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Old 02-11-2001, 08:12 AM   #16  
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Dear Sassy and Chrissy.Although I have been coming here for about 1 month, I can't begin to understand your life's turmoil. To lose a husband/brother in such a horrific way, and with his whole life and future ahead of him is uncomprehensible. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
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Old 02-11-2001, 07:07 PM   #17  
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My thoughts and prayers are with you both Sharon and Chrissy. Maybe this week finally you can get some closure on this horrible ordeal! You will be in my prayers.

Drive carefully! Call when you get in and I'll see you and Chrissy soon!

Hang in there - let's hope this is the last week you will have to go thru this. See you soon!

Good morning all! Having a nice weekend? I've been working downstairs and already have 2 bags of old clothes and stuff for the good will. When I get back down in my old size I'll just buy new clothes! (I did hold back a couple things tho)

Talk later....

Love, CJ

"It must happen in your mind before it happens in your life!"
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Old 02-11-2001, 07:57 PM   #18  
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Good Sunday Morning Y'all ~
I'm being lazy this morning ~ watching Charles Stanley on TV, not in church. I got up before Greg which is amazing! He is usually up so early and I usually can't drag myself up. Ha!

Chrissy ~ My love and prayers are with you and your family. I've been posting on here for almost a year (with a long break this summer and fall) and I have listened with a broken heart, to what has been happening. I won't say that I know what you're going through nor say I can imagine it, because I can't. I pray for your strength through it and that God will bring it all to an end once and for all. I read the article and for the first time, 'heard' what had happened. I do know first hand how the courts can give you the run around. I've been involved with them here in Texas with a situation my daughter Jenna was involved in. It's over now but not before postponment after postponment and an attorney who cost a fortune and, in my mind, did not earn his pay. But that's nothing......what is important right now is you, Sharon, your beautiful daughters and the rest of your family. You are all in my prayers daily......

Sharon ~ Please know that I include you in the post above to Chrissy. My prayers are with you all daily. I agree that the article by Pete Waldmeir was wonderfully written. I know you're probably on your way to Michigan now and although this road is hard, God will sustain you and your family.....just ask for His strength.

I apologize for anything I may have said here that wasn't of comfort to either of you, Chrissy and Sharon. It's a difficult situation and I sometimes do not know the right words to comfort a friend in need. My life is build around Christ and although I don't try to push my beliefs on anyone, I know that He has been my strength through many rough roads. And although also, I have not been on the road you are on, He will give you strength through this too. All my love, prayers and thoughts ~

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Old 02-11-2001, 10:15 PM   #19  
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Chrissy & Sharon...

I read the article and find crime soooo senseless......always have....I can't even imagine what your family is going through....all I can say is that you are in my thoughts and prayers....

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Old 02-12-2001, 07:51 AM   #20  
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Good Evenin' Ya'll.....

I'm so tired from cooking,baking,washing & cleaning..but wanted to stop in and say hi.I made cupcakes for all the Kindergarten kids at my School and made peanut choc. drops AND buckeyes for all the staff for tomorrow.I also made a pot of vegetable soup for my family.

Chrissy & Sharon,
I'm thinking of you both.You always seem to be on my mind.Hopefully everything will go great and all your prayers will be answered.Sharon, have a safe trip to Michigan. Ya'll will be in my thoughts tomorrow.{{{{ Chrissy & Sharon }}}}}}

Wow....thanks for the info on the Girl Scouts cookies!! It makes me want to throw them out when my order comes in!!! They are sooooooo good though! LOL! ( I'll be good...I promise!)

Better go and get things ready for work tomorrow.

Love to all...
Sherry (Sher-Bear)
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Old 02-12-2001, 07:29 PM   #21  
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Just a quick post this morning. Hurt my back AGAIN over the weekend and not sure how long I'll be here at work before I give up and go home.

Yes, Chrissy, "Joanne in PA" is me. And I'll be thinking about you and Sharon all day today and sending my prayers and good thoughts. Please take care of you!

Pain pills are kicking in, I think, but I can't sit any longer. Ooh, it's going to be a long one.....

Love to you all.
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Old 02-13-2001, 07:45 AM   #22  
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Hi guys,
This is Sharon, not Chrissy.

Just wanted to let you guys know that the trial is a go. They picked a jury this afternoon. 10 Woman and 2 men and another man for an alternate juror. We are so glad that they have done it this afternoon and still can't believe that this trial is going to go on with no setbacks. So will keep you guys imformed about what happens as it happens.

Please pray guys that this trial comes out the way we want it to. Gotta run now and go to my Dad's. Talk to you later, love you guys, Sharon
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Old 02-13-2001, 09:29 AM   #23  
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Hi there Ladies ~

I'm here late tonight. I went to the gym after work, got home to my wonderful husband having dinner ready (pasta and salad) and then had a discussion with him and my son about my son wanting to move out on his own. I'm heartbroken. I know, I know, kids grow up and move out....but this is my baby!!! He'll be 21 on March 24th and I just feel like he needs to stay here. Ok, so that's crazy but I can't help it. I've been told that once you get over that "empty nest" depression, you love it so much that you can't imagine having the kids back in the house. We'll see.....maybe he won't move, huh?

Chrissy and Sharon ~ be strong...I'm praying for you.

Zoe ~ soaking up the "SON" in Texas
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Old 02-13-2001, 06:16 PM   #24  
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Good Morning Ladies- sorry I can't stay long, I'll catch up with everyones posts tonight....I am down another 2 lbs to 213.5lb!!! I haven't been that low since almost 5 years YIPPEEE!!Bought some new clothes/shoes yesterday. I feel SOOOO GREAT!I bought 2 new videos yesterday on Yoga. Does anyone do that? I bought 2 beginner ones-by Rodney Yee.I have been hearing good things about yoga and that it works well to relax and give a better perspective-stress wise...I could definitly use that. Got to go,I'll read up tonight.bye
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Old 02-13-2001, 07:31 PM   #25  
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Sharon, that is great news. Maybe your whole family can finally have closure on this. I'm still thinking of you. {{{Sharon & Chrissy}}}

Well, I stayed at work yesterday and have to admit I'm glad I did. Pain pills and muscle relaxants are doing their job so I'm feeling better. Even spent half an hour on the treadmill last night ... at a very slow speed.

Know what else I did last night. Found an old pair of pants I haven't worn in years and "just for fun" I tried them on. Wore them as I ran down the stairs to give Rich a big hug and dance around a little. They fit!!! OK, it was a very slow dance because 1. my back was still a bit sore and 2. they were reeeeaaaalllly tight. But I got them on!!!

Today a bunch of us are going out for chinese food at lunch. I had soup and a veggie burger last night and just yogurt for breakfast and I'm already on my second bottle of water. It's so much better to prepare and save up points ahead of time than to try to make up for it later.

Gotta run. Sound card on my computer hasn't been working and there's a really cute computer guy here to fix it for me.

Have a good day.
Much love, Jo.
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Old 02-13-2001, 11:38 PM   #26  
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Good Morning Everyone,
Actually I guess it is closer to noon. For some strange reason I slept until 10 this morning and that is not like me. I am usually up very early. Sure hope some flu bug isn't trying to find it's way to me and that's why I am tired.

Really just wanted to stop in and say how very happy I am for Chrissy and Sharon and their family's that the trial is finally starting.Hopefully it will be over soon now.{{{{{HUGS AND PRAYERS}}}}}}}

Sherry...You have been a little busy beaver making all those goodies. All your effort will be appreciated by all I am sure. I love those little buckeyes. MMMMMM GOOD!!!!

Zoe...You really are into the gym thing and that is good. Don't you feel so good when you get ack after exercising. And to even have your hubby have your dinner ready. What more can you ask for? It isn't easy when the "little ones" leave the nest. But you will see in time it really is nice to be an empty nester. Especially if you have grandkids you can turn to.

JO...Sorry you are hurting. How did you manage to do that to your back? Good job on getting into those old pants even if they were a little tight.


Love to all....Sandi

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Old 02-14-2001, 06:37 AM   #27  
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Hi Jello. I know the feeling about the pants...I tried some on last week and I absolutely couldn't move OR breathe but I did manage to zip them up!!What a great feeling, and here's hoping fairly soon we can wear them for longer than 5 min!!!
Reading the last few messages, I'm puzzled what is an Buckeye?? just a Canuck wanting to know...if it involves chocolate-look out!
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Old 02-14-2001, 06:51 AM   #28  
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Good Evening Y'all ~

Well, tomorrow is weigh day and since I cheated and jumped on my scale this morning, it doesn't look good. I mean, I haven't been really bad but for some reason, it's not looking good this week. I guess I'll just wait and see, huh?

angel-eyes ~ WTG!!! 2 more pounds!! Keep up the good work'll be a different person by summer time.

Sandi ~ I guess I'm just not used to the idea of no kids around. They are still young, not married, so no grand kids yet. I do hear that once you get used to them being gone, you get upset if they want to come back home. Hehehe. I guess there is a good side to this......we'll have the house to ourselves and can run around naked....ha!!

Hi to everyone else. Happy "V" Day to everyone.

Zoe ~ soaking up the "SON" in Texas
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Old 02-14-2001, 10:02 AM   #29  
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Hello Ya'll...

Just got home from bowling and wanted to say....Happy Valentine's Day!! I might not be able to post tomorrow because after work, hubby is taking me out to dinner.Its our Anniversary tomorrow!! Fourteen years (on the 14th)!!!!!! Hope everyone has a great day!

So proud of you for getting those jeans on! It won't be long 'til you can wear them comfortable!! I remember in my teen days when I had to lay down and zip them up! But thats the way we all wore them then..the tighter the better! No way I could now!! LOL!! Gosh, how we change as we get older!

Don't have to time to post to everyone...sorry! It's getting late! Will post later....

Love & hugs to all.....
Sherry (Sher-Bear)
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Old 02-14-2001, 11:01 AM   #30  
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Hi ladies. This is very close to no. 30. I don't want to take a chance and start a new thread. I have to type it all out because I can't copy and paste. By the time I did that someone would be me to the punch and then I would feel foolish.LOL

I just wanted to stop by and send my prayers and hugs to Chrissy and Sharon and the rest of the family. I know hearing everything brought up in such detail will be hard, but hang in there. That jury will find that he did do it. I also sending (((((VIBES))))) to the jury to do the right thing. Take care.

Sandi: Do you live in Illinois? If so where?

Well, it is late I had to work overtime for someone who was supposed to be sick.HAHA! I weigh in tomarrow, don't think I have lost but that is okay, I am getting serious on Thursday. I will let you know how my husbands surprise went.

Happy Valentin"s Day!!!!! You are all a GREAT Bunch of ladies. {{{{{{{@
Mary Kay
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