3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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carla49 04-04-2006 05:39 PM

Bonnie, if you get back on track, and I don't, there will be a magic moment when you slip under 200 and I climb back above - we'll have to set up a rendez-vous to wave as our paths cross. :rofl: (Interesting that the little fellow rolling on the floor laughing is yellow - in French a "yellow laugh" is a sort of ironic, bitter laugh. Appropriate in this case, don't you think?) I don't know what it will take to get me off this carb binge, but it will happen.

Donna, your calorie count does seem a little low for all that exercise, but if you're not feeling hungry and you have enough energy to do your workouts, why change? At the same time, if you're not eating ANYTHING before you work out in the morning or whenever, you really should take something small in, maybe a half banana or some small carb morsel. And you need a bit of protein very soon after finishing your workout as well. According to some theories, you can have an extra (small) serving of protein and carb right after exercise and it "doesn't count". At the rate you're going that ticker will be moving any day now. And in the right direction, of course.

mscat816 04-05-2006 11:54 PM

I'ts sooo late! Sorry ladies - I have been out late 2 nights in a row. I did a 15 minute stairclimber on Tuesday and a 15 minute Tae Bo workout with Billy Blanks this a.m. So far I am 3 for 3 days of exercise.

Donna - I believe you are doing all the right things. However, your body may be getting acclimated. First check to see if you are getting in enough water and sleep. Both can have an effect on weight loss. Increase your water intake and see if that makes a difference. If not, try adding a few more calories in the a.m. as carla suggested. :goodluck:

carla :hug:

Bonnie :hug: to you too!


dgpebbles 04-06-2006 12:13 PM

Thank you ladies for all the advice and encouragement....I've had a high caolires day the last 2 days...tuesday I was just hungry all day 1812 calories and wednesday I did good untill I finally talked myself into going to the gym...I only did cardio 30 min and then went to taco bell and tried their new grilled chicken ceaser burrito....It was good....so yesterdays calories were 1675..Today I'm going to get back on track and I'm going to try to average my calories to around 1500 a day and see what happens...

mscat- I think sleep might also be part of it...I have been really tired these last few days....and tuesday I took 2 naps....Great job on getting in your exercise....How do you like the Billy workouts?...I bought his bootcamp workouts...I only tried it once but I was tired before the warm up was even over...
Bonnie & carla - you are both doing such a great job...keep it up and yes you both WILL see 190 by summer..

Thanks again for your help in keeping me motivated and getting me back on track....I love you ladies...Have a great day

PS-I meet with my trainer for the first time in less than a hour...I will fill you in on what happens..

carla49 04-06-2006 06:12 PM

Just a quick look-in here.

Donna, if you're feeling tired a lot you may in fact be a little low on calories. The cal counts you mention won't interfere with your weight loss, so don't stress. At your weight and activity level you should lose anyway.

Bonnie, I'm listening to you, and really don't want to go back up there. Today was feeling more positive, and if I can maintain that there's better days ahead.

Mscat, :hug: :hug: to you too, my BB buddy. Congrats on the three days in a row!

dgpebbles 04-06-2006 07:04 PM

Hello ladies...well I meet with my trainer today and all we did was take my body measurements, weight and go over my goals....then he had me do cardio for at least 45 mins but I did 60 mins on elliptical....he said next week we will start working with the weights, etc...after I left the gym I went to eat and had a grilled chicken salad and a side of broccoli...so today has been good and I'm back on track..

carla- great thinking..no you will not go back up there....glad to see your looking positive

mscat816 04-06-2006 11:04 PM

Hi Lovely Ladies!
It's late and my DH is on a call - part of his homework to clean up some stuff with an old friend. We are suppose to do some reading homework too for the seminar we are in for Friday's class. So I am taking the opportunity to catch up with my best buddies :grouphug: while I am waiting for him.

I am having a great week with exercise - day 4! :carrot: Donna - I was the same with Billy when I first started - by the time we got to the punching bag fist rollie things, I was so tired I would hit myself in the face :rofl: Since I have been doing WATP, treadmilling, and :belly: class - I can actually make it through the first 20 minute workout! I find it as challenging as the stair climber and but a heck of a lot more fun.

I have been doing fair on food, however, I am going to have to give up eating after 7. I have eaten late everyday this week, forgot my HB pressure med and as a result, I got up to 240! :fr: :eek: :tantrum: I am inching back down to 238 today but I am really concerned about gaining instead of maintaining! Help!

Time to stop practicing insanity - the same stuff is not working and has to change. I feel great about changing my exercise routine from "sometimey" on the same routine until I can't stand it to regular and varied. But I have to wake up and smell the decaf and realize my eating plan ain't a plan. So I am going to try the core plan on weight watchers for a while and see if that makes a difference. I welcome and value your input. I am at my wit's end.

Oh BTW to make matters worse - I went to get Wicked tickets today - they went on sale on April 1 and sold out that day! AAAAUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH! Thank goodness I saw it in Chicago :D

Have a great evening!


marbleflys 04-07-2006 12:31 PM

What is this NONSENSE about a *CARB-binge*?
Carla, OH CARLA!!!!! :devil: :devil: (yes, it's ME, the voice of larger pants sizes to come if you stay on this path) :devil:

WHAT are you doing? :shrug: or should I say what are you UN-DOING? why isn't there a smilie to smack some sense into you? :drill: :drill: :rollpin:

here I am, ranting and raving (while my job is driving me right over the edge and I have to spend my Friday night at a wake and the drive time is 2 hours)!

now Please behave yourself and get moving in the right direction! :hug:

there will be private mail later after i eat some salad...

mscat816 04-08-2006 11:07 AM

Hi Chickies!
Just a quickie to report in - I did another Tae Bo workout on Friday a.m. :cb: and my weight is hovering between 236 and 238. I had a late night last night - didn't get out of class until 12:30! :eek:

I used that as an excuse to stop at White Castle w/DH :mad: I have no integrity with my stand to not eat after 7. I know that and I want to declare that to my friends and ask that you hold me accountable for that during the next week.

Hi - Marbleflys! Thanks for stopping in and reminding carla (and the rest of us) about matching up what we say with what we actually do!

Have a great day! :wave:


dgpebbles 04-08-2006 05:47 PM

I took yesterday as a day off and gave myself a break...today I went with my friends brother...he show me some of the machines and pushed me on them...I had a really good workout and I'm sure tomorrow I will be sore...I didn't get to do any cardio yet but I might go back up there later tonight or ride my bike at home..

mscat - you are doing great this week with the workouts....I might just have to give Billy another try.lol...I was told thats it's ok to eat after 7 or even in the middle of the night if you wake up hungry...just watch what you eat and try not to eat carbs late....I pretty much always eat supper around 9pm..so don't beat yourself up too much...

mscat816 04-08-2006 07:49 PM

Hi Chickies
Great day so far - still gotta work on water and get a workout in before I sit down for the rest of the evening. I just got finished eating and is before 7 :carrot:

Donna - I am with you - sometimes it is impossible to get home and get dinner in before 7. But I do agree that when that happens it should not be Pizza Papalas or White Castle! The other day we ate out after 7 and I had a bowl of soup and coffee. I didn't beat myself up about that! :drill:

Wish me :goodluck: on getting that workout in!


dgpebbles 04-08-2006 10:17 PM

great job ...supper before 7... WTG...Hope you got that workout in....

As for me..only weights today..I never made it back to do cardio but I did cut the grass today so that burned alot of calories....I will make it to the gym tomorrow after work...

hope everyone has a great Sunday and good luck at weigh-in on Monday...

mscat816 04-09-2006 02:22 PM

Hi Yall!
Reporting in now because I have a busy day ahead and may not get back till much later or till the morning! Donna - I got my workout in late last night :carrot: A 15 minute stair climber! Counting on getting another workout in before the day is out and I will be 7 for 7 this week!

Donna - cutting grass counts for a lot of calories so consider yourself in action. Better than sitting in front of the boob tube. You go! :cheer:

Have a great day! :wave:


mscat816 04-10-2006 07:53 AM

Monday Mornin'
Ladies - I did it! 7 of 7 days of movement :carrot: I got a 15 WATP last night before dinner. I ate dinner a little late - 8:00 - oh well. I also got up this a.m. and did a 20 minute Tae Bo workout. Exercise is not only more fun with the varied workouts but also easier to do consistently. I woke up this a.m. at 6:00 and was eager to do something instead of staying in bed and it was great to know I had choices between Tae Bo, WATP, :tread: and the stairclimber!

I will report in later after I weigh in. Good luck to everyone! :wave:


dgpebbles 04-10-2006 08:21 AM

mscat-WTG-I'm proud of you 7 for 7...glad you found a mix that is working for you..

Well I'm down 1 whole lb from last week that puts me at 171.8 which is down .6 from the week before after my .4 increase from last week...I'm glad to see it going back in the right direction..

Bonnie & carla where are you?

good luck today ladies...

mscat816 04-11-2006 11:32 AM

Tuesday Greetings
Worked out again last night! We hosted a physical excitement workshop for the leadership seminar we are taking. As it turns out, I expended more energy than my Tae Bo, :tread:, stairclimber and WATP put together! 2 hours worth!

Boy was I sore this morning. But I am still glad I took on working out yesterday morning. My weight is toddling around 235 but that is down 5 lbs from last week :cheer: I will have to work out late this evening after my hair appointment to stay on track (9 days straight). I am determined to make it happen. Didn't make my 7 pm deadline for eating - we didn't finish the workshop until 9:30 and I did not resist the chili I had made. I will eat before 7 this evening :drill:

Donna - congrats on the loss! :cheer: :cheer:

Bonnie and carla - missing you :grouphug:

Have a great day! mscat

dgpebbles 04-11-2006 11:12 PM

How funny..I also made chili on monday...I made it with ground turkey and also had brown rice with it....it was yummy...I've ate it for two days now and will take it to work again tomorrow...I love chili..

mscat--wow your doing such a great job...I still haven't got up the energy to try my tae bo yet cause I know it will kick my butt...

mscat816 04-13-2006 01:08 AM

Late Night Report!
Hey Donna - it looks like it is just you and me :?: Oh well, I am willing to keep posting as long as you are. Although I am going on vacation for a week on Friday and I am not sure what my internet access will be.

Well, even though it was 11:30 p.m. when I finished with hair appointment and all that jazz on Tuesday, I squeezed in a 15 minute stair climber session! I was supersore this morning since I have not yet recovered from the 2 hour workshop on Monday. DH promised to work out with me tonight so I skipped my morning workout. Bad idea! When I got home DH was headed for the bed and was not going to fulfill his commitment. After picking and dropping off DD for her hair appointment, shopping, washing, and packing I squeezed in 15 minute WATP workout, again at 11:30 :cheer:

I am 10 for 10 :cb: I am packing my WATP video for for the days we don't go to the theme parks. Have a great day!


dgpebbles 04-13-2006 09:24 AM

Sure I'll keep posting...I don't know what happened to bonnie and carla but I sure they will come back...WTG on getting in those late night workouts...and wow 10 days straight..I'm proud of you...keep it up...your going to have a good weight in this next week..

I missed working out for the last two days...I've worked over and have been too tired...I know thats not a good excise but I didn't want to push too hard and figured my body could use the break after all I've been doing...

Where are you going to for your vacation?

Sushi Penguin 04-16-2006 12:11 AM

Hello Ladies :) :grouphug:

I'm back and just caught up on the thread... :) Great to hear that nearly all of you have all had many days of success while I was gone! Anc our Carla needs some more spanking, I think... ;)

My trip was great, great, great, great, great. We didn't do much hiking or walking in the end - there was just too much too do, too many places to see and too little time. I wasn't too bad with food, but wasn't that good either, especially towards the end (more and more ice cream).
My challenge for the trip was supposed to be to get the water in and to floss regularly (that's the one I couldn't remember, and it's something I'm very bad with even though I do brush nearly compulsively!). Anyhow... I forgot the floss, and didn't want to buy any since it takes me YEARS to get through even a small pack. So that went out of the window.
And so did water - a lot of the time there were no toilets available and I didn't want any trips/adventures to get ruined by the persistent need to pee (I can't describe how much I suffered during a 4-hour white rafting trip a few years ago, when we were in wetsuits and I had to go nearly from the start...).

I know I gained some pounds because one pair of trausers which I have not worn during the trip feels tighter. Hopefullay not much though. I'll wait with stepping on the scale until our weigh-in day. Need to decide on my new weekly challenge. :)

That's it for now. :) Take care! :)

dgpebbles 04-16-2006 10:17 AM

shshi-welcome back..Glad to hear you had a great time...I cant wait till june when I go on vacation....Right now Bonnie and mcsat are gone on vacation too and I don't know what happened to Carla...Hopefully your only retain fluid from the lack of water in take and I hope the scale is good to you...

As for me...I'm doing great...I'm still eating really good..I had one cheat day this week but I still stayed under my caories...I was really tired yesterday but I forced myself to gget moving and went to the gym..I did 30 min elliptical and 60 mins weights...today I'm going at 10am to have my BMR take...It cost $20..all you do is sit still for 15mins and them you breath onto this machine for 5 mins and it will tell you 99.9% acturate what your BMR is...you just cant eat, drink or move around much when you get up till you take the test and right now I'm starving but I only have 45 more mins to go..

Happy easter to everyone

carla49 04-17-2006 08:29 AM

:( Scary weigh-in this morning: up to 199. Now I know that's probably a little inflated, what with the aftermath of easter chocolate and salty ham and all, but it was enough to make me break out the raisin bran. Maybe a fridge clearout later, and of course the rest of the easter trash to ditch. (You may be surprised that there's any junk left, but there was a lot, and I really DID try to finish it last night... )

So there's still a lot of insanity around here :crazy: , and a lot of blubber too. The dreaded return to WW is getting closer and closer. Mscat, I'll let you know once I've signed up. But there's not much excuse right now: troubling Easter visit home is over, the weather is nice enough to bike, the constant blues are feeling increasingly self-indulgent...

Donna, how did the BMR test turn out? You've been doing so well, I have a good feeling about it.

Sushi, it's great to see you back! It sounds like you had a great time, and I rather expect the ice cream was worth it. Are you still in Aus? Thanks for the spanking, you know I always enjoy a little public flagellation. :)

Bonnie, my BB Buddy, where are you? By now we're probably at the same weight; let's stop going THE WRONG WAY, and let's do it TOGETHER! (Of course all my fellow insanity stoppers are welcome to jump on board...)

Mscat, my fingers will be crossed :crossed: that your holiday doesn't interfere with your exercise streak. You've been doing so well!

My posts may continue to be a little sporadic: on top of my already bad habits, I seem to have developed a pinched nerve in my right wrist. At first I thought it was from playing laser pointer with the cats, and that may have started it , but now I fear using the laptop may be a factor too. I see the doc tomorrow, and do NOT want to be told it's carpal tunnel. But I may be trying to stay off the puter.

Ta for now. :wave:

marbleflys 04-17-2006 09:57 AM

The Voice Of Larger Pants Sizes To Come....
Slap, Slap, Slap.....:devil:

I have no tolerance for ANYTHING today:coach:

myself is doing double workouts, AM about 20 mins. of interval training at home and after work I am hitting the gym (literally)....I have a standing *date* with the body-bag....my hands aren't used to punching, but at least I channel my rage in a safe manner.....and no one can indict me!

carla49 04-17-2006 10:58 PM

Hmmmmm.... Typical weigh-in Monday here, regular posters hiding beneath rocks... Except for slap-happy skinny Marble and infrequent flyer yours truly...

Tsk, tsk!!



Sushi Penguin 04-18-2006 05:00 AM

Hello Ladies :)

Mscat, hope you're enjoying your holiday and managing to stick with your willingness to exercise (because we all know that we always want to do something - like exercise - while on holiday, but a lot of time it doesn't happen for whaterver reason. :)

Donna, the BMR test sounds great, I'd love to do something like that to really know what my BMR is! Hope you didn't starve before the appointment. :)

Carla, hope your wrist will be ok. Good luck for the checkup. :)

Marble, sound good: exercise AND getting emotions out! :)

Bonnie, waves to you too. :)

And no, I'm not hiding, just didn't get on the computer until now (the laptop has to come home from work before I can use it :p ). I still haven't decided on my challenges for this week, or on what the action plan should be for the next month. Weigh in today 62 kgs, which is 137.7 lbs, which isn't good, yet I'm not unhappy with it, as I was the same before leaving for New Zealand. So I didn't go up despite the ice cream, crackers and chocolate. Must get back to work though, I haven't lost in ages, and have a long way to go.

Take care everyone, I'll be in touch as often as possible. :)

dgpebbles 04-18-2006 08:07 AM

Well they couldn't do the test..they said that since I have a trainer that only my trainer can do the test so now I'm waiting for him to call me to schedule a time...I will let you all know how it turns out...

yesterdays weight in was only down .8..I was at 171.8 and now I'm at 171...but look out 160's cause here I come...yesterday was an off day from exercise but I will be at it tonight...

carla-199 is not that bad..thats only up 1 lb and after all that chocolate and ham...your doing good...just get back on track and get away from the 200 mark

Sushi Penguin 04-21-2006 07:56 AM

Still challenge-less, but I have an STI moment to report.
I've been meaning to get off my you-know-what and go running - and I've been meaning and meaning to for the past few days. I guess it was the health magazine that gave me the motivation tonight - there was an article about fitness and good eating... I got ready, opened the door and... it was pouring buckets. So I went back to reading the magazine but... didn't have another cookie from the pack on the table next to the paper. And 15 minutes later it had stopped raining, so I went for a run.
Well, that makes 3 STI moments, I guess... :lol: :) :D

dgpebbles 04-21-2006 09:00 AM

Sushi-great job getting that run in and getting off your you-know-what lol..also great job on saying no to the cookies..if your like me, sweets are my downfall.

I was tired last night and had to talk myself into working out also ...took about 2 hours to do so but then I finally went to the gym and did my elliptical and weights...I also had a great day of eating...

Sushi Penguin 04-21-2006 09:13 AM

Well, that doesn't mean I didn't get any cookies later... like now... :lol:
But it actually required some work/effort to get up, go around the counter, dig in the cupboard and take out a cookie. Still counts as exercise! :lol:
Anyhow, what I'm getting at is that earlier, they were actually on the table, so it would have been very easy to just grab one as I was reading - but I didn't.

mscat816 04-24-2006 06:32 AM

I'm Back!
just a quickie post to say "hi" and I missed all of you soooo much! I had no internet access while in Florida (darn expensive timeshares living in the stone ages!) but I was so elated to see that our little family kept the thread alive. I have been reading up on the posts and will report on my MIA week when I have time later. For now, I love you all :hug:


Sushi Penguin 04-24-2006 06:58 AM

Welcome back Mscat :) :hug: :grouphug:

dgpebbles 04-24-2006 08:04 AM

welcome back mscat...we missed you too...hope you had a great time...can't wait to hear all about it...

today is weigh-in day and I'm happy to say that I'm down 2.4lbs which puts me at 168.6.

mscat816 04-24-2006 08:25 AM

Quickie Report
I have a frightening day ahead due to being off work for a whole week and missing my class and assignments for a week also. :fr: Bottom line is I may not get a chance to report in until late or tomorrow a.m. So here is a recap just in case:

Fri 4/14 - Billy Blanks workout before taking off trip :cp:
Sat 4/15 - Late night WATP after arrival in Florida :cp:
Sun 4/16 - Walked Universal Studios for 7 hours :cp:
Mon 4/17 - ditto! :cp:
Tue 4/18 - Tae Bo workout (down day from the parks) :cp:
Wed 4/19 - Walked Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and back to MK for 12 hours :cp:
Thur 4/20 Down day from parks - didn't move :(
Fri 4/21 - Walked Animal Kingdom and MGM for 12 hours :cp:
Saturday and Sunday - driving home, sitting on butt, bloating (from forgotten BP med), eating and evening the score for all the exercising I did :?:

I was so proud of myself. Then I got on the scale and realized I ate myself into oblivion and I am up to a whopping 241 pounds! :tantrum: :yikes: :mad: Just think where I would be if I hadn't exercised so much??? I stopped the insanity with being lazy on vacation but practiced insanity with the eating. Gonna have to give that some serious thought. HELP!


mscat816 04-24-2006 07:02 PM

Hi Everyone!
I am sooo proud of all of you.

Bonnie - :carrot: off program for over 2 weeks and only 1lb gained? What a woman
Donna - down 2.4 lbs. :woo: :dance: :encore:
Sushi - :cp: :cp: :cp: 3 STI moments in one day - and at 137 you are the skinny mini amongst us!
carla - :cb: you may be a BB buddy but at least you are still in onderland!
marbleflys - :bravo: double workouts - what an inspiration and example

I was feeling pretty sorry for myself - I am looking at all your accomplishments and getting inspired. Gotta get off my BB and get back on the program!


Sushi Penguin 04-24-2006 08:01 PM

Wow, Mscat, I'm so impressed with you doing all this exercise while on holiday! I was nowhere near as good in New Zealand! :lol: I second Bonnie's words, the extra pounds will go away. Maybe it was from salt, or the travel... don't give up! :)

Bonnie, I'm so sorry to hear about the doggie... :( :hug: I hope you did enjoy your vacation despite this happening just before.

Donna, wow, congratulations! :cheer:

It's Tuesday here already, and I still don't have a challenge for this week specified! :eek: I must really get myself together with this. However, it's my thrid day on a VERY structured eating plan, which I want to stick with for 2 or 3 weeks. It's really awful, lots of foods I don't like and normally don't eat, no sweets/treats, snacks, and only a little bit of fruit which thankfully isn't prescribed (as in, apple ok, but not an orange). Lots of veggies and red meat though. Yea, red meat. Now can you understand the extent of my suffering? ;)

Yesterday evening I was thinking that it's been difficult to get back into Yoga... didn't go last week, using Easter Monday as excuse and then didn't go to any of the other classes to make up (I usually go on Mondays, but there are classes on Tuesday and Thursday). I missed this Monday as well, today is a public holiday... so I think I'll make "Yoga class on Thursday" my goal for this week...
And the other one will be to go skating (Wednesday), but that only if someone fills up the car... :oops: I can't do it because $90 is all the money I have, and whatever is left in the tank isn't enough for the 80 km return trip to skating...

I must seriously start looking for a job... I contacted the agency by email a week ago, and haven't heard back from them yet. So I guess I'll need to call them tomorrow, and also search elsewhere. And update my resume. I hate job hunting... wish me luck!

Sushi Penguin 04-24-2006 08:05 PM

ETA, I tought of another goal... nice and easy, but big enough: to play badminton with my boyfriend at least a couple of times this week! We've been taking the equipment with us for all the walks and hikes for months now, but never end up playing...

dgpebbles 04-25-2006 08:57 AM

Bonnie-yes I got your PM and I'm really sorry to hear about your doggie....I hope everything else went good for you...on;y 1lb gained during your trip is great....we are going on vacation the end of June and I hope I don't gain much back either...

sushi-good luck looking for a job..at least summer is coming which will make it a little bit easier...

mscat-you'll be right back before you know it...could be extra water also from not being able to eat as healthy and maybe not getting in enough water..

I have been really lazy the last few weeks and haven't been working out as much...I also have been feeling alot more tired lately...I haven't been to the gym since thursday and only rode my stationary bike once this weekend...other than eating good I don't know how I lost the weight last week...

Well off to work I go...you lovely ladies have a great day

mscat816 04-26-2006 12:08 AM

Night Ladies
Just a quickie to say I have not gotten into a new routine. My integrity is totally out the window. Thinking of staying home to catch up on rest and regroup.

Bonnie - I am so sorry about your beloved pet. My heart goes out to you.:hug:

Sushi - you will find the right job for you. Job hunting is a combination of numbers (increasing the possibilities for a good fit), faith, confidence and stick-to-it-ness! :drill:

Donna and carla :wave: thanks for all your good wishes.

I am sure the weight gain was due in part to the salt (car snacks), lack of water, missed bp med and lack of sleep. I just realized that I had 17 days of exercise when I stopped. I am going to start another exercise challenge as soon as I can get off my BB!

Have a great evening.


Sushi Penguin 04-26-2006 08:33 AM

I just lost a long post because of a copying mistake and posted my 21-day challenge reply in here. :tantrum:

We played badminton yesterday, and my arm is still a bit sore. It was lots of fun though. And the weather is nice right now, so we'll certainly play again this week.
I didn't go skating though. The car wasn't back in time, and I was worried about driving back in the dark, which is something I had not thought of before. Maybe next week.

Mscat, I'm trying to be positive about the job search, but... It's not going well. I've been very lucky in the past, and often got work through recommendation or transfers, so I don't have much job searching or interview experience. That's not helpful when you need a job NOW, and when your employment agency tells you that they won't have any suitable positions available because they're busy with other things. :halfempty:

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