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DonnaD 03-06-2004 02:41 PM

new day, better attitude.....
Hi everyone, as I have stated on other threads, I must apologize for my breakdown yesterday. Everyone on this board was so helpful and caring and it pulled me thru it and I do appreciate it. :thanks: I took the advise and went for a hair cut and color. I do feel better. I've made some decisions on what to do to help myself, but all my friends at 3fc deserve the credit for pulling me out of this one. again :thanks: :D :D :D

Sprite 03-07-2004 08:59 PM

Hi Everyone!

Donna D I am so glad you are feeling better. No need to apologize. We all have our ups and downs and we're here to help eachother through those tough times as well as celebrate our successes. What did you have done to your hair? It's great what a boost a change like that can give you.

I weighed in yesterday without a loss. Just stayed the same. Our puppy is not sleeping though the night (just like a real baby) and therefore, I am super tired. I have been overeating the last two days to keep up my energy and can feel my belly grow! Uck! I need to get a handle on this. Hopefully I will not be up at weigh in next week. We all have stressful things happening all the time and I need to learn not to turn to food everytime things aren't going exactly as I would like them to. Not sure how to do this and this seems to be my biggest problem. I need to find something else to do besides eat.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Sprite 03-11-2004 09:53 PM

Hi All!

I'm having a pretty hard time this week. PMS is here with a vengeance and I want to eat everything and anything. :devil:

I found a great way to curb my sweet tooth. I absolutely love ice cream it is my downfall. So, I am putting frozen fruit (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.) in a blender with a small amount of skim milk and just a pinch of sugar. Turn it on and blend to the consistency of ice cream. I love it and it's good for you!

How is everyone else doing this week? ;)

DonnaD 03-11-2004 10:26 PM

Hi Sprite,

Sorry it's been a stressful week for you. I understand the pms monster's appetite. I'm expecting AF(Aunt Flo) soon too. I loved your idea with the frozen fruit and skim milk. I'm going to pick up the ingredients and try it using splenda. Sounds great.
Don't get to hung up on the scale. You know that's my personal weakness and this week isn't the week to get on it, but if you do, keep in mind the extra water weight they you should lose when AF leaves. (I love that AF, saw it on another thread by Cinnimama :lol3: )
So I hope your weekend is a good one. Stick with the fruitblends. You'll do fine.


PS Hope everyone is well and has a good weekend. :D

VermontMom 03-12-2004 11:18 PM

Hello ladies!

DonnaD, I'm sorry I wasn't around the day you were feeling so down. It IS so hard to think that you're doing OK, then to see what that darn scale says. A lady on another thread had the same happen to her a few weeks ago; her scale showed a sudden gain on 7 lbs or so, and I told her that she couldn't have possibly gained 7 pounds of actual fat/flesh, as an excess pound comes from 3500 excess calories; she would have had to take in 34,500 calories; so obviously it is a water weight gain.

SO, keep on your plan, and ignore the scale! (difficult I know, we all want to SEE results)

I'm still struggling daily with trying to eat sensibly with working at my grueling retail job. It has helped a little that things have slowed down a bit - I don't get as frazzled-feeling now that it's not as busy, so that's good. And I take an orange, already peeled and sectioned, as a snack - literally, I have to have it sectioned ahead of time, to be able to jam it down in seconds, before I take care of the next customer :rolleyes:

And my other struggle is...well, unsettled feelings regarding my husband, in that he had been doing Atkins since last year; and I don't agree with that at all; and no exercise on his part. He had been down almost 30 lbs; but I can tell that at least 20 has come back. I have resentment that "his" food is so much more expensive than mine, and that he hasn't added exercise; so this just seems like a big fad diet that is bound to fail :(

Geez, if it were only as easy as "eating less and exercising more" without all these other issues!

well, maybe next time I post I'll be more positive :lol:

northernclipper 03-13-2004 06:58 PM

Hello ladies

Just got in the door and jumped on site to see how everyone is doing. Last Saturday I got a surprise dh came home with tickets to Las Vegas :cool: so Sun. we left and we got home Thur. Friday he had tickets to see Tom Jones in concert. The good news was in all the rushing around I lost 2 lbs. Dh and son #3 have left to go to Barry in northern Ont. for a hockey tournament and all other kids have left for work or sleep overs. I'm home alone and loving it.

I hope everyone stayed op and is doing fine will check in again tomorrow. :D

Sprite 03-14-2004 09:01 PM

Hi Everyone!

I weighed in yesterday with no loss again. I know I have been overeating, so am happy at least it is not a gain.

Wow, Las Vegas, Northern Clipper you are so lucky! What was the special occasion? Your husband sounds wonderful! And Tom Jones, how was he?
Another 2 lb loss, things are going your way. I am so happy for you. :)

I started walking this week and am going to try and do three times a week. Twice during the week and then once on the weekend for a bit longer probably a hike in the forest, or around a lake, something close to nature anyways, I find it so relaxing and peaceful.

Donna D your reference to Aunt Flo made me laugh so hard :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am definately going to use that term in the future. Have your tried the frozen fruit yet?

VermontMom, isn't there anyone to cover you for your breaks at work? Sounds like you are going to give yourself heartburn. That's a smart idea to peel the orange first. At least you won't be tempted to grab a chocolate bar or something.

Well here's to hoping we all exercise and eat right this week!

VermontMom 03-14-2004 09:22 PM

Hi ladies!

Double wow, Northern Clipper! Las Vegas, as a surprise?! and Tom Jones, too! That is so cool.

Sprite, yay to you for the walking! I'm glad the weather is okay for you to do that.

and no, unfortunately, just not enough people staffed for us to be able to eat uninterrupted for even under 10 minutes...very unfair, but that's the way it is sometimes. I tell you, when the revolution comes, we know who goes up against the wall :devil:

At least today, I did not have a single cookies, which hasn't happened for...a LONG time! I figured out that I only need to cut 500 calories each day to lose a pound a week...and I have been easily eating over 500 calories in excess.

I posted in my "other" thread that I found a website with some very good deals on exercise videos; I ordered three for under $24.00, including shipping! all step-aerobics, as I need to incorporate more cardio into my workouts. I hope they arrive soon!

I also hope everyone is doing well, Let's keep our goals in mind, and do what we need to make them happen!

DonnaD 03-14-2004 10:18 PM

Hi everyone,

Just popping in quick to wish everyone a great week.

Northern clipper, of all the things to lose in Vegas, you lose 2 lbs? that's coming back a winner :lol:

Sprite, To me a week with no gain is just another practice week at maintaining, so in actuality a good week. I haven't tried the froz fruit yet. Need to go shopping. We spent the weekend working on the house. Started a project in the finished sub-basement floor. Kinda making a studio apt for my older son.

Vermontmom, Eating in a hurry can get a lot of people in trouble. I know its trouble for me. I have a tendency to go for quick available portable food(cookies, bagels, pretzels)
all the carbs I am supposed to avoid.Carbs with a side of carbs, that my comfort food. Peeling the orange and having ready to eat was a good idea. I sometimes keep some grapes in a baggie and ww triscuits. We have a woman at work who loves to buy holiday crap. Right now you have to walk by St Patricks cookies and easter candy everyday. She buys right thru the 1/2 price clearance, which means it will be around until may. (God love her :mad: )
I know your husband doing atkins and not exercising is not sitting to well with you, but don't let it sidetrack you from all the good your doing for yourself. Everytime I see your pix it motivates me. You've worked so hard. Your doing great.

Well I hope everyone has a good week. I start my week with the anual trip to the gyno. :( Had the mammo last wk. You know that test was invented by a man. I think they should check prostate that way :lol:

Hopefully I will catch up with you all early in the week.

Take care! :D :D :D

Ivanna B. Skinny 03-14-2004 10:54 PM

Hi Im new here. I Started dieting 1 month ago, and have lost about 10 pounds, but I need a support system to help me continue. I try to go to the gym every other day, and on the other days, I do an aerobics tape at home. I feel proud of my progress, but I have ALOT of trouble grazing throughout the day while Im at home with my daughter. Any suggestions for that?? :tread:

DonnaD 03-14-2004 11:20 PM

Welcome Ivanna
Welcome Ivanna :wave:

10 lbs in a month is great. Sounds like you've got the exercise going too.
I have a tendency to graze when I'm at home. It's a bad cycle. If I'm busy I don't think about food. But if I stop to take a break and eat something that sets me off(mainly sugar/carbs) then I get that lethargic feeling afterward which leads to grazing. I dont know if your drinking alot of water, but it is suggested on all the programs I've ever tried and that helps. Also keeping fruit or vegies around for snacking. (I should practice what I preach... :lol:
though honestly I am not preaching :nono: )
It is harder when you're home with kids. Also, check in here :comp: everyone is so helpful and supportful.

again, welcome and post often, it helps :D :D :D

northernclipper 03-15-2004 03:07 PM

Hello ladies

I have started a low carb diet that seems to go along with ww really well. I still haven't put away the water I should but, I 'll keep trying.

Donna that Aunt Flo made me laugh too. :lol: You sound so deep and motivating when you said you where practicing maintances when you don't lose. I have to get a few pages out of your book their great. :D

Vermont Mom just remember the rewards from your struggles make it worth it. ;) Also I find most diets are expensive , the cost of fruits and vegies out of season in Canada are awful. I agree you should not get sidetracked from what you're trying to do for yourself and maybe tell hubby how you feel. :( Keep op.

Sprite you're correct dh is a keeper and Tom Jones for 63 sure lite some fires that nite. I couldn't believe how many women were still throwing undies at him. It was a hoot. He still has that great voice and can hit all the notes. If you like him and get a chance to see him go for it, it's worth it. I hope you enjoy walking I love it and walk rain,snow or shine just not when the winds blowing too much(Prone to ear trouble).

Welcome Ivanna it sounds like your off to a great start so, keep up the great work. :D

VermontMom 03-15-2004 07:20 PM

Hello ladies!

Welcome, Ivanna! ( I like your name :D). You have done super for one month's time!! When I started, it was more like two months before I had lost that amount.

I agree with DonnaD; IF you can keep busy and occupied, that really helps with not grazing. The first couple of months can be difficult; you are trying to establish new habits, and new habits do take time. But it will become a little easier. Yes, definitely drinking the 64 oz. of water does help! If that's difficult, try thinking "this water is filling my tum; it's helping my organs do what they need; it's helping my skin nice and moist; it's helping reduce my cravings".

You're going to the gym and doing aerobics at home - super! The exercise is so important. And coming here for support is invaluable, also.

northernclipper, glad that the low-carb is working well with ww.

And thanks, everyone, for commiserating about the dh issue. I just need to adjust my frame of mind...I think I need warm weather to help that :D

I did have another on-program day today, and had lots of water.

Sprite, have you picked up your new pup yet?

Hope everyone has a great evening!

Ivanna B. Skinny 03-17-2004 10:11 PM

Thanks guys for the ideas...I'll start drinking H2O like I should, and try to keep myself super busy (and out fo teh fridge!) :)

Ivanna B. Skinny 03-17-2004 10:12 PM

Sorry, Im a bad typest... I ment out of the fridge

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