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Old 11-14-2005, 10:28 PM   #16  
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Just checking in to say hello! I am still going strong!
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Old 11-16-2005, 12:12 PM   #17  
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Hello all my good friends. Sorry to disappear like that but I had a little personal crisis.

First the good news - Rich and I had a WONDERFUL time in St. John. We flew down on Nov. 8 and flew back, grudgingly, on Nov. 12. Not nearly long enough. The beaches were sooooo beautiful! I, of course, went completely hog wild with all the great food. But now I'm back and back on track.

The bad news - right before I left, I had a mammogram. It showed a lump. After lots of poking and prodding by lots of doctors, it was decided that it's PROBABLY nothing but they wanted me to have a biopsy. Well, I told the doctor, in no mixed words, that I was going to St. John, come heck or high water and it would have to wait. End result - the biopsy is scheduled for Nov. 29. It's a simple needle procedure, out-patient and will take about an hour. No one's really worried and so I'm not either ... well, not any more. But for a while there....

But as I said, I'm back on track and back in action food-wise. And oh look at all the great new smilies!!! Love it!

Talk to you again soon.

P.S. Notice how I didn't mention the challenge. Sorry but I had bigger fish to fry, if you know what I mean. Let me know about the next one - new year's maybe????
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Old 11-16-2005, 01:38 PM   #18  
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Hi, I'm Claudia. I'm 39 and in July was weighing 192 (I'm 5'8") - I started dieting and am now at 165. I would like to get between 135-140; so I still have a ways to go. I haven't followed any particular plan; just trying to watch what I eat. I hate exercising, and have not done any. I know that I'm going to have to start. I just want to loose some more before I get the nerve to go to a gym. I am currently in a size 10, but would love an 8 or 6.

I'm really looking for support, because I really lack self discipline and am so worried that I'm going to fall back again.

Thanks for listening,
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Old 11-17-2005, 09:38 AM   #19  
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Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is doing well today so far. We have our first accumalative snowfall - about 6 inches plus and still coming down! It looks absolutely gorgeous in the woods here - all the trees are completely covered. What a site. I sit here at my computer and look out the window at our valley and oh what a site!

Welcome to our newest member - Clau. Glad you could join us and hope to get to know you better. Looks like you've done a great job on losing your wt .. don't forget to check out our "Holiday Challenge" and post there with us also, if you wish.

Glad you had a nice trip and will keep you in my prayers on your biopsy. I'm sure all will be well. Now - LOOK UP - in the sticky's on top and you will see that we already have a Holiday Challenge started so please do come and join in. It covers Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years - that's why it's named Holiday Challenge.

I'm glad your family in IOWA are ok from the tornado ... yes, those winds were actually from those tornados. Now, we have the snow already! But, I love it. Good luck to you on your move and don't let things stress you out too much. If you feel like eating wrong foods, just come here and talk to us. We're good listeners.

Thanks for checking in and glad you're still going strong!

Was fun chatting on Messenger last nite .. Sorry to cut our conversation short tho .. I was soooo tired. Great job on your wt loss .. but I won't say anything - I will let you tell everyone the good news yourself.

Oops ... company is here! Yikes, I'm not even dressed! Gotta go .. be back later

Love, CJ

Holiday Challenge:
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Old 11-18-2005, 09:28 AM   #20  
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Hello everyone just a quick check in, no pounds off this week for me I think it was the shock at being back at work!!!

Have a good weekend!
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Old 11-18-2005, 11:27 AM   #21  
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Morning all.

Just checking in to say hi. Nothing new happening here. Just waiting to get the official date on when my brother is coming out here to move us to Iowa. I'm getting a little nervous though. I feel like I am getting the run around. I just want to be home for Thanksgiving. It would be so great to be there. Hopefully tonight they'll finally give me a date. I just don't think they realize how bad my situation is right now.

Well, my WI day isn't til Sunday but I am a scale'oholic. I can't go a day without getting on the darn thing. I think I am going to see another loss. Not sure how much but anything is ok with me. I figure as long as I stay the same or go down a pound then I am doing something right. I think I might see a 3 lb loss but I still have 2 days. Anything is possible. I could stay the same.

THanks for the support CJ. It's odd because I used to eat alot when I was stressed, but I am finding that now I don't feel the need to eat. I crave a food but can easily turn it away. I just find that I am not hungry or I feel sick to my stomach. I hope things get better soon. I hate stress. I did see there is a job opening back in my hometown in Iowa. I am putting together my resume and a cover letter. I am going to try to send it today. I am hoping that I have a good shot at it. It's a day shift plus the potential to be full time with benefits. I could use that. I am really in the mood to get back to work. It's been almost 3 months since I have worked and I can say that I honestly miss it. Wish me luck.

I hope all is well for everyone. Have a great weekend.
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Old 11-19-2005, 01:04 AM   #22  
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Default Welcome to all the new Thin Wanabee's!

Hi everyone,
Gosh this is great that we have so many Newbie's in our group. How wonderful is that?

CJ-Glad you are back into the thick of things and hope you are feeling much better. I can't believe you are wrapping your Xmas gifts, guess who haven't bought any yet? We do a $50 gift card exchange and another small gift to open with the kids. This was daughter, Kelly's idea and it really saves us from all getting or giving something we don't want or can't use. Much better this way, easier too, give a gift card, get one. We just have to pick where we want it. I usually just pick Wal-Mart or one from our local mall. Of course when the grandkids finally come I won't forget them. This way I just have to buy for some of my friends I exchange, like Monica-you met her, her son Malachi and her Mom, Sandy. But that is great that as usual you are on the ball with your Xmas presents again this year. But I guess you have to be with so many kids and grandkids to buy for. You are amazing CJ, I don't know how you do it.

daring2dream-Hey Jo, so glad you are back from your exciting trip in St. John. IT sounds like you and Rich had a wonderful time together there, the beach sounds like heaven to me. I wish I was there right now, with all this cold weather we have been having in Indiana, I am ready go be somewhere warm. If I feel this way now imagine how I will feel come the dead of winter. Keep us posted on your biopsy and I just know the results will be good.

Clau-Hi there so glad you have decided to join our group. First of all let me congratulate you on a great job of losing those 27 lbs. And you lost it much much faster than I did my weight. We will all give you the support you need to get where you want to be. You have a great start so far and I know you will get the rest off with a little help from your friends.

AnnieFannie-Welcome also. That is good that you are moving back to where you children are. I am sure they will love being able to see you much more now that you will be living so much closer to them. Good job on your weigh loss so far too. You are doing great, with your 35 pound loss, just don't let the stress get to you and remember to take things one day at a time. It sounds like you have been doing everything right and you are on your way with the water too. I lose so much better when I have all my water as you probably have seen. I know the feeling you get to be in the next set of numbers, like when I went into the 190's and the other day I finally got into the 180's at 187 so you will get there, just keep on doing what you are doing. Good luck on your move, won't it be great to get away from your lousey neighbors?

Marazin-Hi Allison, glad you joined our great group. We love having you and know that you can always count on us to support, encourage and motive you. Keep on your program and you will see a loss I just know it. According to you bio, you had already lost 16 pounds, so hurray for you. I see you live in the United Kingdom. So it is nice to have someone from another part of the country. I checked out your homepage and was impressed, you write so well and I really enjoyed it and there was even a picture of you in there. You are very cute I thought and look really nice.

teahoney-Hey there Tracey, welcome to Thin Wannabee's. We love that you came to our group. The Dr. Phil plan is a great one, I too have the book and kind of combine my Weight Watcher program and Dr. Phil's as well. I just use the book to help guide me what I have, the better choices for me that he says are better. Good going on the mini-goal, you can do this. We have a Holiday Challenge you can go to and post as to what your mini goal is.

GonnaLooseItAgain-Hello and so happy you have decided to join our group. I see by you bio that your name is Dee so "Welcome Dee". You also should be proud of your 33 pounds you have lost so far. I'm with you on waiting to shop, you know for me it somehow doesn't feel like Christmas till almost Christmas. LOL I know I put it off, but somehow manage to pull it together and get it all done right in the nick of time.

Well I was VERY happy after my WW meeting on Wednesday, I lost 3.8 lbs and FINALLY got into the 180's and not just 189 and something, but 187 lbs and believe me I was so happy to get to that next mini goal. I haven't been this happy since I got down into the 190's a while ago. So hopefully I can get to where I want to be and not do too much damage during the holidays. I am really going to try. If you guys have a few minutes please go and post with our new Holiday Challenge thread, this will be what we all need to keep us on our toes during that time. What have you got to lose but some weight. Thanks in advance!

Well better end this for now, this is long enough, but with so many wonderful new people I don't want to leave anyone out.

Take care guys and talk to you later, Love you, Sassy Sharon

Last edited by Sassy; 11-19-2005 at 01:15 AM.
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Old 11-19-2005, 02:10 AM   #23  
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Hi everyone, my name is Stacie & am new here. Been poking around trying to figure out where I might fit in and you all seem like a welcoming, supportive group so I'm dipping my toes in LOL. . I actually reached my goal weight just over 2 years ago (doing Atkins) & maintained for about a year after that. Then things just happened. My ex & I seperated, my eldest (now 6) started school, my youngest (now 4) was diagnosed with Autism - so between running around for appt's, school, therapy and working full time - I didn't have time for ME anymore . I still don't, but I'll be darned if I'm going to ignore me any longer LOL. I need to be healthy to take care of my kids and I'm just going to have to find time somehow. I had to give up my job back in Sept. as my youngest has aids & therapists that are here 5 days week, 6 hours/day & I couldn't work around it any longer without having a breakdown. I think I've gained the bulk of my weight back in just the 3 months that I haven't been at work . It's extremely difficult for me to get online a lot as my youngest thinks this is HIS computer and flips when I'm on it and one of his quirks is to continually shut it down if I try to leave it on during the day. In his mind "stand by" is not "off". It's an ongoing battle and will be I'm sure until I can afford to buy another computer. The only diet that has ever worked for me was Atkins and while I know it works (lost 65 lbs on it last time), it's such a difficult diet to get into (for me anyway...I'm a carb-a-holic), but I know I have to do it. Another problem with the low carb for me at the moment, is last time I tracked everything on fit day (I think it was called), so I knew where my carb count was throughout the day - now that my little one won't let me leave the computer on, it's a giant PITA to turn it on 20x/day. Anyway, I've blabbed enough for now - but am so looking forward to getting to know you all better.

Last edited by gonna_be_150; 11-21-2005 at 08:08 PM.
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Old 11-19-2005, 03:34 PM   #24  
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Quick weekend hello from me! hope we are all having fun!
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Old 11-20-2005, 02:22 PM   #25  
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and about 12 hours after I posted that ^^^^ I ended up in the hospital for 4 hours!

I officially have an "Upper Arm Injury" lol I pulled a muscle and my are and shoulder are all in pain and stiff and swollen, brusing is just coming out now! I thought I'd broke it, but thankfully the x-rays didn't show a break... so pleased about that, I go on holiday in 11 days!

Okay I am not exercising this week, no gym no lifting heavy stuff!

I ruddy slipped on the ICE!!! Was going over to my mum's this morning and took less than 2 steps outside and fell flat!
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Old 11-22-2005, 07:43 AM   #26  
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My arm is getting a little better.....
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Old 11-22-2005, 11:19 AM   #27  
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Mazarin Sorry to hear about your injury. Glad to hear that it is getting better. That ice can be a killer. I'm not looking forward to the ice and snow. I always seem to fall and hurt myself.

I do have good news. I lost 3 more lbs. Yeah.

Still trying to figure out how I am getting to Iowa. Looking like it is going to be after Thanksgiving. I guess we are going to be taking a rental car and storing all of our extra stuff at DH's dad's house until we can come back to get it. Just hate getting rid of some stuff and have to turn around and buy all new. Guess life isn't all that easy. I just things start getting better soon. I hate the stress. I just want to relax and enjoy things.

Have a great day all.
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Old 11-23-2005, 08:20 AM   #28  
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Good Morning All I Am New Here Finally Posting And Have Put My Bio On The Bio Page I Have Lost 2 Pounds Woo Hoo And Im Headed Over To The Holiday Challenge Right Now. I Am So Glad To Be A Part Of This Group And I Am Excited Today About Losing Weight... No More Of The Blahs For Me...
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Old 11-23-2005, 10:29 AM   #29  
I'm bringin' SEXY back!!!
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Hi all. Just checking in. I have doing fairly well. My eating has been pretty good. Minore slip ups over the weekend but I'm not sweating it. I'm down 7 pounds and feeling good. I exercised this morning and I wish I could have done more. I will try and exercise again later so that I feel like I accomplished more.
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Old 11-23-2005, 11:38 AM   #30  
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Hello everyone, It is great to welcome some more newbies to our great group!

Stacey-Of course you are going to fit in with us just wonderfully. I am very glad you are doing something for yourself, with everything that has happened in your life this is what you need. You are important and even thought I can tell that you are a great Mom and take wonderful care of your kids, this is the place to come to get the continuous support that you need to get where you want to be. I know you can do this, you did it before and I just know you can do it again. We are here for you anytime. I am so glad you are here. Keep on posting and letting us know how things are going for you, weightwise or any other issues you might be having.

Brandy-You are just what we need, I can tell that you are really pumped and motivated to do this. Great job on the 2 pounds you just lose, keep up the great work and I just know it will all come together for you. I see that you live in Kentucky, what part or city? I live in Columbus, Indiana, which is the southern part and we are only about 1 1/2 hours from Louisville so are you close to Louisville? I love that town, my husband just went there for a mini weekend and thoughtly enjoyed all they had to offer.

Alison-Gosh I am so sorry about your trip to the hospitalm but I am so happy that ther is nothing broken. That ice can be really bad if you hit it just right, we have snow now in Indiana and it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Even though I am not ready, I have never ready, it will be coming really soon. Hope you feel better soon and have a wonderful holiday. Where are you going? Will it be for Christmas? Cause I don't think England has the Thanksgiving that we do? Or maybe it is some other holiday. Clue me in! I am confused, but than again it doesn't take much to do that. HA HA

Tracey/teahoney-OK! 7 POUNDS GONE FOREVER, I am happy for you, but I know you are even happier arn't you? You will be looking sleek if you keep this up, come the holidays. It does feel good doesn't it to lose that weight. That should be about another size down I would think. Or at least your clothes should be really getting big on you.

Annie-Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3 pounds more. Way to go. I know how you feel about having to get rid of some stuff too, my basement says it all. LOL I can't stand throwing things away, cause just maybe I might need them someday. But my husbands take is "If you don't use it in a year, throw it away"! But that is easier said than done. Life is not fair sometimes, I think we woman really get attached to things more than men. Unless is is tools or car things that is for them. LOL Hope things go really smoothly in your move. Just take things one day at a time and that should keep the stress level down for you I hope.

Hey where is everyone now? CJ where are you? I am here and you are not. LOL Hey Jello, Peggy, Sylvia, Dee, Claudia, synger and anyone else. I know you are probably busy getting ready for the Thankgiving holiday. So I am sure things will be better next week. Thanks everyone for posting on our Holiday Challenge thread. I know it will help us get to where we want to be.

Well everyone have a wonderful Thankgiving, we will be leaving for Michigan tomorrow bright and early. We have our Air Force daughter, Tracy and her husband, Brett with us this week and they will be traveling with us. They haven't been able to make many Thanksgiving cause Tracy was away, like Korea and just recently Kuwait. So she is all excited, we have had a wonderful time this week. We went to Indianapolis yesterday and ate lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. I had a salad and we spit a piece of cheesecake-Peanut butter cup, and I tried to let her skinny self eat most of it. Oh well, you have to do what you have to do. LOL

Well everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I will try to do good, but there are so many darn great things to eat. We will be at Ken's brothers and the rest of his family will be there too. Than the next day we head over to my side and it starts all over again. LOL

Love you guys, Sharon
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