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Caro30 07-21-2005 10:43 PM

Day 17 done!! :)

I`m so ready for bed now, so I`ll see you all tomorrow!

mscat816 07-21-2005 11:13 PM

Day 18 Done!
Well ladies - didn't do the treadmill workout this a.m. because I remembered I was teaching a bellydance class this evening. What a workout! :faint: One and half hours of aerobic activity! I lost 2lbs of body fat (mostly water I am sure) according to my scale. And my 4 bottles of water are in!

I can't believe I only have 3 more days to go on this challenge - this is the first 21-day challenge I will complete :cb:

Go Caro :cheer: we are crossing the finished line almost at the same time!
curlylocks - congrats to you on Day 10 and :thanks: for the vote of confidence.

Hang in there Red - we are in the home stretch! I'm doing fine mentally and physically - no giving up here. 20 minutes on the treadmill is nothing and 30 minutes is now barely a stretch. I ran from the street to the bathroom deep inside my building and was not even winded! That is a benefit that cannot be measured on the scale.

Happy - I wouldn't have lasted 1 hour with M&M's around. What strength - next time you will by pass them totally!

dkkrf - glad you like and can use the DIN and DIA - I printed them on colored paper and keep them in my planner and on my tack board over my desk at work!

Hotcupojava - I love your "Jo-wuffling!"

Hotcupojava 07-22-2005 10:34 AM

Squeak is at the vet
She's being spayed this morning. I think it upset ME more than her. Poor little thing. IF I go to work today, I'll be taking her with me. I may just take the day off. I'm not sure yet.

I didn't get to lift weights last night because my coworker didn't get back in time (he was riding around). I know I could have stayed and done the weights AFTER work, but since I had to get up at 0600, I didn't want to stay until midnight or later. I can't blame him, but I wasn't happy with him.

Today I'll do my twenty minutes of exercise so that I can complete Day #5. Yesterday, I set my Fly Lady timer and did WATP moves while standing in front of my computer. It wasn't much as in cardio or stamina, but it fulfilled my obligation of 20 minutes or more.

I'll check in later today, whether from work, while Squeak-sitting, or from home (Squeak-sitting). I wish you all the best. Enjoy your Friday and hang in there... I smell WEEK END!!! :beach:

**********************Update********************** ****
I know this isn't weight related.


They called at 11:45 and said they had her prepped for pre surgery, sedated and as per my request had begun to investigate her "BAD BREATH", they found an infectious mass in her MOUTH. They requested to remove it and biopsy it. Not good. But they are going to go ahead with her spay. I mean, she may be okay, but I'm worried to death. It's already an extra $52.00 and this may just be the start of it. I'm also concerned I'll not know how to take care of her when we get home. I've taken the day off and arranged for BF to come up and watch her tomorrow, so I can go to work, worry free. Poor Squeak

curlylocks 07-22-2005 08:37 PM

lol its a good thing i can scroll back or i would never know what day i am on!!!!!!!! day 12 completed!!!

Caro30 07-22-2005 09:36 PM

Day 18 down! Wasnt looking good for a while... I almost settled for my free day. But it just wouldn`t have been the same! Another night slacking on the DVD portion of my workout, but no biggie. I`m fine with easing up a little, better to take it easy on myself than to get burned out all together. I`m still getting in about an hour a day. :)

Turtle- best wishes to your furry friend :( my kitty just had a scare, it was sad to see her feeling bad and not herself. She`s lucky to have you. :)

mscat- almost there! Kinda flew by, didn`t it! Well we still got a couple days left, lots of luck to you!

Curly- I have to check my exercise journal every day to know what day I`m on. lol

Well, things are okay here. A lot of snacking today, not too bad though. I`m afraid I`m losing too fast, but I feel wonderful and never let myself get hungry... it`s almost like the more I hear "1-2 pounds a week" the more I feel like I`m failing at this. And it could slow down, but what if it doesn`t? Should I feel like I`m doing something wrong just because I`m not fitting that "healthy weight loss standard"? It`s been bothering me lately, tomorrow makes one month...18 pounds lost. The excitement is turning into guilt though and I really need to shake it. I don`t see why I should change my plan, I`m never hungry or over tired, I eat between (including my sugar rush coffee) 1300-1400 calories, some days less some more, not by much though. Exercise between an hour to an hour and a half a day, less lately and I`m still dropping... my back doesnt hurt, no heartburn or stomach aches, skin looks fabulous (all that water!) taking my vitamin... WAY less depression and PMS. What is so unhealthy about that?

I don`t know. I`ll see how things go, I knew I could lose weight easily if I applied myself. Now I`m feeling bad about it, but I don`t feel like I`m doing anything wrong. This sucks. LOL :stress:

redballoon 07-22-2005 10:12 PM

facing Day 19...
Hi, all! Starting Day 19 here. Got a lot of walking in yesterday doing the tourist thing and it made me realize how my normal routine just doesn't have me doing much walking. Then again, if I walked around all day I wouldn't make any money (unless, of course, I was a tour guide as a profession!)

Well, it's been rather quiet around here. Hope all of you who haven't posted are doing okay. Hope to hear from you all soon.

curly -- Great going day wrapping up Day 12! :bravo: You really seem to have things under control now, don't you? Keep it up! :spin:

Java -- Sure hope your cat is okay. Hmm. Don't know what to think of the mouth problem. My cats have gum problems, which the vets say isn't curable. It's extremely painful so they have to get steroid shots to kill the pain. You're doing a good thing, though, for Squeak, to be sure, so try not to feel bad. I have three cats now. I know how you can worry though.

I really like how you did the exercise at your computer. What initiative and no making excuses for you! :cp: Good luck and keep going!

Caro -- Wow, I didn't know you were losing so fast. I think I was thinking you were having trouble. Well, it does make me wonder that you're not losing muscle mass (always a no-no) but then again maybe you are just of the body type where the fat can melt off easily. You say you always felt this would be the way it would happen. So, I certainly wouldn't feel bad about anything! Your calories do seem low, but heh, if you are feeling okay, then maybe you're just eating really good food and getting a lot of fiber and protein and the fat is melting off toute suite. Congratulations! :cp: Keep it up!!

mscat -- Hello there! You are hanging in there. Good for you! I'm glad you're seeing the benefits of all that exercise. Yes, you are so right, things like running and not being winded are things the scale ignores. The scale is really blind. I am less and less interested in it and really wish they wouldn't wave those useless weight charts around people's faces. You'd think with all their supposed intelligence and knowledge that organizations would get things together and talk about body fat percentages and teach people how to measure it. The way it is now you get people being basically penalized for being fit, muscular and lean. That said, I am glad you had a pound loss too though. You've been on a plateau and this shows that it was only a plateau of a matter of time. Hang in there!

happy2bme 07-23-2005 12:26 AM

Day 2 done
Man! How could something that seems so easy be so hard? But I did it. 2 days in a row. Was tempted but just couldn't face resetting the ticker again. Water was good - it's easier when the temps reach near 100 as they are now. Food was not perfect but pretty good and I did talk myself out of things I would have just reached for mindlessly or consciously like the blasted M&Ms.

Java I was really inspired by your Jo-whuffing. So I gave myself the Turtle speech of you don't have to have perfect form and everyone's got to start somewhere. I really gave myself a workout in the pool tonight. Huffing and puffing and even did pullups on the diving board. Stop whinin' and just get out there and Jo-whuff. :D And I hope all goes well with Squeek.

Red, good to see you back again, hope you had a good visit with the BIL. You are SO CLOSE to meeting your challenge, I am counting on you to set the pace. Don't give up, you hear? And hey, no one said you had to walk from one end of the country to the other, just get some extra walking in each day.

And speaking of finish line, you go girl Mscat - you're almost at goal too. And you teach bellydance? How fun! I caught that program "so you think you're a dancer" or some title like that this week. They had several belly dancers. It's really cool looking when you see someone do it right.

Caro, it sounds like you've found a mix that works for you and nothing goofy or outrageous so as long as you're feeling good, stick with what works. Sometimes the weight comes off fast at first and then may stabilize so just let it keep you motivated for the time being!

Congrats on the loss dkkrf - that's fabulous! :cp:

Hello to Curly, you're more than half way there, keep it up!

It's supposed to hit 100 degrees all weekend long. Getting in enough water and some serious pool time will not be a problem. And being that hot, it tends to dim the appetite too and encourage tasty salads. Now if I could just get myself up early and get the house stuff done so I can enjoy the weekend... :rolleyes:

Have a good one ladies...

mscat816 07-23-2005 01:43 AM

Day 19 Squeaked In!
Well ladies - I was exhausted from teaching that bellydance class on Thursday and my DH and I didn't get home from movie and dinner until 11 tonight. I was so tempted to blow off exercizing. Then I thought about all of you cheering me on and I jumped on the treadmill and did a 30 minute workout at midnight. I am claiming it for Friday even though it was Saturday a.m by the time I finished! Day 19 done!!! :woo:

happy2bme - bellydancing is so much fun and a great workout. Pick up a tape at the library and try it at home. If you like it - take a class - they are relatively inexpensive and usually the students and most of the teachers are "real women."

Red - Walk away those pounds! I haven't reached the last weight on my ticker with the gain and the plateau - but I am certain I will be down by my weigh in day on Monday. Taking my measurements tonight.

Hotcupojava - My prayers are with you and Squeak. Our kitty had major surgery last year so I know how you feel.

Hotcupojava 07-23-2005 08:42 AM

I don't know how.... but......
I made it through day FIVE. I don't know how, but I did. Squeak looked and felt horrible when I brought her home, but slowly kept improving. I ate too much. I was determined not to "eat my emotions" but I still over ate. But as for my 21 day goals, I met them all. I drank over 64 ounces of water, I journaled everything and I did twenty minutes of VERY intentional exercise when my sister was here.

Squeak slept up on the shelf that Jay normally keeps his C-Pap machine (when he's here) and she and I apparently slept very well. She was alseep in the sunshine this morning when I woke up. When she saw me awake, she jumped to me in one leap. So I guess she's feeling much better. Thanks for all the well wishes for her. Now we just have to wait on the biopsy results from the thing they took out of her mouth.

Hotcupojava 07-23-2005 03:46 PM

Where is everyone?
I guess it's slower on the week ends, eh? I'm at work and just wondering how everyone is. Best of luck to all. Enjoy your week end :beach: . I'm hoping for TWO camp fires this week end. Something hypnotizing about staring into flames :flame:while sitting under a stary sky. Maybe it's a "Country thing." Don't know, but we sure do enjoy it.:yes: TTFN Chicas. :wave:

PS Squeak is still doing well, but hiding in the closet. That's normal, right? :?:

mscat816 07-23-2005 05:49 PM

Day 20!
I feel tired but absolutely fantastic! My Day 20 started with a 2 hour bellydance class where the instructor worked us over. :faint: I have already had 64 oz of water and I am starting on my last 24 oz in a minute! Have stayed within my ww points all week and right now I still have 14 points left. I am so excited about finishing up tomorrow, God willing.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Caro30 07-23-2005 08:35 PM

Red- Hope you made it okay through the shaker! I felt a couple small (4`s maybe) in Alaska, it`s enough to scare the daylights out of you. They come out of nowhere thats the scary part. Well, I didn`t hear of much destruction and they say there are a few injured...just hope you and yours are all well! And thanks for the congrats ;) You`re right. I should be happy!!! Yes, losing weight happens fast for me. Back in 1999/2000 I started working after staying at home and piling on the weight for a few years. I didn`t even notice the weight was falling off til I was in a 14 (down from a 22) in just a few months. I was constantly on my feet, moving from 6 pm to 3 or 4 am. As soon as I quit about a year and a half later, I went to sitting on my butt again and the weight came rushing back, then came baby #3 and here I am. I munched all night at work, I didn`t really change my eating habits cause I was surrounded by bad food, it was my body moving that burned the fat away. But I was also quite unhealthy looking back... lack of sleep (I`d go for days), constant headaches, lots of stress, smoking 2 packs a night. When I did eat it was something greasy. That was pretty unhealthy! Looking back I never felt good during that time.

I might try for closer to 1400-1600 this week and see what happens. And it is only the first month, so I won`t worry and just keep listening to my body. ;)

Turtle- Kitty is acting normal ;) When my male went to get fixed he did not get back to himself for a while, just wanted to be alone and stayed under the bed a lot.

Happy- Thanks! It scared me a little to think I`m already screwing up. But you`re right, it might stabalize soon... I guess I cant expect to totally figure out my body in a month after all these years of paying absolutely no attention to it! Good control with the M`s, I just saw the new blown up sized M&M`s at the store. They are really trying to temp us. I lovvvve the peanut butter ones. I could easily eat 3 or 4 bags. Or peanut butter cups. I must stop now. :D

mscat- You must feel so good! That bellydance class sounds great. And what an inspiration with the water!! Go, girl!

OH, almost forgot, Day 19 done!! Kicked butt too, felt really good!! I needed it after all the junk I ate lastnight.

redballoon 07-23-2005 08:37 PM

starting on Day 20....
Hello people. Sunday morning here. It's my Day 20. Just two more days. Yesterday I almost blew it but then it was like, no, what would be the sense. It would be so stupid to go back to start when I was only two days away from completing 21 days and getting an extra freebie. So, I put away the food I was going to eat and decided to save it till today. We can always wait. That was a great save. Normally, I would have considered shooting the day and then pigging out so I could get tons more junk in me before I had to start anew the next day. Warped thinking, really! I mean, the new day may dawn, but the damage is done. I think I am finally able to see that pigging out because the day is shot is not the same as partying til dawn, it's more the equivalent of pummeling yourself with your fists over and over again. No, definitely not into that...

I also got a lot more walking in last night than I had planned. Strong quake here had the trains stopped for 5 hours, my lines that is, others were stopped for 8 hours even. No one killed though, a couple badly injured. It was scary. Java, I KNOW how Squeak feels hiding in the closet!

mscat -- What a great start to your Day 20. Two hours of belly dancing! Wow! Yup, you are almost there too. Ah, it will feel good, won't it? :sunny: That save the other night was great! Treadmill at midnight. I'm glad your thinking of us helped you get through it. Yes, I am cheering you on and I'd hate to see that you blew it, even though we'd still cheer you on yet again. Yesterday too, it was this challenge that stopped me from pigging out.

Java -- Campfires, flames. Yes, they are mesmerizing. I was sitting out at a beach house the other night here looking at the flaming torches, the sound of the waves, the cool night breeze. Ah, lovely stuff.

Glad to hear your cat is doing okay. Sure, hiding out is normal. She's scared, but will get over it. Great going on making it through Day 5! :bravo: You met your goals. That is what it's about for now. Excellent. And yours is something of a triple challenge, isn't it? You are doing fine. Keep at it. Keep your focus on what you HAVE done that helped moved you toward your goals, not what you did or didn't do that didn't move you toward them.

happy -- Hello there! :wave: So glad to see you with us still and glad to hear you made it through Day 2. Yes, habits are things that become easy and done without thinking. The flip side is easy to NOT do. You have the habit now of NOT drinking water. And it's hard. Soon, the opposite will be true. You see, you DO have perfect form, perfectly not drinking water. :lol: But now you're working on changing it. Kind of like getting our left hand to do things if we're right handed. I guess if we stuck at it long enough we could totally switch over. That was fantastic that you got the pool workout in too. Thanks for the encouraging words as well! You too, hang in there! :spin:

Okay, everyone else, hope to hear from you soon! We can do this! Don't give up. If you have fallen off the wagon, just come back and start over again, ok?! :yes: We want to see YOU!!!

redballoon 07-23-2005 08:52 PM

jumping jitters!
Caro -- Thanks! I just saw your post. It came in while I was posting that other one. Thanks for thinking of me. Yes, it was scary. This was a weak 5 where i was, the worst area was a strong 5 on the Japanese scale of 1 to 7. Now, they're saying magnitude was a 6 on the Richter. I was at work and it really shook. I immediately make for the stairwell, partly because I think that would be stronger if it's the big one and the floors collapse, but also because I can't feel the shake so much when I'm moving. Went down the stairs from the third floor and went outside (just opened the door and stood there). People later said it shook, then stopped then started shaking again. I couldn't concentrate for a long time after that. German TV called us right away for a report. The TV right away carries the info and says if there is a tsunami warning. Looks like only two serious injuries, no deaths, about 7 fires and quite a few cases of people trapped in stopped elevators. The big thing was that all the train lines were down. I had to hang around work for two more hours after leaving time, which was over four hours from the tremor to get home because the lines were down (they're checking for track problems.) Other lines stayed down for 8 hours, so you can imagine in Tokyo, where there are tens and tens of train and subway lines how much people were affected. Expressways were all closed too. It was late getting home and I had been exhausted from the start. Oh well, I got more walking in.

From the sounds of it, you are really doing a great job this time around. Your talking of smoking so much reminds me that when I was at my lowest weight years ago (a time I think of returning to now) I was also smoking a ton. I was very unhealthy compared to now I'd say. So, yes, it's harder now that I don't smoke, but it's better. I'm glad to see you're looking at ALL the factors that are involved in losing weight and getting healthy and fit. It is a complicated mix and not easy, but heh, who ever said it'd be easy. It may sound like it's easy for you to lose weight but I'm not fooled. You are doing so many good things! Keep it up! Just a couple more days! Then you get to decide on your next challenge! :flow1:

curlylocks 07-23-2005 09:58 PM

i love fires.. esp. on the beach... well today is day 13 completed.. somewhere along the way today at work i decided i wanted a a blow up boat... so off to target after work and got a me a 2 person coleman and rowed all afternoon!!!

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