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Sprite 02-18-2004 10:06 PM

Vermont Mom, You look absolutely fantastic! I don't think I have ever looked that good. Way to go!

NorthernClipper maybe you should try adding a bit more time to your walk. Instead of 30 min try 40 I'm sure that would help.

DinaMichelle tomorrow is another day, you are right to just jump right back on your plan and keep going. We all have setbacks, but we can do it.

I did very well today and almost broke down a couple of times, but I don't know what came over me, but I resisted.

Have a good day tomorrow everyone!

northernclipper 02-18-2004 10:29 PM

sprite it seems like we are on the same page, just tonight my friend and I walked for 50minutes. When we got home I jumped on line to resist the calling to the kitchen and junk food. I have to keep positive tonight because tomorrow is my weigh-in and I want to add lost lbs to my challenges ;)

dinamichele buying a car doesn't have to mean weight gain, just stick to your excerise plan and keep eating healthy. The new car means easy transpo when you need it, but don't stop your walking. Good luck! :) :

I hope you have a good and healthy day tomorrow too! :D

Sprite 02-19-2004 07:49 PM

Way to go with walking an extra 20 minutes last night Northern Clipper. How was your weigh in today? I'm sure you lost. I weigh in on Saturdays and this being my first week back on the plan I need a loss to stay motivated to continue.

I have been sticking to my diet very well, but am finding it hard to find the time and energy for exercise. I will work on that starting next week. :cool:

Hi DinaMichelle and VermontMom, how have you been doing? :)

northernclipper 02-19-2004 08:06 PM

I was disheartend it was the second week I stayed the same. I came home angry and jumped on the bike(pedaled quickly for 25 minutes) Later I went for a 30 minute quick paced walk with my friend. I was surprized when I realize that I had drank 32ozs of water and it's only 8pm. I usually don't get 32ozs in a day. I think my anger paid off. Tonight back to business, I back on track.

Sprite I am glad you are sticking to the diet plan but, please make time for the excerise. This morning I nearly cried after weigh-in but after I measured my waist and found I lost 1inch and I gained by confidence back. ;)

If we walk like winners and we look like winners = we are winners!! :smug:

VermontMom 02-19-2004 09:00 PM

Hello ladies!

thank u very much for the compliments - I never had any muscle tone, and have better shape now than when I was 20, but really need to get back to my disciplined eating of last year.

Kudos to the walkers! especially in winter!! good job!

I have heard many others on this site talk of fitday.com - I have signed on, and it might take a few minutes of your day to enter your foods, but boy howdy :D it's nifty! It just might be the "accountability" I need.

I see by my foods entered that I am a smidge under my 1500 for the day, which is great - it's been weeks since I've been "good". fitday calculated that, with 1500 cals. a day, I should lose 1/2 pound a week, and I would like to be back down to 142 by May 1, as we're going on a bike road trip to Myrtle Beach for Bike Week, the second week of May.

How much water are you ladies able to drink each day? I'm bad, if I can get 48 ounces down, that's a good day. If nothing else, I have to be vain and think of the water helping hydrate my skin, so I don't feel/look older :devil:

Hope everyone is doing well!

VermontMom 02-19-2004 09:03 PM

Congrats northernclipper!
BIG congrats to you on losing the inch!!!! :bravo:

Sprite 02-20-2004 08:21 PM

Thanks for the tip about Fitday VermontMom I will definately check it out, I am feeling kind of lightheaded and weak today and I thought I ate enough but maybe I didn't. The trip to Myrtle Beach sounds great and is something for you to work towards. I try to drink 8 glasses a day, but don't always stick to it. I have been told that even if you diet, if you don't drink enough water the pounds won't come off.

NorthernClipper that is excellent that you lost an inch, must mean you are gaining muscle! And you should be proud of yourself for not letting the scale get you down, it made you try even harder.

I have weigh in tomorrow morning and will let you know how it goes. :^:

northernclipper 02-25-2004 08:34 PM

Hello Sprite and Vermont mom

I have my weigh-in tomorrow so I downing water by the litre. I heard that water does help in the weight loss program. Sprite you didn't say how you did in your last weigh-in( I hope it was a loss). If not keep positive but, let us know one way or another. We have all been there on both sides. :dizzy:

Vermont mom your avatar is enough to motivate me. I hope you reach your goal go from snug to lean/muscular legs.

Sprite 02-27-2004 02:33 PM

Hi Northern Clipper. Good luck on your weigh in. And Yes I hear water really, really helps. I also find it a good deterent to food. If I feel hungry I first drink a glass of water and see if I am still hungry after that. Many times I found I was just thirsty.

At my weigh in last Saturday I was down 3 pounds! I was so excited and motivated! I have weigh in again tomorrow so we shall see. I am sure I am down again as I can already feel my stomach getting flatter. Was really sick with a cold/flu all week and usualy would just feel sorry for myself and stuff my face, but not this time. Just eating healthy soups and lots of water.

DinaMichelle, where are you? How are you doing?

northernclipper 02-28-2004 03:14 PM

Sprite Bravo on the loss and good-luck tomorrow. I hope I can follow your lead ,I have weigh-in tomorrow too. I plan on giving the soup a try and see if it can help me.

Sprite 02-28-2004 06:00 PM

Thank you for the kind words Northern Clipper!

I was down another two pounds at my weigh-in today! Yee ha! I am so happy and also strangely a little scared. Can I keep it up? :( I am sure I can do it this time.

How did your weigh-in go Northern Clipper? I have been eating a Campbell's Healthy Request Vegetable soup. I eat the whole can with a little bit of low fat cheese for protein and that is my meal. It really fills me up! And is very low in calories.

Have a great weekend! :)

northernclipper 02-29-2004 09:52 AM

staying the same
Hello sprite

It looks like another week of staying the same no loss ,no gain . I don't know what is wrong this is the 3rd week I've stayed the same and I'm not liking it. :mad: I have walked each night for the pass two weeks(quickly) for 30 to 40 minutes along with any of the other excerise I do and I just don't lose. My only saving grace is tomorrow I'll get measured and see if there is a inch loss. If I lose inches it will be okay. :^:

Monday I'll go buy some of the Campbell's soup and see if that makes a difference.

I glad to hear of your weight loss ;) , keep up the good work. I will use you as my motivator and keep trying so you hang in.

sw 171
cw 161
gw 140

DonnaD 02-29-2004 12:30 PM

[QUOTE=northernclipper]Hello sprite

It looks like another week of staying the same no loss ,no gain . I don't know what is wrong this is the 3rd week I've stayed the same and I'm not liking it. :mad:

Northern Clipper, I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but I hope it does :) My scale didn't show much in lbs, but I tried a pair of jeans on that 3 lbs ago didn't fit, and viola! :dance: the zipper went up (and without using plyers :lol: ) so keep the faith baby, it will happen and you'll feel so much better. :smug: and speaking of feeling better. How do you feel? I know eating right and exercising :tread: regularly, you must feel better, body and mind :smug: I give you alot of credit for sticking with the program :high:
Take Care, Donna D :D

By the way :thanks: for inspiring me to do more walking. :goodvibes:

Sprite 02-29-2004 04:16 PM

Hey Northern Clipper!

Keep it up! You are so smart to measure yourself. Muscles weighs more than fat and if you are building muscle but not losing on the scale, you will definately be losing in inches. How do your clothes feel? After a while of building up muscle the weight loss on the scale will follow. Keep faith in this and just keep going with your walking. You have determination and will succeed!

I have not done much exercise at all being so sick. The weather is so beautiful here today and I am going to try for a short walk at a local lake. It will be nice just to get outside, I have been so housebound I feel like I am going crazy!

Hi Donna D :) That must feel so great to get on that pair of pants. I have a whole box of too-small-for-me clothes that I cannot wait to fit into! With Spring right around the corner and then SUMMER! - I am determined to look good in capris with little t'shirts and maybe even, do I dare hope----look good in a bathing suit?

Keep up the good work ladies! We can do it!

northernclipper 03-01-2004 02:39 PM

loss inches not pounds
Hello Sprite and DonnaD

I say congrats to both of you on your weight loss and here's hoping for some more. I know you can both do it. We all seem to be in the same weather belt lets hope it stays nice enough for us all to get some walking in. :s:

sprite thanks for the encouragement I stayed the same at weigh-in but, I lost another inch when I measured up. Sprite I sorry you aren't feeling 100% but, if you feel like getting out and taking a short walk go for it. Take it slow and steady while you're starting, then as you feel better go alittle further and faster. It works, I'm proof. I'm sure it's the walking thats helping me lose the inches. I got the soup today and will have it for dinner tonight (thanks) :D

DonnaD I know what you mean about the clothing fit after my measuring of a lost inch I came home and tried some outfits on and they are not as snug. That is the only reason I don't get depressed about no weight loss. If I'm building muscle I'll be happy to see the firmer me and l'll keep up the walking and excerise. I do feel better and have more energy(bonus) ;)

sw 171
gw 140

Take care ladies and lets be losers this week :lol:

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