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carla49 03-23-2006 09:44 AM

I just wrote a long post that got lost. :( I'll try again later. But I am back, bigger and fluffier than ever.

dgpebbles 03-23-2006 07:28 PM

Hello ladies...I'm doing great...still going to the gym almost daily...

Bonnie - Glad to see you back on track and so motivated too...you go girl..Great job on getting them walks in..

Carla - glad your back..

mscat - congrats on getting that scale moving...I hope you have a awesome weigh-in next week...you deserve it

carla49 03-23-2006 10:06 PM

Here I am trying again.

Bonnie, it sounds like you're moving in the right direction again. I predict onederland by Easter at the latest, probably sooner. But that means no more trips and visits... :nono:

Mscat, I haven't signed on to WW online yet. It seems a little pricey, to be honest, and I'm not sure I have the necessary commitment. :o My plan is to get at least one good week under my belt (not that I wear belts at this point...) before I sign up. I'll keep you posted.

Donna, you really seem to be doing so well. :bravo: We all need to follow your example!

Well, the ticker is updated, and it wasn't as bad as I feared. But this nonsense has got to stop! (She says emphatically.) A good first step would be going to boot camp in the morning. :wl: And I'm back at work tomorrow for the next while. Maybe that will provide the regularity I need? And the willpower... :dust: And of course now I'm back from CA, I won't (I hope) be indulging in gallons of wine every day. (Slight exaggeration.)

It is so good to be home! I missed my little coccoon, my cats, even the weather here in wintry Canada! My mood is a lot better since I got back too...

mscat816 03-24-2006 02:46 PM

Hi Ladies!
I almost fell off the wagon! Didn't execise Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday but I got off my BB and got a :treadmill: workout in this a.m.! Everyone is doing soooo great - I am inspired.

Bonnie - I told you onderland was around the corner! :bravo:

Carla - I am wasting my money - it is cheaper to go to a meeting but I am too lazy!

Donna - :cheer: keep up the good work.

Got to get back to work and go straight to my Friday night class so I will check in tomorrow.

dgpebbles 03-25-2006 12:36 PM

morning ladies...well I've missed the gym twice this week...one day cause I had to work over 2 hours and was just too tired..and the other cause my daughter is getting sick and we have to go gte meds etc....I have to work today till 10 so I hope I can make it after work...

Bonnie -congrats on your loss.....your almost at onederland....I knew you could do it...keep it up...I am 36 with a 18 year old daughter... I'm living the single life for the last 11 years...How was the movie?

mscat-great job getting back on the wagon yesterday...keep it up and finish the weekend strong...You can do it

Carla - glad your home and back on track...I know it's hard to jump back on but your doing a great job

mscat816 03-25-2006 08:42 PM

Hi Ladies
Just checking in to say - I did a 25 minute treadmill workout this a.m. before I went to my a.m. appointment! :carrot: I am determined to stay on track with my exercise for the next several weeks.

I am supposed to hit the big Five O this August but I haven't decided if I am going to claim it. I am starting to tell people I am "40 plus and counting." :D I have a 23 year old daughter who lives in Houston and a 15 year old daughter at home with me. I am a TRIO counselor at the university working to help low-income, first generation middle and high school students get ready for college.

Bonnie :woo: :woo: you are kickin' butt (BB will be Bye Bye at the rate you are going)

Donna :hug: hope your daughter feels better and you have the chance to work out. You accomplished a lot this week so be proud!

carla here is an extra puff of :dust: for you - I am using some too to get me through the weekend.

Sounds like we are all having a great weekend. Hang in there ladies and :goodluck: on having a great weigh in day on Monday!

dgpebbles 03-26-2006 12:06 PM

Bonnie great job getting in that walk and even in the rain..Thanks for the feedback on the movie..

mscat - way to go getting in that morning workout...I love do it first thing in the morning ..it just makes your day feel so good...

well I did go the the gym last night and I did 60 mins on the elliptical and weights...I feel great today..

carla49 03-26-2006 10:08 PM

Hey all. I'm still wildly off track - it's as if I'm trying to see how quickly I can get back over 200. Funny how we sabotage ourselves, isn't it. I fear my ticker needs to be corrected again. :cry:

I'm 56, alone for the past 3 years. No children, just two furballs who only love me for the food...

Tomorrow is another day where I may or may not make it to boot camp. The two weeks away were a bad idea from every point of view: I drank too much wine and have redeveloped my taste for it; I'm on a carb binge that never quite feels satisfied; and I did NO exercise and skipped the 2 boot camp sessions since my return. It just seems too hard to get up at 5 for crunches and pushups and jumping around... I think we need a sad sack smilie for lazybones like me.

Hmmm... does someone sound a little depressed? Oh well, with any luck I'll snap out of this eventually.

Meanwhile, good luck to you all, and congrats on doing so well with the exercise. Bonnie, Mscat, Donna - :hug: to you all.

dgpebbles 03-26-2006 11:12 PM

well today was good..I worked in the yard for a while pulling weeds for the flower beds and then I actually took an hour nap and then went to the gym...yes my daughter is feeling betterbut she still has a cough and some sinus still....we have a great relationship...since I've been single for the last 11 yrs we grew close together but now that she has a job and a car we don't do as much as we did...

Bonnie great job...5 days straight of exercising and 6 days of good eating....see I told you that you could do it...I'm proud of you

Carla-sorry your having some bad days...get back on the wagon...you can do it..you've come so far to get to onederland so now get moving...

Hope everyone has a great weigh-in tomorrow.

mscat816 03-27-2006 01:39 AM

Night Ladies!
I am soooo sleepy and it's 1:30 in the a.m. :fr: Going to bed in a bit. Had a long day and didn't get a workout in but got a lot accomplished. Went to the grocery store and bought everything I need to eat healthy all week.

Bonnie -Way to go with 6 days in row! :dance: You are going to be our big winne this week!

Carla - :hug: Don't give up. I am up and down with my consistency too. But I know that doing it sometime is better than not doing it at all.

Donna :carrot: glad your daughter is feeling better.

:goodluck: on our weigh-ins tomorrow!

dgpebbles 03-27-2006 09:08 AM

Morning ladies...todays weigh-in is great...I'm down 2.6lbs this week which puts me at 172.4...I'm so close to my april 1st goal...I hope that I can hit it by next monday...
Hope you all have a great day and good luck with weigh-in

carla49 03-27-2006 01:25 PM

Nasty weigh-in today: up to 198... but still in onederland at least.

Bonnie and Co.: thanks for the uplift. I can feel the hugs, I'm just not ready to grow up and stop wallowing. I'm sorting through some emotional drek, trying to make sense of my life. Things will be better once I've gotten some clarity.

Donna, WTG on the weight loss this week. You WILL hit your target!

Bonnie, it's the sodium. But wait until Wed to re-weigh. It should take 2 days to work it out of your system.

Bye! :wave:

marbleflys 03-28-2006 03:28 PM

Excuse me ladies....
I don't mean to intrude on your thread....

I'm just coming here to give Carla a good slap....:devil: and a little kick....:drill: :drill: :rollpin:

get off your buttisimo....:hug:

carla49 03-28-2006 07:31 PM

Very funny, Marble. I guess this is proof that you can run but you can't hide: a skinny Marble will always track you down. I'll have you know I ate properly today, and am considering a return to boot camp tomorrow. Even if I DON'T make it, the warm weather has me thinking about air in the bike tires... And my sodium advice to Mscat turned out to fit me too - down to 196.5 this morning.

dgpebbles 03-28-2006 08:38 PM

Bonnie - I usually eat around 1300-1400 calories per day though I have had a few days around 1600 but not many ..I try to keep it down....I also do at least 30 mins of cario(1hour if I have time) and I workout on the weight machines for about 75 mins...

Yeah that sodium can really be a bummer....

I hope I can make it to the gym tonight...I really hate when I have to miss a day but we are having corporate visits tomorrow and I have alot of paperwork to get done tonight....

ta ta for now

mscat816 03-29-2006 02:29 PM

Just a note to say I got off my BB today and did a 1 mile WATP. Really working to get that water - staring at 32 oz - hmmmm - I think I will take a sip right now!

Hi marbleflys! Thanks for stopping in - I am taking that "kick" :drill: for me too!

Donna - hope you make it to the gym, too!

carla - I think we all need a kick in the butt right now. So don't feel like it is just you. :hug:

dgpebbles 03-30-2006 08:57 AM

Well I didn't make it to the gym on tuesday...I just had too much paperwork to get done but I did ride my stationary bike for 25 mins....Funny when I first started my new lifestyle I loved my bike and now that I'm going to the gym I really hated using it...I had to force myself to make to 25 mins...anyway I did make it yesterday and did 30 min on elliptical and 60 min weights and I will go again tonight...

Bonnie-Boy does a margarita sound good...I haven't had a drink since new years....I may have to break down and relax myself with a drink...sounds like you had fun though...How was the hockey game?

mscat- great job doing your WATP...I loved doing them workouts too but haven't since the gym either...I liked the walk/jog the best....I also have trouble getting in my water sometimes...I have to add the crystal light packs to my water or I'll never get in all down...the only time I can manage plain water is while I'm working out or doing yard work....

mscat816 03-30-2006 12:08 PM

Just checking in to say I did not get in my workout this a.m. :tantrum: Left my water bottle in the car :tantrum: :tantrum:

But I am on my way to lunch with our boss. I will be a good girl and have a great salad and bring my water in and get in 64 oz before 5:00! Then I am going to stretch for a STI moment and get in a tread or stair climber workout when I get home tonight. I am declaring this so I will be accountable to you ladies! I am standing in :dust: taking action and proclaiming it DONE!

carla49 03-31-2006 10:11 PM

Just a quick hello :wave: since Bonnie's feeling so all alone. I'm still fat, still overeating, still feeling sorry for myself. But planning to get over myself soon...

dgpebbles 04-01-2006 12:45 AM

I didn't get to workout today...we had a goodbye dinner tonight for my district leader...today was her last day...BUT she changed her mind today and now is not going to leave...we were all happy that she's staying now...

I am meeting with a trainer at the gym tomorrow to go over my goals and to have my body fat % measured and then I will put in a good workout to make up for today..

Carla- keep moving girl...and put down that food..it's evil

Bonnie- great job getting in your walks...and congrats on the 1lb down....every one counts...keep it up

mscat- how's that will power dust working..Did you get in your workout..

dgpebbles 04-02-2006 01:30 PM

Well I had my meeting with the trainer...it went good...my body fat is 39.5%....thats about where i thought it was....I went ahead and signed up for 5 training session for $99....one day a week for 5 weeks for 25 mins....I'll see how it goes....

Yesterday I did 60 mins on elliptical and 60 min weights..

Bonnie-great job on your exercise...it's really important to get in that exercise...helps keep you in shape and keeps you from giving up cause your making it a habit

mscat816 04-02-2006 06:34 PM

Hi Ladies!
Don't know what happened - I posted Friday but somehow I didn't send it or it got lost! Didn't mean to desert my BB friends :hug: It's been rough this week.

No I didn't get my workout in on Thursday. No excuses but I thought I would be getting home by 9:30 that night and instead it was 12:00!

Still struggling but inspired by all your posts. I will check in later and catch up with you all. Working on wate right now and getting in a tread or stair workout before dinner. Tomorrow is weigh in day for us all! :goodluck:

dgpebbles 04-03-2006 08:58 AM

This week was a loss...I don't know what happened....I only missed my workout one day...I ate good all week and had a deficit of 6126 which should of been a loss of 1.75lbs but instead of losing I gained .4lb..so now I'm at 172.8....Guess I'll have to try harded this week...maybe I'm retaining fluid or maybe it's from muscle or maybe it the big bad word "plateau"...boy I hope not....

Anyway hope you ladies have a great weigh-in and and a great day.

mscat816 04-03-2006 09:58 PM

Hey Ladies - I am keeping the thread going until Easter and then we will change. I am doing well this week so far. Got in a 30 minute walk with DH on Sunday and a 15 minute stairclimber this a.m. :cb: Had a salad for lunch and a great dinner. I am not weighing in until I feel the diference in inches.

Donna - :cp: :cp: :cp: :cp: :cp: :cp: for 6 days of exercise! Don't worry about a .4lb fluctuation. It could mean anything or nothing. You are doing fine and those results will show soon :grouphug:

Bonnie :cp: :cp: :cp: :cp: :cp: for 5 days of exercise! You rock!

carla - it's you and me together - BB sisters through and through :hug: I am working but not consistently enough to lose. "Butt" I am not giving up and my commitment is to be consistent all this week.

Have a great week everyone.

carla49 04-03-2006 11:33 PM

Deplorable, shocking weigh-in this morning. Almost a change to a higher century. :yikes: Desperately hoping there was salt involved somewhere, but...

When it comes to Insanity, I have a lot to stop these days. Mscat, my BB pal, I wish I could at least find the motivation to stay at the same weight. Hard to believe that a month ago I was actually leaping out of bed at the crack to go to boot camp!

Donna, don't worry about the mini-plateau. It sounds like you're doing everything right, so the ticker will no doubt move twice as far next week.

Bonnie, where are you? Did you move back to onederland?

G'night all.

dgpebbles 04-04-2006 09:17 AM

Do you ladies think that maybe I'm not eating enough calories for the amount of exercise I'm doing...my average for last week was 1312 and I'm doing between 30-60 mins of cardio and about 1 hour of weights every day...

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