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Old 06-26-2004, 01:41 PM   #16  
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Good afternoon! Wanted to post before I went to the cookout. I had baked/oven fries for lunch with a bit of lowfat cheese sprinkled on top. That was very filling

Geri- hi!

Melinda- eggbeaters are good - I'm going to buy some and try that for breakfast instead. I hope the increase in your food helps.

Cindi- sounds like you have the right perspective with giving yourself a new start on Monday! I wish you well . . .

Lisa- yeah, I've heard (though I am no expert) that you have to make sure you have the right combo of exercise as well as eating enough calories to keep your metabolism correct.

Hi, Julie! Nice to meet you - I'm a SAHM of one 8-month old boy named Liam. Thanks for the advice - I think I will try eggbeaters with my high fiber bread. DH and I do eat lots of fiber - he's really into high fiber in the diet as helping our bodies process fats, sugars, etc.

Okay, gals. I'm feeling soooo slugish today and I don't really know why. I'm off to drink more water
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Old 06-26-2004, 09:26 PM   #17  
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Hello all!!
So glad the yard sale is OVER!!! I did ok. Made about 140 bucks, but considering most of that was 10 cent items ( lots and lots of baby and toddler clothes) I think I did fantastic!! I got rid of all my big items too so I'm so glad to have my house cleared out of all the stuff cluttering it up. But I'm more glad I am home and relaxing!!! Now I am working on my bills for this week and my gorcery list. I'm doing the saving dinner recipe book this week, it has some good ones for this week like... Chicken Parmesan, mexican lasagna, hlaibut picatta, ect. So I'm looking forward to that.
Also got two tidbits of good news to share. (I don't think I've shared these yet with you all) 1. my SIL is going to watch my kids over night (at my house) next time dh comes in so I can go with him in the truck for a night. He always comes home on friday but thursday he's at his company and does local loads until friday and I really have been wanting to go with him. And then my dh's cousin, the one I've become really good friends with is having another week vacation in July, at the end of July and has offered to take the kids for that week for me so I can go with DH!!! I'm so psyked! Now I'm not sure if we will take her up on it because I've never had my kids gone longer than 1 night before and I'd miss them like crazy but I know I may not get another opportunity like this for such a long time so I need to really think about it and dh and I could sure use that time together and I would love to see the country!!!!! What would you all do?
Ok, Tanner is getting sleepy so I'm off here for now. I'll check in again before I hit the sack. G'nite!
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Old 06-26-2004, 09:38 PM   #18  
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That is too funny! Yah one for the women!

Hope you had a great time! Pictures for us???

I know how you feel! I will have a huge gain this week also. I haven't been on plan and I know how you are feeling. PM me if you need to chat! We are all in this together!

I sure hope the increase helps! Keep us posted!

Oh I gotta see this little grass skirt! Please send us some pics!!!!

Hope you slow down some! Listen to me preaching! LOL I am just as bad as you!

Thanks for stopping by! Come back soon

I am just like you. I am never away from my kids that long. But it does sound like a wonderful opporunity. Your dh's cousin won't go insane with that many kids for a week??? Let us know. I am not sure what to tell you

Have a great night everyone!
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Old 06-26-2004, 10:52 PM   #19  
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Just a quick post before bed now...
Penny, dh's cousin loves having my kids over. Her kids are older (10,12,13,15) and they love having the kids there to play with and she gets lots of help from her kids too. They've stayed at her house several times before and do great so I wouldn't worry about that, I would just miss them immensely. But I miss my dh immensely all the time too so what kind of trade off is it? lol

ok, TOM will be arriving tomorrow and I'm feeling it already. SO tired. So off to bed with me. Have a great night all!
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Old 06-26-2004, 11:13 PM   #20  
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Hey y'all!

I just got back from Red Lobster...where I stuffed myself with good food. Lemon Pepper grilled salmon is DA BOMB!! My friend is talking about paying for us both a membership to the gym next week!!! She won't go alone and I just can't afford it now, so she wants to pay so I can go with her!!! I am excited! I never seem to get to exercise if I stay here, so maybe that's the answer.

Spryng, I think it's a good thing to leave the kids when you can, they need to learn to not be so dependent on you and you need the break any way you can get it!

Thanks Penny! I will PM you if I need to, but I am really pretty okay with the gain, I kinda 'deserved' it with my behavior over the past week. I feel no guilt, I made the choices and I also know that I can start right back on track and have good results. I now know I can do it, so my attitude reflects that. I know I have you for support and I do appreciate it.

Hello to the rest of you! I will chat again tomorrow!
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Old 06-27-2004, 08:24 AM   #21  
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Default Sunday a.m.

Good morning. Last night, at the cookout, everything was going well - I had 12 points to use and was doing fine - they served shrimp and grilled chicken, so all that was good . . . I had some baked chips . . . but then . . . dessert! And I totally caved I was served about a cup of Edys vanilla ice cream with home-made toffee pieces mixed in. I ate the whole thing! Hmm . . . I guess I'll be making double sure I get a work-out in today. I'm kind of worried becuase the past two or three days I've felt very "weak" and lacking in my motivation. I'm not sure why, though, but I wish it would stop.

Lisa- I'm so sorry about your Grandmother. My thoughts are with you. Don't worry about your diet too much right now, just try and get through the week and then you can think about refocusing your energies.

Spryng- glad you made a profit on the yard sale! Spryng - i think you should go with DH for the week. The children are old enough that they'll be okay, and it is important to do stuff that's just the two of you now and then.

Penny- I like seeing your picture under your name now I did have a good time at the cookout and have to look at my pictures to decide if any are worthy of ssharing

Cindi - I'm glad you're dealing well with your choices last week. As you can see, I've been feeling very unmotivated and am hoping Monday will refresh me too.

Well, we're going out to breakfast, but don't worry about me (yet). I'm planning on egg whites and 1/2 a biscuit.
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Old 06-27-2004, 09:23 AM   #22  
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Good morning!
This will have to be sort of short.....Dh is basically gone all weekend......and I get stuck with all the house maintenance stuff. Oh well, keeps me out of trouble!!!!

Lisa- I am so sorry about your grandmother. I agree with Leigh- dieting might not work at this time- do, however try to eat healthily- veggies and fruits and high fiber. It will help you deal with the stress.......hugs to you.

Leigh-I am going to enter here a questionaire in WW book #6 from the old winning points stuff that I have. This might help your breakfast dilemma with feeling hungry too soon. Also- from the newer stuff, for a 22 point day they recommend a breakfast of 5-6 points, same for lunch, and 8 points for dinner, leaving the remaining 2 points as a snack.
BTW- answer each question below yes or no.
1. A dinner of meat an veggies leaves me unsatisified.
2. In general, I am a volume eater. My hunger decreases and my satisfaction increases based upon the amount of food I eat. For example a snack of 4 graham crackers would satisfy my hunger better and longer than 20 peanuts.
3. When it comes to portion control I can control my portions of carb rich foods as well as I can manage other types of foods.
4. I am more satisfied eating a smaller portion of many "full fat" foods (like salad dressing and margarine) than bigger portions of their reduced fat/fat free counterparts.
5. A breakfast of a plain bagel and juice gives me the same or a greater feeling of fullness as does 2 eggs and a piece of toast.

If you answered yes to 2 or 3 questions, the mix of macronutrients you are eating now seems to work for you. For many that is a balanced approach to eating protein, carbs and fat.
If you answered yes to 4 or 5 questions eating more carbs might be your best bet for feeling satisfied. Focus on foods that give you a lot of food per point for example-
air popped popcorn, reduced calorie bread, beans, puffed cereals......etc.
If you answered no to 4 or 5 questions increasing protein may decrease your feelings of hunger and increase the level of satisfaction you get from eating. Use fewer points for grain pased foods like breads pasta and cereal. Do not eliminated these foods, simply choose them a little less often.

Hope this helps.....I have paraphrased 4 pages of stuff.........ask questions if you have any.
Yesterdays muggy, soupy am weather was worth the wait. The afternoon/evening was gorgeous. Got down to 45 last and clear, no humidity. Perfect for a 45 minutes in this am. Spryng, I think you asked about my WI's. I have pulled my WW card and am finally, this week going to be able to settle for the Tuesday night meeting, now that I am not working. I have been bouncing from Wed am to Wed night and am now awaiting TOM's gains, no losses on the scale. But the switch from am to pm WI's ruins me.....(was is Michele who left that article about that?)
Gotta go play a game with Dd......sorry not to get personal with everyone. Have a great day!
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Old 06-27-2004, 10:53 AM   #23  
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Good morning all!

Lisa, I am so sorry about your grandma. But don't give up on yourself too. I mean yes, it's understandable that right now you will do some stress eating and put your diet on hold, but that won't be forever. There was a reason you were dieting in the first place and that was because you were not happy with what you saw in the mirror and that plays alot into how we deal with other and how we let others treat us, etc. You must get healthy for the rest of your family and for yourself. Your kids deserve a healthy mother, a vibrant and happy mother, and you deserve to give that to yourself. So just think about that. And we are here for you!

Ginny, thanks for posting that for us! I think I need to increase my protein in the mornings too. I usually just have a 3 pt breakfast bar but then I'm starving by lunch time. For a couple of months I was skipping breakfast all together but now I'm including it again. I like egg beaters and toast or a morningstar farms sausage pattie but I've been too lazy to want to cook, lol. Dinner is always a big meal and lots of cooking so I skimp on lunch and breakfast. I hope switching to tuesday night meetings work out well for you! And I can't say this enoug, I'm so glad you are back!

Leigh, I'm sure you'll be able to work off that ice cream in no time. You have all week to be good, lol. And I know what you mean about feeling weak. It happens. Just don't let it take you over! But a fall every now and then will not hurt you, just don't let a fall get you to quit. You are doing so great!!

Cindi, a gym membership is sooo exciting! I would love to be able to go to one, but there are none around here. And I love red lobster too. I haven't been in awhile.

Well I think I will take up that offer to go with my dh for that week. I mean I need it and so does my dh and I know my kids will be fine. It will throw them off their routines but I don't think that will hurt them much. I just worry about Tanner. He's not old enough to understand that mommy will be gone and when will she be back? You know? I just hope he does ok.
Well today I will be doing some light cleaning around here and then this afternoon I will be going over to dh's cousin's house (I have one of her daughters, she spent the night) and visiting for awhile over there. So I'm looking forward to that. OK, gotta go! TTYL!
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Old 06-27-2004, 11:28 AM   #24  
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Hey there lovely ladies!

Sorry I was MIA yesterday, I actually did post, a LONG one at that and it got sent to cyber space. I even tried to save it onto Word and it didn't work. I got so mad that I couldn't bring myself to write anything else!

Lisa, I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. Take care of yourself and get through your week, that's most important. Get back in the groove when you can, and I agree with Spryng when she said "don't give up on yourself" Hugs, to you and your family.

Spryng that's great news about the sale! It's soo rewarding to clear your house of a little clutter and make some extra cash while you are at it! In regards to leaving your kids for the week, I say go for it! I'm sure you will miss them and they you, but it's healthy for you to keep building that relationship with DH and a little time alone together sounds like the perfect way to re-connect. Sounds like you trust your cousin and her kids to take care of your little ones, so you should do it.

Penny I LOVE your picture! I agree, it's so wonderful to see your face with your name, you look very skinny by the way! I had more to say to you from yesterday, but for the life of me I can't remember what the heck it was. Sorry, I'm such a dork, I'll remember later I suppose.

Cindi, how's that mean girl treating you? LOL, that really still cracks me up for some reason, really makes me re-think the whole "try for a daughter this summer" plan. I think I'll wait till next year anyways! Whatever little bit of water weight you gained from bad choices will melt right off. Monday is a new day to start fresh.

Leigh, sorry you are feeling unmotivated, I know the feeling. I've been finally working really hard at my diet this week, and because TOM is on the way I haven't even lost a pound. Thought I was down 2, boy was I sadly mistaken! LOL But in my head I know why it's fluctuating, so I'm not going to let it de-rail me this week. I totally agree with everyone that says to add more protein to your morning meal. As much as I started to hate eggs during phase one of S.Beach, I really did stay full till almost 1pm when I did eat them for breakfast. Eggbeaters work too, I just add a bit of lean diced ham, and sprinkling of low fat cheese.

Ginny, thanks for the article, it really helped to set some things staight for me. I'm definately one who needs more protein in her morning meal, I really notice a huge difference. When I start out with a higher carb meal, I'm hungry within 1 1/2 to 2 hours, ravenous hungry by the way! LOL

Well Steve comes home today around noon, and I'm off to do a little grocery shopping when he does arrive. I need to start planning out my weekly menu as well, and do a little straightening up around the house. It's fairly clean, so it wont take much time at all.

The Magdelene Sisters was an awesome movie, great story, based on truth, but very sad. Basically about all these women in Ireland who where sent to these churches/assylums because of having kids out of wedlock, rape and even just looking to pretty and flirting with boys. It was horrible how they were treated, like slaves and they were abused by the nuns and preists as well. It's definately not the "Feel Good Movie of The Summer" but worth watching. It also had the original documentary on the dvd, that the movie was based on. I watched that as well and it made me cry.

Well I better jet! Hi to Michelle (hula girl!) Ricci, Crystal, Melinda and all the new gals welcome aboard!


Last edited by DianeJ; 06-27-2004 at 11:31 AM.
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Old 06-27-2004, 12:01 PM   #25  
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Good morning ladies.

Spryng, I would go with Dh. When you come back you can have my two boys too . I'm ready to give them away .

Lisa, sorry about your Grandma...hang in there.

Di..glad Dh is coming home. Seems like it's been a long time rather than a few days. very glad you're back . So, you have the whole summer off right? I suppose the kids will still keep you very busy.

Leigh...I have many weak moments these days. It amazes me that you can go so long doing so well and then just cave in easily! If you keep it to one day you'll be fine even if your flexpoints are gone for the week. You just can't get into the "well I screwed it up already so what does it matter" mind frame. I think you'll be fine. Muskego used to be home of Dandelion Park many, many, many years ago. It was where everyone had their company picnics. It was an amusement park and you could ride on the rides all day long. Wonderful place. I think it's now the home of condos Ahhhh, progress. And yes, never ever come to WI in the summer without packing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt...especially over a holiday . I hope you enjoy your visit.

Cindi..a gym membership paid for by someone else! Wow! It's much easier to get up and go if you have someone to go with also. don't worry about the 3'll get them back off in no time flat.

Michelle...hi chickie. Looking forward to pictures!

Well, Tony keeps grabbing at the keyboard so I have to make this quick. Spent a lot of time outside yesterday. Went to a cookout at some friends last night. Had filet on the grill. I only ate half of mine . I LOVE filet!! Don't know what we'll do today...maybe get the kids in the pool and grill some chicken or something.

Gotta go before I lose my post! Love ya!!!
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Old 06-27-2004, 12:02 PM   #26  
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Meant to say Hi to everyone else!!!
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Old 06-27-2004, 01:47 PM   #27  
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Just another quick hello- came here to get some directions to where I have to take Ds to in a few minutes. BTW, and I meant to add this.....I am one of those quantity people- made myself 2 grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch (diet fat cheese) and I would die without my oatmeal for breakfast. But I live with a bunch of protein fanatics.....understand that!

Geri- sounds like you had a great day yesterday, hope today is as much fun.

Spryng- your little getaway sounds great........Tanner will forgive and forget, and just think what a better mommy you will be with your batteries recharged!!!!!

Diane- is that movie in the theaters, or on DVD? Sounds like something I might actually watch during the summer when I have a bit more time. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Better go find Dd (out riding bikes) so that we can get her ornery brother to a pool party. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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Old 06-27-2004, 04:16 PM   #28  
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Default Sunday Afternoon

Well, gals, I've had a very good day points-wise. In fact, I have so many left I may be able to have two pieces of pizza for dinner We even took a 1.5-2 mile walk around the park and neighborhood, but I didn't count that into my points because of my bad behavior last night!

DH gave me some time alone, so I went to a sporting goods store to buy work out/casual clothing that I am not embarassed to wear - my current workout wear now looks kind of ridiculously baggy on me. Anyway, I found some really cute stuff that serves a dual purpose for me racing around after our little crawler

Ginny- Thank you for the WW quiz info. I didn't realize they suggest a 5 point breakfast - I've been having a 3 point breakfast. Also, today I had egg whites and have not been hungry all day. I'll be purchasing eggbeaters or liquid egg whites very soon Good job on keeping up the walking!

Spryng- sounds like we have a similar eating style with our 3 point breakfasts and then being starving by lunch time Thanks for the words of encouragement. I seem to be back on track today *whew!* I'm glad you're going away with DH - what fun. I bet ya'll will feel like newlyweds again!

Di - hi Yeah - my eating egg whites today has convinced me to add it to my breakfasts. The movie sounds good, but I have to be in a certain mood . . . that's also why I'm holding off on House of Sand and Fog. Thanks for the insightful review.

Geri - on giving Spryng your two boys! Well, thanks for the weather tip. I had no idea. I'm definitely back OP today. DH's aunt and uncle have just built a giant home overlooking an apple orchard in Muskego - there will be something crazy like 17 people there (counting all the children) staying with them! Hope you enjoyed your day - did you get grilling done?

Okay, hope you all are having a great day so far. TTYL.
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Old 06-27-2004, 04:18 PM   #29  
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That's weird - why are these two posts from yesterday showing up under my new post? Odd Well, don't forget to go back up and read my new post . . .
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Old 06-27-2004, 04:26 PM   #30  
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Hi Ladies!

I am a fly by today I maintained this week which is awesome considering how horrible my week was.

I will check in later after I get some things done for the trip!

Love ya girlies
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