Canadian WINTER Thread ...

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  • Thanks for the link, ISABELLA; I didn't see the program, but did read the article about it, so I have an idea of what he was talking about. There has been much thought about this for some time now; and there are a few different theories out there ...

    Dr. Lustig of New York talks about the rise in infant obesity in his YouTube address too: he says that since babies don't eat fast foods & junkies, they must be getting the problem from somewhere else -- he believes from fructose sugars in infant formulas.

    Then there were all the hormones and chemicals they fed to animals to FATTEN THEM UP -- people drank the milk and ate the meat & cheese, etc. Since we already know that diseases (remember Mad Cow disease) can pass from animals to humans, then so could those hormones and chemicals (and, possibly from mother to child too). Although, I do agree with those that say mother's milk does offer some benefits & protection to their offspring too.

    Oddly enuff, someone just sent me an email today about the chemical MSG -- a very strong flavor enhancer that is put in most, if not all processed foods & fast foods. For some time, it has been used by scientists to make baby rodents fat for research on diabetes or other diseases. Harrumph!!!

    It is very possible that they all may be contributing to the problem; and it may take a while before we sort it all out, but we may be on the right track for once ...
  • Rosebud, it really makes one think about what we're eating and breathing, doesn't it. Of course, as the program stressed it's as much or more about overeating and lack of exercise for most adults that is as much or more of a contributing factor to obesity.

    It's cold here tonight, -16, brrrr. DH just put a couple of big pieces of wood in the furnace so it'll be balmy inside.
  • Quote:
    Of course, as the program stressed: it's as much or more about overeating and lack of exercise for most adults that is as much or more of a contributing factor to obesity ...

    And that's exactly why we are all here, right? That wood on the fire sounds so lovely; you'll be nice & warm for sure ...

    Have a great week everyone ...
  • Hey everyone...

    Isabella - Thanks so much... Granny was 99, she was ready but you're right, it's still hard I'm going to check out the link you posted when I get home tonight. I just know I won't want to eat anything after I see it.

    Rosebud - Really makes you wonder why they add that stuff to infant formulas in the first place! They really don't need it.

    I was going to come on and post on Friday but work was so hetic I didn't take breaks. But my post was going to go something like this.....
    "I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT! I actually managed to get up at 5:30am and go for a run!" LoL I was so pumped, it still excites me to think about it, I actually woke up with no problems which is RARE for me. I haven't done it since though... Wednesday is the next running day on my schedule but if I'm going to get up and exercise I should probably get up at that time all the time.... <sigh> This isn't going to be easy LoL.

    We've been plunged into the deep freeze here... after all our nice weather It's a freezing cold -26 with a wind chill to -36. It's supposed to be like this all week then warm up again next week... I guess we'll see if it actually does.
  • CONGRATS TO YOU, AUNTY ~ getting up that early to go on a run in this weather; you deserve a medal! Hope it works out for you on Wed AM too. I walk around inside my home: our kitchen & washroom are at one end of our house; and we have a long hallway that goes to the front where my little PC room is -- I call it the "office" for DH (well, I do pay the bills & do our budgeting books in that room too).

    We had very mild temps today too; it actually drizzled (like rain), but the temps will fall over the week here as well. I'm gonna bundle up good tonight and do some reading. I am having to take some antibiotics for an infection I had thought was gone; 3 more days to go and I am feeling better too. Hope you have a better week at work ...

    I did laundry & whiz sweeping this AM. Friends dropped by for an afternoon visit. We had center roast pork with sweet potaoes & green beans & carrots for dinner. Time to go rest; as I woke up in the middle of the night and had trouble getting back to sleep, so I'm starting to ... keep warm now!
  • LoL! I didn't mention that I run on a treadmill in the winter? There is no way you could run outside in this, frostbite sets in in under 10 minutes. I have trouble just going outside in this weather! One of my bosses from Houston is coming up next week... I feel sorry for her!
  • Can you believe I did it again??? I got up at 5:20 this morning and went for a run on my treadmill Who is this person that's living in my body????
  • AUNTY ~ glad you were able to get your early treadmill run in yesterday AM ...

    We are getting a big ***** fall today, but the temps are milder, which is nice too. DH had just cleaned the end of the laneway, then the plow went by and gave him some more so he shook his shovel at him, but the guy just laughed. Some guys try to lift the blade at the corner, but others don't. Since we are the first house around the corner, we get all the snow they bring with them ...

    Needless to say, DH is dreaming of a snow-blowing machine; can't blame him really. We've been looking at them trying to figure out which ones are best; they're not cheap . DH just came in for a coffee break; I set out a nice, big homemade oatmeal muffin for him to have with it -- he needs all the energy he can get after all that.

    I made Creamy Mac for dinner last night -- this a family recipe: hamburger & pasta dish with mushroom soup sauce with veggies in it too. We have enuff leftovers for tonight as well -- so all I have to do is add another vegetable to go with it; green beans sound good to me. DH loves it and so do I; one of our favorites.

    Hope you're all having a great day out there today; keep warm ...
  • We had a good weekend up here; it was a bit colder, but today it really warmed up to -1 C, and we had some drizzle that kinda froze on people's car windows on them. We had a little more ***** fall the last few days; at least it's coming down fairly slowly. DH is having a lot of fun moving it all around ... not!

    Actually, it gives him something to do and gives him some exercise as well; at least, that's what he keeps telling me anyhow. Plus, he does take his time and rests in between; he does half, then rests; and then goes out later on and finishes it off. He's been relaxing ever since watching movies.

    I have been doing my usuall daily stuff; nothing exciting going on here really. I made some oven-baked "fake fried" chicken this weekend; it turned out nice and we ate some more for dinner tonight with veggies & rice mix. Saved a bit for my lunch tomorrow too.

    I also cooked up some fruit compote: rhubarb, blueberries, and strawberries. Then today, I made a pot of homemade tomato-bean soup with veggies & leftover pork I had in the freezer. Sounds like I have been cooking up a storm.

    Hope all our Canadian friends have a wonderful week; take care & keep warm ...
  • Hey everyone....

    I haven't gotten up to run since Dad ended up in the hospital and it threw life for a loop. He's alright and back at home but I haven't caught up on my sleep yet and I feel really tired. I'm really really trying to convince myself how good I'll feel when I do get up and run but it's tough at 5am.

    Rose I think I'm coming to your place for dinner Sounds good. Can your husband file a complaint with the city? The driver sounds like a jerk. Glad he takes rests, you always hear of people who have heart attacks because they don't listen to their bodies and rest.

    We're finally out of the deep freeze and back to some nice warm spring (ahem, winter) temps. It's only -5 right now and supposed to be nice for the rest of the week
  • AUNTY ~ The man across the road came home for lunch last week and got stuck big time, but a neighbour helped him get out. They went by today, and pulled the plow up; so it wasn't too bad. Cleaning the streets is their job but they are trying not to dump so much in the people's lanes now (I have a feeling that they have had some complaints).

    We have above freezing temps here today; yeah! What nice weather we are having for January -- it will help keep the heat bills down too. I just made a nice soup for lunch -- I just added a can of cream of mushroom soup + water to a homemade soup base I had in the freezer. DH commented how much he liked that; it was esp nice since the soup was on sale this week too.

    My eating has been going very well this month; yahoo ...

    This afternoon, I am going to do some mending while I put my legs up at the same time. I have a comforter that the seams are pulling out from wear, but it still looks very nice, so I'll just mend it and make it last a while longer.

    I think we may have pizza for dinner tonight; I try to have a salad before to fill me up. Hope you all have a Fab Friday, and a wonderful weekend too; keep warm out there now ...
  • Rose - I'm glad that they smartened up... that was just ignorant. We once had a guy go through the parking lot at work and plow everyone in. At the time I was driving a 1982 Toyota Celica! It took a LONG time to get everyone out, management had a fit!

    My eating hasn't been so good.. and I haven't been working out. I'm having a hard time putting my foot down and saying "Do it NOW!". I only run 3 days a week and I don't want to do my other work outs in the morning because they're a lot slower paced and I fall back asleep. I think I'm going to get that JM - 30 day shred video... a friend of mine is doing it and she really likes it. I think if I do that and run I should be pretty good.

    Woke up with a really sore neck this morning, so far I've taken 4 advil and put anti-inflammatory cream on my neck but it's still very painful. Uuuuggg... Not fun
  • AUNTY ~ yes, they are making a concerted effort not to block us in right now; hope it lasts. Will pray the kink in your neck heals up fast for you -- I have a bad disc in my upper back/neck area; have to be sure not to move too fast or it bothers me too. Jillian's video might be a good alternate for the running days; worth a try anyways -- if you get it, let us know what it's all about ...

    If I am struggling, I try for a maintenance day (about 2000 cals) to minimize the damage. This new strategy has been workin' well for me. Made some homemade bean & veggie soup from leftovers today; had a .5 L/O chicken salad sandwich with it too ...

    It' s ***** a bit here today; very lightly though, and the temps are nice and mild for this time of year ... luv it!!!

    Have a wonderful week, everyone ...
  • Well, we've started another month, I see -- February: the month of or so they call it; and that's not a bad idea really ... we can all use more love, can't we?

    We are having some more mild days with more fluffy, white stuff falling out there ***** that looked like fine feathers floating around today; very pretty though, I say.

    JUst stayed home today; did my whiz sweeping and other daily stuff. Spent some time this aft reading a good book and resting my legs. They kinda felt like I ran a marathon yesterday, although I don't know how I would know that since I never ran one; although I have walked one in the past -- 10 miles when I was 10 y/y. OH, to be able to do even a short one today, eh?

    It was all the extra walking yesterday while shopping. Well, it was good exercise for me; and I am none the worse for it.

    Hope all our fellow Canadians have a wonderful weekend, and do keep warm out there now ...
  • I saw the title "Canadian Winter" and had to click! this has been the BEST winter in my 44 years I have to say LOL here it is, into February, and there's NO SNOW on my streets!!! WTF??? We're usually blanketed from Dec - March and we've only had 2 real snowfalls that disappeared after 2 days. WOW!!!! Hasn't even been that cold....