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mscat816 05-02-2006 11:39 PM

Good Evening
Hi Ladies, just a quickie . . .

just a note to say i got in a WATP workout this a.m. :cheer: Weigh-in was not great - still the same. But that is better than gaining. Going to bed. Hang in there everyone!


Sushi Penguin 05-04-2006 07:28 AM

I'm not liking the way my week is going... :?: :tantrum:

Sleep not really improving... I did get up early yesterday, but only because I had to go to the interview, and then only went to bed early because I was tired... Today I wanted to get up before 6 am, but then went back to bed because I was tired, and didn't get up till 8. Which would be fine, had I not had a nap in the afternoon... it was cold, and I cuddled up in the bed with a warm blanket and ended up falling asleep... so now I can forget going to bed early tonight because I'm everything but tired.
No yoga yesterday, as I ran out of time. Today I was going to go to my class, and was looking forward to it, only it didn't happen because dinner wasn't ready in time...

But what I'm upset and frustrated and annoyed with the most, is the fact that my days have been largery unproductive, even though I have lots and lots and lots to take care of... :tantrum: Just mad at self... :tantrum: I don't know where my will-power is... I need a :frypan:

carla49 05-05-2006 10:03 AM

A quick hello from the land of the hotel dwellers. I'll finally be home tomorrow night, looking at a weigh-in Sunday (unofficial) and again on Monday (official). Then just a day or two home and it's off for another out-of-town contract. Grrr...
No challenges at present, maybe back to Sonoma week one next week, or back to WW Core, or... something.
Ciao, ladies!

mscat816 05-05-2006 10:19 AM

Hi Ladies,

Sushi, I too have been "on it" about my lack of progress. I haven't exercised since Tuesday :mad: I have eaten almost every night after 7. However, I have taken on water - yesterday I got 48 oz in and today I am determined to get 72 - I am working on my first 24 oz as we "speak."

I encourage you to not beat yourself up about whatever happened - :rollpin: remember it is the past and if you focus on that you will actually carry it into your present and your future. Take action to do something right now - eat some carrots, drink some water, do 10 pushups, 3 minutes of positive visualization or self-affirmation. :dust:

And in the moment that action is complete, no matter how small or short it is, acknowledge yourself that you did something toward your ultimate goal - getting fit and healthy. You may not have accomplished your goal of 45 minutes of yoga, but you did something more than sitting around and doing nothing, feeling inadequate and imcomplete. Perhaps that little something you can do right now will give you the impetus to do a little more or move you toward getting 20 minutes of yoga in. Regardless, at the end of the day, if you don't get the yoga workout in, you can feel good that you accomplished something.

Despite my lack of exercise and late eating control, I feel good about getting more water in this week. And I am not using the water intake as an excuse or a "get out of jail free" pass. I am still committed to making exercise (at least 4 - 5 days a week) and eating before 7 a priority. But to me, water is important too and that is what I am concentrating on this week and I am proud of it. :kickbutt:

I am getting off my soapbox :coach: I apologize if I am preaching. Everyone have a great week. I am off this evening to my weekend class in Chicago and I will not be communication until Monday a.m. :kissluck:


Sushi Penguin 05-06-2006 03:46 AM

Nice to see Carla pop by. :) Come back, we miss you. :)

Mscat, thank you for your wonderful words and for the encouragement. :)
But see, the truth is that most of the time, I did NOT do "something more than sitting around and doing nothing, feeling inadequate and imcomplete"... which is why I'm frustrated with myself. I want to make it better... but at this point, I'm also realising that even if I promise myself (and even others...) that I will do something about it... well... chances are that I still won't.
I'm in a rut and don't know how to get out of it, I guess... :?:

On a side note, this morning the scale was back to the number which made me happy late last week. Which is good, but then it probably won't last... why does it always happen like that? :dizzy: You have a good weigh in some day in the middle of the week, but then on weigh in day it's a lot worse...?

Sushi Penguin 05-07-2006 06:00 PM

The weekend was better, and Sunday was quite good. I was up early (6:30 am :lol: ), and went to bed at a reasonable time, which is progress even though I didn't do much during the day yet again.

I don't think I succeeded in my challenges last week, but at least I've made some steps. And I'm determined to make this week better. :) Goals will be yoga, good sleep routine and to work on my project (the one I've been endlessly procrastinating about for months now). I'm not setting any time or minute goals this time. No point deciding to do yoga 5 times during the week, and then ending up frustrating with myself if I only do it 4 times, or to say that I'll be in bed by 10:30 pm and then feel guilty if it happens to be 10:40 most days. KISS, as they say - "keep it simple, silly": yoga, sleep, project. Keeping on target might actually end up being a challenge in itself, but I think it'll actually help. I'll be more motivated to find out what I can do on my own accord, than by ticking off good days. :yes:

Take care ladies, I'm off for my run! :) :goodvibes:

mscat816 05-08-2006 09:40 AM

Happy Monday!
Hi Ladies - I am back from my Chicago class - it was tough but I had a breakthrough, so it was well worth the time spent. I didn't exercise the whole time but I did well with my water (averaging 48 oz a day) and I ate well. The good news is . . . drum roll please . . . 1 pound down from last week! :carrot:

I recommited to be in action in making exercise a regular part of my life. My goal is to move 7 days a week and the minium I will accept is 5! I have some homework due by Friday, so I got off my BB this a.m. and read my homework while on the stair climber - killking 2 birds with one stone and getting that homework out of the way. I am STOPPING THE INSANITY - starting right now and living that every second of my life! :D

Hey Sushi! Whatever you got accomplished last week is a victory and whatever works for you in setting your goals is great. It sounds like you are taking steps to get into action. So just do it! :drill:

Bonnie, Donna and carla - missing you!


carla49 05-08-2006 12:17 PM

Finally home for a few days. Weigh-in was better than I deserved, 196 on Sunday and 195.4 today. If I just got my act in gear I could probably get down to 180 or less for the summer, which would simplify the whole summer clothes problem. IF I could get in gear... I think my attitiude will improve in a couple of weeks. Right now I'm dealing with unpleasant memories of my marriage ending almost exactly 3 years ago. I'm not dwelling on it, just can't seem to keep bad thoughts away. :shrug: Not a pity-party, I swear, cuz life is just what it is, right?

I was relieved to get home after 2 weeks and find my Zen-cat doing quite well. His fur has continued to grow back in, apart from one small new bald spot... He's totally laid back, a real purr machine, which may be because he's at the very end of the bottle of kitty prozac which I suspect is a little extra concentrated. Whatever it is, I'm enjoying his sweet self, and contemplating slipping some of his meds into his very skittish, aloof "sister's" food...:devil:

Sushi, it's good to see you sounding positive again today. Any luck on the job front? If not, keep enjoying the extra time to run and work on your mysterious project. For stitches, I was once told to exhale hard thru the mouth with every third step, and to stomp the foot down hard at the same time. (It may work because it takes all your concentration and you forget the stitch... worth trying anyway.)

Mscat, good for you with the pound down! Not easy when you're out of town, I know. And you're still exercising! I'm very good at planning to exercise, not so good at the execution. Always some good excuse...

Gotta go, hungry felines to feed. :wave:

dgpebbles 05-08-2006 11:49 PM

just a quick hello to let you all know I'm still around...I've been very busy...haven't exercise much this week and had a few bad days of eating...hope to get back on track again soon....I will chat at you all more later..it's late and I'm going to bed..

Sushi Penguin 05-09-2006 05:48 AM

Hi ladies!
Forgot to weigh in this morning, so I'll either do it tomorrow or make the number from 2 days ago official.
I got a "start now" temp job today, so I won't be around much until the weekend. Take care!

carla49 05-09-2006 11:57 AM

Sushi, congrats on the job! That's good news!

mscat816 05-10-2006 08:45 PM

Quickie Post
Hi Y'all! :wave:

I am on day 4 of consistent exercise! :carrot: Got a 30 min. :tread: in this a.m. while attacking my homework but I have a bad cold and larygitis and I was wiped out! Walked for 20 minutes yesterday to the post office while waiting for my car to be repaired. Tuesday did a 20 minute treadmill workout and Monday I did stairs.

Got to work on water still today.

Sushi :dance: :cb: YippEEE!

carla :bravo: you rock - I know you can do it!

Donna :welcome: back!

Bonnie - we miss you :grouphug:

carla49 05-10-2006 09:03 PM

Sweet Mscat, thanks for the vote of confidence. I won't destroy your illusions by telling you all I ate today... (on conference out of town, lots of yummy goodies at breaks and meals, and me on a sugar roll!) June 1 is my target for behaving. Maybe even sooner, maybe May something... or maybe not.
Mscat, be careful with exercise while suffering from laryngitis! When I've had it in the past, the docs always told me to rest and NOT exert myself. Take care now!

dgpebbles 05-11-2006 09:59 AM

hello ladies...I'm glad to be back...I missed everyone...boy I have just been sooo busy but things are getting back to nornal now....I'm back on track with the eating this week..I had a few bad days last week due to all the running around and just overall crazy stressfull week...but I'm still not exercising again..I haven't been to the gym since friday and then i only made it 3 days last week....I'm going tonight no matter what...

We managed to make it through prom(my daughter looked so wonderfull and had a great time) and almost have the invitations for graduation all sent out...just have a few people that we need address for still...

mscat-what is it with you...It seems like your always getting sick...are you taking vitamins

sushi-congrats on the new job

Sushi Penguin 05-12-2006 07:56 AM

Hey Ladies :)

Just did 40 min on the stationary bike, the first time I exercised since Tuesday! I'm proud of myself... I could have spent the evening lazing on the bed, just as I did yesterday and the day before...

It sucks not to have time for my project and to run and exercise lots, but at least I'm making some money... It's just a temp job, so it won't even last two weeks, but it's still good, as I was totally broke. Very very very repetitive. So far, I'm enjoying my commute (50-60 min on the train one way), I've finished three books already. :)
No exercise and no yoga, but sleep has been good, probably mostly because I've just plain had to go to bed early in order to be able to function. :lol: The weekend will be more challening, since I won't have to get up. But I want to. And next week I'd like to get up earlier and do some exercise before catching the train.

Donna, take it easy, but not too easy! :)

Mscat, take care of your throat! I'm working on the phones, mine needs care too! :lol:

And Carla, June is too far away, May's the time. :)

Take care everyone, I'll let you know how my weekend goes. :)

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