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Old 03-06-2004, 09:11 PM   #1  
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Default Stay at home moms # 133

Welcome to a thread devoted to women who have the priviledge of taking care of our families while winning the battle to control our weight and have better health! Feel free to join right in! We look forward to getting to know you better!
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Old 03-06-2004, 09:24 PM   #2  
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I feel like I haven't been here in forever. It sounds like everyone is doing great. I have been stressing lately due to my sahm's club. I am now president, and I don't like it. But, thats a whole other story.
I am going shopping tomorrow to get new SMALLER clothes. I can't belive that. I had a friend come over the other day, I hadn't seen her in a month or so and she told me how good I looked. She said that she needs to lose weight too, but doesn't have the time. What do you say to that? She stays at home too, and I know she has time.
Geri, I have the Denise Austin fat burning dvd. I don't have a step, so I modify it and get a great work out. I just mute her and turn on some good work out music. I also have the Mari winsor pilates. I just love it. I do pilates three times a week, and go back and forth between p90 and denise austin cardio. The pilates really works. I feel it when I am done. They didn't send me my extra video and resistance band, so I emailed them and its on its way. I also have a work out ball, but I lost the plug to it. I don't know if you can just buy a plug. It would be nice if you could.
I have been doing really well with my water and my eating. My portion sizes are way down, and I have been picking fruit over candy or chips.
I saw that story on the guy who did the Mcdonald's documentary. He gained 25 lbs in a month. He got the super size every time. I think its his own fault, not the restraunts. Thats like the person who sued them and lost. They ate 2 big mac supersized meals a day for a few years, gained a lot of weight and blamed mcdonalds. Ridiculous, I think. These people should take responsibilty for their actions, not blame others. Sorry, it just makes me mad. Anyway, I hope you all have a good evening.
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Old 03-06-2004, 09:53 PM   #3  
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Hey everyone! Wow, everyone's been busy. I only have once comment on the whole supersize thing (I have a whole pageful of opinions but only one comment ) the supersize is 7 oz and the large is 6.2 oz so quite frankly, you aren't losing a whole lot!

That said, congrats on all you who got in your exercise. I did the 1 mile this morning but legs are super sore. It is weird because I've been doing it for what, 2 weeks now or 1 week? Anyway, I'm just now feeling sore. I guess it is 1 week, feels like 2!!!

Andrea, I'm so glad you'll be getting a paycheck again!!! And I did get your pm this time! Super congrats on the weight! You'll be at goal before you know it!

Ricci, seems like you always come along just in time to start a new thread. I honestly think we wait for you!!! Thanks!!! Congrats on your smaller self! I love the Winsor Pilates too. I do the WATP's for my cardio.

Spryng, Radio could be watched with the kids except for one part where he repeatedly says "chicken****" and then Radio repeats it but you could bleep that part. Hope you got that laundry done!

Geri, Chinese...yum! Hope you had a good dinner and a nice visit with the friends.

Melinda, what Gym do you go to? I might have asked before but I forgot. Sounds like a good deal, them watching JW while you get your workout in.

Ginny, hope your doing ok and getting a little rest this weekend! You didn't end up sick did you???

Ok, well, I can't remember anything from the last thread. I'm having super bad allergies for the first time in 8 years and I think it is because of my change in eating. Hope they will eventually go away. Had a nice time at my parents. My dad fixed big old greasy cheeseburgers and fried potatoes for my DH and himself. My mom and I ate salad. I was very irritated with my DH for eating that crap. Heart disease does not spring up out of the blue. It happens because people abuse their body for years. Why can't people try to make themselves better before something bad happens??? Wouldn't that make more sense than hoping you survive a heart attack or something worse and then doing better? I love my dad but he is a heart attack waiting to happen and it worries me. My DH is too and if I have be a nag about it I will because I am not going through what my MIL has gone through with my FIL. He had a heart attack 6 years ago and now every little thing she thinks he is dying. Ugh! I am definitely PMSing!!! Sorry to take it out here but I don't think my DH can take anymore!

Well, I'm gonna get a little work done then turn in. Hi anyone I missed! Misty, you still there? Hope you and the family are all doing ok! Hi Jackie!!! Post when you can!

Hope ya'll have a good night. TTYL!
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Old 03-06-2004, 09:56 PM   #4  
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Hi everyone,

Well the Chinese buffet was too good . I know I ate too much but not as much as I could have. I will not dwell on 1 meal...I've have a great week and I'll drink lots of water tomorrow along with a work out. I also had a good breakfast ... skipped morning snack ... had tuna on whole grain bread and a salad for lunch ... 1/2 a yogurt (both kids end up on my lap sharing my yogurt everytime I open one ) and an apple for the afternoon snack. I don't WI until Monday night.

Hi Ricci! I was wondering where you've been. Thanks for the tip on muting Denise. I never thought of that. There's just something in her voice that gets to me ... I almost want to say skinny b whenever I see her. I'll give it another try with some music on. Thanks!! What's all involved in your SAHM club? Sorry you're stressing . Smaller clothes ... that's great! Hope you enjoy the shopping.

Andrea ... it's great you can travel so cheaply! It'll really help if you need to get to Dh 'cause he's been gone so long. Good for you not gaining!

I'm trying to remember what everyone else said on the last thread...but that never happens . I hope everyone had a great day and I'll check back in tomorrow!
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Old 03-06-2004, 09:58 PM   #5  
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Candy, we posted at the same time! You can vent to us anytime...PMSing or not!!
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Old 03-07-2004, 12:54 AM   #6  
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Candy, sorry you are having those dreaded pms feelings. I hate when I feel that way. It's like I love Dh and want to kill him at the same time! LOL!! I get to where I'm looking forward to TOM coming so I will feel better emotionally. Feel free to vent! That's what we are here for and I'm sure you will get your chance to listen to me in about 3 wks!! Take care!

Geri, you crack me up!! I totally understand about Denise. I think she def. takes care of herself, but some people have it a little easier than others. Like I said before, her voice gets on my nerves and I think muting the t.v. is a great idea!! Glad you enjoyed your Chinese dinner. I could eat a few egg rolls right now!

Ricci, I'm soooo proud of you!!! It is always so much fun to be able to go shopping when you are buying a size smaller! (haven't done that in a while though!) I'm curious about your SAHM club. Please fill me in. I have a couple of friends that are SAHM and that sounds like something fun to do.

Well, the people Dh was supposed to stay with tonight are out of town and his SIM time was from 10pm to 2am so he will be home around 6:30 am. He is going to be beat! Well I'm off to bed. Talk to ya in the morning!
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Old 03-07-2004, 09:34 AM   #7  
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Good morning everyone. I have gotten my exercise in this morning. I did some weights and the 20 min. pilates. I hope you all get yours in. My sahms club is an international organazation. It's called the MOMS club. They might have one in your area. Let me find the website, and I will post it, then you can check. The club I am in has just had some problems lately with one president being kicked out because of some horrible comments she has made, and her behavior, the other president got a full time job, so now I am president. It's only for two months, but its a hassle. I also do our events calendar, and no one seems happy with the things I put down. They complain because its too expensive, not expensive enough, that we do the same things over and over, blah blah. It really is a great club. they do play groups and baby sitting coops, and moms nights out. I think I will have a lot more fun in it when I am not on the board anymore.
Any way, I hope you all have a great day.Heres the website
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Old 03-07-2004, 11:11 AM   #8  
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Good morning all!
Just a quick post here...
Ricci, are moms clubs free or do you have to pay to join? I am going to see if there is one here somewhere.
Geri, I am sure that buffet didn't set you back any. Do you get really thirsty after chinese food? I always do, I guess they use alot of sodium and I find myself thirsty for hours after eating it. But it's always worth the extra water, lol.
Candy, so sorry your dh upset you. But he does eat well 90% of the time right? I know you cook really heathly and he eats with you so I wouldn't worry about one burger affecting him. But I understand 100% about worrying about heart attacks and so-on, because that is what I deal with FIL and I worry about my dh even though he is overweight but in extremely good health right now. But as soon as he starts showing signs of diabetes or heart problems I'll be nagging him and such to eat better and lose weight, and he knows that. It's not because we like to be overbearing wives, we just like to have them around as long as possible because we love them so much. And out of all the uncontrollable things in this world that can kill us, like cancer, or accidents, eating oneself to death is not acceptable to me. Food should help us live not cut our lives short because we can't give up certain foods. But anyway, that is just my 2 cents,,lol.
well my morning is going just fine. I did my new pilates last night and I know I like the first dvd I bought much better. I feel the results better and it doesn't hurt me. The one last night really hurt my tailbone. It had me rocking back and forth with my legs off the ground and it killed my tailbone. I broke it while giving birth to my fist son (child #2) and it's never healed right so certain sitting positions and such hurts it, and last night it really hurt. It feels better today but I think I will stick to my other pilates. I always feel better after doing them and I feel the soreness the next day in my abs and such and I don't feel that today from my new one. But anyway, at least I got a workout in huh? lol.
ok, got to get going around here. TTYL!
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Old 03-07-2004, 11:38 AM   #9  
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Good morning ladies!

Spryng, I wasn't all that thirsty when I got home. I did make myself drink 2 glasses of water just to start the flushing process .

What a funny new icon!! I love it! Reminds me I haven't finished my coffee yet this morning.

Anyway... where was I? Sorry you didn't like your new Pilates! You must be talking about "rolling like a ball". I find that one much easier to do with the balance ball.

Ricci...I know how you feel about the "board". For my TOPS group I'm currently co-leader. I don't really have to do that much but the fact that I am supposed to go to these quarterly meetings irritates me. They're about 25 minutes away and so boring! People from all the area chapters come and there is so much complaining going on it seems that not much gets done. For the next year I'm going to be the weight recorder. I get to keep the books, file the quarterly reports and the annual reports. It's something I can take care of here after the kids go to bed. I should still go to the quarterly meetings, but since my best friend isn't going to be leader anymore I won't feel obligated!! Congrats on the workout and have fun shopping today.

Andrea, how long is Dh home for? Glad everything's gotten back to normal for you.

I got my 3 mi walk in this morning so I'll be heading off to the shower soon! I have to go find something for dinner tonight too. Maybe we'll have ground round hamburgers. Sounds good to me and easy!!
Hello everyone else!!

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Old 03-07-2004, 03:10 PM   #10  
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Hello again!
Geri, I don't remember if they called it rolling like a ball or not but it hurt, alot. I won't be trying that dvd again. I'll stick with my 1st pilates tape, I know it by heart now and it feels good. Not painful. Hamburgers sound good to me too! I may have to do burgers and fries for dinner also. Haven't decided for sure yet. Great job on getting that 3 mi walk in!!
Well I haven't done much of anything so far today. Well earlier this morning I did get in some free weights. I worked on my back muscles and chest muscles and some biceps, but mostly chest and back. I'm really thinking about getting into my Firm dvd's again. I know it slows my weightloss way down but I really want to tone this poor body. How long do you think it will slow my weightloss down before it picks back up? 2 weeks? a month? Any advice would be appreciated. Anyone going to watch that Trading Spaces Home Free episode tonight?? Sounds interesting. I'll be checking it out.
Well guess I'll get off here. Hope everyone is enjoying a lazy sunday afternoon! TTYL!
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Old 03-07-2004, 05:20 PM   #11  
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Hello again,

Spryng, Dh hates Trading Spaces and the occasional time I catch it they're usually doing something really off the I won't be watching it tonight

Nothing new here. Bought myself a little bit of spring as a treat for my good exercising. Our grocery store had mini daffodil plants on sale for $2.50. It's so cute!

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Old 03-07-2004, 09:46 PM   #12  
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It's me again,

Just finished mopping the kitchen floor...I can't believe my baby was crawling on that . It was pretty dirty. Anyway, I think that counts as more exercise for the day ....especially the marks I actually had to scrub off. Whoever decided to put white ceramic tile in a kitchen just wasn't thinking If we ever get around to replacing it I want a Pergo laminate wood floor in the kitchen. I think they look so warm and maintainence is a breeze.

OK, so I was supposed to start painting the fish on the bathroom wall....did I even touch it??? Nope. Maybe next weekend.

Spryng, I forgot to put my 2 cents in about your slowing your weight loss down by exercising. I know we all look at the numbers, but if you really firm up you may weigh more but fit in smaller clothes... you can't always go by what the scale says. Did you take your measurements when you started losing weight? That's one way to see results other than by the scale. That's my 2 cents...I have no idea how much it would slow the weight loss down!

Tomorrow morning I have to go to unemployment for a 3 hour seminar. Why can't they just keep paying me for watching my kids??? Anyway, I won't be home til afternoon so I'll check in with you all then. Have a great evening everyone...hope you all got your exercise in today!
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Old 03-07-2004, 10:55 PM   #13  
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Good evening!
Just me again, one more time.
Geri, you are right about toning up. I am going to focus on being 100% OP and getting in extra exercise and tone this body up regardless of what my scale says. I would like to be fitting into smaller clothes at this weight, last time I was 135 I was comfortably wearing a size 8, this time around I'm comfortable in a 10 and I can only wear a couple size 8 jeans, and that is because I've had them a few years and they are worn in well. So I know I need to tone and firm up and I'll fit into 8's again regardless of what the scale does. That would be nice.
That being said, I got in 25 minutes of pilates this evening and it felt so good to get a long session in. I would have done 30 min but Tanner needed me so I had to quit 5 min early. But that is ok, it was still a great workout. I plan on doing it again tomorrow. I'm going to focus on my pilates right now and give it a month to see how it shapes my body and then if I still need extra work I may start The Firm again or some weight training exercises. But I know pilates are suppose to be great at sculpting you slim, so we'll see. I'm giving it a real shot Well I am beat, so off to bed I go. TTYL!
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Old 03-08-2004, 10:29 AM   #14  
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Good morning!!!!
Gee, being a bear of little brain I wonder if I am going to be able to keep up with all the posts!!!!!!!

Spryng- first of all, I would kill to be 135......but I am so happy for you!!!!!
As far as the size goes, you are still probably recovering from Tanner a bit, and range of motion is somewhat limited with winter and all. I hope you are staying OP today...and getting back into the swing of things. Have you had any luck with fast track?????

Geri- well, how did the seminar go???? I had no idea that you had to attend stuff like that......hope it was not too boring. And hey, I count scrubbing the kitchen floor as an activity! Gosh that can be hard work.

Ricci- good for you getting a workout in! And congrats on the new clothes!!!
Doesn't that feel great!!!!!!!! You deserve it!

Candy- how are you feeling between PMSing and allergies! What a nasty combo. Sorry about Dh not eating well. Mine does not either.....although he is being a bit more concious of it and sometimes tries to eat better. One way I got him to eat a wee bit better is that we go for our annual blood test together. The Lions in town have an annual blood screening clinic- and a major lab comes in and performs a total blood screening (all the usual blood chemistry stuff and cholesterol) for $36. We started going about 5 years ago- and now make it our annual date- ok it is a dumb date, but a date. Plus they serve coffee, juice and we sneak out at 6 am (and I save the 6 points so I can enjoy that donut- they get them from the Dunkin so they are worth eating) get our blood tests and chat for a while. He would NEVER go if I did not do so also- and the results are sent to our house and to our Dr. It is the only way I can get him at all interested in eating better. Maybe you can find some similar way for your Dh. And of course you have heard (working in a Dr office) that being married adds years to the lifespan of the husband.......subtracts from the livespan of the wife. Any wonder why?????? Men are such lousy patients.

Ok, nuff of be blabbering!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a snow day today......boy did I need this day off! The weekend was busy, especially yesterday and I was pooped. So far the kids have been good, and I have been able to relax a bit- get a little extra sleep and come here and say hello. I am going into PMS mode, myself.......TOM is due next week, but now know from all my WW weigh ins that the water weight really shows up 10 days before. I am going to a meeting Thursday.......can't make my usual because Dd has a dentist appt. But Thursday am is with the same leader and I am looking foward to it.
I have eaten pretty well the past few days- and gotten some workouts in- although not long ones. Today I did the WW tape for 4 points. I think before I go to the WI I am going to try to take the PMS water pills for a day or so (anyone ever try those?) just to see if I can come up with a more realistic WI. I know I am slowing down in my weight loss- but would really like a real number this week- unbloated!!!!!!! Gee, have I babbled enough?
Hi to Jackie, Andrea, Michele, Melinda.......anyone else I missed.
Have a great day.
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Old 03-08-2004, 10:42 AM   #15  
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Good morning all!
Ginny, what are those pms pills called?? My TOM is due on my WI day this week, friday. Sucks. I'm sure it will screw up my results, but o-well. Part of being a woman. And yes, I have been OP with no problems since last week. I have not tried the fast track as of yet. I figure since I was messing myself up I would see if I could get some more weight off doing what I did at the beginning of WW, staying OP!! Last week was a good WI and I'm just going to try my hardest to keep it up. I'm not hoping for too much this week since TOM is coming, but at least I know it will be from TOM and not because I was off plan any. But I have the fast track as my back up plan! So glad you got a snow day!!! I feel so bad for you though, here we are having 67 degree weather and you are snowed in. I'm sure you are very ready for spring.
Well today, I want to get outside sometime today. I'd like to take the kids to the park later, but we'll see. I like to go when no one is there and that needs to be before 3 pm, my problem with that is, I have to go this morning and it's not too warm yet, it doesn't get 60 degrees until after noon, and after noon Tanner takes his nap and doesn't get up until around 3... so there is my dilemma. When to go. What I need to do is get the kids in for a checkup today too. Tanner needs shots. But his ped. doesn't get in until 1 pm. So timing is all off for me. So I'm not sure what I will be doing today, park? maybe. doctor? perhaps. I guess I'll play it by ear.
But anyway, I'm off here for now. TTYL!
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