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Old 01-22-2015, 05:42 PM   #1  
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Talking Steel Magnolias ~ #101


Not much happening around here today. I got a new Can Cooker recipe that looks yummy which is called Beef and Noodles. I will put it in the folder with the others that they have sent my way that look good enough to try.

I was up a tad bit today but instead of getting all bummed about it I focused on the fact that so far this year I have averaged a loss of 1½ pounds a week. I would love to keep losing that much each week but it is doubtful for I tend to yo-yo. I know why I was up because I ate absolutely too much of the good stuff.

DONNA FAYE What an ordeal you had to go through at the docs office.

Always remember ~ Never, never, never give up

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Old 01-22-2015, 08:20 PM   #2  
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Good Evening! I've been gone most of the day and have accomplished nothing at home except a load of laundry. This morning I met my coffee date friend. She spent the month of December at Mayo for radiation treatments, then promptly caught a bad cold when she got home. She's on the school board so it was fun to catch up on the new high school addition news, part of which was just finished for students to move into second semester. This afternoon I went to crafty club. Tonight Bob has a meeting at church so I am home alone with the furry boys. I did end up getting a new phone yesterday. As soon as I told the gal I had a dead dumb phone and wanted a new battery, she said I would have to go online to order one. Bob's phone was due for an upgrade but he likes his flip phone so I got the upgrade. I wish they would furnish "how to do it" books!!!! The gal who helped us was a customer of Bob's years ago and worked at DQ when our kids were little. She is such an upbeat fun person and always has a smile. My old phone was too dead to transfer phone numbers so I brought it home to charge it and Bob took it back in this morning. Now I just have to figure out the bells and whistles on the new phone. I hardly ever use my cell phone so it could be a challenge!

Maggie, Thanks for starting the new thread! I hope that your MH refrigerator will work properly and not need to be replaced. It sounds like you are making plans to head out. How soon? The bank will replace the checks at no charge to us. The guy said they changed check companies and the new one got our name information from the original paperwork when we opened the account. I would love to know if any other customers returned their checks. I have never taken the checks but we have a couple or regular gift shop shoppers who sign their checks "Mrs. So and So" using her husband's name instead of her own. Sorry the iron monster wasn't kinder to you this week.

"Gma," I am so sorry about your fiasco at the hospital. That would make one wonder if any of them knew what they were supposed to be doing. I just hope the drain does what it supposed to and. You are done with it asap. It all makes me wonder what is causing the fluid in the first place. What kind of cookies did you make? I'm hungry for something sweet but don't know what.

I recorded The Bachelor from Monday night so guess I will watch it while Bob is gone. Hope you all have had a good day and enjoy your evening!
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Old 01-23-2015, 06:58 AM   #3  
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Good morning to you all. I am itching like crazy at the site they put the drain in. I took some Benadryl so I could sleep last night but the itching is back. Benadryl makes me sleepy so I can't take it during the day. I am hoping the drain can be taken out next Tuesday when I go to the doctor because it is putting out a lot less now.

I want to get the floors mopped this morning and get that done. I did some housework downstairs yesterday but want to finish it up today.

This weekend we put up the new blinds and I can't wait to get rid of the curtains and the old blinds.

Maggie: Just keep on going forward it is all you can do.

Jean: I made chocolate chip cookies and got them choc ice cream that had m and m's in it then gave them a box of that sliced garlic slices and made the lasagna. I do hope they liked it.

Well Jack is leaving for work so wan to tell him goodbye. You all have a nice weekend. Faye
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Old 01-23-2015, 05:24 PM   #4  
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Good Afternoon! The sun is shining brightly . . . just about in time to start the downward slide for a set. The wind is blowing and it's another cold day. No snow melting today. This morning I had several errands to run, and just ready to leave when Beth called. She is still working the evening "training" hours which is extra pay but she wants to get back to regular day hours. Maddy had to do a report for school using three different resources. After the Internet she was stuck until Beth suggested a trip to the library. Well, Maddy didn't know "those" books were anything but story books! She had more fun learning how to find information in books and magazines -- thought her mom was pretty smart! I had Beth call me on my new phone so I would know what it sounded like. I figured out how to answer it without cutting her off. Fed Ex delivered our second batch of checks last night. They had the name right but still the ugly counter checks! I called the bank this morning to see if I was charged for them and I was to the tune of $25.75! I asked why and the flustered young man handed the phone to a young lady. I explained it all to her and she said to come into the bank and she would help me straighten out the mess. That was my first stop and she wasn't there, so I had to go back after lunch. When I showed her my checks she looked up something similar, but not as nice imo, and said the charge would be $33.95! Bob had told me he ordered his checks online getting duplicate checks cheaper than what they wanted to charge me for singles. I ended up thanking her and that I was sorry to have taken her time, so no new checks. Now to go online and shop for checks! I bought a new iPad cover for Bob, which didn't fit so had to take that back, a trip to WM, post office, and the card shop. I finished at the hospital to do the end of the week paperwork, so have the money counted and ready to deposit.

"Gma," I hope the itching is better this afternoon. The tape they use when they draw blood makes me itch so I ask for a plain old band aide. Do you have to help with the blinds? I always think of when we were first married people warned us about hanging wallpaper or drapes together. I could almost smell your cookies baking!

This has been another fast week! Hope you all enjoy your evening!

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Old 01-23-2015, 06:45 PM   #5  
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Talking Finally Friendly Fantastic Friday


What a beautiful day we have had today. We went out to the range and popped a few caps and had a great time. When we got home we got a rotisserie chicken for dinner and it was sure good. I take off the skin and enjoy a well cooked bird.

I got some veggies and cut up some and put them in baggies with a small personal tub of ranch dressing that costs only 3 points plus. Here is a list of what veggies I cut up and have in bags ~ why do this you ask ~ I will eat them if they are prepared in serving size bags with the dressing tub all ready to go.
Jicama sticks cut into 2” by ½”
Radishes cut in half
Celery stringed and cut into 3” sticks
Carrots ~ baby kind
Cauliflower florets
Broccoli florets

JEAN To answer you question we plan on traveling in the end of April or in May. Not sure how long it will take for us to find homes for all of our stuff we want to get rid of.

DONNA FAYE I hope they do remove that bag next time you go in to see the doc. So sorry that you are itching so bad. Isn't there a topical ointment you could use that the doc would approve of?

Always remember ~ Never, never, never give up

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Old 01-24-2015, 11:54 AM   #6  
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God morning to you all. I am going to be leaving in a couple hours to go to the painting class with Kelly. I hope we have a great time even if my painting will look awful.

They called Jack to work overtime today but since he won't have a car they have to look for someone else. Unless the city put into place a mandatory overtime policy the guys have the option to not work and also can do whatever they want during the weekend. The city doesn't want to pay people for mandatory overtime so....

Maggie: The itching is beneath the bandages so you can't put anything in the area. The bandages are not to be removed and I can't even bathe until they take out the drain.

Jean: The itching is gone for the time being and I hope it stays away. Now it is just this darn drain driving me nuts. You have to be so careful not to get the hose caught on anything, etc. I will be glad when it is gone for sure. Boy what a hassle with the checks. You know, they charge an awful lot of money for just a piece of paper. I get duplicate checks and they cost even more. It makes it easier to find a certain check, but I write so few that I am not sure they even pay for themselves anymore. Enjoy your new phone. What kind did you get? Since we got the Ipads I only use my phone as a phone, but we no longer have a land line and haven't for about 4 years now and we don't miss it.

Well gals, I need to get some lunch in me before leaving. Have a nice weekend. Faye
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Old 01-24-2015, 01:09 PM   #7  
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Good Morning! The sun is shining brightly and the sky is a beautiful blue without a cloud in sight. We are supposed to get some rain tonight. I've been making lists for things I need to do before we leave on Tuesday, and things I want/need to pack. This morning on the Today Show the preview said a snake got loose on a plane. I had to change the channel! If I knew one was going to be on my plane, I'd have to change planes. I don't know what I would do if I found out afterwards. Have a load of sheets in the washer and made a salad for lunch. Remember the Waldorf Salad - apples, grapes, walnuts, celery, and marshmallows?

Maggie, I like to keep veggies and grapes in small bags within easy reach too. April and May will be here before we know it. January has just flown by in spite of our super cold weather.

"Gma," I hope you have a fun time at the painting class! I have no talent but would love to have someone show me how to draw simple things that look like something when I'm finished. I'm getting two boxes (they come in boxes) of checks for less than half what the bank was going to charge me for one box. I know they don't care one way or the other but I'd like to go back and let them know. I never go to that bank. Bob has his business account there and deposits my checks if I have any, when he goes to get cash. Direct deposit is nice!

We are, or I should say Bob is, grilling hamburgers for lunch. He will be home soon so I'd better get back to lunch prep. Have a super Saturday!
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Old 01-25-2015, 09:55 AM   #8  
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Good morning to you all. It is gloomy around here this morning. Gray and overcast but not too cold.

I told Jack when we bought the blinds that he should buy a cordless screw driver and a drill but as usual he didn't listen to me. So where is he now? Driving to Lowes to get himself a drill to put up the blinds. We have a set of stuff that is Black and Decker but they don't sell the batteries for it anymore so they are useless. I am sitting here posting with one bare window and a total mess in the living room. I did get the sill and windows cleaned in the first window though.

Your laugh for the day, my painting! We had a blast though so that is all that matters. Here we were two gimpy ladies one with a cane and one with crutches. We had dinner at the Mediterranean restaurant across the street and I had an excellent sandwich called turkey and egg with bacon. I also had a small pasta salad as a side but didn't eat much of that. We talked for 2 hours then I took her home to an empty house. Her hubby and son were Boy Scout camping this weekend.

Jean: We have direct deposit for everything including our tax refunds and such. It makes it so much easier, especially since our only bank is 40 miles away. Glad you got some checks ordered. The lasagna was a huge hit. I told her to tell me the truth how did they like the lasagna and she said it was fabulous!!! Kudos to you, thanks a lot for the info on the cheeses and the Italian sausage. Hope you have a wonderful time in CA. It is surely going to be warmer there.

You all have a great day. Faye
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Old 01-25-2015, 03:45 PM   #9  
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Good Afternoon! It's another gloomy day in my neighborhood. It was raining last night and just a dusting of snow this morning. Bob went to church early for practice; three of the eight got sick yesterday/last night so the rest only sang one song. We hung around because the kids put on a spaghetti dinner to raise money for their trip to Kansas City. Several looked like they needed showers, hair washed, and clean clothes. After the fact Bob said he wasn't sure if he wanted to eat or not. I wonder if parents pay any attention when their kids leave the house - obviously not today. I need to vacuum fur bunnies, address some church cards, and pick up the clutter.

"Gma," it sounds like we have the same gloomy weather today. I had to at Jack going to buy a drill. Bob bought one when he found out he no longer could get batteries for the first one. I hope your blinds are up by now. How many new ones did you have to put up? When I first looked at your picture, I thought I saw a paw print in the upper right hand corner. You did much better than I would have! Glad the lasagna was a hit!

I need to get busy or it will be bedtime before I get anything done. Enjoy the rest of your day!
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Old 01-25-2015, 04:55 PM   #10  
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Talking WINDY today


We went out for dinner after church this morning to a place called Whisky Creek. I had my usual when we go there of grilled tossed salad w/out dressing, shrimp, rice and half of a baked sweet potato. What fun we did have for a friend from Texas who is working for the oil industry here as a supervisor for awhile came with us. His wife is in Texas after a huge wedding attended by many. She should be back here next week or if she is having a great time if it the next week. Their grandchildren are back there and she is visiting with them. He was talking about wanting to buy her a pistol and was asking us what kind we thought she could handle. My suggestion is to start her out with a 22 pistol and we could all go to the range when she gets back and she could shoot my gun and see if she likes it.

It is a rather windy day here in the ♥-land but not a cold wind. White puffy clouds dot the beautiful blue sky. Not much happening this afternoon but church again this evening.

JEAN Yikes! Didn't the kids know how to clean up themselves before church?

DONNA FAYE Sure looks like a cats paw to me? Sounds like you had a lot of fun.

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Old 01-26-2015, 06:15 AM   #11  
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Good morning all. Not to chilly this morning. I didn't hear the furnace come on a lot, which is good.

I am going to tape up some boxes and start packng some stuff today if I feel up to it. My female stuff is rearing it's ugly head for the last few days and Imhave had cramping. Dealing with the stupid drain is a pain too. Imhad to take the elastic off yeasterday it was driving me nuts so while I was sitting I stuck the bag in the container I was using to measure fluid in and the hose was long enough so it worked out fine. When I was up I tucked the bag in my undies.

I am up three lbs this week. Brother what is up with that? Must be the female thing.

Maggie: Sounds like you had a nice lunch.

Jean: It does look like a paw but it was a splash area that ran it looks like. Imwould do another of these as they were fun. Hope Bob doesn't get what the other guys has especially right before your trip. Flying is hard enough on the ENT with cold or flu.

Everyone have a good start to their week. Faye
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Old 01-26-2015, 02:03 PM   #12  
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Good Afternoon! The sun is shining brightly and it "almost" feels like spring outside! Wonderful! We balanced first thing at church today, stopped at the hospital to leave a check, and headed home to do some laundry. I need to run a couple errands this afternoon and get my clothes together. Should do a once over for fur bunnies and take the key to my neighbor.

Maggie, just being out and about in this town, I've seen lots of grungy looking people. Sometimes I think kids dig through the pile of clothes and wear the cleans of the dirty. Sad for sure. It's one thing to not have money to buy the latest fad clothing, but soap and water is not that expensive.

"Gma," I'm sorry about the gain this week. I sure hope the drain comes out tomorrow! Bob's cough is pretty much gone as is my scratchy throat. I bought some wipes to use in the hotel room and hand sanitizer. I'm not supposed to use it because of the alcohol so hope a few times won't hurt.

I need to get busy so better get a move on. Have a great rest of the day!
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Old 01-26-2015, 07:24 PM   #13  
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It is a beautiful day in the 70˚ and more like spring than winter. Since it is mid day I am crunching on some of my veggies. We have been out and about and saw the buffalo. The new born girls are almost as big as their mamas now ~ they sure do grow quickly.

I bought a new phone today ~ one of the small flip ones that doesn’t have all the bells and whistles in it to carry with me when we are out and about. It is a little LG flip phone and It will take pictures though. My main one is just too big for me to lug around. I really don’t carry a purse so I wanted a pocket phone in case of emergencies. It isn’t on a program for I just will have to buy minutes every 2 months. I won’t hand out the phone number except to Will of course. If anyone calls me on my one left at home they can leave a message and I will get back to them. I love this little one for it isn’t heavy and doesn’t weigh down my pocket. They guy at the store said that in about 2 years they will stop making these small phones so I better take good care of this one.

JEAN It is a good feeling to balance on the first try ~ good for you. Have a wonderful time while you are gone.

DONNA FAYE We got some boxes today to do some packing also.

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Old 01-27-2015, 01:26 PM   #14  
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It's a beautiful day. Almost 60 right now and I have been walking around without a coat on and the windows in the car open. The sun is shining and it is great. I hope Gloria and her hubby aren't buried under feet and feet of snow like they said it was up in the northeast.

I found a couple more pair of flat heeled open toed dress shoes so I ordered them and they should be here the end of the week or so. I hope they fit properly. I ordered a gold pair of Anne Kleins and a black pair of some other brand.

I have to keep in the drain until Friday then I go back and if no more issues he will take it out them. I am not putting out very much fluid now at all and was hoping he would take it out today but no such luck.

I made a dr's apt with my regular dr but couldn't get in to see her until the end of next month. Luckily, it is just a 6 month check up and med refills and I have plenty of meds until then.

I did a couple errands and got my nails done today. They are a lovely lilac color today. I am trying to channel spring!

Maggie: I did three boxes full of stuff yesterday and tomorrow I am going to pack up photos for the time being and then will rehang them after we paint the downstairs. I need to get some more boxes, but I do have enough to pack up some books that are downstairs too. The first weekend in Feb the kids are coming down so nothing will get done that weekend.

Jean: I always take a can of Lysol spray and spray the room and the bathroom before we even walk into the cabins on the ship. I know the room stewards really clean well, but I take no chances. I also take hand sanitizer. I know it has alcohol, but I have never had an issue with it. I actually use it all the time.

Everyone have a great afternoon. Think I will take a cat nap before I have to leave at 2 to go get Jack. Faye
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Old 01-27-2015, 02:16 PM   #15  
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Talking Tuesday & a Very Nice Day


Not much going on today. Will is at the museum cleaning a saddle and will be home around 3 o’clock. I have a couple pork chops thawing and will make some of the instant rice mix I have and some asparagus and a tossed salad for dinner. In the meantime I am gathering up things that will go in the MH for we plan on brining it over here and park it out front and load what we have for it into it. If we level it we can probably find out then if the fridge works properly or if we are going to have to replace it. It is probably due for replacement anyway and we are thinking that we may just go ahead and get a new one installed. We will have to drive down to Texas to get that done. First thing I want to do in that MH is get the cupboards lined with non-skid which keeps things where they are put and cuts down on noise for sure. We have lots to do before we go on the road.

Not much else doing around here this beautiful day in the neighborhood.

DONNA FAYE The weather folks were wrong about "all that 3 feet of snow!" I hope your new shoes fit nicely and are comfortable. A small container of that hand sanitizer lives in the side pocket of the Jeep door where it is always handy to use.

Always remember ~ Never, never, never give up
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