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happy2bme 10-13-2005 02:12 PM

That pumpkin was buried just for you Mel. It's kind of like finding the striped gumball in the gumball machine.

"Tig's Thugs" -- try saying THAT 3 times really fast. :lol:

Shad 10-13-2005 08:07 PM

Day 8 of 21
Singin' in the rain,
Just singin' in the rain,
What a glorious feelin', we're drowning again (sorry) we're happy again.
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Here's to the aqua pura falling from the sky.

Ladies and gentleman - this is what's known as rain!!!! And we're getting some. :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :cloud9: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :cloud9: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :cloud9: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :cloud9:

In case you hadn't noticed, we are getting some welcome rain. It was a steady rain most of the night and showers today so far. Hope it is also raining in the catchment area and the dams.

Moving right along there. I'm having some motivational troubles here. Today is the last day of the challenge on the other thread and I have been getting worse for the last three days. I am determined to get through this one as it finishes the day I leave for Japan. I'll just have to knuckle under and find that willpower wherever it has hidden itself :mag:

Happy, I wasn't reminding you of your grammar, I was talking to myself. I can hear my fathers voice once in a while when I wander back into the vernacular. Speak properly, say the words clearly, think about what you are saying and how you are saying it. :blah: I'm pretty certain my father was related to Queen Victoria who once said ' only peasants won't put up with it. If you wish to use the queens english you will say - Up with which I will not put.' Grammatically correct but you have to be plummy to actually say it.

Painter - hope I wasn't too hard on you yesterday. Please forgive me if I was. This place drives me batty at times - I'd actually like to run amok with my piece of 4 x 2 with the nails in the end. Starting with the Premier. Glad Happy's blessings helped with the funk.

Nae - have a good time. Don't stay away too long, we might move before you get back! :rofl: The way we talk it is possible. :gossip:

Mel - don't give up puffing on that rain. We could use a bit more. It's stopped for the time being. Like to think it will start again soon, although the sky appears to be clearing - darn.

Okay, this is it, I am tired of being interupted in my conversation with you to do some work. I'd better go.

Question. I have a rectangular (almost square) coffee bag which I have sitting on a paper napkin now that the coffee (?) is brewed. Why does the liquid form an almost perfect circle of stain??????? :chin: Okay get the scientific brains out and let me know.

Just singin' and dancin' in the rain! :dance: :rain: :dance: :rain: :dance: :rain:
:dance: :rain:
:dance: :rain:

Meadow 10-13-2005 10:59 PM

Cheers to rainy day friends :D


I'm going down the road to visit my sisters this weekend so I will not be posting my extensive exercise routine :p

Rob Thomas (singer extraodinary) suggested to me (and everyone else who read the article) that a nice white wine to try is "Santa Margherita pinot grigio" from Italy. Well of course I have bought a bottle to share with my sisters :D It was one of their birthday on Wednesday last :) a wee celebration is in order ;)

:wave: Don't forget to jump in the puddles ;) that is where the fun is :lol:

Tig 10-13-2005 11:26 PM

We had close to three inches of rain last night and another two inches again today. When the kids were little we used to sing Rainbows keep dropping on my head....

Speaking of The Thugs, Slim got a t-shirt from them in the mail yesterday. It is a Harley-Davidson motorcycle t-shirt. At least, we're pretty sure it is. It's a black t-shirt and has the very distinctive orange shape and insignia with writing in Japanese letters. Our DDIL said that The Thugs said the sales girl said the words said Motorcycle in Japanese. Our son said jokingly that the words said I love my Honda. :rofl:

I ran on Tuesday and last Saturday. My times haven't been overly great but it has been humid so I'm not complaining about the time. At least I'm getting out there and giving it a go. This Saturday is our party day. I'm really looking forward to having Slim's crowd show up and meeting them. Our weather is supposed to clear up by Saturday so that will be a big plus too.

I don't work tomorrow, hurray, hurray! I've been working a lot of overtime. Our financial planner is coming in the morning and then I have a hair appointment for a cut and color. If the rain is gone maybe we can go for a ride in the afternoon. :dance:

happy2bme 10-14-2005 12:14 AM

C'mon Shad, you have been an inspiration. YOU WILL BE FINISHING THE 21 DAY CHALLENGE. No regrets, no excuses.

'fraid you'll not be boarding that plane if you don't finish this out. I'll call the airlines myself if I have to. Remember, I have friends in Japan - friends that sponsor 21 day challenges :workout:

Ok, nuff said. That tired me out. Now I need to get to bed. I think that flu shot I got today tuckered me out.

Back in the morning.

Shad 10-14-2005 12:14 AM

Meadow - pinot grigio - oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh YES yum yum :cheers:

Pinot grigio is the Italian version of the Pinot gris from France and much nicer if you ask me!

I'm going home sick. Yes well what am I sick of.

PainterWoman 10-14-2005 03:40 AM

Hiya, all. Radiation #1 down and 32 more to go. I am greatly relieved. No pain. No lasting discomfort. A few moments of regret about being more like a side of beef than a svelte patient… but this is the way it is for right now. DH finished up at work very early, so instead of doing even 15 minutes of marketing or web design, we went to lunch and a bookstore. Par for our course.

I started knitting another baby sweater, had an evening meeting canceled and watched rather more television than I'd intended. I did a few chores around the house, so I'm feeling a little more worthwhile. (I understand the value of human doings… being sometimes seems like a waste….)

Hollyhock-- way to go on the parent handbook… So now your school can apparently claim that the students DO come with a manual? :lol: I wish that parents could be taught JUDGMENT… and I don't mean they should taught to be judgmental!! I wish they could be encouraged and helped to understand what the message is they are actually demonstrating to their children in contrast to what they think they are demonstrating.

Roseblush-- I'm going to get the Google maps up and running. What possessed you to settle 150 miles from someplace? I think that's toooooo far for me… especially in a small town. I wouldn't mind being in Boston and have everything be 150 miles away.. but to be in Teensytown, USA and have everything far away… I don't think I'm cut out for that. Do you have photographs of your region posted? I do yearn for a hill bigger than our fire ants make once in a while.

Shad -- I think the first issue I have with your coffee bag/ring question is the coffee bag itself. Coffee should either be in an industrial sized pouch in a coffee maker or loose and put in a filter…. I don't DO coffee bags! Nevertheless, Anything makes a ring because of the surface tension on the napkin. It tries to even itself out… so rather than forming peninsulas, inlets and other interesting shapes, it just forges ahead as evenly as possible along the "warp and woof" of the napkin. And I'd say that if it advances unevenly it's because there was something invisible spilled on the napkin previously…. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Tig… if you send me a photo of the alleged Japanese H-D shirt, I can forward it to my son who studied Japanese for a while… (I couldn't tell if your son knew Japanese or was guessing!). He told me that some of the "cool" skater shirts from a few years back had what looked like Japanese letters, but were really jibberish. Probably like my spam blogger verification words…. !

Sorry to report that we are still rainless and expected to be in the 80's through Tuesday. I'll gladly trade. Especially cooler air and more breeze. Has New Hampshire really gotten MORE rain, or is there some other reason they've had the flooding?

Happy fitness and healthy thoughts everybody.

MELODY525 10-14-2005 09:17 AM

Painter why o why are you knitting baby sweaters? Have I missed something? Good luck with the treatments. That's a challenge all it's own! Was the bookstore Borders?! :rofl: Next time pick me up!

Happy~you should have heard the laughing when I found it just sitting there for the picking! LOL

Shad~ WTF
Enough said!!! :rollpin: I am puffing on those rain clouds as hard as I can. I must be out of practise! Congrats on your rainfall!

Meadow~ I was singing in the rain once and pirouetting like a ballerina with my umbrella and a man stopped his car to watch me trying to get my friend into the puddle:rain: ....of course I was about 16!! Your graphic reminded me of that day!
Enjoy the wine and the sisters! :gift:

Tig~ glad you stopped running long enough to check in. The Honda thing is toooo funny. Bet the kids had a great time picking out the t-shirt. Have a great time with the new friends and party. i think all the rain is in NJ still so maybe you'll stay dry!!!

Speaking of which.......the weatherman of course took back the prediction of a dry NJ by today!!!! Actually he is just seems to be ignoring the fact that he even said it...several times even!!!
Oh well......Jen picked up a few groceries and we will share till Tuesday. I'll go then for myself. I plan ahead for disasters anyway. I like to have all my "stuff" around me when I don't feel good or cannot get out. If it was warmer, I wouldn't mind getting wet! OOPS doorbell....adios

Hollyhock 10-14-2005 10:11 AM

Everyone is getting rain and all we have fog.
PW~ you sure put a lot of effort into Shad's coffee ring dilema.Glad the day went well for you.
Meadow~ ENJOY!!! Thas' an order!!
HUGS ladies!!
Pounding headache but an easy spirit today.
I have this cold that DH and the kids have had but they are hacking and wheezing. Every cold I get goes deep into my sinuses so my head is about to explode.
Yesterday was awesome. I did not go to book club or to do my Grandma’s hair. It was difficult to say no to both. DH worked til 7 didn’t get home til 8 so we had chicken soup and grilled cheese in front of the tube. Both kids were in bed by 8.

I had 5 kids all day but they were relativley well behaved. I farted around on my computer just for fun.
I watched my soaps and rested. I stayed up to watch ER. I slept through the alarm and woke to a Mom knocking on the door. All 4 of us and the cat were sound asleep. Gotta love foggy fall mornings.Yikes.
DH’s has a great job right now. He freelances carpenter services. A lot of builders dont have steady houses lined up so if there is a few days break most guys will go find another job. This guy doesn’t have a house to start til Tues and he is paying Dh today and Monday to wait til Tues. WOW, a contractor with integrity and who appreciates my man!! Woohoo.Highly irregular but makes living with DH pleasant cause he is valued.
I will have my Avon booth at the farmers market tomorrow.Kinda excited. Going to do grandma’s hair in the aft and then hockey at 6. No church Sunday.Big event in another town and we are not going.
I have the cleaners coming again on Tues to fall clean the rest of the main floor. DH noticed it on the calendar and asked about it. I told him. He used to balk at me for getting help way back, so I stopped. He said, “oh good."Yippee! Gotta love a man who gets smarter every year.LOL!
I am irked by the Aunt once again. I only saw the family for 2 hours on Monday. It was enough to reinforced the limited contact. Too bad cause I love them so much. sigh.
My Mom must have mentioned, oh, 200 times that it was a short visit. I said,” better than no visit!” ,oh, 200 times.
Dad just rolled his eyes. Sis was okay. Nephew and my kids raced around for 2 hours. No time to fight.Great!!
The ridiculous aunt( I will remind that she is 62 going on 5) kept cuppng her hand around my sisters ear and wispering things to her. Made snotty digs about the turkey tetrazini I was going to make and killing my Grandma with it( I make frozen dinners for my Grandma every day and deliver when i do her hair).She also commented about how she HAS to go throught the meals I make to make sure thay are good enough. Hello??????? I was boiling but kept my mouth shut. Why oh why did I spend 40 years trying to get this ***** to like me and be friends.Why did I believe all the negative bullshit she said about me and to me all this time. Between My Mom, sis and her it is amazing I didn’t throw in the towel long ago. And these are the people who were supposed to love me, nurture me and lift me up.
Why does my Dad put up with them. He is the “head” of the family. He hears it ,sees it, rolls his eyes, shakes his head but doesn’t stand up. It seems weak to me.I suppose he has to live with Mom but as for his sister........
I dont understand it.
It makes me thankful for my own husband and family. My former best friends think my husband is an *******....and he can be. I love it. We are both strongwilled and outspoken. We both challenge each other all the time. No lack of backbone in this house. We are both willing to learn and grow and make changes.Thank God. Literally. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Our kids are strong this way too. Never dull anyhow. No complaceny or underhanded bullcrap in this house. It is wide open!! Lord knows it gets loud. We all make mistakes. At least we are “allowed” to. ARG!!
Off my emotional roller coaster. Releasing the irkedness. whooooosh.
Okay. I need to get cleaned up and putter.

PS food has been abysmal the last 2 days. Better so far today.
Do ya think there is a link between binging on comfort food and seeing my family???

MELODY525 10-14-2005 01:31 PM

Holly~ Jen just left and we were having a similar convo as your post that I just read!!! :rofl: Relatives and friends and how it took us so long to say f*** off!!!! :lol3:
Funny how ralphie Boy sent this this morning....I shared Ralph with Jen about an hour ago and decided to share him with you too. I just re-read it while drinking a coffee.......hope you have time for him too:encore: to all of us because we are survivors!!! Jen left with a smile and I have one too.
Good luck with the Booth!!!!!!!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Look up

Look up from what you're doing and look around for a minute.
See what a beautiful world you're in.

Take your mind off the problems for a moment, and focus on
the positive possibilities. Consider how very much you are
able to do.

Turn your attention for a while away from the worries and
anxieties. Remind yourself of all your many blessings.

The direction of your focus is the direction your life will
move. Let yourself move toward what is good, valuable,
strong and true.

The things that fill your awareness are the things that will
fill your life and your world. So expand your awareness
beyond your own concerns and toward the best of what can be.

Look up and look confidently toward the highest vision you
can imagine. The moment you do, you're on your way there.

Ralph Marston

Shad 10-14-2005 04:55 PM

Morning all,

Supposed to be a dull grey and wet day here today, but from my window I can see patches of pink sunrise and a fair bit of blue. It's quiet apart from that damned plane overhead and cool enough to do things around the place.

I came home from work yesterday because I wasn't feeling so well. Pains in the back and shoulders and shooting pains up the neck and a sinus headache that threatened to explode and cause holocaust number 3. Came home, went to bed, slept for a long while and feel better this morning. I'm going to try the gym later and see how it goes.

Part of the reason why I felt so bad at work is because I am fixing up OTHER peoples mistakes. It's a long slow boring job which doesn't make anybody feel good and I got to do it. So that didn't make me feel any better either I can tell you. Anyway, I missed the farewell to a couple of contractors leaving the project - not that I knew either of them very well anyway. That lowered the calorie count a bit as well.

I've finished the challenge on the other thread. Not starting a new one there until I come back form holiday. I'm carrying on with this one here and will finish that on the day I go away.

Painter - you did well on the explanation of the circular ring from the square coffee bag on the napkin. Never thought of weft and warp - do they have those on paper napkins - coarse variety - std government issue?? But I appreciate the effort and thought that you put into it. By the way - coffee bags are not the greatest but by heck they are better than some of the instant cr*p we are getting at the moment. I haven't had the time to go get the real stuff and another plunger to take to work, but if I see one in the store today, I might remember to buy it.
Glad to hear #1 radiation went fine. Maybe you can make it a challenge to be a slightly less side of beef by n\#32. How often do you have to have these?

Tig - love the story of the t-shirt. There used to be a cap in the stores of here that looked like it was in Chinese or Japanese characters. And come to think of it, most of them were in black and orange as well. However if you looked at it sideways while thinking laterally - the 4 characters spelt out that particularly nasty 4 letter word starting with F. It's amazing how one can trick the eye from time to time.

Holly - so you are not well either. Sorry to hear that. Like most things this too will pass. Families huh? Who was it who said - 'God gives us our families, thank God we can choose our friends.'

Happy - so you are on this plane with me huh? Oh good. That means someone to talk to and to exercise in the aisles with. Bring a couple of good books we can share. I'll check out the movies. Should be interesting finding your way to Tokyo from Nagoya to find Red Balloon. Once you are on the Shinkansen it isn't a problem (provided you are on the right one) but getting to the right platform is fun! Doko, arigato, domo etc. etc. etc. (where is... thank you.... thanks heaps).

Think it is time to go check out the washing machine, get dressed, get ready for gym, get breakfast, get, get, get whatever comes next. Can't be bothered planning at this point. Back later.

ceejay52 10-14-2005 05:31 PM

Yesterday's trip to the podiatrist was good. Got that much needed injection and ordered some shoes with those special inserts. He did ask about the other surgery. He acted like he was glad to see me. While in Jonesboro, I returned a pair of shoes to Dillard's that nearly killed my feet. I'd tried them on one morning before church and decided I could not wear them. Really was pinching that bunion. I found some that was a lot more comfortable.

Today was pay day--. I ran some errands, bank, grocery store, and post office. Called the cable company and finally got back on line.

Mel -I saw on the news about all the rain. Is it that deep where you are? If your going to Texas stop by and pick me up. They were rescuing some firemen.

PW - glad that the chemo went good. Take it easy.

Did something different today. Paid someone to mow this yard. I still need to get out and do some yard work. I'm going to see if that will help the allergies.

Holly - hang in there, Your grandmother appreciates what you do for her.

Hello to all the rest.

happy2bme 10-14-2005 11:39 PM

Hey all,
Not much to say today. It's been a horrid, killer week at the office. I am wiped out. And my leg is in alot of pain. I think the chiropractor is doing some good - I can see a marked difference in my spine, however as my foot straightens out, all the muscles and nerves and tendons are shifted to where they should have been all along and it is painful - much like twisting them out of place would be painful. People who have gone through this before has assured me that it is normal and to bear with it. I suspect much like when I was having problems with my neck and arm, my very job does not help the healing process. How can you not lean on a desk (and your arm) when your job is to type at a computer all day long :comp: same goes for sitting for extended periods of time. I do try to get up and walk about when I can and drinking lots of water all day long ensures at least some walking movements - and running at times when I disregard the call of nature for too long :o But still I think the sitting is not helping the healing process. Next week we go to home back care class which will teach us some interim stretches and exercises which I think will help a great deal.

So I am not feeling too chatty and perky right now. I am icing the back then headed off to throw open the windows wide and hopefully sleep deep and peacefully with fresh air and a nice warm cozy under my back.

Keep doing all those good things you are doing for one another and the people you love. It's what keeps the world a good place to be. Night now.

teel 10-15-2005 08:39 AM

Hi girlies....
This is I am sorry to say, one of those quickie posts just to drop by and say hi!! :wave: :wave:

I am at home for the weekend as my friends are off in two directions over the weekend to visit grand children...they said I was welcome to stay whilst there were away but I decided against it. It is funny being back in my own abode....Holly very quickly got back in to "kill the cat" mode..... :lol3: :devil:

My mood is a bit better on occassion...but I saw my G.P. on Thursday who said how were things so I told him I had been struggling with a bad bad headache :headache: :headache: :headache: :headache: for the past fortnight plus some...he decided it was a tension headache which I have to agree with. :stress: :stress: :stress:coupled with a sleep pattern to die for and the general messiness of how I am feeling at present....he has told me to increase my Trazadone to 400mg....we have already put it up to 300mg from 200 mg....Hopefully I will be sleeping for the rest of the entire year...he he he !!!!

I have not managed to read the pages and pages and pages of posts yet...I thought I would dive in and post first to let you know I am still in the land of the living afterall.....I will put a few hours aside and then go back to page 7....PAGE 7!!!!!!!! Before long I will find you moved to another house..one with a log fire perhaps for us who are slip sliding in to the cold autumn/winter solstices.....
I love the autumn...the colours on the trees and the leaves falling....I took Holly for a very short walk the other evening and the leaves were all crunchy uner foot..or paw I suppose I should say!!!!

Ok...I had better get on with the afternoon...shopping...ironing....sleeping!!!!
Hello to everyone...take care and all go safely!!!!!

Love from Teel

ceejay52 10-15-2005 11:59 AM

Looks like everyone is in a hurry today.

Happy--I too have opened my windows. The fresh cool air is nice for a change.

Had another sick spell last night right after I ate dinner. It was mainly veggies, pinto beans, corn, spinach, and a hamburger patty with cheese. I'm beginning to wonder if I have an ulcer. :(

I need to get busy cleaning the house and pay a couple of bills.

Have a good day.

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