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MELODY525 10-17-2005 09:38 AM

Holly you snuck in ahead of me!!! You vixen you!!! Sorry to hear about the headaches. Hope you'll be feeling better today....headache free!:dance:

ceejay52 10-17-2005 02:02 PM

Hi ladies,
I'm just about finished with the week end paperwork. Yipee.

Holly-Glad you had an almost head ache free day. I hate those things.

Mel--Good for you in helping a stranger in need.

Hello to all the rest.

I'm still doing good on the one day challenge. I have completed the 45 minutes of aerobics and at least 36 ounces of liquid.(12 of diet coke, 12 water, 12 of tea) Got up out of bed this morning at 5.00 a.m. and got started by 5:15 a.m. I'm still with in calorie range. Now I just need to do the 15 minutes of "toning" exercises. Think I'll get that out of the way right now by doing some lower body exercises. Abs will have to wait until I get home tonight.

Not much else going on today. Take care every one.

Shad 10-17-2005 06:28 PM

9 days to go, 9 days to go, 9 days to go
And if you think I am getting excited you ought to see some of Chris' e-mails. 'I'm telling everyone it is next week' she said in one. Well it is, but it is more than a week away. She's got us an invite to a school open day (where we will be honoured guests - take a bow) and dinner at a MYO sushi night. That should be fun, well as long as there is not deep fried prawns on the menu - the shells get a little crunchy!

Day 4 of gym today. This five days from Saturday to Wednesday seems to be working for me. Not that I have lost any weight but I go and do it quite cheerfully - well mostly anyway. By the time Thursday comes, I'm really pleased not to be packing the gym gear for yet another session.

So what of this short course challenge - ummmmmm
How about:
No snacking
Packing the lunch every day instead of about 3 out of the 5.

That should keep me occupied. Lunchtime today I need to go downtown to buy a middle sized suitcase. Big Purple that I took away with me last time was fine for a long trip, (well not according to Happy) but I don't need to cart it around for a short trip. The other two cases I have are really only good for overnighters and two day trips. So Midsize Purple may have to come into being. I'll start looking today. Also have to make an appointment to get my haircut and coloured this week. Can't go looking like the wild woman of Aus, the Japanese will have trouble getting used to me as I am.

Ceejay - glad to see you getting into the exercise swing. It does bring about a lot of benefits even if the weight doesn't fall off.

Melody - "I will survive Fall if it kills me" Yes well isn't it lucky we know what you mean. Thanks for clarifying the office bit. You probably did write it, I probably did read it, I also probably did not remember it.

Holly - those headaches sound awful. Have you got some sort of sinus infection? Go with the flow. But rest up when the headache arrives. Know what you mean about the DH fitting into all of his old gear. My ex did too, until he stopped working and became a sloth. Then he piled it on. However when he went home and had to do things for himself and got himself a bike then he just dropped it, just like that. Grrrrrrrr

Rose - lovely to see you back again safely. Sounds like you had a good time with the folk and the dogs. Toby won't want to go back into the laundry after this holiday.

Happy - small towns, gotta love them. I enjoy the ones where they have the big brown tourist signs up that state that THIS town was the first to have/do/host/ whatever or that it is the home of the xyz dinosaurs footprint which when you get there is a depression in the ground and bears absolutely no resemblance to any sort of foot/ hoof/ paw print you have ever seen before. Then you go to the pub and have the choice of fish and chips or hamburger and chips for your fine dining experience! Wine is something the city slickers drink and out here you want the (name brand here) beer because it is what real Aussies drink (probably because the other choice is water). Go to the Wellshot (well named) Hotel in inland north Queensland and they tell you all about the 'bullet holes' in the bar, walls and ceiling that Ned Kelly did on one of his rampages! Ned Kelly was hanged a couple of hundred years back but his bullet holes are even in the fridge!!! The ghost lives on!

PW - When the DH has finished at your place, send him over to mine. Plenty he can get stuck into here.

Meadow. Great that you had a good visit with the family. Buttertarts???? ahem.

Gotta go. Got some work to do. It makes a change. Should keep me busy for all of 1 hour or so.

PainterWoman 10-18-2005 12:15 AM

Not much new here, except i think I loosened or lost a fillilng in a back molar eating SOUP and SALAD. How unfair is that?!! I hope it doesn't require a crown. Our insurance might put a contract out on me. :p

If you want to see a couple of photos of the teensy town you can go here
More tomorrow. I hope to work in a) radiation, b) client, c) post office and d) DENTIST tomorrow.

Meadow 10-18-2005 02:36 AM

PW-Well that town looks like it was just made for postcards. Thanks for the peek ;)The sky makes you feel kind of serene doesn't it? Take a moment tomorrow and breathe ;) Good luck with all you have on your agenda :) Sorry about your tooth, you could have at least been eating popcorn or something, what was in that soup? ;)

Shad-OH, I'm getting excited and I'm not even going anywhere :p Shopping for a new suitcase is always fun. I usually get a duffle/sports bag and look like a tramp when I book into hotels but they are my favourite type of suitcase :shrug: Making your own sushi? wow, that will be interesting, lochs wrapped around some rice with a nice little shrimp tucked in there and a bit of spicey sauce ;)

Ceejay-LOL on all your liquids! Way to go! I am doing well on the water part of the challenge, the exercise has been zip since the kids are home from school due to the strike. It has totally thrown my schedule into a loop. At least you know your neighbours are up to mischief... might come in handy if they start getting uppity down the line :p

Mel-I was reading a Daily Omh today about visualization and the power of the mind to accomplish things you want for yourself in the future. Why am I not Salma Hayak with Antonio climbing through my window yet? There would have been alot fewer calories if I had been eating butterflies with whipped cream topping instead :p

Holly-How are you feeling? Any relief? You like changing your rooms around too huh? I just put up a mirror and a couple of pics for the Morrocan corner of my livingroom, needs a red throw or something for over the trunk under the mirror. The kids have designated it as there new area for their keyboard and flip the rockingchair around and play. Mary had a little lamb with a funky, latin backbeat :lol:

Happy-:lol3: I've got that "bup bup bup ba ba" from that Wings tune in my head now too :p You know how prone we all are to song suggestions on here ;) All my clothes are on top of the dresser, if I put them in the closet or in a drawer I would never be able to find anything. I'm organizing challenged :yikes:

Rose-Hey, nice to have you back. How does it feel to be in your own space again? Isn't it nice to just put your feet up and lounge?

Teel-Hello! How are you feeling today? We miss hearing from you. I hope you are some how managing to get some sleep or at least a bit of respite from the pains. It can't be easy, take it one day at a time :)

happy2bme 10-18-2005 08:07 AM

Good morning chick-a-dees.

Yes Mel, Go Sox! :cheer: well we can practice now, actual playoffs start on Saturday. Was looking like it would be Houston (Texas) but St. Louis pulled it out in the 9th inning to continue that series. Remains to be seen if me and Ms. Painter will be staring eye to eye

:coffee2: Look out, Peppermint Mocha flavored coffee creamer is in the stores for the holidays already. Pumpkin spice too. Makes that morning coffee extra nice. Glad I'm not home anymore to drink the whole pot :hyper:

Meadow I saw a trailer for a new movie - Mask of Zorro with AB and Catherine Zeta Jones - looks like the 2 have feisty chemisty, wonder if the movie will be good or cheesy. I am still humming "butterpie... butterpie" in my head too. Here's another one to try and get out of your mind today

Someone's knockin' at the door
somebody's ringin' the bell
Someone's knockin' at the door
somebody's ringin' the bell
Do me a favour open the door and let'em in.
Sister Suzie
brother John
Martin Luther
Phil and Don
Brother Michael
auntie Gin
open the door and let'em in.

Yes Holly, you're right - Wings did make catchy sing along songs. Glad to hear you have an extensive vinyl record collection. Me too. I have replaced a few favorites with CDs but I probably couldn't afford to replace them all. Even got an 8-Track player up in the closet. Talk about 70's throwback. But heck, I remember the 70's fondly. My careless youth when the world was less complicated. Of course we were all drinking, smoking and dancing so what was not to like :T

Painterwoman, cute little town pictures. I love the facade of the storefronts too. Nothing says small town better than that. Sounds like they are trying to appeal to the yuppies tho with antiques and a Kinkaide store. Looks like an enjoyable way to spend the afternoon none the less.

Shad's all excited and can hardly contain herself it sounds. *giggle, giggle* I can feel your energy all the way over here. I tell you ladies, it's amazing how this lady packs. Of course as she said when you have to lug it around all by yourself, it teaches you how to pack efficiently. I'm sure you will greatly enjoy the make your own sushi place. Sounds like you will have a delightful trip. I'm excited for you.

Kudos to you for sticking with the challenge Ceejay. You getting the hot weather too? It can't be autumn when it's 90 degrees.

Ok Miss Mel, breathe and stretch. What's on the agenda today to treat yourself. Is birdy still with you? Should teach him to sit on your shoulder and sing pirate ditties. Arrrr, Ayyyyy, Eyyyyyeee. Shiver me timbers....

Time to jump in the shower and get on with the day. Cheers to all the worldly chicks.

ceejay52 10-18-2005 09:16 AM

Happy--This is what the old timer's call Indian Summer. I'm inside most of the day so it really doesn't matter how hot or cold it gets on the outside. Just a little note from mother nature to beware of what is to come.

I know all to well what Shad means by packing and having to carry your own suit case. I've been thinking about that for my trip to Dallas. I may take my mom's big green suitcase, cause she said that we were going shopping. My small one will not be big enough and I'm thinking Christmas gifts. I'm starting my shopping early. I hate the crowds after Thanksgiving.

I'm bored and I'm at work. The light office is getting better at changing the phone at 8 a.m.--One of the girls quit and rotation has taken a toll. They just had to get used to it.

We got our new work shirts in yesterday, and I'm in an extra large.Yeah. I noticed last night in the grocery store that my shadow looked smaller so the exercising is diffinately paying off, I'll take inches. However, these 55 year old bones didn't want to get up this morning so I'll have to do that when I get home tonight.

I've been thinking of way's to ease the burden of calorie counting. So I'm thinking that I'll start a card system with the foods I eat to equal 1500 calories. Kinda on the same principal as Richard Simmons. I'm not eating as healthy as I would like.

Gotta get busy--Need to make a routine check on the plant and get started again on this manual.

linus 10-18-2005 11:14 AM

hi folks its me finally, :wave: :cp: we think we may have gotten to the prob of my wee mans unsettled ness-hes a very greedy wee lad and his poor stomach and bowel werent coping with the very sudden onslaught of so much milk ,we were told to put him on ashton and parsons powders {a herbal thingy i cant remember the name of right now???}and it seems to be working hes sleeping more and is much more settled when he does instead of roving around his moses basket so mummy is getting at least 5 hours sleep throughout the day and night :cb: :dance: :dancer: :dancer: :woo: :woo: :woo: :grouphug: :grouphug: :faint: :faint: :cloud9: plus ive decided that he needs routine so regardless ten at night is bath time and 8 am is getting dressed time ??? i know not much of a routine but hey im trying :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :crazy: :crazy: im still managing to breast feed but the down side is im not on any painkillers at all and really suffering badly especially as its so cold here all the time but hey ill live its for the wee man the more immunity and goodness he can get the healthier **** be so ill survive,the house is still chaos the only thing thats getting done regullarly is the washing the ironing and hanging the washing out and only because i only smoke at the back door so seem to spend loads of time in the kitchen??????? :kickcan: :blah: :rollpin: :smoking: :smoking: i know bad me but at the moment its the only sanity im getting
well i really have to go and do some ironing lol and ill speak to you all soon
lots of love and brill thoughts for you all
and shad just incase i dont get back before you go have a fantastic holiday and send chris all our love we all feel like we know her through you

Shad 10-18-2005 06:10 PM

Morning all,

Nice to see you in Linus. It is never easy to get a newborn in and settled and keep up with everything that goes during the day. You will get there. I'm glad to hear that you are at last getting some quality sleep. Ironing - what??? Do you have to iron? Thank you for the good wishes for Chris. I will pass them along. She thinks I am a genius on the internet because I have friends in so many places (not that she doesn't but hers are through teaching mostly) that I may not have met, may not have spoken to in person but who do things like ringing Japanese hospitals for me etc. etc. When I told her of the chain I went through to get to her in the hospital, she just thought I was so clever. Actually, I wasn't me that was clever, it was Happy. Anyway, look after that wee man. I had one greedy one, he got colic for the first three months of his life - badly. I so wanted to send him back.

Ceejay - Calorie counting is boring. The one thing you can have without having to count too much is green leafy vegetables. Veg have virtually no fat and no calories. Generally speaking it is what we put with the veg (butter, sauces, sour cream etc.) that makes us put the weight on. It's very difficult to gauge just how big 100g (4oz) of meat is. That's why when I buy my meat I generally buy in bulk and repack it before putting it in the freezer. That way I only have to spend one period of time measuring the portions of meat. I limit the potato per week and the starchy floury stuff, but fresh veg and fruit make up most of my diet anyway. Also I have to limit icecream. I'm an addict of good icecream. I can more or less tell you what brand and where the Ice cream comes from these days. I've eaten so much of it.

Happy - go the Red Sox


Not sure what the sox are, what they do, or how well they do it but go the SOX anyway - we're not talking Boston Red Sox here are we???? Didn't think so.
All this song singing in the threads. And what's worse I recognise most of them. Oh dear.

PW - loved the pictures of the wee town. It's really nice. Looks almost like a movie set. And the sky was fantastic as well.

Meadow - I suppose you could sort of say my new bag is a sports bag on wheels. It was a bit more expensive than I wanted but hey, it's also a bit bigger than I needed, but DS2 will be able to use it when he travels next year, if he travels next year. He was wanting to go to dawn service at Gallipoli in Turkey, I bet he hasn't done much about that either. Push, push, push. Anyway the mid size purple has turned into a largish midsize charcoal and red with lots of hidey holes and space etc.

Anyway hello Holly :wave: Tig :wave: Teel :wave: lurkers :wave: shirkers :wave: and anyone else I may have missed.

8 days to go.

happy2bme 10-18-2005 06:39 PM

Thanks for your support Shad but it's the Chicago WHITE Sox not the Boston Red Sox - :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: But of course you wouldn't know that. Boston (bean town) is in Mel's neck of the woods. Fierce loyal fans there too. Man, now that I think about it, I hope Mel's not cheering (notice I did not say root :o ) for the Red Sox...

happy2bme 10-18-2005 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Shad
Meadow - I suppose you could sort of say my new bag is a sports bag on wheels. It was a bit more expensive than I wanted but hey, it's also a bit bigger than I needed, but DS2 will be able to use it when he travels next year, if he travels next year.

Shad nothing beats that big hockey bag you dragged from Canada all through the United States. That had wheels, was expensive and bigger than you needed. So did you get another? :s:

I'm off to make supper, be back later.

Shad 10-18-2005 07:29 PM

Oh no, it is nowhere near that big. Heck I could fit into that hockey bag. This one is smaller than the big purple that you saw.



Go Sox :cheer: Go Sox :cheer: Go Sox :cheer:

happy2bme 10-19-2005 12:39 AM

Well thank you very much Shad, that's a mighty fine booster there :D and yes, you and all your belongings could have fit into that hockey bag. Hope you found a suitable travel bag for your journey. Since we're singing here (as a tribute to Painter's pictures)

In my little town
I grew up believ--ing
God keeps his eye on us all
And he used to lean upon me
As I pledged allegiance to the wall
Lord I recall
My little town

Coming home after school
Flying my bike past the gates
Of the factories
My mom doing the laundry
Hanging our shirts
In the dirty breeze

And as for Shad's remark about her new travel bag with the Hidey Holes, reminds me of a Blood Sweat and Tears song from long ago...

Hi De Ho (kinda sounds like hidey holes don't you think? :rofl: )
Hi De Hi
Gonna Get me
A piece of the pie
Gonna get me
Some of that Old Sweet Roll
Singin' Hi de hi de hi de hi de Hooooo

Just in a good mood singing I guess. Probably will be crying tomorrow ;)

And it wasn't that I was so clever about phoning around the world. You ladies have done it for a while checking up on each other. I just happened to know an extra link to Japan and an opportunity to expand our little world and maybe get your mind at ease. Reminds me of the truth in that poem - Friends for a season, friends for a reason, friends for a lifetime ... Some people pop into our lives quickly just to serve an immediate need, some stay around for a bit longer until their purpose is served and some are with us the better part of our lives. So that being said, give Chris a big hug from all of us.

Good to hear from you Linus. I realized now what you were talking about breastfeeding means no meds for you. And you probably have to watch what you eat too. Yesterday one of our "fancy men" as I call them - men on the fast track to the executive suite was giving a new dad tips on what breastfeeding women should and should not eat. Pfftttt. :p Like he knows. Wanted to just pop him right over the cubicle. :rollpin: You just hang in there missy.

Ceejay, I must say the part I don't look forward to as far as winter here is all the gray rainy weather. I don't miss the cold and it's nice wearing a warm sweater in the car instead of a bulky coat, but I was going stir crazy by April missing the sun. Up north it gets cold but there are those crisp days with the blue blue skies and the blazing suns. I did notice that sunsets are especially pretty down here and the moon rises feature a huge moon far more often then I saw them up north. Just wish there weren't so many trees in the way. Give me tips on Christmas presents, will you? I hate that shopping and like you am thinking I HAVE to be done before Thanksgiving here as there is not that many places to shop at and they must get beastly crowded the end of November.

Meadow, the reason you're not Salma Hyakk with AB is because if you were you'd be so blissfully delightful that we would not be able to stand you :rofl: But you can dream away a winter's afternoon. :cloud9:

Painter, face that harsh reality that we have achieved a point in our lives where eating a piece of toast is enough to crack a well filled but old molar. I have learned to be especially careful chewing when I encounter something crunchy and I was only eating soft foods. It hurts to give up peanut brittle and all things super crunchy. But as you say, who can afford the after effects?

Holly, I admire your tenacity in that if you didn't wear it in a year, out it goes. I could take a lesson from you and Mel.

All my life I have cooked with a gas stove. I had to relearn how to use an electric stove that doesn't have a "simmer" setting. Tonight I decided to try out that thing called a self cleaning oven. I knew it got super hot, I knew it locked itself, I heard it reduced the "dirt" to a fine ash. What I didn't realize was that 1) it stinks, 2) you should only do this when you can open all the windows with a stiff breeze and 3) it does sort of burn the eyes a bit - but just a bit. And the oven wasn't really that dirty - I was more curious than anything. I was amazed at how well it cleans up and will put it on the list of autumn cleaning tasks to do this while I can still keep the windows open.

I wish the BBQ grill cleaned up that easy. It should as it heats to some unworldly heat that sears the meat. If you can fully cook a pork chop in 7 minutes, it should clean itself, don't you think?

Hellos and a good night to Tig and Teel and Holly and Rose and Mel and Linda T and all of you fine ladies.

PainterWoman 10-19-2005 02:05 AM

I wish it WERE the Red Sox playing... I got excited about them becuse of Bean-Town daughter.... DH is rooting for his hometown team, the Cardinals... I usually think sports are silly... but the way politics and world news is going, there is plenty of "sillines" to go around.

Linus--glad that DS is finding adequate sutenance to give you a break! Smart kid to keep his mom around.

CeeJay... when are you coming to Dallas? Can I give you any pointers? Take you to lunch? Whatever? Are you coming for Thanksgiving...? I think DH and I are going to go with my DD to Kerrville just for a day or two out of town... but I'd be glad to try to rendez-vous. (The shopping in Dallas IS pretty amazing. You might want to bring several empty suitcases.... or just ship stuff home.

The Dentist visit was a no-pain and no brainer... Some tooth enamal had "broken off" where a filling was... so I've been sanded, glued and re-varnished.

That's it for now. I read in a magazine that you get stupid if you don't have enough sleep. That might explain a lot.

Oh, and Happy... BST is just about my all time favorate group... I never thought it was "get a piece of the pie".. I always thought it was "piece of the SKY". Must re-check liner notes!! What do you suppose has happened to David Clayton Thomas. I wish HE were still touring like the Stones!

Hollyhock 10-19-2005 08:04 AM

Had a productive day. I love productive days!!!

I started using a Daily Journal model to organize my thoughts and see my habits more clearly. I am lovin it. I am itching to chat with everyone. i will try to at nap time this aft.

Daily Journal
1.My renewal statement for the day.
2. Weekly weight.
3. Exercise-type, how long, what level.
4. % fat, carbs, protein.
5. # meals and snacks.
6.# fruits, # of veg.
7. How many glasses of water.
8. Time of last food intake, time I went to bed.
9. Why and when I ate due to stress or emotions.
10.General feelings about food, exercise, life.
11. Any really good events or feelings today.
12. Overall, how did the day go.
13. How can I improve for tomorrow.

Daily Journal
1.My renewal statement for the day.~ I will honouor my body.
2. Weekly weight.~230
3. Exercise-type, how long, what level.~ 2 hours cleaning, low level
4. % fat, carbs, protein.
5. # meals and snacks.~2 meals, 2 snacks
6.# fruits, # of veg.~0 fruit, 3 veg-not enough
7. How many glasses of water.8
8. Time of last food intake, time I went to bed.~Supper 6pm, 10 almonds at 11pm, to sleep 12am.
9. Why and when I ate due to stress or emotions.~didn’t, woohoo....hubby even ate a huge bowl of chips in front of me and I didn’t want a single one.!!
10.General feelings about food, exercise, life.~ I love food, I love shopping for groceries, I love finding new recipes, I love cooking/baking, I adore all the sensations of eating, I eat healthy whole foods regularily....I dont have an off button.
I dont get enough vigorous exercise, period.
I love my life in every concievable way.
11. Any really good events or feelings today.~Dozens- I got up earlier and didn’t feel rushed to journal. Hubby worked on the bathroom reno. I had 2 cleaners come to wash down walls, ceilings,light fixtures and clean in general.They worked for 4 hours, 8 hours collectively. When the heck do I have 8 straight hours to clean. Never. AND this was the only the main floor. What about the 5 rooms upstairs or the basement?HUH! Hubby was supportive about the cleaners!!! I set up a pretty Avon display at the playschool. I got the new Christmas brochures out to them.
Took my toddlers to the park. As the cleaners pulled things apart I sorted out the summer shoes,toys, coats etc and boxed them up!!. I have a large bag to give to the thrift shop.Then I fed the kiddies lunch at noon. 2 more toddlers arrived. Much hilarity ensued.I cleaned the kitchen, put away dishes, hubby washed pots( bliss). He asked jokingly, what? wash the pots again. He did them on Saturday. I would like him to do them every day. I had a tea and and watched the last half of AMC and then had a lunchish meal.At 2 I swept and washed the kitchen floor.The cleaners did the kitchen 2 weeks ago.5 hour job. Hubby worked on my rims for snow tires for the van.3:30 got busy. 3 parents and 7 kids here. DD’s class had a field trip, everyone gathered here after. Yikes. When I went to bed I realized there were 14 people here coming and going all day and at any given time there were at least 7.
I baked some ribs, hubby peeled his precious potatoes, boiled beans ,frozen from our garden. YUM. I took a 20 min nap, then took the kids to the school for a Literacy Fair til 8pm. It was fabulous. Home, into jammies,read with kids and then I curled up on the couch and read some in the SB book. At 10 I watch Gilmore Girls. Hello? Is this my life on TV. I so am Lorelai, hubby is Luke, her parents are my parents....the town people Crack me up. It was a particularily good one. Went to bed intending to sleep but Hubby was particularily sweet and well..... went to sleep about 12.
Up today at 6:30, briefly saw hubby is passing. Not long enough for him to bug me,lol. I have 2 kids off today and both of mine are still sleeping. the cat is being finicky about food. Arg!
House is still clean and SMELLS clean, even looks clean in most rooms.
12. Overall, how did the day go. Well,just peachy, I think. I had a parent say to me last night, “you know you do too much.” Been thinking on that. Yes,I do a lot. Is it too much? Everything I do is very important to me and my family. The volunteer stuff helps our community in a huge way and it uses skills I have that wouldn’t get used otherwise. When I wasn’t doing this stuff I became clinically depressed.
13. How can I improve for tomorrow. I will be more mindful of meals and eat all my veggies.

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