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Old 08-20-2010, 08:13 AM   #16  
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Good morning ladies. The site is acting weird this morning so I hope this posts. It was another hot one yesterday and looks like back to the oppressive heat once more.

Jean: I have never given Fortune table food, including cooked egg, but I thought it would sit ok on his tummy, which it did. You can pretty much give a dog what is in high quality dog foods, egg, rice. Rice is a good thing to give a dog who has been sick and you don't want to start them out on dog food again right away. I fed him yesterday and he has been ok so I hope he is over his sick tummy now. I saw they have made a pilot for CBS in the fall called "The Defenders." It stars Jerry O'Connell and Jim Belushi as Vegas lawyers. I saw the trailer for it and it looks like it might be pretty good. I never watch network tv because for years it has been so much reality garbage and a lot of shows with "gay" themes that I have no interest in seeing. This looks like it could be interesting so if it gets on, I will peek in. After all, I get to get glimpses of Vegas that way!

Susan: I just got 4 deals from Vegas hotels by email, Luxor for $38 a night, MGM Grand for $55 a night, our hotel has a $26 a night and $100 in food and slot credits and even the really expensive strip hotels, The Palazzo (which is only a year old) and The Venetian have a deal for $119 a night for a luxury suite. They are definitely hurting for tourists. Like Jack says, even if unemployment dropped today back to 4-5%, people more than like would not be traveling on vacations next year. They would want to try and save their homes, cars, whatever by getting them back online payment wise and not thinking about vacations so poor Vegas doesn't look too good in the future to recover. I read an article in an online Vegas newspaper that predicts Vegas will never recover from this but will have to change to get the tourists back.

Maggie: For Jack and I Vegas isn't about gambling at all. I mean we have 9 casinos about 30 miles from here if we want that. We just love the shows, the restaurants, the free shows, the weather, the swimming of course, etc. I would love to live there actually. I really like the weather there and the shopping and stuff can't be beat. They have a couple wonderful outlet malls besides the big hotels that have all the shops and such. I do make gravy, but I use fat free beef or chicken broth from a can and make gravy. I make baked steak from sirloin and make the ff beef broth into a sauce it cooks in. I told Jack last night that you can take just about anything you regularly eat and change it to be weight loss friendly and most don't have a different taste. I make a lower fat lasagna, meat loaf and scalloped potatoes, stuff like that and remove a lot of fat just by using skim milk in the potatos, ground sirloin in the meatloaf and make it in two little loaves instead of a whole one (we don't eat it cold in sandwiches later so I just make the two servings.) I really think it is hard for women who work and have children and try to do it because it does take time to cook properly. I do understand the boxed food and fast food generation, but it really is making the path to obesity much much easier.

Man, I was miffed last night. We went to Walmart's to get some frozen ww meals and more fruit and bread and diet soda. The place was swarming with people still doing school and college shopping and of course they had like 6 registers open total so the lines were long too. The woman in front of me was foreign, Indian I think or middle eastern. Anyhow, she bought this huge bill of groceries, lots of fancier stuff, higher cost meat cuts, juices, ice cream and desserts, etc and she had 3 kids with her. While she was checking out her husband walked up with two more. She whips out the ole welfare card and pays for it and out she goes. I turned to Jack and said, "Our tax dollars at work." As we wheeled our cart out I saw they weren't driving some broken down car either so you wonder where they get the money for that. It gets my goat when I see things like that. It happens a lot here, people wearing gold jewelry, fancy shoes and stuff and using welfare benefits.

Well enough of my for today. I hope all of you hav a great day and weekend. It is the dreaded commissary weekend then spot shampoo carpets again on Sunday from Fortune being sick all over them. Faye
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Old 08-20-2010, 02:27 PM   #17  
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Talking Finally Friday


It is gonna be a hot one here in the Heartland. But it is afterall still summer. I have the bulletin all done ready for Sunday. Got my housework done and what I have left to do this day is fold some clothes and put them up. Then I have a glass hanging to mend either today or tomorrow for a lady at church. Will just came in and said he was moving the gun rack out of here and getting me another bookshelf. How nice ~ guess he saw a stack of books sitting on a chair in here. He has so many books he has them stacked in piles all over his office. He needs a few more book cases. Maybe that is his plan to get us both some. Ragg Mopp just came in for me to wipe his chin. After he has a nice long drink of water he comes and sits and lifts his head up and waits for me to wipe his chin. He gets the hair on his chinny chin chin wet when he drinks. I have thawing as I type a couple chicken breasts without bones to panko cover and bake for dinner. I will serve rice and veggies with it. I also have a loaf of just plain bread in the maker.

DONNA FAYE I do know how fun Vegas can be even for us non gamblers. Lots of things to do. We lived for a few months when we were traveling about just down the road from Vegas in a place called Parhump. Vegas has a real neat glass shop I would like to visit once again. Yeppers, ole Wal-Mart is still selling stuff for school and full to the rafters with folks.

JEAN & SUSAN Having a good day are ya?

Too Hip gotta go answer the door.

Last edited by Maggie; 08-21-2010 at 01:06 PM.
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Old 08-20-2010, 05:02 PM   #18  
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Good Afternoon, Flowers! I am home once again! I didn't sell anything in the gift shop this morning but had some auxiliary projects to work on so the time went by quickly. The coffee shop wasn't even busy which surprised me. I ate a sandwich during the last 15 minutes of my shift and then headed to Bob's office. Their copy machine is so slow one would die of old age waiting for packets to print. It doesn't staple either. Luckily, the secretary had the booklet copies run so all we had to do was put them together. There were 4 of us so it went pretty fast. I would hate to do that for a full time job.

Maggie -- I had to at RM wanting his chin wiped. When Ernie drinks from the faucet his chin gets wet too. He doesn't seem to care though. He will hop in the tub after my shower and lick the drips. He is a strange cat.

Susan -- You have more energy than I to exercise after working all day. Good for you! Any quilting going on today?

"Gma" -- It is taking this site a long time to download for me. I finally leave it, come back later, and there you are! I can't remember if you watched DWS, but they are announcing the next line up on The Bachelor program (I think) on the 30th. I would definitely be a people watcher in Vegas! I do want to go there sometime. Don't talk to me about the welfare system being abused! I see it every time I go in a store around here. We stopped at WM last night -- there were lots of school shoppers; one express lane was open, 4 self service, and 2 regular check outs. The lines were long and kids were getting antsy/whiny.

I have clothes in the dryer to fold and another load ready to go so had better get a move on. Have a relaxing "rest of the day!"

Jean -- from Iowa!
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Old 08-21-2010, 12:52 PM   #19  
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Good afternoon, ladies! A pleasant 86 degrees and no humidity today.

I know I posted yesterday but between my computer and the site it must have gone into cyberspace. This site was slow yesterday.

Last night I went to the lock in at Bella. Lots of fun. Glory didn't go so I ate at home.

I went to WW this morning and maintained. I'm upset because yesterday and I was down on my scale by 1 pound and this morning it was back. I attribute it to too much sodium yesterday. I had more than ususal. Dumb me. Well, it'll be gone next week and hopefull some to keep it company. We had an excellent meeting about staying satisfied today. I've decided to do Simply Filling next week to shake things up.

This afternoon Glory and I are going to tea. That will be my lunch. We are going at 2 so I'll have a light dinner.

Faye, I wondered how long you were going to stay away from Vegas. With rates like those, you'd be missing a great bargain and time. Are you going to the Pawn Shop? I'm glad Fortune is better. The kids here don't go back to school until September 7 so the hoards are shopping everywhere. I only to go Walmart before 10 am because I can't stand the crowds. Kroger has had Smart Ones for $1.88 for the last month so I have stocked up.

Jean, people just aren't spending like they used to. Exercise gives one energy. I can't go to the Y today so I'll go for my 3-mile walk after dinner. I'll go tomorrow and do my strength training.

Maggie, that is funny about RM getting his chin wiped. I love those panko bread crumbs!

Have a good day!
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Old 08-21-2010, 01:00 PM   #20  
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Good Morning, Flowers! The sun is shining and it is humid outside, but the temperature is only 80 degrees. We are supposed to hit 90 today, tomorrow, and Monday. Sometimes I think the weatherman makes up the forecast to see if anyone is paying attention! I've been putzing this morning. I addressed church birthday cards for next week, and wrote out the tax checks for Sept. I finally got my new batch of checks yesterday so am a happy camper again. I've got laundry going and see by the clock I should be thinking about lunch. Bob is trimming tree branches -- he makes me nervous when he's up on the tall ladder with an electric limb cutting tool. He told me to go to the other side of the house so I couldn't see him. Men!

Susan -- Just remember a maintain is better than a gain! One time I went for lab work and stepped on the scale after I was done. I had an appt. with the doctor in an hour and weighed a pound more when the nurse weighed me on the same scale. I asked him how that could be and he laughed and said that maybe some dust settled as I walked down the hall. I've done the salt dance too, and should know better, but I still sometimes eat too much. Have fun at your tea this afternoon!

Guess I will head for the kitchen and see what is there to fix for lunch. I should go to the grocery store to get food for the lake tomorrow. Jason and the kids will be there, Beth and Amanda are working. Enjoy your day!

Jean -- from Iowa!

Enjoy your day!
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Old 08-21-2010, 01:36 PM   #21  
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Talking Sunny Saturday


The sun is shining and the air conditioner and fans are going so it must be pretty warm outside. I hear the edger going so yard work is being done outside. One of the members comes over and likes doing the edging after Will gets all the mowing done. Will has that nice riding mower and actually likes mowing. Mye eyes are itchy and watery this morning so something must be in the breeze that I am alergic to. I am fortunate that my alergy to things isn't sever enough to have to take meds. Yes, I do consider muself fortunate. I am lazy this day but need to get that glass hanging fixed today. All I really want to do is read. But I will force myself to do some things that will get me moving. I know I will feel more like doing things after I walk around this house a few laps. Looks like my office trash can is full so I can empty that. Life is good. I haven't yet decided what to fix for dinner and do need to decide so to get what meat thawed that I will need. I did get my Schwans order posted on their web site and ordered some Triple Lemon Frozen Yogurt. That order will be here bright and early on August 27th. Isn't that something about all those eggs being recalled! I am so glad we just buy the kind that are processed to kill the bad stuff and have that little stamp on the top of each egg. I feel so sorry for all those folks that have gotten sick.

SUSAN Sometimes cyberspace gets hungry and gobbles up posts. A maintain is good. For one thing it does make us stop and think aboit how we can do better for the next week. But it is so much better than a gain. I know you will enjoy your tea with your friend Glory. Wish I were there with you enjoying it.

JEAN So you are at the lake this day. Hopefully you can get out on the water this time and the wind isn't blowing like last time. The kids sure love it there don't they. Do you get any special design on your checks? Men do just bash on regardless and take chances we would never think of. Hope Bob gets the trimming done safely. Think maybe that the weathermen are just doing that for entertainment It's a guest-a-ment.

DONNA FAYE How goes it with you this day?

I am off to be constructive. Type at y'all later.

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Old 08-21-2010, 02:46 PM   #22  
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Afternoon gals! I started to post in here this morning, but Jack came down all ready for the commissary so I jumped up and get ready to go too. It was so nice and quiet there today. It is an off week so we didn't have crowded aisles, no bumping, etc and checkout was a breeze. We ran to target to look for a new Mr Coffee Ice Tea pitcher, but all they had was the cheapy 2 qt one so we will have to make a trip to Walmart tomorrow. It is too hot to keep shopping. I went to Fresh Market and got some fresh pineapple, two canteloupe and some peaches, as I went to three groceries and all their canteloupe had been picked green. They looked awful. I paid a whopping $8 for pineapple at Fresh Market, but I hate to peel the things and buy it already done up so that is where the outrageous price comes from. I did get a decent buy on peaches though they didn't have any ripe ones like last time.

I am almost to my second 10 lbs goal, for me. I am finding it fairly effortless now and maybe that is because I am not having so much hormonal huge highs and lows. I always knew when I was having issues because I would be ravenously hungry for a week. Of course, I would end up eating improperly. I am lucky as I have never been a binge eater or an emotional eater, just sedentary and eating high fat foods. I don't gave huge amounts either, but a few lbs a year over 35 years will put you where I am now.

Susan: I am hoping I can go into the Pawn Shop and get a picture of Chumlee for Thomas. If I can, I think I will have it blown up into an 5x7 and have it framed. I got a thing from the Mirage yesterday for 40% off Terry Fator (ventriloquist comedian) tickets. I am just going to keep watching and after the first of the year the first great deal I get jump on it! lol Since the Greenburg says the unemployment dipped back down again, I am afraid people just aren't going to go on trips so I should get us a great deal, sad for the folks who are getting pinks slips in Vegas though.

Maggie: I believe Parump is famous for their legal prostitution. Brother, what a thing to be famous for. We are having smoked pork chops and hash brown with fresh corn for dinner. I found some beautiful smoked chops that were really low fat at the commissary today. Tomorrow is crockpot pot roast. It is wayyyyy too hot to stick it in the oven so I brown it on the stove and them put it in the crockpot on low tonight so it will be done tomorrow and then stick my veggies in early in the am and crank it up to finish them off.

Jean: Oh my gosh, people watching in Vegas is really a lot of fun, especially at the pool. Since we always stay at the big hotel off strip, it tends to lend itself to older folks like us, but boy oh boy a lot of them think they are 20. You see old dudes with huge bellies in speedos, the last time we were there a lady at least in her 60's and probably 40 lbs overweight was in a leopard print bikini. She must have been from New York City or New Jersey because she had that huge high bouffant hairdo from the 60's and you would have needed a paint scraper to get the makeup off her. She had acryllic nails that could have cut you in half they were so long and these huge hoop earrings. To each his own, but why make a spectacle of yourself? On the other hand there was a lady I would bet was near 70, and she had on the most beautiful pink, black and white one piece tank suit I have ever seen. It took 20 years off her and was so tasteful. Then you see all the cuckoos walking on the strip. It is certainly something that is cheap entertainment and entertaining it is. We do all the free stuff while we are there. There is a guy at what is now called Bills Gambling Saloon right on the strip and he calls himself Big Elvis. Well, he is one heck of an impersonator even if he weighed 450 lbs. He went on a diet or did gastric or something and is normal size now and still calls himself Big Elvis. His shows are free and there is an Irish Pub at the hotel we stay at that has different Irish bands everynight and those are a lot of fun and it has no cover charge but we always orders sodas. The only thing we spend a lot of money on is the actual shows like Cirque du Soleil, Lance Burton, stuff like that. I wanted to see the new Elvis Cirque show but I have read stuff that says they haven't quite worked the kinks of that show yet (it is less than a year old) but maybe by next year they will have it right. I think we will go see Terry Fator, who is really funny with his puppets and such or maybe Lance Burton. We haven't decided yet.

I wore my new LL Bean flip flops to the grocery store today and wow was surprised how comfortable they are to wear to walk around, which is good to know. I think for $20 I got my money's worth on them for sure.

I guess I should quit blabbing and get out of here and get some work done. I haven't even gotten to clearing out the dishwasher since we left at 8 this morning and just got home half an hour ago. Have a great Saturday and keep cool if it is cooking at your house like it is here! Faye

Last edited by gma22; 08-21-2010 at 02:48 PM.
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