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Old 02-16-2006, 07:16 PM   #1  
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Default ~~ Thin Wannabees Chit Chat #14 ~~

Hello and welcome to the Thin Wannabees!

We are a friendly group of ladies who have one thing in common. We are all working together toward our goal of being healthier in our daily lifestyles and to lose weight. There are all different ages and backgrounds here and we all have different ways of losing our weight. We all love to have fun and laugh, but we also give a lot of support, encouragement and motivation for one another, not just in weight loss, but in all of our daily joys and struggles.

Everyone has their ups and downs and we’ll be here with you thru both! Please feel free to post with us - just jump right in and believe me, you will be welcomed with open arms. The more the merrier!

So please join us and let's work together towards a healthier us!!

Please feel free to check out our website and learn more about us at: The Thin Group
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Old 02-16-2006, 07:18 PM   #2  
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OK girls - let's make this a really super duper thread - and please remember to check out the posts from #13 for any you may have missed.

Post away everyone!

Love, CJ
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Old 02-17-2006, 09:43 AM   #3  
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Hey everyone!!!!

CJ, it's no problem keeping the thread going, but I wish they would show up . So how do you deal with that snow?? FL honestly gets way too cold for me (20s at night). I actually had to let my car run while the ice defrosted off of it this past week!! I know that is no big deal to you, but to me it was huge. I was planning on moving to Chicago when I graduate, but I don't think if I can deal with the snow. Today it is actually really nice out!! I could even lay out. I guess you have to take the bad with the good. How can you go out to the hottub in that weather??? Is it screened in? You actually feel that cold weather? You are crazy . I wish I wasn't allergic to cats. They are sooo cute, but I cannot be in the same room as them, let alone in a room they were in. The dandruff just kills me.

Sharon, my prayers are with you. I hope you brother is going to be alright. That is a lot to deal are so strong.

One more week until my 23rd birthday!!! I am going to go with my mother and my daughter to Disney World. I cannot wait. It is going to be a nice break, since I have been so stressed out lately.

Once again, everyone needs to show their face!!! Maybe we need to go recruit some new people. LOL, just kidding. Don't make us resort to this though (j/k once again). COME ON PEOPLE!!!

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Old 02-17-2006, 02:18 PM   #4  
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Default I am here!

Hi everyone,
Thanks, CJ and Sheridan for your kind words. I just wanted everyone to know that things are better for Jerry now. Monday night, Ken and I came home from dinner and Jerry was having an breathing attack. He has COPD, is on oxygen 24/7, is mentally challenged and is in poor health. The poor guy's lungs are pretty bad and so he usually goes into the hospital maybe every couple or few months when he is having an attack. Well I took him to the ER, and while i was driving I could see he was struggling with trying to breath, even with his portable oxygen tank. I could see him fading away and by the time I got him to the ER he was slumped against the front seat window and non responsive. I ran into the ER and got help, they came out to the parking lot with a gurney and took him away. I guess they had to cut his clothes off him and inserted a ventilator down his thoat. They had to sedate him and they put a feeding tube into his stomach and tie his hands down so he wouldn't try to pull everything out.

He was in ICU for a few days, than finally they took him off the ventilator and he was breathing on his own. He just came home last night and is doing better now. I tell you I was pretty scared when I had to run into the ER as I didn't know if he was even alive at that point till they came out and told me that he was. I was pretty good in the ER and ICU, but the next day I guess all the feelings I had held inside came out and I just started crying in the shower because I had not expressed the emotion the night before I guess it was good that I didn't go hysterical because I just did what needed to be done. But now all ils well and he is going to be alright. They did cat scans and other tests, looking for maybe a blood clot, but couldn't find anything I guess they said it was a bronco spasm, which I don't exactly understand, but if the tube or whatever was shut than he couldn't get any air so that is why he passed out in the car.

So anyways when you have something like that happen and almost lose someone it makes you see what is important in life and what is not. So I am doing fine now and will post again soon, but just wanted you guys to know all is well. For those of you who don't know, Jerry has been living with us for 4 yrs now, when Dad had to go into assisted living in Michigan and my Mom had died about 10 yrs ago. Jer couldn't live on his own so he is happy living with us and we are happy to have him with our family.

Ken and I are going to take a quick trip to Akron, Ohio to see my former sister in law again, who had the stroke. We had had this planned for a few weeks now. When we saw her before she was on the ventilator and didn't know I was there, but I guess his sister says she has been writing my name on paper and calling everyone Sharon and wanted us to come and see her, figured that would do her good as now she is in a rehabilation hospital to help her walk and move, etc. Also my the other two sisters, one from Florida and the other one from Oklahoma, who is the twin of the one who had the stroke will be flying in for this weekend too. I haven't seen one for 25 yrs so it will be nice to see everyone again. We will be gone just one night, Saturday and be home Sunday so will post when I get back. Jer will be fine in my son, Dan's care till than. It will be good to get away for a night. Thanks so much for all your love and support and caring. Hope all is well, love you guys, Sharon.

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Old 02-17-2006, 05:22 PM   #5  
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Hi all. I'm still here. Just haven't really felt like posting I suppose. I haven't been doing much for dieting the last couple of weeks, but I keep telling myself it's ok. I found out that I am being let go from work today. I knew it was coming, but still makes me sad. I really like the gals that I work with. So now it's off to try another job. I really hate job hunting. I haven't heard anything about the job I had the interview for so I guess that means I didn't get it. I am hoping that it doesn't take long for me to find something else.

I just want to feel like my life is stable. Right now, it's hard to know when I am coming or going. I haven't weighed myself in about 2 1/2 months. I kinda want to know where I am on my weigh, but then again I am scared to see. I just have this feeling I have gained and I was so close to Onderland. I really hope things get better.

I will probably post some more later. I'm at work just counting down my last hours here. We are so slow.

I hope you are all doing well.

Sharon: So glad to hear your brother is doing better. I can only imagine what you were going through. Have a safe trip to Ohio.

Thanks to you all for listening to me ramble on and on. It really helps me.

Hugs to all, Annie
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Old 02-21-2006, 08:58 AM   #6  
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Just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone and hope you are all OK! Did everyone get in a funk and don't feel like posting? I sure hope I hear from you all soon! I really miss you!

Come back everyone! PLEASE!

Have a good day ....
Love, CJ
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Old 02-21-2006, 10:31 AM   #7  
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Yes, where is everyone? I hope soon we have lots and lots of posts.

AnnieFannie-I am so sorry abou your job situation. I just know you will get something else, you sound like a real go getter. I know it is hard enough trying to lose weight, than when something like worrying about a job happens it is even harder. Please don't give up and just take a day at a time Things will get better I am sure for you. Take care of yourself and just do the best you can.

CJ-Hello, I am sure we will have many more postings soon. How are you doing? Things are slowing down at H & R Block so hopefully we can connect soon with a phone call. I love and miss you much.

Come on guys post with us, we miss you when you are not here.

Well our trip to Ohio went really well. It was great to see my ex sister in law, Marcia. She has a long way to go with getting well. She is taking so much physical therapy and speech therapy too, and can't walk yet, and has to have a wheelchair when she is up. She will get there I just know it. She was so happy to see me and kept hugging me and saying I was beautiful and even reconized husband, Ken too. I know our visit really did help her and make her day I am sure. I loved seeing my ex brother and sister in laws as well. I had not seen the one from Florida in 25 yrs and I of course loved seeing the other one from Oklahoma was great too. We had seen each other last year when they came to Indiana. We had so much fun and probably ate too much, but I tried I really did. We will see on Wed how I did.

Well come on back guys. Love you, Sharon
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Old 02-22-2006, 12:50 PM   #8  
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Sharon, omg that was a lot to go through! I am so glad that Jerry is alright and that he didn't pass away. That was a very scary situation. I also hope that Marcia gets better. That was so cute that she kept asking for you and writting your name probably made her whole month when she saw you! You obviously had such a strong impact on her life before all of this happened, which is why she wanted you (it's unusual for someone to want their ex-sister in law, rather than a blood related relative by their side). That just shows how sweet of a person you really are! I am glad that everything seems to be getting back to normal with you. I hope everything turns out okay for the both of them.

Annie, I really hope that you found a job. If not, the best of luck to you in finding one. That is hard to deal with. It's stressful enough having a job, let alone being let go from one. I totally understand about not wanting to get on the scale. I went through that whole faze of not eating healthy and not wanting to face it. Just bite the bullet and weigh yourself, it may not be as bad as you think. It also may be the motivation that you need to get back on track.

I am sooooo excited!!! I am going to Disney World this weekend with my mother and my daughter. My 23rd Birthday is on Friday (2/24) and we are going there to celebrate (and of course for my daughter, who is almost 2, to have a good time). We are staying in a Walt Disney World Resort, so that will be really nice. I will get to feel like a princess for the weekend .

I will talk to you guys when I get back, because before then I will be really busy with school and my daughter (like I have been for the last few days). I hope everyone is doing well with eating healthy and excercising. I fell off the wagon for the last couple days, but I am back on.
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Old 02-24-2006, 12:13 AM   #9  
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Default Hey where is everyone!

Hi all,
Where is everyone, it looks like it might just be myself, CJ, Sheridan and Annie Fannie so far, but we hope to remedy that soon.

Sheridan-Thanks for the wellwishes for both my brother and ex sister in law too. I guess sometimes when you think you have it rough and see what other people like my brother, Jerry and Marcia have gone though, things just don't seem to be such a big deal at all. How wonderful that you will be going to Disneyworld soon. I am even feeling your excitement as well for you. It sounds like a girls time out doesn't it? Good for you guys. Glad you are back on the wagon again too. It feels good doesn't it?

Mel-Where are you? Are you moving this weekend like you said you might have to do? Come back and post with us, we miss you.

CJ-We know you are here, but let's get everyone else here, arn't we getting lonely around here?

Well weight wise I am doing good still. I have had a steady 1 lb loss the last few weeks and yesterday when I weighed in I managed to stay the same, even with all that good food they had at the family party. I am pretty glad about that. I think I was up a little, but managed to get right back on board with all I am soppose to do and so did stay the same, which believe me I will take. I am really going to try this week and do good, we are staying put this weekend.

Take care everyone and hope to see more of you soon. Hey Sherry, Debbie, Mel, Sylvia, Peggy, Sam, Jo, Janicej, Dee, Brandy, Tracey, Allison, and Stacey, where are you? And everyone else too? We miss you guys, so come on back and let us know how you are doing. It isn't the same without you!

Love you, Sharon

Last edited by Sassy; 02-24-2006 at 12:34 AM.
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Old 02-24-2006, 03:57 PM   #10  
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Hi CJ, Sheridan, Sharon and Annie:

The thread said I could jump right in so . . . . SPLASH! My name is Missy and I'm from Southwest Lower, Michigan. I'm 38, married with child and dog. And I'm chubby! LOL! I would really love to have some support in a place where I can be honest about the up and downs of my journey to becoming hot and sexy. I've read quite a few forums in the last week and this one seems warm, friendly and supportive. So if you don't mind, I'd love to join your group.

Hope you hear from you soon.

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Old 02-24-2006, 05:04 PM   #11  
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WELCOME! to our group Missy ... so glad to have you join us. Hey, you will definately get a lot of support here .. when we're all here anyways - lol (sometimes there's a lot of us and sometimes there are just a few, but there is always someone around). And you certainly can be honest with us about your ups and downs and you probably know by reading our posts that we do have our share of ups and downs (probably more downs than ups) but we just never give up! Cuz we know in our hearts that some day we are going to get to our goals no matter how long it takes. Where in Michigan are you? I am in Michigan. We are lower upper P - Gaylord, but moved here from lower Michigan (Royal Oak). So welcome fellow Michigander!

Good job on staying the same at weigh-in! It goes to show that we can go off our diet occassionally and then get right back on plan without damage! Glad you had a good visit with your sister-in-law and really glad Jerry is doing well. That was quite a scare!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Hope you have a wonderful weekend at DisneyWorld with Mom and your daughter! HAVE FUN!!!!!

Hmmmm ... where is the rest of our group??? I checked and I don't have bad breath nor do I have BO ... so where are you guys????? LOL We miss you all so please get back in here and let us know how you are doing?

Well .. still buried in tons of snow here and we are suppose to get more tonite .. When I go out in my hot tub I don't even see the trees anymore - just piles and piles of snow! I'm ready for spring - for sure!

Hope to hear from everyone soon -

Love, CJ
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Old 02-25-2006, 08:35 AM   #12  
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Hey Chickadees:

I read something on a thread the other day that really struck me:

Never trade what you want for the moment for what you want most

I soooooooo know how easy it is to give in to the moment (with the hopes of starting again later when things were better, easier, less stressful, etc.) and I thought to myself that all of the weight I have gained over the years has been in "moments." Next time you are discouraged and you want to eat or are hungry and want to eat something bad, dig in your heels and try to fight through that moment holding out for what you want the most. If you have 5 moments a day and only have the strength to fight through 1, good for you! Don't give up, keep fighting until you are strong enough to fight through all of them. I've been trying to do that, I don't always do it, but sometimes I do and those "moments" feel great!

Y'all Have a wonderful day!

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Old 02-25-2006, 10:33 AM   #13  
I'm bringin' SEXY back!!!
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I've been gone for about a month or so but I'm back. Weigh-in is tomorrow and am afraid I gained back all my weight but I refuse to sweat it, just get back in the swing of things.
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Old 02-25-2006, 03:47 PM   #14  
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AnnieFannie: AAAHHH... your post made me so sad. Don't get discouraged HUN-E!!!! Everything happens for a reason.
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Old 02-26-2006, 08:01 AM   #15  
I'm bringin' SEXY back!!!
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Got on the scale this morning to find that I have gained back 15 of the 20 pounds I worked so hard to lose. I really am so disappointed in myself. Now I have to lose it all over again and that sucks.
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