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Old 02-03-2005, 11:14 AM   #1  
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Smile Chit Chat #109

Welcome to the Jaded Ladies!

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Old 02-03-2005, 12:52 PM   #2  
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Hiya Ladies

Did anyone make chat yesterday? I didn't get home till about 1:30 and on the 'puter till about 1:45 I think it didn't bother to check. Figured if anyone was they would be getting off about that time.

I can't believe this weather. I know they said the ground hog saw it's shadow but it is supposed to be in the 50's today and the rest of the week. Love it! Now maybe everything will dry up. The ground is all soggy.

Susan~I will be more than happy to be your lawyer, and the judge! I'd kick Mike right out that door! It just cracks me up that he is doing more bad than good and can't even see it. All the money you are having to spend shouldn't have to be spent on this stuff, rather it should be going towards food, clothes, etc. stuff for you and the girls. It's sad that he can't see what he is doing by taking that away from you all. Ummm, yeah I think if you are close to 50 years old you should have your act together! Geez, if he doesn't now he's not going to anytime soon. Like Angie said, he is just mad and jealous that you found someone who is good to you and Gaby and he can't stand it. Wll, he needs to grow up and move on. What a wonderful idea! Getting Doug to move to Hawaii! Wow, that would be perfect for you all! Now to get Mike off your back! LOL Hope Rachel and Rebecca are fine.

Angie~yeah, I agree with can't get rid of the internet because we would all miss you too much! Hope today is a better day for ya and you are feeling fine. Take care of yourself so you don't get sick. This stinking cold I have is still trying to hang on. Yesterday and Tuesday I felt worse but today is better.

Jane~oh my goodness! Why is Jerry losing so much blood? That would scare me to death, geez. I hope he is stable soon so he can go home. I can only imagine what Maggie is going through, (((((HUGS))))) to them both. Glad Macy is home, poor little girl has been through a lot hasn't she? I will let you know how the book is once I read it. I had others I had planned on reading first but once I finish Life of Pi I will probably read that one. Hope you have a nice lunch with Fire Chief Joe!

Katy~sorry to hear everyone else got sick but glad everyone is well enough to get back to school and their schedule. Glad to know the book is good. I read the reviews and they were all good and they can't be wrong now can they?

Hi to everyone else

Nothing much on the old agenda, same ole, same ole...laundry and cleaning the ole house. Going to look up a few things on the 'puter as well. Need to find a dentist. Like I said the other day...I woke up thinking I need to go not sure if that was anything or was just thinking it. I know it's been a while. Just didn't look forward to the idea of finding a new dentist. Oh who am I kidding I just fear going BIG TIME! LOL Also going to find out about Cox internet. We have been thinking since we have two seperate phone lines and everyone has a cell now that we really don't need one of the phones and would actually be saving some bucks by going with the cable for internet. Supposed to be better and faster anyway. Anywhooooo.......have a good day everyone. Chat with ya later
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Old 02-03-2005, 01:17 PM   #3  
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Angie, I think you handled your son very well. Don't understand parents who shrug off bulling as kids will be kids. We don't allow adults to get away with it. They go to jail. I think children who are allowed to get away with it are the adults who end up in jail.

Susan, another thing that might be helpfull is keeping a record of every contact that Mike makes. What he says,what he does, everything. Even if it's good because it'll make the things he does thats bad even more believable. You can't be acussed of bias.

Cristi, you and I think alot alike.

Ellen, I miss you,Hon. It sure has been along time sence you felt like talking. Sending you lots of love.

Jane,sending you a big hug. Ya, not my place to take care of x.Talked to my son's girl friend yesterday and she said Eddie has had fantasies of his Dad and I getting back together. I suppose all children of divorse have this dream but for me this is never going to happon. As long as my x is sober I can be sival and maybe eventually a friend but nothing more. I tried to say this nicely to my son last night. I don't want to be cruel but I don't want him entertaining any false hope either.

Marti, Katy,love ya .

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Old 02-03-2005, 04:25 PM   #4  
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I sorta squeezed this post in after 108 was closed, so I reprint it here at Jane's request.....

I still will try to get back to chat some more..just don't have time right now - heading out the door

"Sorry I've been MIA, everyone got sick! Leigh and I were sick on Tuesday, James was sick yesterday...bu today everyone is well and going to school...So I get to keep my chiro appointment.

Don't have too much time...Jane you are in my prayers..hospice care has been a blessing to my family on more than one occasion. It's hard to realize someone needs it but so glad when all is said and done that they had that compassionate care. So glad little Macy is home

Cristi - I read Good in Bed a few years's a quick, entertaining read. The author's specialty is books where the heroine or some main character is fat...and is normal, like, has a healthy sex life, and everything! What a concept...hehe..

Sorry I'm short on time, but will try to get back later"
Old 02-03-2005, 04:43 PM   #5  
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Think we will still be on for tomorrow Katy?? Sorry to hear that you all have been under the weather.
Let me know - regardless I will be there - Gaby loves that place.

Just wanted to say hello. I started at 8:30 so will go home early.

The ex brought up going to Hawaii. Don't know if he is serious - would be great if he was. Honestly would have a VERY difficult time leaving my babies behind.

Rocky is a doll though and we get along so well . Like Peanut Butter and

Get new tires on my car in the morning and finally have the clerk at the courthouse looking into the location of the class for Monday. Maybe there is hope

best get!
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Old 02-03-2005, 06:40 PM   #6  
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Not much time to spend on the computer.....I have so many things that need done before work.
Brought our kitties home today...they are hiding behind the computer desk. But let me say what a huge lift of stress off my shoulders by getting them fixed!! I had nightmares about them having many kitties of their own!

Wish I had more time to post....I will catch up to you all when I can.

Hugs to ALL!!!
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Old 02-03-2005, 07:04 PM   #7  
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Hiya ladies,

Just a quick note to say I had a great lunch with the Fire Chief - we sat there for over 2 1/2 hours talking and laughing over old times!!! The owner of the restaurant is a friend of ours who eventually came over and joined us.

Tomorrow Neal and I leave early for the conference in Indianapolis, but I will probably be able to check in tomorrow evening.

Be good, and I'm hoping all the JLs have a great day maņana!!
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Old 02-03-2005, 09:06 PM   #8  
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Hello all,
I had an errand day, Frank our costumer needed me to drive him to drop off costumes he had rented. Then we had our brunch with Pasqualina. Went shopping at Value Villiage I was so happy to have found a purple barbie I am cruel to our guys in the Then I had my ring resized,,,yes I decided to keep it. Then picked up more wool for Momma Chris to finish my scarf,,,and arghh found more wool,,its called Fun Fir. Katy Im addicted to scarves....!!!
Anyways after all my travels I am exhausted and at home,,,feet up, house can clean it self! lol I wish.
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Old 02-03-2005, 10:02 PM   #9  
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Angie - did I tell you I made a Wavy Gravy scarf? It looks just like it sounds...with lots of increases and decreases....I love the one you described with the beads.

Susan- Leigh seems to be okay other than a touch of a runny nose, so I still plan on coming. But if for some reason I am not will be because she is sick. I will email you if that is the case - looking forward to seeing you and Gaby. It would be so cool if your ex and the girls moved to Hawaii about a blended family....

Today is just one of those days - I have been running here and a chicken with my head cut off. I am one big pie and everyone wants a slice o' me, lol!

Ciao for now, ladies
Old 02-04-2005, 11:02 AM   #10  
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Good morning, ladies!

Wow, am I really the first one here today? Ah, I just read that Jane is at a conference today. It's almost 7 Pacific Friday off (this is why I work 9 hours days, to get alternating Fridays off work), and I have much to do. Mountains of laundry, balance checkbook, pay bills, buy a new bed, clean my messy house...wonder how much of it will actually get accomplished?

I made coffee and brought Chloe, our weird cat, in to wake up Tim. It's the only useful thing she knows how to do -- that and comforting people when they are sick (she lays on our feet and purrs)...oh and one time she rescued me from a nasty black spider that was inching its way toward me on the bedspread -- EEK! She didn't exactly slay the monster, but she saw it and pounced on it before it got to me, and Tim finished it off.

Good for you getting your kitties spayed, Marti. And that will definitely give you peace of mind that you won't have to deal with litters of kittens.

Susan, I was confused...for some reason, I thought Doug was your brother, when you were talking about him watching Gaby for you OK, just to clarify, Doug is your ex, Rachel and Rebecca's dad, and the two of you sound like you get along well? Kind of like me and my ex -- he was my best friend once upon a time, and now that the pain of the divorce has faded, we get along fine. If that's the case, yeah, it could be really cool if he and the girls moved to Hawaii, too!

Pam, I was thinking, your son sure has a lot on his shoulders, especially if he's never had to deal with this kind of major family crisis before. How old is he? Was he pretty close with his dad before this all happened? I keep hoping for the best, that something good will come out of this -- like this will be a turning point for your ex, that he really will be able to quit. Addictions are...slavery. My nephew got in trouble for meth, and had to go to court ordered drug counseling for a year or face jail. He had drug tests twice a week at first, then once a week, and had to go to counseling classes and NA meetings for a whole year, stayed totally clean so he wouldn't have to go to jail. Then as soon as he "graduated" from the program, and was no longer being constantly monitored, he went back to the same old crap I don't understand why after being clean for a whole year that he would just throw his life in the trashcan like that.

Angie...dear...(((hugs))) from one mom of teenaged boys to another! I wish I had sage advice for you, but all I can say is "this too, shall pass"... At least Tanner sounded like he really was sorry for picking on that other kid. How old is Tanner? Noah, my youngest is almost 14, and we are having some issues with him as well. *sigh* Maybe it's just their age? I don't remember the older ones getting in this much trouble, though! But there's one good sign -- even though they fought like crazy when they were younger, the older they get the better they get along. Now the 19 year old is with me and the 14 year old lives with his dad, but comes to our house every weekend, and they actually seem to enjoy each other's company now, go figure

Cristi, if you switch to cable will NEVER go back to dial up! Tim worked for a dial up internet company doing tech support and we got free dial up access, but we ended up paying the $50 a month for cable internet anyway's that fast and it's that good. My dentist is good, but don't think you want to commute all the way to Sacramento to see him! My tooth is still incredibly sore -- no longer sensitive to cold, but holy cow if I ever bite down on it, even just a little bit... I'm still not sure why I have to wait two weeks just to get the temporary crown on it Seems like it's just leaving the tooth vulnerable to damage. I tell ya, though, yesterday I was just about to call my dentist and say, "Ummm...please refresh me...could you please remind my why this root canal was a good idea? Because I'm hurting worse than I was before." *sigh*

Katy, hope everyone at your house is finally feeling better. When one family member gets sick right after another, it feels like it will never end. When I homeschooled, one of my friends had eight (yes, count 'em, eight) kids -- and if ONE of them got the stomach flu...well, you can fill in the rest of that picture. Especially when 4 of them were under six years old. When my son got chicken pox (before they had a vaccine), she said, "Please bring him over so mine will all get it at once and we will get it over with."

OK, the day is slipping away from me, I need to get to busy here. Ya know...has it ever occurred to you that women don't really get time off? I work 9 hour days to get every other Friday off work, and how do I spend my day off? Cleaning, shopping, running errands...come to think of it, that's how I spend my weekends, too. And it sounds about the same in all of your households, too. Hmmm...

Have a great (although probably very busy) day,
Mary Kate
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Old 02-04-2005, 04:58 PM   #11  
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A very good afternoon ladies~

Wow, am surprised no one but Ms. Katiecat has posted today. Where is everyone?

For some reason I woke up this morning at 6 and instead of getting up I rolled over and fell asleep about 7:30 or 8 and didn't wake up till almost 11:30! I hate when that happens as I feel I have wasted my whole day. Anyway...had a couple of errands to run once I got ready and just got home about 30 mns. ago.

Katiecat~that's where I went this afternoon. DH called the cable Co. and signed us up for the internet and I went down and got the installation kit. Man was the cable place NOT the place to be today! Isn't it terrible that when you get a day off work you still have to work?! Well, hopefully you get everything on your to do list done today. A new bed ugh? I am dying to get a new bed but for now it will have to wait. But did tell DH the next big expense is going to be a new dining room table (that is if I can part with mine that I have had 20 years) and then a new bedroom. The spider reminded me of one time when I was in bed reading and DH walked in and said don't move-right! You don't tell someone to not move and expect them not to. There was a huge wolf spider crawling on my pillow! I would have died if it actually would have touched me. Of course when he said don't move I was off that bed fast! Did you get some pain pills for the tooth pain? I too would think waiting two weeks for the crown could do more damage. I do hope it gets better for ya. Yeah, if I had the money I would definitely come to your dentist even if it is a long commute! LOL Definitely would be worth it.

Angie~you and your scarfs! I don't even think I own one scarf but would like to. Maybe next year. And fun fir....I love all the names they come up with for stuff like that, and for polish. Have you ever noticed how the names of polish usually never have anything to do with the color? Or a lot I have don't anyway.

Katy~I love the name Wavy Gravy, sounds so cool. Hope the chiro appt. went well.

Marti~glad the kitties are all fixed. I know people look at me weird for not having Ernie neutered but I really don't see him ever having puppies, or even getting close to another dog. He is an inside dog and when he is out he is in the fenced yard and if he is out longer than usually I am checking on him. That and he is old...going to be 10 this Sept.

Jane~glad you had a nice lunch with Fire Chief Joe! What kind of conference are you going to? Can't remember if you mentioned it or not before. Hope you are having a nice time.

Hi Pam, Ellen, Susan, and everyone else.

Gotta get going Dh is home, for a few mns. anyway. I had to go to the cable place, what a mess! And to Target to get a couple of things and now I just want to sit and relax before having to do a couple loads of laundry. Will try to be back later. So have a great day everyone! (I hope everything I just wrote/typed makes sense-am kind of in a hurry so not rereading it-LOL)
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Old 02-04-2005, 06:44 PM   #12  
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Didn't get a chance to check in this morning due to looking for attorneys in SC.

May Kate, my DS is 29 . He hasn't had much to do with his father because of the drinking. His Dad never paid child support and oued me like 50,000. The drinking made his Dad abusive and neglectful. Once I let Eddie go out there to see his father and Grandparents on the stipulation he'd be staying with them and come back for school in the fall. He wanted so badly to go and I believed it was up to him to find out about his father for himself. It killed me to let him go. As soon as he got there the Grandparents handed him over to his Dad who never intended to send him back. Six months later I had to send money for plane fare because the state of SC was after my x for abuse and neglect.

Up date,girls, on my x and son. The old man thinks it's 1975. He's so weak that they have to tie him to a chair because he falls down trying to get to the bathroom. He has a sist on his pancreus and God only knows what condition his liver is in. Eddie and I talked. He can't stay out there in definatly waiting to see if his Dad will regain some of his mind and health. We desided on one more week and then hand it over to an attorney so he can come home. If dear old Dad hasn't shown marked improvement by then Eddie's going to go ahead and get declaired his gaurdian and handle things though the attorney.

I can't wait for him to come home and he sounds so miserable on the phone.He's a home body. His idea of a good time is in his room surrounded by his video games and stuff munching chips and eating pizza.

I'm waiting to take my meth Addicted ,cancer stricken sister to the hospital for evaluation. Her Doc threatened to stop perscribing her meds if she didn't get checked out. She won't let anyone do it at the office so after a fuss they said they'd check her in to the hospital and do it there. Now she says they can do a hysterectomy. Something they wanted to do many years ago but she wouldn't let them. She's fought treatment at every step and mainly because it might interupt her meth.

Thats the good news for today. I fit in Jaded Ladies perfectly. I am

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Old 02-04-2005, 07:55 PM   #13  
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No time since I've got to leave in 5mins. Just checking in since I haven't been on all day. James has been messing around with the computer and since I'm always on it...I figured he should be allowed to use it too!

Just wanted to say hi to you to work I go!
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Old 02-04-2005, 11:49 PM   #14  
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Where is Ellen??? Miss her ......

Extremly tired today. Sorry about being MIA for our get together today Katy. Maybe Monday?
I have that day off until 3/4ish and will take off for the coast that evening.

Gaby was chatty,chatty last night and would not sleep. We woke up and left the house at 8:30 am (can't believe you slept til 11:30 Cristi!!!! lol - have not done that in years!) My brother ( my REAL brother Katie - lol) works at a Les Schwab (tire store) and let me charge all new tires.
Gaby was horrid..... into everything and the waiting room had this huge puzzle that was almost completed and she tore it

I just am glad it is the weekend,need to recoup.

Yep- Doug is the ex - though he is more a father figure to me - he is 30 years older. We'll see - Rocky is sending the ads for rentals- just to see. The ex and I get along for the most part -lol

anyway- have tons to do before I get out of here tonight. Might get 10am to 7pm hours! That would be nice.....
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Old 02-05-2005, 12:03 AM   #15  
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Good evening ladies~

Hiya Pam~Sounds like you had a busy morning. I can imagine how much you are missing your son. I know I miss my kids if they are gone for any length of time. I know when they do move out one day I am going to be lost! That is sad that the x thinks it is 1975. Do the doctors think he will recover? Hope everything works out for the best and Eddie can come home soon.

Marti~aren't you just the busy little bee?! Speaking of computers...we definitely need another one around here. We are getting ready to hook up the cable and check it out so no more AOL!

Anywhoo...guess I am the only one without a life. LOL What kind of person sits home on a Friday night? Oh! V is always working I swear. Oh Jane, V doesn't get V-day off. He has to work but I meant that he won't work overtime so he will be home so we can do something, not sure what yet. Probably just dinner and/or a movie. Not sure yet.

Well, hope everyone had a great day! No special plans for the weekend. The weather has been soooo nice the last few days and starting tomorrow it is supposed to get cold again and then rain tomorrow evening and Sunday. Since V will be working late both days I will be cleaning house and doing some reading. So...take care ladies and have a good one. See ya tomorrow some time.

Edited to say Hi to Ms. Susan~ HI LOL Glad that you got new tires, now you can feel safer. I always feel safer after having something done to my car, even if it is just an oil change. LOL Hope you get to rest. Gaby is such a little doll! But OMG about the puzzle! Ooopsie!

Last edited by FrouFrou; 02-05-2005 at 12:08 AM.
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