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Jaymi_Dol_78 10-25-2004 08:43 PM

Hello everyone! Just have time to update today, Good you are counting calories too! We can do this together! GREAT!!!! I don't have a set plan on eating... some days I want eggs and low fat sausage, some days cereal and skim milk.. I don't know. The hardest part for me is eating dinner. How the heck do you calcuate the calories in the foods you eat with gravy and such?!? Or add mushroom soup too or etc. I don't know. That's my down fall. Portion control is bad for me too right now. That's why I'm not going back on CORE right now. How many calories should I be eating do you think? How many are you eating? So... I exercised for an hour today, and my calories came in at 1550 or something. But I'm starving right now. I might exercise again so that I can eat something else! Not for an hour though... running out of time. I need to TRY and sleep early... but I doubt it. My daughter just woke up from her nap.. YIKES! Anyways I haven't even set a calorie goal for myself yet. I'm just basically watching what I eat! Those da*n Wendy burgers get me every time! I tried these "guilt free french fries" or the recipe I just say and it was a disaster. There is NO good fat free food! NONE!! It all stinks! My dh tasted some f/f dressing and thought it was soo disgusting. I say, now you see why I'm so miserable and what I have to go through each day. But anyways maybe I'll try them again another day. I hope everyone is doing great! I didn't get any housework done today, but I did cook, or am cooking now. Porkchops. I have no idea what else. So..... I guess I'll go now. If I exercise again I'll come back and check in!

VermontMom 11-08-2004 09:09 AM

hello Jaymi and donna!!!!

I've been slacking big time. I've been exercising, but eating what ever is around...and it's showing now. Just got on the scale, expecting bad news, and its shows 151.

My self-control is out of whack. I'm feeling pity for myself, and blaming it on my husband who has gained even more weight in the past few months (very very big now) and there are snacky cake things, candybars and chips around all the time now. This is so hard, even without that!!! Tonight I have to kindly beg him to please not bring it home. I don't know when he will look at himself realistically and see how big he is, and at least healthwise do something...let alone think of being physically appealing. It's very hard for me to be critical that way, 'cause he was always saying i looked fine no matter what, but I never got so big that I was worried about a stroke or heart attack :(

So, I will again try to buckle down. It's strange, 'cause I don't feel my jeans being that much tighter (7 pounds up?!!)

I send good wishes out to you girls!!!

VermontMom 11-08-2004 07:25 PM

Me again :D did I tell you that we had to buy TWO used cars in one week??....we knew we had to replace one car, that wasn't worth putting the money into to fix it back in March, and that was when husband started riding his motorcycle to work, so I got to use the remaining car for work, then when it was warmer we both used out 'cycles, and worked off the one car for groceries, when it rained, etc. Last week,as I was taking that remaining working car to a different mechanic, was told that the head gasket was blown ("you mean your other mechanic has been around this car, and didn't notice anything" he asked me) and that it was pretty much junk.

At least this new mechanic had a couple of used cars to chose from, and I'm glad that we had the cash to get them. But our bank account has taken a serious strike. We'll be OK as long as nothing else major comes up in the next two or three weeks (KNOCK ON WOOD FOR US!! :lol

We had the first snow on Friday night, and EEEKK!!! I had my first "fishtailing" of the year...there was about an inch of accumulation, and I was going up a steady incline, and jeez, don't have the studded snows on yet...the rear of the car started sliding back and forth, EEEk again!!

The snow is gone now, it got into the '40's the next day, but it's cold again now. But you know, that first bit of snow is a good kick in the pants for me, at least...now I see the priorities, like getting the snows on the cars, finishing the leaf raking, putting the lawn mower away, finding the snow shovels in the garage and getting THEM out, finding all the gloves, mittens, snow scrapers, BLEH.

I did pretty well today, now it's the difficult evening, when I just really really want a bowl of cereal that I don't need


VermontMom 11-13-2004 04:01 PM

Hey, it's the VermontMom Show here :lol: I'm plugging away, ladies, hope everyone is doing OK!!

donna, I just came back from maybe the last moto ride of the season for me - it was sunny but in the low 30's when we headed out....and dipped down to 25 when we got back!!!!!!! I was so cold I was hurtin', but one last blast down the road at 80 put a mile-wide grin on me!

Keep on keepin' on!!!

VermontMom 11-19-2004 04:13 PM

surprise, surprise, it's me again :D I sure hope someone else shows up soon!

I dragged out my old body measurements charts, gritted my teeth and took measurements today. It's not that bad, actually, even with a 7 pound gain, so I'm kinda optimistic. I remember how I used to look forward to taking measurements at the first of each month, and being happy about what was happening. Maybe this reminder will help me to keep on track.

donna, ignore what I said above about the last moto-ride...just had another one today, about 30 miles (to Stowe and back) and it was in the low 40's, but with some sun, so I wasn't too cold. I need to check my helmet...there must be a way to close the vents, that I had open for the summer...even with the shield all the way down (it's a full-face) I felt cold air blowing in from somewhere

well, I hope someone else pops in here soon! I'll get a little goofy just talking to myself :D

Jaymi_Dol_78 12-08-2004 05:32 PM

Hello everyone! Well I was just about to start telling everyone the “scoop” but my daughter just wrote with crayon all over the wall!!! SHEESH! LOL I still need to exercise too! Ok… well since, the crayon isn’t going anywhere…to cut things short… I just basically gave up and gained 20 lbs back. And instead of coming here I just sat around feeling depressed and sorry for myself. So now I took myself off of my BC and am trying again to see if that was causing most of my cravings and sickness, headaches and everything else. It’s all my fault.. I can’t blame it on anyone else. It just pisses me off that I gained 20 lbs in a month and a half… and it took me about 5 or 6 months to lose that much! Let me stop before I make myself depressed again! LOL I just wish I had gotten myself together before it got this far… but too late for that! Now I’m working double hard, cut off meat.. unless you call fish meat… Some people consider it meat… some don’t. Well basically tuna and catfish. Some shrimp. And veggies and fruits. I eat cereal when I get a sugar craving.. Especially since Lucky Charms is my favorite! It helps! LOL So that’s the scoop for right now! I’m trying to exercise either 3 times a day or so.. Only because I don’t have time to do one long workout! I break it up into a couple at a time. I am doing Yoga Booty Ballet…(anyone else heard of that?) Denise Austin, WATP. I barely get a chance to get on the treadmill so that will have to do. Ok.. Now I got to go clean up the crayons.. Some kind of way… and exercise. Hey Holly!! I’m SOOO sorry I wasn’t here for you! I was too busy whining and feeling sorry for myself! I hope you see this post! We can help each other! Hey DONNA!! LOL Talk with you all later! I’ll try to get personal later too

VermontMom 12-09-2004 11:16 AM

HELLO JAYMI!!!!!!!!!!

:D :D

So glad to hear from you. That's a bummer about your gain, but you got the right attitude now, girl, we can both get control of ourselves and get back down again!!

Good idea on breaking up your exercise time in increments, instead of feeling overwhelmed by trying to do it in one chunk.

and best wishes in getting the crayon off :D

the laptop computer that I used to use is on the fritz, so my computer time is compromised by using husband's computer. and knowing that I gained kept me from being here as much as before.

Can't believe Christmas is only 2 1/2 weeks away!! I don't have many people to buy for, as we pull a name for my family's exchange...and I dn't like to go overboard. I try to keep it simple. I do make a ton and a half of Christmas cookies and pastries - boy, it's hard to keep myself in line when making them!!

My winter work is much more involved than it was last year - same place, but different owners. And the owners don't like the snow and cold of Vermont, so they are trying to get the store in order so they can leave for their primary home in Florida...I'm the assistant manager, so I have alot more to do and be responsible for compared to last year, when I was just a regular working drone :lol: I'm responsible for part of payroll, some of the store accounts, and just general day-today ops. Hey! I didn't want to work this hard :devil:

oh, and I'm the type of person that HAS to write stuff down, until I get it straight in my head...and I need notes to remind myself of things to do...so I always have my little notebook nearby...well, the other employees who maybe don't work as hard as they should get really, really nervous when they see me with my notebook...they also know the owners respect and listen to me with my opinions on the others...so they are kinda afraid of what I'm jotting down :devil:

My husband says I should put the fear into them by walking by, slowing down while looking at them; stop, pull out my notebook, look at them again, and shake my head, then start writing in my book :devil:

DONNA - where you at? and SPRITE!!! missin' ya!

I'll try to stop in more often!!!!!!


Jaymi_Dol_78 12-09-2004 08:09 PM

Hey Holly! Well you sound like you have your hands full with your job! whew!! Glad it's not me! LOL My job is worse.. I dont get paid! LOL ha, ha! Yeah, I've been trying really hard! Today I only got half of my exercising done.. I'm in a crappy mood and don't feel like doing any more! We aren't picking names... I don't think. We dont have much money.. and really won't driving back to TX.. so we decided on just buying for the kids... 2 on one side and 3 on my side. Good enough... With a 10 dollar minimum at that! And one toy each for my own kids! Everyone else is buying them stuff... of course my son wants a DVD player and probably some gameboy games... and I want to get Jariel the Dora Play house.. that's about 50 bucks each or so... Thats all we have to spare... Well anyways hope your computer gets fixed soon! Talk with ya later!

Donna?!? Sprite?!? *echo* *echo* :lol:

VermontMom 12-28-2004 05:53 PM

hello ladies!

first, such sorrow for the victims of the earthquake/tsunamis in Asia..can't even comprehend the numbers I'm seeing... :(

My winter job (Assistant Manager) is just keeping me 24/7 busy. Very frustrating with people not doing their jobs - the boss is on my side, but we don't know what to do. My husband says a public execution always works well :devil:

I was sick with some bug on Christmas Eve/and for the next day and a half, no fun at all!! I've missed some days exercising because of that bug, plus my work schedule, but not too bad. Eating has not been on target at all; nothing at all for the morning/early afternoon, but then I "make up for it" later. And stupid Christmas cookies!!! and goodies. All so good. Maybe the Jan. 1 date will help me.

I hope you guys are doing well!!!!

VermontMom 01-12-2005 07:46 AM

Hey there ladies!!! I'm gonna keep popping in here until we round up again :D

I got the set of tapes I really wanted; four toning and three cardio, and a schedule to stick to. I've been doing them since Saturday, and boy, it's good to try something different. Challenging, but I can feel the soreness afterwards, which is good, because I tend to get comfortable in my workout tapes and don't push myself.

The eating is what I really, really need to focus on. And since Saturday, I've done very well, for the first time in a LONG time.

Just plugging away, like everyone else :dizzy:

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