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Old 07-31-2005, 11:15 PM   #31  
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Thanks girls for the Birthday wishes.....I had a good day. Didn't do anything for my birthday but it was still a good day. My neice had a baby shower ---she's expecting a boy Aug 17. She got lots of wonderful things. I'm amazed at all the cool stuff they make now for babies and mommies. My DD came in from OK (she'd living with my brother and his wife until the fall semester starts and the neice that is having the baby is the daughter of my Oklahoma brother---so they all made the trip together). Anyway, I didn't get to see my daughter for very long but she's doing great. She moved to Oklahoma to work with my sister-in-law (real estate) for the summer and likes it so well she decided to transfer from San Angelo State University and go to University of Central Oklahoma. She can keep working and go to school. She is majoring in creative arts to do advertising and computer graphics. Marti---you asked earlier about the dream folder my DS had made...she's real into scrapbooking and all that neat stuff---we decided to diet this summer (more for support for me than for her) so she fixed this folder for each of us. She made about 2 weeks worth of pages for food journals with motivational quotes all over them. She cut out all kinds of feel good words, pictures of good food, and motivational people and glues all that all over. Then we both wrote down our dreams for where we would be in 5 years then 10....where we would be, what would it smell like, how it would look. They're really neat....something I will always treasure mainly because we spent so much time working on it together and it has so much of what we feel in it....she's my heart....
Anyway, after that I had to go to work and wash dishes until about 11:00 last night so that was my big day...

I did get all my water in today. I've been really looking into WW--online--and think I'll try that. I'm so ready to get started...I want to get going before I get back into school. So many of you seem to like it....Katie, I think that's great that your hubby is going with you. I checked out the site you posted and it looks great----thanks!! I have a really good friend where I teach---they had to move this summer, but she was a leader at WW ----she had lost 80lb and was on maintenance. She is such a wonderful living example of WW that it made me want to try it.

Another scorcher here today in the Texas panhandle---seems like all I do is water my flowers. I've almost given up trying to keep the yard green. Maybe this week will bring a little relief in rain.

Hope everyone has a great week. I love you gals!! You're great!

Beth~~~I am a strong and happy woman!
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Old 08-01-2005, 12:43 PM   #32  
I can dream, can't I?
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Another sunny hot day in IN, right Jane? Nothing exciting in my life today..just going for a haircut this afternoon. If I am keeping it short I must get a trim often. And I must say I do like keeping it short. Wash and wear, I say. Don't even rinse away the gray anymore and it is so liberating..haha.
I played hooky from church yesterday and baked DH biscuits for breakfast and a pan of cornbread for dinner. Got them done before the house got heated up. My neighbor brought me fresh tomatoes and some corn, so last night I fixed green beans and potatoes, corn, tomatoes and DH had his cornbread. It was yummy.
Looks like we are going to meet DD's new love and also step-son's gf this month. For some reason all of our kids have decided to come home from CA this summer and all 3 have new loves. Must be something in the air out there. Two of the three are talking marriage, but step-son hasn't mentioned that yet. He is 34 and never married, so I imagine he is taking his time.
I walked yesterday....2 miles, and ate OP, when is the weight going to budge? I DO feel good and all of my 14's slacks are too big, so I can't complain.

I will be going to Mom's tomorrow to stay for 3 days, so you JL's be good! to clean, if I must!...
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Old 08-01-2005, 01:16 PM   #33  
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Beth~ Your niece is due on my birthday!

just checking in to see if I missed anything.
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Old 08-01-2005, 01:59 PM   #34  
One day at a time
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A very Happy August 1st ladies!

Where has the time gone??? I can't believe a new month is upon us already. What's weird is I was coming home this morning from running some errands and a neighbors maple tree has already turned! The leaves are a bright orange/red and are falling off! Doesn't that seem a little early? Fall is almost upon us, but oh so pretty!

Well, it took a while to read all the posts (you ladies have been chatty over the weekend) and now unfortunately I don't have time to post.

A very belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Beth!

I will try and be back a little later to do individuals, possibly this evening. For now hope everyone is enjoying their day.

Have a good one ladies!
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Old 08-01-2005, 02:33 PM   #35  
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Hiya ladies,

Angie - so did you get your new dress yet? When you do, let us in on what it looks like. I gave my swiffer do-hickey to Mary. It was fine at first, then for some reason, would leave sudsy places on the floor. So now I'm back to the mop and pail. <sigh> Oh, the trials and tribulations of a domestic goddess!!

Marti - I like how you said "it's going to happen" in regards to your quitting smoking. In the past you have said, "try" and "someday" so I can tell a real difference in your determination. Hey, I've been making fresh blackberry jelly. Too bad you don't live closer - I'd share.

Beth - Happy Belated Birthday!! I'll be 52 in Sept. Glad you had fun at the baby shower, and yes, it amazes me what cool things they have for babies now.

Katiecat - never fear, the scale will go down just fine as long as you stay OP. Did you get the cupboard purging over with? Neal says our garbage disposal eats better than we do, lol. I copied the Fair Foods Points from Dotties onto my clipboard, but didn't print them yet. The funnel cake was bigger than the 6" she listed, but the good news is, I ate very little of it. I didn't eat any of it at the fair, but brought it home, and Mary's family was playing in the yard, so everyone, especially the kids, broke off some to eat. What little bit I did have was a disappointment! I forgot just how greasy they are. The kids had powdered sugar all of them, lol.

Sue - enjoy your time with your mom. It's funny that we're both substitute dog walkers for those who can't do it, lol. Sounds like you are going to have a busy, eventful August.

Mindee - I sure do hope you and your little family get an apartment soon. Is it in the same town as where you are now?

Cristi - leaves turning colors is one of my all time favorite nature delights. If you had drought conditions as we did in Indiana, that can hurry up the turning process.

Ladyhyjinx - if you're reading this, you've found the right place, so just jump in!

I've been doing well with the treadmill. I didn't realize how much I've missed mine since I burned the motor up, lol. Too bad I don't have a place for one here at the house, but since I drive to town to walk Kathy's dog, it's not much more of a hassle to drive to the Y.

Not much else going on, so I'll see you later....
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Old 08-01-2005, 07:56 PM   #36  
Give me strength
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Cristi,.,,,,I know when Im insanely busy trying to get all my stuff done you guys start a mini series on posts...I usually end up being a thread of two

Jane,,,I went with Becky and my friend Lori for a funnel cake last night,,,East Side Marios has then,,,it was down right delish! Icecream melting on the hot cake,,,with strawberries like mini mountains all over...I came close to licking the bowl...I have some control. (barely)
Im not sure what Im going to wear,,,,Im thinking my black skirt with pink piping which Ive never worn with my polka dotted shirt that matches it.

Brandon just got home from his weekend camping,,,and boy is he smelly!

I had such a nasty cold 2 and half weeks ago,,,felt better a few days ago but yesterday I started to feel sick again,,,went to the walk in, and ya I do have an enflamed throat with some funky colors...*whimper
Just got our receipt for our rental house in Cali! I am getting excited! Im waiting for Monte to get the Disney tickets,,,gawd they are pricey...every time we go it has gone up 20 bucks each I swear.
Well I should get the kitchen cleaned up...
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Old 08-01-2005, 08:28 PM   #37  
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Was just reading some of the posts and thought I'd pass this on....

I'm sorry you're not feeling well Angie---I'm such a baby when I have a sore throat, but I thought I'd pass on some old home remedies that really work for me....this from my grandmother-- a cup of warm salt water with about a TBL each of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Gargle a cup about every 3 hours. A nurse told me that vinegar kills a virus and peroxide kills bacteria. It's very soothing....of course you don't swallow it....also take about 1500 grams of vitamin c and about 1000 of garlic and it will keep you well. I take it every morn and every night because I just can't afford to be sick all the time at school and believe me my little 4 and 5 year olds always have something and are always wanting hugs. I think that's what has kept me so well! (the hugs and the vitamins!!!)

Gotta get supper on---love ya'll

Beth--a strong and happy woman
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Old 08-01-2005, 09:18 PM   #38  
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Hi all
I'm back...and off to a Demarle rest for the wicked

didn't get the yarn...just as well..too much $$$

Seattle was great - a bit cooler than Portland, so we enjoyed that..had lots fun
will check back in tomorrow to post in more detail
Old 08-02-2005, 03:25 AM   #39  
a work in progress
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Wow...rough day at work...I feel like I was beaten with a bag full of nickels all day... I got sworn at and hung up on more than once. Hot weather tends to make people cranky

Ah well...came home and went to Applebee's with my honey. We ordered off the WW menu and it was really good! French Onion soup (3 pts), big Mesquite Chicken Salads (5 pts), and we split a Berry Lemon Cheesecake for dessert (5 pts total, so that was 2.5 pts for each of us). Not bad for a very satisfying dinner. Looking forward to trying some of the other stuff from that menu!

Then we went to the grocery store and stocked up on more healthy stuff. We are burning through produce like it's going out of style, but I guess that's a good thing I also find I'm cooking a lot more, and that's ok because I like to cook. But it is time consuming, and time is one commodity I'm short on, so I'll have to figure out some short cuts.

One cool thing about WW I forgot to mention. When we signed up last Saturday, I expected to pay about $55-$60 for both of us, since there was no sign up special going. But the lady at the counter asked me what medical insurance we have -- and it turns out that our insurance covers the sign up fee! Also, I had two expired prepaid meeting coupons -- expired in 2003, mind you -- and she said, oh, we'll still take those, no problem. So it didn't cost anything at all!

Katy, what's a "Demarle party"? Sorry you missed out on your yarn, but the right stuff will come along and yell "clapotis" at you!!!

Beth, I always gargle with warm salt water when I have a sore throat -- really helps. Never tried it with vinegar or peroxide, though...but I've rinsed my mouth with peroxide after having a tooth pulled, etc -- ick!!! Pretty nasty, but I bet it does kill germs

Jane, it's disappointing when something you were craving doesn't taste or satisfy the way you imagine it would -- but kind of eye-opening, too. My mom said she used to like Wendy's burgers until one time she saw one that had been left sitting out on the counter for a while -- ewww, that "juicy" is really "greasy". Yep, I purged my cupboards, and my fridge. Threw out almost half a jar of mayo, a Tupperware container of cookie dough that was calling my name, will have my 19 year old come over tomorrow and pick up some stuff he might like -- like the almost full container of gourmet icecream in the freezer. *sigh* Ah, but it's all for the best.

Angie, black and pink and polkadots sounds fun and chic! As for Disney tickets, are you AAA members? They usually have really good deals. When was the last time you went? Don't miss Soarin' Over California in California Adventure -- it's my very favorite ride in both parks, and I could do it over and over again. Tower of Terror is fun atmosphere-wise with the whole Twilight Zone theme, but I've done it twice and that's enough for me -- I DON'T like drop rides at all, but made the exception for that one. And the Aladdin musical show is lots of fun, if that's still playing...great costumes that you would appreciate, and if you sit mezzanine level, you get a fantastic view of the flying carpet scene...and all of that stuff is just in California Adventure! Disneyland is my second home, I make a pilgrimage there almost every year. Email me if you want any insider tips, I've got some good ones

Sue, are you doing WW? And if so, are you going to meetings, or online, or doing it on your own? Don't give up! Plateaus always frustrated me, but stick with it, you are doing great, and you are doing healthy things, so that's what's important. How much have you lost so far?

Mindee, a kiss for Brandon's booboo I was taking my oldest son for pictures when he was about 2, had a little suit on, curly blonde hair, so cute -- and he bonked his head and got a blue bruise right at the top of his forehead in the middle. After I dried his tears and soothed him, I thought, now what, we have an appointment for pics in half an we were at the mall, and I went to the Merle Norman cosmetics store, and said, can you help me??? And the ladies there all ooh'd and aah'd about how cute he was and how fair his skin was. And they found a really really light-colored foundation and covered up his owie Worked like a charm!

Omigosh, look at the time...hello to everyone else, and goodnight to everyone, too!

Sweet dreams,
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Old 08-02-2005, 06:42 AM   #40  
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Good Morning Ladies--

It HAS been busy chatters on here hasn't there? I'm so happy about that!

Katie--What a fantastic thing for WW to still honor your '03 coupons!! And also that your insurance covers the fee! I had no idea that insurance covers for things like that. I think it's great for people who want to change there lives and become healthy.

Katy--Glad you had fun in Seattle. Looking forward to hearing about it later on. I'm w/Katie--What in the world is a Demarle Party? Inquiring minds want to know!

Beth--I think we're all ready to make our weightloss more of a priority. As for WW....I've never been on the program, but I do have a few recipe books and have used some of them. Very tasty. Jane here has lost quite a bit of weight doing WW. 85lbs I have to say!! We are all proud of her.

Angie--You crack me up! So close to licking the bowl.....I don't think I would have hesitated! So when exactly is your Disney Trip? And are you buying me a ticket too?

Jane--Oh believe me Jane...I'm ready. It's going to happen. Although I have my weak moments such as today. I caved in to stress and bought some...but as soon as I got to work I admitted to everyone that I had them and boy....they did exactly what I asked them to do if I did---I got a guilt trip w/a long lecture. So tomorrow I'm just going to buy the patch instead of thinking that I'm super woman and can quit cold turkey!

Cristi--I was thinking the same thing today! It's August already and I'm not ready for this year being so close to being over. Just means that time is going by WAY to fast. And I don't feel like I'm accomplishing much w/myself. Kind of disappointing. But I suppose I could just start doing things instead of whining about time. (but I have to say....I've gotten so used to whining! )

Sue--As long as you feel a difference in your clothes...I wouldn't worry so much about the weight on the scale. You're obviously doing something right if your 14's are getting too big! Keep up the work your doing and eventually you'll see the numbers drop.

Mindee--Are the names a secret to us too?

Well I had a busy and emotional day. I feel exhausted. I think I'm going to head on to bed and maybe cry to just release some stress. Ever feel like crying because you're close to an emotional break down, and when you feel 10times better?

Alright girls...Off I go. I'll check in when I get up.
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Old 08-02-2005, 10:10 AM   #41  
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Good morning, ladies,

Angie - the black and pink outfit sounds just right! Hope your throat is better today. When are you going to DIS? Have you check out the message boards at ? They have more information there than you can imagine and it's bookmarked on my computer. Also, if Magic Kingdom in CA has Mickey's Philharmagic, promise me you'll go see this! It's in an indoor theatre, and very comfortable. This presentation is jaw-dropping cool!!! Disney World in FL has some different stuff than CA, but hopefully CA has that one.

Katy - like the others, I'm curious what a Dremarle party is, and why wasn't I invited, lol.

Katiecat - wow, that's great about the insurance covering the sign up fee at WW! But in the long run, you getting healthy will save them money, right? Almost all restaurants have something healthy on the menu/buffet nowdays. I like to have 1/2 my plate filled with green beans. Keeps my jaws busy with harmless food, lol. Have you tried the Uncle Ben's wild rice in the box, original recipe? It's very good! It only takes about 25 minutes to fix, and is much better than the stuff in the pouch. You can have 1/2 cup for 2 points, and it's very good. I highly recommend the Dreamsicle Cake in the recipes thread, too. Although the orange is really, really good, it's even better with the lemon!! If you ever want to chat about this on the phone, just call.

Marti - why did you have an emotional day? Was it because of the cigarettes? (((HUGS))) for whatever it is/was, hon. Yay for your friends helping you stay off the cigs. The patch really helped me. Since it says on the box that you could have nightmares if you wear it at night, I would put mine on around 5 or 6 in the AM when I woke to potty. For you, with your schedule, you'd have to move the hours around. Just a thought.

Well today, I've promised myself that I'm going to tackle the ironing. There are about 10 pieces that need ironed, and my wardrobe would be so much better with these things in the closet instead of in the laundry room, lol. I used to love to iron, and now have to MAKE myself do it. What a lazy slacker, lol!!

What are you going to do today?
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Old 08-02-2005, 02:59 PM   #42  
Hello my name is FABULOUS
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Hello Ladies,

I hope that everyone had a good weekend. We all had a blast up at the trailer. Joycelyn is in her element up there. She walks all over the place. She loves the park and she loves the lake. When we go for walks, and I try to hold her and she shakes me off and waves bye bye to me, as she toddles off. She actually gets quite po'd when I take her hand and change her direction. She has also managed to work on her climbing skills this weekend. Jerry watched her climb up on the lawn furniture and sit there. She gave him this great big grin and was so proud of herself. Little monkey . LOL

I had to come back to work just so I could sit down for more than 3 minutes. She really had me going. She is a going concern to be sure. This weekend she played in the lake and made mud pies, and got mud up her nose and all over the place. She went swimming in a swimming pool yesterday and had a ball. She slept almost 12 hours last night. The little gaffer was tuckered out. LOL

Weight loss is going well. As of today I am down 20 pounds. YAY I am on my way 4 sure!!!

SUSAN ~~~ I am so happy for you and Gaby. Wonderful news. Finally some closure.
ELLEN~~~ I sure hope you are feeling better soon. No A/C? Oh doll, you must have really been suffering in the last few weeks. Hope that you are doing a little better.
BETH~~~ Nice to meet you!!
MARTI~~~ Good for you for trying to quit smoking. As an ex smoker myself, I can tell you that although it is hard (and it is!) I feel that it is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Easier than losing weight. IMO. Best of luck.!!
MINDEE~~~ Your birthday is MY wedding anniversary. Seems August 17th is going to be one busy day this year. LOL
KATIECAT I can certainly relate about going through produce. I think I've spent about 1/2 my grocery money just on fruits and veggies in the last month. It's a good think it's summer and they are reasonably priced anyway.

HI to everyone that I have missed. I hope all are well.

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Old 08-02-2005, 03:05 PM   #43  
starting over again......
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Jane~ Nope, the apartment is just off the water. Right now, we are in the middle of the sticks with the closest city being two miles away, and the main BIG city is 20 minutes away. Where as when we move, we will be in a big city already!

Angie~ I hope you are feeling better now.

Beth~ How are you doing girl?

Katy~ How are you doing as well?

Katiecat~ It is good to hear from you. Thanks for the kiss for his boo boo. Thankfully we are planning on getting his pictures taken after the baby is born, that way we can get them both done at the same time. But knowing our luck, he will get another boo boo just before those pictures.

Marti~ I guess, as long as no one tells Tommy, I guess I can share the names. If it is a boy, then it will be Rolf Richard. And if it is a girl, then it will more then likely be Harley Alexis. Shhhhhhh….don’t tell!

Anita~ I guess it is a very busy day!
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Old 08-02-2005, 04:40 PM   #44  
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Hello girls--

Kat--So glad you popped in and hope we get to hear more from you!

Mindee--Cute names.

Anita--I've quit before and I know I can quit again. Just taking me a little longer this time around.

Jane--It was just a hard day. But I'm ok now. Just a lack of sleep I'm sure. And missing both James & Jhanai.

Hello to everyone else.

This is a quick one today as I have to go to the dentist, AGAIN. I'm so tired of the dentist. I'm having some fillings worked on. And then who knows after that. Still need to get the cap put on. No fun is all I can say.

Take Care and I'll check in after work.
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Old 08-02-2005, 05:10 PM   #45  
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Ok - this is Demarle - it's silicone bakeware, they are just now starting to sell them with in-home consultants. So, I went to my friends house, ate a bunch of food, and bought some really cool nonstick cookware. The bakeware is flexible, you can roll it up into a ball and stuff it in your purse if you want to. I bought the Silpat and a bake sheet for cookies, and a minimuffin tray, and a Roulpat, for rolling doughs out on the counter.

Seattle was great...took the kids to the Woodland Park Zoo. then we rode the Monorail to Pike Street Market and back. The Seattle Seafair was going on that weekend...sure glad we didn't have to worry about parking! David and James were able to walk four blocks from our hotel and watch some of the parade. Sunday was nice, we saw both of David's grandmas...and both are looking really good. His paternal grandma celebrated her 90th birthday and there was a big party. Now we are home for a week or two until we go camping on the coast.

Anita - congrats on your great success - and Joycelyn sounds lot like my son at the same age! He was go go go all the time

Susan - I'm so happy there is some resolution on Gaby's custody. What a load off. Hope you are having a great visit with Rocky and Kris. Are you unpacking yet?

Jane - See above for Demarle...they hit me up hard to be a consultant...guess they are starting out and want more people out there selling...if I were a consultant, I'd invite you for sure, sweetie

Marti - I just know you are going to succeed at quitting smoking! It's so hard, but a great accomplishment.

Mindee - Those are cute names

Angie - your vacation sounds great...I think renting a house is a great idea.

Cristi - are you staying cool? Can't believe how hot it is around the country. We are hot here, too - finally. Supposed to be mid-90s this week - TOO HOT FOR ME I am a true Oregonian...I shrivel up when it gets too hot.

My quest for the clapotis is going to be put on hold. The recommended yarn would end up costing me 75-100 $ and I just bought all that lovely Demarle stuff. I want to keep an eye out for some nice yarn for it that isn't quite so expensive. Here in OR, I find that heavy woolens are rarely I would probably want it out of something lighter anyway.

Scale said 174 today - yippee...I am waiting to change the ticker to make sure it isn't a fluctuation - those happen to me.

Have a great day everyone!
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