3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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QuilterInVA 03-29-2006 01:59 PM

If you want to be successful, don't think of yourself as being on a diet. Think of this as permanent lifestyle changes. You know what you ate to get this way, so make permanent modifications that you can live with. I've been at goal for many years - learned to eat lots of fruits and veggies, lean meat, lowfat cheese and complex carbs. Feels great. I know all of you will be successful as well. As you are on this journey, remember food is only fuel for your body. It is not comfort, something to do when bored or angry, etc. Learn to eat only when hungry. Good luck!

Kelynn0907 03-29-2006 02:16 PM

I'm so in for it :) Alot of the challenges I've seen seem unrealistic, but this one is perfect. I'm not on a diet right now, just watching what i eat and cutting down on the sweets. I <3 chocolate lol. I'm not much of a vegetable eater or a fruit eater, mainly meat and pasta and bread. I can't live without bread lol.I'm still waiting to get into a gym so for now its 20 minutes of tae bo 3 times a day. And sometimes when I just feel like having fun and being silly I'll put on Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease. It's fun and makes me feel sexy, but hey anything that can do that i'm game. Can't wait to share in everyones weight loss :)

boatingmommy 03-29-2006 02:27 PM

Let me in, too, please!
Howdy! I have been out of the dieting loop for a while. About 5 years ago I really hit the dieting hard and went from about 245 lbs to 166. Since then I have mostly gone up and down about 10 pounds. I am currently at 176. I really need to get back to losing, but it seems like my body has just quit. I spent the first two and a half weeks of March watching most of what I ate and working out 5 of seven days for at least 45 minutes. I lost 3 pounds, only to put them right back on when I got sick last week. HELP!!! I really need some motivational feedback, and I am hoping you all can give that to me. My family is going to Disney World May 19th, so I would really like to get the 10 pounds off by April 29, and then some more before our trip.
I am going to try and keep my calories at 1300, and make them GOOD calories, and get back to working out 5 days a week for at least 45 minutes a day. We'll see how that goes. Too top it off I have my 20 year class reunion on Augst, of which I am in charge! Definitely don't want to be voted the one who has gained the most weight!!

TooBlessed: I can so totally relate to not wanting to carrying this weight into the next phase of my life!

NavyWifeDee 03-29-2006 05:32 PM

Looks like we have a good thing going here! As for me, I'm not much of a dieter either, I am changing what my whole family is eating, slowly but surely, although my kids have always eaten more healthfully than hubby and I. We are also watching portions, and adding way more exercise, as my ultimate goal is to be a runner again and rediscover my inner fitness nut. I find that most of my eating is emotional eating, and that I can cure the emotions with exercise much more effectively, so every time I reach for something I'm not supposed to be eating, I just do something constructive. Doesn't always work, but I am getting there.

Enough about me though, let's all get to it! I think we're all going to do great, and have great support along the way. Maybe for those of us who need it, we can just keep setting these ten lb goals together!


kessa 03-29-2006 06:32 PM

My first post
This is my first post, so bear with me if this doesn't come out right. I joined a few days ago and this looks like a great place for support, ideas, etc. I have over 100 pounds to lose to be able to shop in the "regular" stores again. 100 pounds is a lot to think about, so 10 at a time sounds like a great way to go about this.


Ultimategurrl79 03-29-2006 06:40 PM

quit talking about me you guys!!! lol. seriously - I AM that girl. i KNOW and i FEEEEL your pain. I'm SO definately in on this! ever since i can remember i've ALWAYS been the "nice" one / "her"...the - oh all the hot girls are here and they brought their "fat friend" - let's be nice to her so we can get the skinny girls in the group...

yeah. her.

although now I am 26 years old (and 50 pounds lighter) and you'd THINK those days were over - but um yeah...i LOVE my friends but they're ALL 5'4 or shorter & ALL under 135 pounds. her i am at 5'8" and 170. it's allright though - that's why we're here! Just 22 more pounds to go!!!

lilybelle 03-29-2006 07:03 PM

Count me in, I need some motivation here at the end of weight loss journey. I have lost 75 lbs. so far, with 14 more to go. I was tired of the comments too, like "you have such a pretty face, if'd you'd just lose some weight you would look really good". This even came from my own sister, who I now weigh less than. HaHa. Maybe I should return the favor to her. I have just recently started drinking 80 oz. of water daily and hope this will help. I will see on Saturday. It will be fun to all try to lose 10 lbs. together. Good Luck to Everyone.

Carbprincess 03-29-2006 08:53 PM

Hey everyone!!! Thanks for showing so much interest!! I really do think that if we motivate each other we can for sure lose the 10lbs by apr. 29th.

:hug: :carrot: ;)

Carbprincess 03-30-2006 06:28 AM

Good Morning Ladies!!! :hug:

Just wanted to say that I had a really good day yesterday. I've been on plan now for a total of 8 days and haven't cheated. Actually, I don't even have the urge. For all you low carbers, i'm assuming this is cause my body is in Ketosis. I love not really having an appetite. I feel like i'm not being controlled by food anymore.

TOM came this morning. The cramps were so bad they actually woke me up at 4:30. Recently the cramping hasn't been that bad but this morning it was horrible. I stepped on the scale this morning and was figuring that i'd weight more since I usually bloat around TOM. Instead, I remained at the same weight I was at my last weigh in. Hopefully this means i'll lose a little something by the time I weigh officially on Sunday!!

Anywayy, i've got a busy day filled with school and work! Just wanted to post a little update!

How are the rest of you guys doing????? :D ;) ;)

Also, what do you girls think about weighing in once a week until April 29th? or do you ladies wanna wait until apr 29th to give the total? Lemme know!!! :carrot: :hug: :D ;)

NavyWifeDee 03-30-2006 06:35 AM

Good Morning!
Way to go girl! I have been rather bad the last few days and it shows. I may actually have to change my weight scale, or lose more weight during this challenge, LOL. I was good this morning, walked 2 miles, and hopefully will get my BL dvd on during the kids naptime. Hope everyone has a great day! As for weighing in... up to you, not a biggie to me.


beccashesme 03-30-2006 06:49 AM

I think I can do it too!
I think I'll be able to do it. I just joined on here and recenty started trying to lose weight. Today, my real beginning I weight 268.5 so hopefully I will be down to 258 by the end of april!!

Carbprincess 03-30-2006 08:32 AM

deeinthekeys: A bad few days is only a temporary bump in the road. You can get back on track. You just got to remember that it's you who controls what you eat and not the food!! Also, walking is the best excercise I find! It works wonders for me! WTG on the 2 miles,... it's a step in the right direction! :carrot:

beccashesme: :welcome3: I can't wait to hear about how you're doing it and what is motivating you!!!! 10lbs by april 29th is a totally realistic goal and that's why I chose it. Overwhelming ourselves with out of reach goals is just setting ourself up to fail. We need to take it one pound at a time!!!! :smug:

Rileyrooz 03-30-2006 08:39 AM

10 LB Challenge
Count me in. I really need a challenge. I am doing a low carb diet and have been stalled for two weeks. I am not sure when I decided it would be ok to be the "fat girl" and I would really like to be able to walk away from that label. Good Luck to Everyone!!!!

Carbprincess 03-30-2006 08:42 AM

Rileyrooz: are you on induction or on OWL? 2 years ago when i was Low Carbing I hit a plateau at around 135lbs. I think my body was just tired of losing. From what i've read and researched some people recommend increasing the calorie count and then reducing it again. Not sure if it'll work. I'm not currently in a plateau, so I'm not sure what I would do. Honestly though, the risk of gaining freaks me out so i'd rather be stalled for a few weeks than risk gaining anything back by doing something radical!!..

Oh and by the way!!! :welcome2:

Rileyrooz 03-30-2006 08:54 AM

Low Carb
Hi Carbprincess. Thanks for the welcome. I was on low carb about a year and a half ago. I was at 196 and got down to 169. I was able to maintain my weight within a couple of pounds by quitting sugar and if I started gaining to avoid the starches and it would go right back down. A friend encouraged me to try WW to finish off my weight loss. It was a big mistake for me - I could not follow the program and was eating the wrong things - especially those little WW cakes. I lost weight to start with, but ended up gaining over 10 lbs once I gave up on the program. So, I have realized the only thing that works for me is low carb. I am on induction as of now and I know this will work for me, but I fell off track at my birthday/anniversary dinner and I am struggling to get back. My weight loss is always slow, but steady. I never had the big loss that some get with induction the first time.

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