report, I received a recorded message that my group had been excused, and I didn't have to go at all! Maybe you'll be lucky too.

CJ, I'm glad that you got a computer for your cabin so you can stay in touch with us. Post with us often! How was your weigh-in?

Joanna, I checked out your web page. The wedding dress looks beautiful, and the pig roast sounds like fun. Congratulations! Post here, and we'll help you lose that weight before the wedding.

Well, it's time to get busy. Today is my day off. TGIF! Have a great weekend!

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Old 08-17-2001, 10:36 AM   #10  
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I have been reading the posts from this group and thought I would like to join in with everyone to give and, of course, receive encouragement to lose weight.

I decided at the beginning of July that it was, indeed, time to take of the 65 extra lbs. that I have been carrying around for the past 15 years. One of the ladies that I work with decided that it was time for her to lose, as well, so I dug out my old WW book and we started counting points. So far, I have lost 14#. Yeeeehaw!!!

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to attend WW meetings, so we have developed a schedule to weigh in at the Health Office where we work. The nurses have given us a lot of encouragement, lots of recipes and much needed advice. Every Monday morning is like going to our own private WW meeting. Since the beginning of July, 5 more people that work here have joined our club and several more have phoned me to ask if they can join when they return from vacation. Looks like we may need to work on an organizational support of weight loss and actually bring the WW people in to the work site...

I am hoping to lose another 10# before I go on vacation Sept. 13. DH is scheduled to work in Qatar for 2 weeks, so I will be tagging along with him. Does anyone have any information about the diets in the Middle East and whether it will be a problem for me to continue with WW there? Any information would be welcome.

I will sign off here by saying Hi to all my new friends. Have a great weekend.
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Old 08-17-2001, 12:18 PM   #11  
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Hi there! Good Morning to Everyone!

I'm sorry not to have been around a lot lately. I too have been having some computer problems. Mine keeps freezing up on me. Looks like I will have to spend some time sorting out the problem. Every once in awhile it's time for a good computer clean-up so better get at it before I can't post at all. It took me 3 trys to get here.

Welcome to Peggy! Very nice to have you with us. Where is St. Albert in Alberta? I've been to Edmonton, Drumheller and Calgary a few times, but don't think I've been through St. Albert. As you see, I'm from B.C. So not too far away from where you live. Nice country. It sounds like you have a great start on your weight loss journey. Having that much support in your workplace will surely be helpful. As for Middle Eastern food - I think their cuisine includes a lot of grains and Hummus, Baba Ganouj, Tabouleh and things like that. They eat pretty healthy there so will probably be good for your WW plan.

Welcome back CJ! Great that you got a computer for your other home - now you can keep in touch with all your old buddies again. Congratulations on doing so well with your weight loss. Hard work really does pay off.

Sharon, you are so darned busy - having a hard time keeping track of all your comings and goings. You will have to go back to work in the Fall just to get rested up. Wonderful that you got along so well with Brett's family. We will be meeting Layla's (our new daughter-in-law) Mother and Step-Dad next weekend. As they got married in Jamaica, neither family were able to attend, so we missed meeting her family as they live out of province. Really are looking forward to finally meeting them. Hope that you enjoy the remainder of the summer.

Dreamer/Sam, so happy for you that things are going well. A new baby and a new home and all the joys that go with such wonderful happenings - what more could a person want? And you are doing well getting that weight off too. Good going!

Joanna, went to your website - That is a gorgeous dress. You must be getting so excited about your wedding - not too far away. I'm sure it will be wonderful - you've done a lot of planning already. How is your sister Carolyn doing? We haven't heard from her in awhile. Hope all is well.

Trish - you have done so terrific! I for one, am really proud of you. I have been following the Ayurvedic way of eating the past couple of weeks and am down 4 lbs. I won't make the Labor Day Challenge, because it took me so long to find what was right for me. I did spin my wheels a long time. So hopefully I will make the next challenge. To answer your question. The philosophy of Ayurveda involves the wholeness of the body, mind and spirit. But so far am working on the body. Haven't looked into the rest too much. So I will take the part that works for me. The way of eating is primarily about eating for balance in your body. It is kind of complicated but it boils down to eating right for your body type (constitution) In following their guidelines, I have already given up evening eating, sodas, most heavy foods. It has been much easier than I thought and cravings are practically non-existent. I guess when you eat what is right for you, then your body becomes balanced and functions properly. I feel so much better and when I do eat something that aggravates my system, I feel it almost immediately. You are only supposed to eat when actually hungry - Duh! I know we know this, but much easier said than done, especially when someone like me does not know what hunger really feels like. It includes time of day eating for proper digestion and foods that are right for each person.

I never understood what it felt like to be hungry because I never went a long time without eating something. So now I try not to eat after dinner (which is more like a snack), until the next morning, and then very lightly. Lunch is the bigger meal of the day and only till 3/4 full. I didn't know what that meant either but am finding out. The "getting in touch with your body" has been the biggest deal for me. It took a lot of work and concentration off the start to get going, but it is much easier now and I feel wonderful. I hope so much that I have found the way for me. Everyone is so different. Always knew that my body handled food much differently from other people - it was very obvious but I didn't know what was wrong.

Jo, what a bad break for you. I am sorry that your holiday plans don't look very promising. I hope something comes up and you are able to have your vacation as planned. Sorry too about the ex giving you a rough time. Hang in there and all will work out. {{{{{JO}}}}}

Chrissy - when do you start school? I'll bet you are getting excited about that. It is always good to keep learning new things. Who knows what avenues will open up to you. Good Luck!

MaryK, you are busier than anyone I know. Take some time for yourself and just breathe for awhile. Hope that you are enjoying your summer. How are your kids doing? Are they still living at home?

Sandi, Bon Voyage! Have a terrific vacation. Tell us all about it when you get back.

Judy - you haven't posted in quite awhile. Hope that you are doing okay. Hang in there - we are all thinking about you. {{{{{JUDY}}}}}

It has been such a busy week. Ken had to go to the hospital twice this week. On Monday his procedure to have that darned kidney stone removed was cancelled due to our medical situation here, and yesterday when he finally was able to have the procedure, they decided that because it has been moving on its own, to let it pass naturally. He was disappointed, but it hasn't been bothering him lately so hopefully it will pass soon and that will be the end of it. It has caused a lot of disruption for us this summer.

Can't believe August is half way over. It was a year on the 15th that my Mom passed away. It has been a very difficult year for me emotionally, but things are starting to take their place and I am beginning to feel like moving forward again. It was a big adjustment because she was so much a part of our lives. There are sad voids that keep happening and it's hard to deal with sometimes.

Well, I'd better get off here. Sorry to go on and on this morning, but I haven't posted in awhile. I missed you guys. Take care everyone and have a great weekend. Love, G
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Old 08-20-2001, 12:31 PM   #12  
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Great news for Monday morning. I just weighed in and have lost another 2 lbs. That brings the total weight loss to 16 lbs., exactly. Hoping to lose another 10# before I leave for vacation on Sept. 13.

I have a question to pose to everyone:

I get on the plane for vacation on Sept. 13 and have a significant birthday on Sept. 14 (turning 50). However, with time changes and the length of the flight, I arrive at my destination early on Sept. 15 and miss the actual Sept. 14 day. Does this mean that I don't turn 50 until next year ; or does it just mean that I turn 50 without any celebration ? Just wondering...

I also discovered something significant on Saturday. I purchased some shorts (a size smaller than I normally wear), for vacation. I tried them on last Saturday, and THEY FIT, THEY FIT THEY FIT. Woohoo!!!

It was just another incentive to stay OP for the weekend.

Gail: Thanks for the welcome. I actually live on an acreage outside of St. Albert. St. Albert is located a few km. north of Edmonton. I actually work in Edmonton.

Gotta go quickly now. the computer people want to work on my puter. Take care everyone.
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Old 08-20-2001, 12:32 PM   #13  
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Hello??? Anyone home?? Am I in the right place??? Did all of you get sick of hearing me whine and jump ship?? Wouldn't blame you.

Latest news. We've cancelled our vacation. Well, actually, we're working on postponing it. So Jo won't be spending her big 4-0 birthday in Las Vegas after all. I'm trying to be OK with it but boy have I been depressed. We've been planning this vacation for over a year and are going to lose some money but I can't have this stupid jury duty stuff hanging over my head. I want it over with so I can concentrate on the vacation.

Rich has been an angel about all this. And I'm finding out just how much friends and coworkers care about me. They're all planning on taking me out and making my birthday special in any way they can, etc. Rich and I have decided we'll probably take my b-day off anyway and maybe go down to Delaware Park or Dover Downs or maybe even Altantic City for the day. Hey, I guess I can lose money just about anywhere, right?

I guess another good thing is that I now have another month to lose weight before the vacation. We're looking at mid-October now. The hotel's available and I'm waiting for a call from the travel agent about flights. I weighed in last Saturday and had to just sigh and say that's about how my life is going right now. I've been worrying and obsessing and not sleeping OR EATING and have gained almost 3 lbs. Yeah, only Jo could pull that off, right? But with this decision about the vacation, I feel a little more stable and have gotten back on track in the weight department. I've decided to spend this week completely on track with points and water and exercise and sort of "regroup". Then on Saturday, I'll take the number and set a goal for my vacation. Stay tuned.

I've rambled enough now I guess. Sweet Tooth, welcome to the group!! Two things I want to say: 1. It's not always this quiet around here and 2. I don't always whine so much. Promise!

Hope to hear from you guys soon!
Much love, Jo.
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Old 08-20-2001, 04:26 PM   #14  
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Hello everyone,
It seems like ages since I have been here. Guess it has been a while. Somehow I am always so busy lately but never really get anything accomplished that I want to. We will be leaving for our vacation to the Dominican Republic on Sat. the 25th. We will be back from vacation on Sept 9th. We will also spend a few days in Dallas with my brother. Ayt first we weren't sure where hurricane Chantel was headed. But now it seems like it is headed toward Cancun which is not near us. Last year I think it was we had to shorten our vacation in Aruba because of a storm headed.
I am having some female problems (Nothing serious) so have to go see the Gyn. man on Wed. It seems every year I end up with some silly thing before we leave. Other than hat, all is fine here and our weather actually was getting a little too cool for me.But today was a beauty. In the low 70's and sunny. Somehow that sunshine just makes one feel so much better than those clouds.

Gail...Sounds like your new way of thining and eating is working for yu. Great job on the 3# loss.

Sharon.....That camping trip sounded like yu had fun. Did you ever try the new Smirnoff Ice? It is a lemon flavor malt liquor. For some reason they don't sell it here in Ilinois. So we have to drive 10 minutes to Indiana to get it.

Judy....How are things going your way? I am glad to see you are still sending me some jokes.
I sent the one about the condom factory to my brother in Texas. He wil love it.

Jo...I am so sorry thatyou had to cancel your trip. But you can still celebrate your 40th in Vegas. Just at a later date. Where were you staying in Vegas? My daughter just got fares for when the whole group of us go in Nov. For $10 you can get insurance in case of ilness, weather etc etc. Maybe you should check into that?
That's nice that your friends and co workers will help you celebrate on your special day. Happy Birthday in advance.

Sweet tooth....A big welcome to you here. I say celebrate your birthday on the plane!!!!LOLGreat job on your weight loss.

Trish...You wil meet that Labor Day goal I am sure.You don't have that much more to go.

Chrissy.....School days school days dear old golden rule days Do yoiu remember that song or was it too much before your time?LOL Did you get a new outfit like the little ones do for the first day of school? LOl Miss you girlfriend.

Joanna...your website is really so nice. I think part of my message did not show up when I signed your guest book. But Congrats on your special day.

Don't know if I wil get back here before we leave. So everyone have a great Labor Day weekend. Hey, that means summer is almost over. YUK!!!!!!!!!!Love to all

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Old 08-21-2001, 10:44 AM   #15  
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Default Finally I am heading in the right direction!

I am in a pretty good mood since yesterday. I went to my WW meeting and had a 3.2 lb loss. I am trying so hard to go in the right direction-DOWN! I tried to eat right this week, even though there were a couple of special occasion eating out type things. Am trying with the water and am getting back to my exercise routine so that is a start at least. I may not make the Labor Day Challenge but I will get closer to where I want to be and that is the important thing. Gosh I started the challenge and some of you's like Miss CJ, Gail and Trish are putting me to shame. I started the challenge and am not doing as well as those ladies, but I am going in the right direction that's for sure.

First of all a great big welcome to sweetooth/Peggy . I love your name cause I too have a sweetooth. You have such a good start with already losing 14 lbs. I know you will get the rest off cause you are in this great club with so much support, motivation and encouragement. Glad you joined us and I know you will too. That is great that you have this support at work and are all in this together, helping each other get where you want to be. You mentioned that you work in a heath office and I see in your profile that you are a manager. Is it a doctors office or like one of those mini-emergency rooms/health care places like our Prompt-Med we have in our town? That is great that your club is getting so big.

Judy-How are things going with Cal? You are on my mind so much and we all love you here. Post when you can and let us know how things are going for you and you family.

Trish-Woo Hoo great going on your 27 1/2 lbs. You are doing so wonderful and just keep on going down down down. I am sure the new direction will do good things and you will get on. I too don't like change, cause I feel so comfortable with the way I am used to doing things. But in the end it will be alright, you will see.
Yes I too think it was that alcohol but none for me this week. LOL

Sandi-Pretty soon you will be going on you trip. I know you must be getting excited. Funny you should mention that Sminoff Ice cause I had one of those on my camping trip too that my daughter brought. LOL It is SOOOOOO good but it has to be a once on a while treat for me. They must not sell it by you cause I know you said you have to go to Indiana to buy it and as you know I live in Indiana so it is all over the place around here. Glad you only have to drive 10 minutes to get it though. Funny that in just 10 minutes you can be in my hometown state. LOL

CJ-Hey girlfriend, how are you doing? Miss you so much and I have your cabin number and plan to give you a call soon. Glad you can post again with your new puter. Makes it so much easier to stay in touch doesn't it? How are things going with the building of you cabin? Hope great and you are doing great with your weigh loss and I know you are happy about that. You must be into all kinds of your old shorts and other outfits now.

Jello-I know you just hated to postpone your birthday/Vegas trip but I can't say I blame you cause I wouldn't want that jury thing hanging over my head either. Better to wait till Oct than be able to enjoy yourself and that is great that your friends/co-workers are all taking you out for you birthday. You will have fun! Don't worry about the gain either, you are back where you want to be on program and you will do fine.

Gail-So glad to hear you are going to finally get to meet Layla's family. I just know you wil get along great and will bond too like I have with Brian and Brett's parents. Hope you got my email card and email will follow soon. It sounds like you sure are "getting in touch with your body" and your eating plan is working for you as well. I can tell that you have found your way! Only good things for you from now on girlfriend.

Carolyn-Got your email and glad you are doing well. Come on back and let us know how things are going. I know school has probally started for you and hope things are going great there.

Julie-Hey where are you too? Busy with the summer no doubt. We miss you too and hope you give us a post and jump right back in. Miss you!

Joanna-Gosh you website was so great and I keep on going back and checking to see if anything is new on it. Loved it! You sound so happy and your deserve it after all you have been through with your ex. Keep us posted as things progress, we want to know how your wedding plans are coming along.

Chrissy-Did you start school yet? Should be soon if not already. Post and let us know how things are doing sister in law. Miss you and am thinking how hectic are going to be around your house with you as well as daughters, Emily and Ellen all coming and going all the time to get to your classes. Your dog Sanders is going to be sooo confused, maybe even going around in circles barking at you as you go in and out. LOL Love you much!

I had a good time with my girlfriend visiting/camping from Ohio this week. We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse Saturday night with some other people and I did really good and thank goodness it showed when I weighed yesterday. But they went home and I miss her already.

Take care guys and I will talk to you later, love ya, Sassy Sharon
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